Grantee Research Project Results
Selected Publications for Center:
Great Lakes Air Center for Integrative Environmental Research
Grant Number R832413
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Reference Type | Citation | Progress Report Year | Document Sources |
Book | Tietenberg T, Folmer H, eds. The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2000/2001: A Survey of Current Issues. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., 2001, 328 pp. |
R827931 (Final) |
Book Chapter | Gregory R. Valuing risk management choices. In:McDaniels T, Small M, eds. Risk Analysis and Society: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York, NY:Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 213-249. |
R827931 (2000) R827931 (Final) |
Book Chapter | Hricko A, Preston K, Witt H, Peters J. Air pollution and children's health. In: Sommer H, Dear MJ, eds. Health Atlas of Southern California Volume III. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California, 1999, pp. 55-61. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Book Chapter | Khanna V, Zhang Y, Grubb GF, Bakshi BR. Assessing the life cycle environmental implications of nanomanufacturing: opportunities and challenges. In: Grassian VH, ed. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Environmental and Health Impacts. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., October 2008, pp. 19-42. |
R832532 (Final) |
Book Chapter | Knetsch J. Environmental valuations and standard theory: behavioural findings, context dependence and implications. In: Tietenberg T, Folmer H, eds. The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2000/2001. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2001, pp. 267-300. |
R827931 (2000) R827931 (2001) R827931 (Final) |
Book Chapter | Linn WS, Gong Jr. H. Air pollution, exercise, nutrition, and health. In: Rippe J, ed. Lifestyle Medicine. Malden, MA: Blackwell Science, 1999, pp. 1215-1225. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Book Chapter | Michel F, Ward LA, eds. Pathogens. In: Test Methods for the Examination of Composting and Compost. First Edition. The United States Composting Council, 1999, pp. 10.1-10.47. |
R826138 (1999) |
not available |
Book Chapter | Michel F, Ward LA. Pathogens testing. US Composting Council, Holbrook, NY. 2002:2881-2889 |
R826138 (Final) |
not available |
Book Chapter | Napier TL. Inadequacies of voluntary soil and water conservation initiatives threaten adoption of regulatory approaches. In: Sanders D, Sombatpanit S, Huszar P, Enters T, eds. Incentives in Soil Conservation: From Theory to Practice. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers, 1999, pp. 151-164. |
R825761 (1999) R825761 (2000) |
not available |
Book Chapter | Orme AR, Orme AJ. Greater California. In: Conacher A, Sala M, eds. Land Degradation in Mediterranean Environments of the World. International Geographical Union Commission on Mediterranean Environments, 1998, pp.109-122. |
R825381 (Final) |
Book Chapter | Pidgeon N, Gregory R. Judgement, decision making, and public policy. In: Koehler DJ, Harvey N, eds. Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2004, Chapter 30, pp. 604-623. |
R827931 (Final) |
Book Chapter | Quinn NWT, Miller NL, Dracup JA, Brekke L, Grober L. An integrated modeling system for environmental impact analysis of climate variability and extreme weather events. Zell am See, Austria. In: Denzer R, Swayne D, Purvis M, Schimak G, eds. Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000. |
R827448 (2002) |
not available |
Book Chapter | RajanBabu TV. Book of Abstracts, 216th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, MA, August 23-27,1998, Abstract no. ORGN 288. |
R826120 (Final) |
not available |
Book Chapter | Senkan, S.M. Survey of rate constants in the C/H/Cl/O System. In: Gardiner Jr WC, ed. Gas-Phase Combustion Chemistry. Springer Verlag, 1999; Chapter 4: 389-487. |
R826730 (2000) |
not available |
Book Chapter | Zhu Y, Yang S-T. Enhancing butyric acid production with mutants of Clostridium tyrobutyricum obtained from metabolic engineering and adaptation in a fibrous-bed bioreactor. In: Saha BC, ed. Fermentation Biotechnology, ACS Symposium Series Volume 862. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2003, Chapter 4, pp. 52-66. |
R829479 (2006) R829479 (Final) R829479C016 (Final) |
Journal Article | American Lung Association. Urban air pollution and health inequities: a workshop report. Environmental Health Perspectives 2001;109(Suppl 3):357-374. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Araujo JA, Barajas B, Kleinman M, Wang X, Bennett BJ, Gong KW, Navab M, Harkema J, Sioutas C, Lusis AJ, Nel AE. Ambient particulate pollutants in the ultrafine range promote early atherosclerosis and systemic oxidative stress. Circulation Research 2008;102(5):589-596. |
R832413 (2008) R832413 (2009) R832413 (2010) R832413 (Final) R832413C001 (2008) R832413C001 (Final) R832413C002 (2007) R832413C002 (2008) R832413C002 (2009) R832413C002 (Final) R832413C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Araujo JA, Nel AE. Particulate matter and atherosclerosis:role of particle size, composition and oxidative stress. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2009;6:24. |
R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2010) R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Armes MN, Liew Z, Wang A, Wu X, Bennett DH, Hertz-Picciotto I, Ritz B. Residential pesticide usage in older adults residing in central California. lnternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2011;8(8):3114-3133. |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Armitage AR, Fong P. Upward cascading effects of nutrients: shifts in a benthic microalgal community and a negative herbivore response. Oecologia 2004;139(4):560-567. |
R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Armitage AR, Fong P. Gastropod colonization of a created coastal wetland: potential influences of habitat suitability and dispersal ability. Restoration Ecology 2004;12(3):391-400. |
R827637 (2000) R827637 (2001) R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Avol EL, Gauderman WJ, Tan SM, London SJ, Peters JM. Respiratory effects of relocating to areas of differing air pollution levels. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2001;164(11):2067-2072. |
R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ayres JG, Borm P, Cassee FR, Castranova V, Donaldson K, Ghio A, Harrison RM, Hider R, Kelly F, Kooter IM, Marano F, Maynard RL, Mudway I, Nel A, Sioutas C, Smith S, Baeza-Squiban A, Cho A, Duggan S, Froines J. Evaluating the toxicity of airborne particulate matter and nanoparticles by measuring oxidative stress potential—a workshop report and consensus statement. Inhalation Toxicology 2008;20(1):75-99. |
R832413 (2008) R832413 (2009) R832413 (Final) R832413C001 (2007) R832413C001 (2008) R832413C001 (Final) R832413C002 (2008) R832413C003 (2008) R832413C003 (2009) |
Journal Article | Bennett DH, Wu XM, Teague CH, Lee K, Cassady DL, Ritz B, Hertz-Picciotto I. Passive sampling methods to determine household and personal care product use. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2012;22(2):148-160. |
R831540 (Final) R833292 (2012) |
Journal Article | Bennett DH, Moran RE, Wu X, Tulve NS, Clifton MS, Colon M, Weathers W, Sjodin A, Jones R, Hertz-Picciotto I. Polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) concentrations and resulting exposure in homes in California:relationships among passive air, surface wipe and dust concentrations, and temporal variability. Indoor Air 2015;25(2):220-229. |
R831540 (Final) R834513 (Final) |
Journal Article | Berberian A, Gonzalez D, Ching L. Racial Disparities in Climate Change-Related Health Effects in the United States. CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH REPORTS 2022;9(3):451-464. |
R840039 (2021) |
Journal Article | Berberian A, Morello-Frosch R, Karasaki S, Cushing L. Climate Justice Implications of Natech Disasters: Excess Contaminant Releases during Hurricanes on the Texas Gulf Coast. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2024; |
R840039 (2023) |
Journal Article | Berhane K, McConnell R, Gilliland F, Islam T, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, London SJ, Rappaport E, Margolis HG, Peters JM. Sex-specific effects of asthma on pulmonary function in children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2000;162(5):1723-1730. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C001 (2001) R826708C003 (2001) |
Journal Article | Berhane K, Thomas DC. Combining evidence on air pollution and daily mortality from the 20 largest US cities: a hierarchical modeling strategy-Discussion. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Statistics in Society 2000;163(3):292. |
R826708 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Berk RR, Fovell R, Schoenberg R, Weiss R. Some statistical tools for evaluating computer simulations: A data analysis approach useful for environmental models. Climate Change 2000:1-17. |
R825381 (1999) |
not available |
Journal Article | Berk RA, Fovell RG, Schoenberg F, Weiss RE. The use of statistical tools for evaluating computer simulations -- an editorial essay. Climatic Change 2001;51(2):119-130. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Bernardelli P, Paquette LA. Stereoselective indium-promoted allylation of γ-hydroxy-γ-lactones under aqueous conditions. The neighboring carboxyl effect. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1997;62(24):8284-8285 (letter). |
R824725 (Final) |
Journal Article | Bijoor NS, McCarthy HR, Zhang D, Pataki DE. Water sources of urban trees in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Urban Ecosystems 2012;15(1):195-214. |
R833364 (2007) R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Blanc N, Liao W, Gilliland F, Zhang J, Berhane K, Huang G, Yan W, Chen Z. A systematic review of evidence for maternal preconception exposure to outdoor air pollution on Children's health. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2023;318(120850) |
R826708 (Final) R831861 (Final) |
Journal Article | Boyer KE, Fong P, Vance RR, Ambrose RF. Salicornia virginica in a Southern California salt march: seasonal patterns and a nutrient-enrichment experiment. Wetlands 2001;21(3):315-326. |
R825381 (1999) R825381 (Final) R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Boyer KE, Fong P, Armitage AR, Cohen RA. Elevated nutrient content of tropical macroalgae increases rates of herbivory in coral, seagrass, and mangrove habitats. Coral Reefs 2004;23(4):530-538. |
R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Boyer KE, Fong P. Macroalgal-mediated transfers of water column nitrogen to intertidal sediments and salt marsh plants. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2005;321(1):59-69. |
R825381 (1999) R825381 (Final) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Boyer KE, Fong P. Co-occurrence of habitat-modifying invertebrates: effects on structural and functional properties of a created salt marsh. Oecologia 2005;143(4):619-628. |
R825381 (1999) R825381 (Final) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Boyer KE, Fong P. Co-occurrence of habitat-modifying invertebrates: effects on structural and functional properties of a created salt marsh. Oecologia 2005;143(4):619-628. |
R827637 (2002) |
Journal Article | Boyle KA, Kamer K, Fong P. Spatial and temporal patterns in sediment and water column nutrients in a eutrophic Southern California estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 2004;27(3):378-388. |
R825381 (1999) R825381 (Final) R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Brekke LD, Miller NL, Bashford KE, Quinn NWT, Dracup JA. Climate change impacts uncertainty for water resources in the San Joaquin River Basin, California. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 2004;40(1):149-164. |
R827448 (Final) |
Journal Article | Burgess A, Haro RJ, Gowda PH. The relationship among landscape characteristics, stream habitat and composition of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in two Midwestern agricultural watersheds. Journal of Environmental Management. |
R825761 (2001) R825761 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Castaldi MJ, Senkan SM. Real-time, ultrasensitive monitoring of air toxics by laser photoionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1998;48(1):77-81. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Chan KYG, Inal F, Senkan S. Suppression of coke formation in the steam cracking of alkanes: ethane and propane. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 1998;37(3):901-907. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Chan RC-F, Wang M, Li N, Yanagawa Y, Onoe K, Lee JJ, Nel AE. Pro-oxidative diesel exhaust particle chemicals inhibit LPS-induced dendritic cell responses involved in T-helper differentiation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2006;118(2):455-465. |
R827352 (Final) R827352C002 (Final) R832413 (2008) R832413C002 (2007) R832413C002 (2008) R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Chang MC, Sioutas C, Kim S, Gong Jr. H, Linn WS. Reduction of nitrate losses from filter and impactor samplers by means of concentration enrichment. Atmospheric Environment 2000;34(1):85-98. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Chatila TA, Li N, Garcia-Lloret M, Kim H-J, Nel AE. T-cell effector pathways in allergic diseases:transcriptional mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2008;121(4):812-823. |
R832413 (2007) R832413 (2008) R832413 (2010) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2007) R832413C002 (2008) R832413C002 (2009) |
Journal Article | Christensen LE, Okumura M, Sander SP, Salawitch RJ, Toon GC, Sen B, Blavier J-F, Jucks KW. Kinetics of HO2 + HO2--> H2O2 + O2:implications for stratospheric H2O2. Geophysical Research Letters 2002;29(9):1299 (4 pp.). |
R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Christensen LE, Okumura M, Sander SP, Friedl RR, Miller CE, Sloan JJ. Measurements of the rate constant of HO2 + NO2 + N2--> HO2NO2 + N2 using near-infrared wavelength-modulation spectroscopy and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2003;108(1):80-91. |
R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Christensen LE, Okumura M, Hansen JC, Sander SP, Francisco JS. Experimental and ab initio study of the HO2•CH3OH complex: thermodynamics and kinetics of formation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2006;110(21):6948-6959. |
R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Cimren E, Fiksel J, Posner ME, Sikdar K. Material flow optimizatiion in by-product synergy networks. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2011;15(2):315-332. |
R833348 (Final) |
Journal Article | Clyne DS, Mermet-Bouvier YC, Nomura N, RajanBabu TV. Substituent effects on ligands on asymmetric induction in a prototypical palladium-catalyzed allylation reaction: Making both enantiomers of a product in high optical purity using the same source of chirality. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1999;64(20):7601-7611 |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Cohen RA, Fong P. Physiological responses of a bloom-forming green macroalga to short-term change in salinity, nutrients, and light help explain its ecological success. Estuaries and Coasts 2004;27(2):209-216. |
R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Cohen RA, Fong P. Nitrogen uptake and assimilation in Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Link (Chlorophyta): using 15N to determine preference during simultaneous pulses of nitrate and ammonium. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2004;309(1):67-77. |
R827637 (2000) R827637 (2001) R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Cohen RA, Fong P. Experimental evidence supports the use of δ15N content of the opportunistic green macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis (Chlorophyta) to determine nitrogen sources to estuaries. Journal of Phycology 2005;41(2):287-293. |
R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Cohen RA, Fong P. Using opportunistic green macroalgae as an indicator of anthropogenic influences in southern California estuaries. Ecological Applications 2006;16(4):1405-1420. |
R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Corren J, Diaz-Sanchez D, Saxon A, Deniz Y, Reimann J, Sinclair D, Davancaze T, Adelman D. Effects of omalizumab, a humanized monoclonal anti-IgE antibody, on nasal reactivity to allergen and local IgE synthesis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 2004;93(3):243-248. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Cushing L, Jy Y, Kulp S, Depsky N, Karasaki S, Jaeger J, Raval A, Strauss B, Morello-Frosch R. Toxic Tides and Environmental Injustice: Soci a l Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise and Flooding of Hazardous Sites in Coastal California. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2023;Epub |
R840039 (2022) |
Journal Article | Depsky N, Cushing L, Morello-Frosch R. High-resolution gridded estimates of population sociodemographics from the 2020 census in California. PLOS ONE 2023;17(7):e0270746 |
R840039 (2022) |
Journal Article | Diaz-Sanchez D, Proietti L, Polosa R. Diesel fumes and the rising prevalence of atopy: an urban legend? Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2003;3(2):146-152. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Diaz-Sanchez D, Riedl M. Diesel effects on human health: a question of stress? American Journal of Physiology—Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2005;289(5):L722-L723. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2006) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | DiGiacomo PM, Holt B. Satellite observations of small coastal ocean eddies in the Southern California Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research 2001;106(C10):22521-22543. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | DiGiacomo PM, Hamner WM, Hamner PP, Caldeira RMA. Phalaropes feeding at a coastal front in Santa Monica Bay, California. Journal of Marine Systems 2002;37(1-3):199-212. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Djuricin S, Xu X, Pataki D. The radiocarbon composition of tree rings as a tracer of local fossil fuel emissions in the Los Angeles basin:1980–2008. Journal of Geophysical Research 2012;117:D12302. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Duan S, Senkan S. Catalytic conversion of ethanol to hydrogen using combinatorial methods. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2005;44(16):6381-6386. |
R830896 (2005) R830896 (Final) |
Journal Article | Duan S, Kahn M, Senkan S. High-throughput nanoparticle catalysis: partial oxidation of propylene. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 2007;10(2):111-119. |
R830896 (Final) |
Journal Article | Eastman JL, Coughenour MB, Pielke Sr. RA. Does grazing affect regional climate? Journal of Hydrometeorology 2001;2(3):243-253. |
R824993 (Final) R826730 (2000) |
Journal Article | Eastman JL, Coughenour MB, Pielke Sr. RA. The regional effects of CO2 and landscape change using a coupled plant and meteorological model. Global Change Biology 2001;7(7):797-815. |
R824993 (1999) R824993 (Final) R825412 (Final) R826730 (2000) |
Journal Article | Enright PL, Linn WS, Avol EL, Margolis HG, Gong Jr. H, Peters JM. Quality of spirometry test performance in children and adolescents: experience in a large field study. Chest 2000;118(3):665-671. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Fenske JD, Kuwata KT, Houk KN, Paulson SE. OH radical yields from the ozone reaction with cycloalkenes. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000;104(31):7246-7254. |
R826236 (1999) R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Finkelman FD, Yang M, Orekhova T, Clyne E, Bernstein J, Whitekus M, Diaz-Sanchez D, Morris SC. Diesel exhaust particles suppress in vivo IFN-γ production by inhibiting cytokine effects on NK and NKT cells. Journal of Immunology 2004;172(6):3808-3813. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Fong P, Zedler JB. Sources, sinks, and fluxes of nutrients (N + P) in a small highly modified urban estuary in southern California. Urban Ecosystems 2000;4(2):125-144. |
R827637 (2000) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Fong P, Kamer K, Boyer KE, Boyle KA. Nutrient content of macroalgae with differing morphologies may indicate sources of nutrients for tropical marine systems. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2001;220:137-152. |
R827637 (2000) R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Fong P, Boyer KE, Kamer K, Boyle KA. Influence of initial tissue nutrient status of tropical marine algae on response to nitrogen and phosphorus additions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2003;262:111-123. |
R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Fong P, Fong JJ, Fong CR. Growth, nutrient storage, and release of dissolved organic nitrogen by Enteromorpha intestinalis in response to pulses of nitrogen and phosphorus. Aquatic Botany 2004;78(1):83-95. |
R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Forrester GE, Fredericks BI, Gerdeman D, Evans B, Steele MA, Zayed K, Schweitzer LE, Suffet IH, Vance RR, Ambrose RF. Growth of estaurine fish is associated with the combined concentration of sediment contaminants and shows no adaption or acclimation to past conditions. Marine Environmental Research 2003;56(3):423-442. |
R825381 (1999) R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Foster JC, Glass MD, Courtney PD, Ward LA. Effect of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium on Cryptosporidium parvum oocyst viability. Food Microbiology 2003;20(3):351-357. |
R826138 (Final) |
Journal Article | Garcia E, Urman R, Berhane K, McConnell R, Gilland F. Effects of policy-driven hypothetical air pollutant interventions on childhood asthma incidence in southern California. PNAS 2019;116(32):15883-15888. |
R826708 (Final) R831861 (Final) |
Journal Article | Garcia E, Berhane KT, Islam T, McConnell R, Urman R, Chen ZH, Gilliand FD. association of changes in air quality with incident asthma in children in California, 1993-2014. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association 2019;321(19):1906-1915. |
R826708 (Final) R831861 (Final) |
Journal Article | Garcia E, Zhang Y, Rapport E, Berhane K, Muchmore P, Silkoff P, Molshatzki N, Gilliland F, Eckel S. Patterns and determinants of exhaled nitric oxide trajectories in schoolchildren over a 7-year period. European Respiratory Journal 2020;56(1). |
R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Gilliland F, London S, Thomas D, Avol E, Vora H, Berhane K, Rappaport EB, Lurmann F, Margolis HG, Peters J. Association between air pollution and lung function growth in southern California children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2000;162(4 Pt 1):1383-1390. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C001 (2000) R826708C001 (2001) R826708C003 (2001) |
Journal Article | Gauderman WJ, Gilliland GF, Vora H, Avol E, Stram D, McConnell R, Thomas D, Lurmann F, Margolis HG, Rappaport EB, Berhane K, Peters JM. Association between air pollution and lung function growth in southern California children: results from a second cohort. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2002;166(1):76-84. |
R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | George S, Pokhrel S, Xia T, Gilbert B, Ji Z, Schowalter M, Rosenauer A, Damoiseaux R, Bradley KA, Madler L, Nel AE. Use of a rapid cytotoxicity screening approach to engineer a safer zinc oxide nanoparticle through iron doping. ACS Nano 2010;4(1):15-29. |
R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2010) |
Journal Article | Gillespie TW, Pincetl S, Brossard S, Smith J, Saatchi S, Pataki D, Saphores J-D. A time series of urban forestry in Los Angeles. Urban Ecosystems 2012;15(1):233-246. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, McConnell R, Peters J, Gong Jr. H. A theoretical basis for investigating ambient air pollution and children's respiratory health. Environmental Health Perspectives 1999;107(Suppl 3):403-407. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C001 (2000) R826708C003 (2000) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Linn W, Rappaport E, Avol E, Gong H, Peters J. Effect of spirometer temperature on FEV1 in a longitudinal epidemiological study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 1999;56(10):718-720. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Berhane K, McConnell R, Gauderman WJ, Vora H, Rappaport EB, Avol E, Peters JM. Maternal smoking during pregnancy, environmental tobacco smoke exposure and childhood lung function. Thorax 2000;55(4):271-276. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C001 (2000) R826708C003 (2000) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Li YF, Peters JM. Effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy and environmental tobacco smoke on asthma and wheezing in children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2001;163(2):429-436. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C003 (2001) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Rappaport EB, Thomas DC, Avol E, Gauderman WJ, London SJ, Margolis HG, McConnell R, Islam KT, Peters JM. The effects of ambient air pollution on school absenteeism due to respiratory illnesses. Epidemiology 2001;12(1):43-54. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C003 (2001) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Rappaport EB, Berhane K, Islam T, Dubeau L, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R. Effects of glutathione S-transferase P1, M1, and T1 on acute respiratory illness in school children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2002;166(3):346-351. |
R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Li YF, Dubeau L, Berhane K, Avol E, McConnell R, Gauderman WJ, Peters JM. Effects of glutathione S-transferase M1, maternal smoking during pregnancy, and environmental tobacco smoke on asthma and wheezing in children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2002;166(4):457-463. |
R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Berhane KT, Li YF, Kim DH, Margolis HG. Dietary magnesium, potassium, sodium, and children's lung function. American Journal of Epidemiology 2002;155(2):125-131. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C003 (2000) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Gauderman WJ, Vora H, Rappaport E, Dubeau L. Effects of glutathione-S-transferase M1, T1, and P1 on childhood lung function growth. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2002;166(5):710-716. |
R826708 (Final) R826708C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Islam T, McConnell R, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland SS, Avol E, Peters JM. Obesity and the risk of newly diagnosed asthma in school-age children. American Journal of Epidemiology 2003;158(5):406-415. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Berhane KT, Li Y-F, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Peters J. Children's lung function and antioxidant vitamin, fruit, juice, and vegetable intake. American Journal of Epidemiology 2003;158(6):576-584. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Li Y-F, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Effect of glutathione-S-transferase M1 and P1 genotypes on xenobiotic enhancement of allergic responses: randomised, placebo-controlled crossover study. Lancet 2004;363(9403):119-125. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Li Y-F, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Effect of glutathione-S-transferase M1 and P1 genotypes on xenobiotic enhancement of allergic responses: randomised, placebo-controlled crossover study. Lancet 2004;363(9403):119-125. |
R826708 (2002) R831861 (2004) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gilliland FD, Li Y-F, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Glutathione-S-Transferase M1 and P1 genotypes protect against xenobiotic enhancement of allergic responses. Lancet 2004;363:119-125. |
R826708C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gilliland F, Avol E, Kinney P, Jerrett M, Dvonch T, Lurmann F, Buckley T, Breysse P, Keeler G, de Villiers T, McConnell R. Air pollution exposure assessment for epidemiologic studies of pregnant women and children: lessons learned from the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(10):1447-1454. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826710 (Final) R827027 (2002) R831845 (2005) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) R832139 (2006) R832141 (2006) R832141 (2007) R832141 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gittins CM, Castaldi MJ, Senkan SM, Rohlfing EA. Real-time quantitative analysis of combustion-generated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 1997;69(3):286-293. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Goedhart CM, Pataki DE. Do arid species use less water than mesic species in an irrigated common garden? Urban Ecosystems 2012;15(1):215-232. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gong Jr. H, Sioutas C, Linn WS, Clark KW, Terrell SL, Terrell LL, Anderson KR, Kim S, Chang M-C. Controlled human exposures to concentrated ambient fine particles in metropolitan Los Angeles:methodology and preliminary health-effect findings. Inhalation Toxicology 2000;12(Suppl 1):107-119. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) R827352C014 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gong Jr. H, Linn WS, Terrell SL, Anderson KR, Clark KW. Anti-inflammatory and lung function effects of montelukast in asthmatic volunteers exposed to sulfur dioxide. Chest 2001;119(2):402-408. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gong Jr. H, Linn WS, Clark KW, Anderson KR, Geller MD, Sioutas C. Respiratory responses to exposures with fine particulates and nitrogen dioxide in the elderly with and without COPD. Inhalation Toxicology 2005;17(3):123-132. |
R826708 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) R827352C014 (Final) R827999 (Final) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Gong KW, Zhao W, Li N, Barajas B, Kleinman M, Sioutas C, Horvath S, Lusis AJ, Nel A, Araujo JA. Air-pollutant chemicals and oxidized lipids exhibit genome-wide synergistic effects on endothelial cells. Genome Biology 2007;8(7):R149 (13 pp.). |
R832413 (2008) R832413 (2009) R832413 (Final) R832413C001 (2008) R832413C001 (Final) R832413C002 (2007) R832413C002 (2008) R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gordon SI, Majumder S. Empirical stressor-response relationships for prospective risk analysis in the Eastern Cornbelt Plains ecoregion. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2000;19(4):1106-1112. |
R824769 (1999) R824769 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Gowda PH, Mulla DJ, Dalzell BJ. Examining the targeting of conservation tillage practices to steep vs. flat landscapes in the Minnesota River Basin. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2003;58(1):53-57 |
R825761 (1999) R825761 (2000) R825761 (2001) R825761 (Final) |
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Journal Article | Granata S, Faravelli T, Ranzi E, Olten N, Senkan S. Kinetic modeling of counterflow diffusion flames of butadiene. Combustion and Flame 2002;131(3):273-284. |
R828193 (2002) R828193 (Final) |
Journal Article | Grubb GF, Bakshi BR. Appreciating the role of thermodynamics in LCA improvement analysis via an application to titanium dioxide nanoparticles. Environmental Science and Technology 2011;45(7):3054-3061. |
R832532 (Final) |
Journal Article | Grubb GF, Bakshi BR. Life cycle of titanium dioxide nanoparticle production: impact of emissions and thermodynamics of resource use. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2011;15(1):81-95. |
R832532 (Final) |
Journal Article | Han D, Lee K, Kim J, Bennett DH, Cassady D, Hertz-Picciotto I. Development of time-location weighted spatial measures using global positioning system data. Environmental Health and Toxicology 2013;28:e2013005 (7 pp.). |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Harrington-Brock K, Cabrera M, Collard DD, Doerr CL, McConnell R, Moore MM, Sandoval H, Fuscoe JC. Effects of arsenic exposure on the frequency of HPRT-mutant lymphocytes in a population of copper roasters in Antofagasta, Chile:a pilot study. Mutation Research--Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 1999;431(2):247-257. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C001 (2000) |
Journal Article | Hasson AS, Orzechowska G, Paulson SE. Production of stabilized Criegee intermediates and peroxides in the gas phase ozonolysis of alkenes:1. Ethene, trans-2-butene, and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2001;106(D24):34131-34142. |
R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hasson AS, Ho AW, Kuwata KT, Paulson SE. Production of stabilized Criegee intermediates and peroxides in the gas phase ozonolysis of alkenes:2. Asymmetric and biogenic alkenes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2001;106(D24):34143-34153. |
R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Henslee, B.E., Gehres, P.D., Bettin, C.C., Stokes, R.C., Frew, B.A., Weber, A.V., Nazareth, M., and Harcus, S.A. 2004. Biological Fuel Cell: Modeling, Design, and Testing. Final Report for ASAE’s G.B. Gunlogson Student Environmental Design Competition. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 34 p. |
SU831898 (Final) |
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Journal Article | Hertz-Picciotto I, Baker RJ, Yap PS, Dostal M, Joad JP, Lipsett M, Greenfield T, Herr CE, Benes I, Shumway RH, Pinkerton KE, Sram R. Early childhood lower respiratory illness and air pollution. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007;115(10):1510-1518. |
R829388 (2007) R829388 (Final) R831540 (Final) R833292 (2007) R833292 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hertz-Picciotto I, Cassady D, Lee K, Bennett DH, Ritz B, Vogt R. Study of Use of Products and Exposure-Related Behaviors (SUPERB):study design, methods, and demographic characteristics of cohorts. Environmental Health 2010;9:54 (14 pp.). |
R831540 (Final) R833292 (2010) R833292 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hidalgo HG, Dracup JA, MacDonald GM, King JA. Comparison of tree species sensitivity to high and low extreme hydroclimatic events. Physical Geography 2001;22(2):115-134. |
R825381 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Hodges M, Belle JH, Carlton EJ, Liang S, Li H, Luo W, Freeman MC, Liu Y, Gao Y, Hess JJ, Remais JV. Delays in reducing waterborne and water-related infectious diseases in China under climate change. Nature Climate Change 2014;4(12):1109-1115. |
R835192 (Final) |
Journal Article | Howards PP, Hertz-Picciotto I. Invited commentary: disinfection by-products and pregnancy loss—lessons. American Journal of Epidemiology 2006;164(11):1052-1055. |
R829388 (2007) R829388 (Final) R831540 (Final) R833292 (2007) R833292 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hu C, Rea C, Yu Z, Lee J. Relative importance of Microcystis abundance and diversity in determining microcystin dynamics in Lake Erie coastal wetland and downstream beach water. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2016;120(1):138-151. |
R835192 (Final) |
Journal Article | Huang J, Senkan SM. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and soot formation in premixed flames of CH3Cl/CH4 and CH4. Symposium (International) on Combustion 1996;26(2):2335-2341. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Huang J, Onal I, Senkan SM. Formation of trace byproducts in the premixed flames of CH3Cl/C2H4. Environmental Science & Technology 1997;31(5):1372-1381. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hunt JC, Zeidberg LD, Hamner WM, Robison BH. The behaviour of Loligo opalescens (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) as observed by a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2000;80(5):873-883. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Inal F, Senkan SM. Effects of equivalence ratio on species and soot concentrations in premixed N-heptane flames. Combustion and Flame 2002;131(1-2):16-28. |
R828193 (2002) R828193 (Final) |
Journal Article | Inal F, Senkan S. Effects of oxygenate additives on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and soot formation. Combustion Science and Technology 2002;174(9):1-19. |
R828193 (2002) R828193 (Final) |
Journal Article | Inal F, Tayfur G, Senkan SM. Experimental and artificial neural network modeling study on soot formation in premixed hydrocarbon flames. Fuel 2003;82(12):1477-1490. |
R828193 (2002) R828193 (Final) |
Journal Article | Isaac MB, Paquette LA. Experimental test of setting three contiguous stereogenic centers in water. Diastereoselective coupling of geometrically biased allylic bromides to α-oxy aldehydes with indium. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1997;62(16):5333-5338. |
R824725 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jiang X, Ha C, Lee S, Kwon J, Cho H, Gorham T, Lee J. Characterization of Cyanophages in Lake Erie:Interaction Mechanisms and Structural Damage of Toxic Cyanobacteria. TOXINS 2019;11(8). |
R835192 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jin J, RajanBabu TV. Heterodimerization of propylene and vinylarenes: Functional group compatibility in a highly efficient Ni-catalyzed carbon-carbon bond-forming reaction. Tetrahedron 2000;56(15):2145-2151. |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jones AL, Gordon SI. From plan to practice: Implementing watershed-based strategies into local, state, and federal policy. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2000;19(4 Pt 2):1136-1142. |
R824769 (1999) R824769 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Jung EJ, Avliyakulov NK, Boontheung P, Loo JA, Nel AE. Pro-oxidative DEP chemicals induce heat shock proteins and an unfolding protein response in a bronchial epithelial cell line as determined by DIGE analysis. Proteomics 2007;7(21):3906-3918. |
R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kamer K, Fong P. A fluctuating salinity regime mitigates the negative effects of reduced salinity on the estuarine macroalga, Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) link. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 2000;254(1):53-69. |
R825381 (1999) R825381 (Final) R827637 (2000) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kamer K, Fong P. Nitrogen enrichment ameliorates the negative effects of reduced salinity on the green macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 2001;218:87-93. |
R827637 (2000) R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kamer K, Boyle KA, Fong P. Macroalgal bloom dynamics in a highly eutrophic southern California estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 2001;24(4):623-635. |
R825381 (1999) R825381 (Final) R827637 (2000) R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kamer K, Fong P, Kennison R, Schiff K. Nutrient limitation of the macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis collected along a resource gradient in a highly eutrophic estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 2004;27(2):201-208. |
R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kamer K, Fong P, Kennison RL, Schiff K. The relative importance of sediment and water column supplies of nutrients to the growth and tissue nutrient content of the green macroalga Enteromorpha intestinalis along an estuarine resource gradient. Aquatic Ecology 2004;38(1):45-56. |
R827637 (2000) R827637 (2001) R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kang X, Li N, Wang M, Boontheung P, Sioutas C, Harkema JR, Bramble LA, Nel AE, Loo JA. Adjuvant effects of ambient particulate matter monitored by proteomics of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Proteomics 2010;10(3):520-531. |
R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2010) R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Karangu NT, Rezac ME, Beckham HW. Synthesis and properties of processable polyimides containing diacetylene groups. Chemistry of Materials 1998;10(2):567-573. |
R824725 (Final) R824727 (Final) |
Journal Article | Keyantash J, Dracup JA. The quantification of drought: an evaluation of drought indices. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2002;83(8):1167-1180. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Khanna V, Bakshi BR, Lee LJ. Carbon nanofiber production: life cycle energy consumption and environmental impact. Journal of Industrial Ecology 2008;12(3):394-410. |
R832532 (Final) |
Journal Article | Khanna V, Bakshi BR. Carbon nanofibre polymer composites: evaluation of life cycle energy use. Environmental Science and Technology 2009;43(6):2078-2084. |
R832532 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kim S, Sioutas C, Chang M-C, Gong Jr. H. Factors affecting the stability of the performance of ambient fine-particle concentrators. Inhalation Toxicology 2000;12(Suppl 4):281-298. |
R825513C024 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) R827352C014 (Final) R828598 (Final) R828598C700 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kim S, Jaques PA, Chang M, Barone T, Xiong C, Friedlander SK, Sioutas C. Versatile aerosol concentration enrichment system (VACES) for simultaneous in vivo and in vitro evaluation of toxic effects of ultrafine, fine and coarse ambient particles. Part II:Field evaluation. Journal of Aerosol Science 2001;32(11):1299-1314. |
R826232 (2000) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C003 (Final) R827352C014 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kramp F, Paulson SE. The gas phase reaction of ozone with 1,3-butadiene:formation yields of some toxic products. Atmospheric Environment 2000;34(1):35-43. |
R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Krantz K, Senkan S. Systematic evaluation of monometallic catalytic materials for lean-burn NOx reduction using combinatorial methods. Catalysis Today 2004;98(3):413-421. |
R830896 (2005) R830896 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Kuenzli N, McConnell R, Bates D, Bastain TM, Hricko A, Lurmann F, Avol E, Gilliland FD, Peters JM. Breathless in Los Angeles: the exhausting search for clean air. American Journal of Public Health 2003;93(9):1494-1499. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Lee J, Tseng K-H, Zhang F, Lee C, Marion J, Liang S, Shum CK. From satellite to genes: an integrative approach for timely monitoring of harmful cyanobacteria in Lake Erie beach water. Journal of Environment Pollution and Human Health 2015;3(3):70-79. |
R835192 (Final) |
Journal Article | Lee K-Y, Kim J-Y, Putti K, Bennett DH, Cassady D, Hertz-Picciotto I. Use of portable global positioning system (GPS) devices in exposure analysis for time-location measurement. Korean Journal of Environmental Health Sciences 2009;35(6):461-467. |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Levin A, Mathias R, Huang L, Roth L, Daley D, Myers R, Himes B, Romieu I, Yang M, Eng C, Park J, Zoratti K, Gignoux C, Torgerson D, Galanter J, Huntsman S, Nguyen E, Becker A, Chan-Yeung M, Kozyrskyj A, Dwok P, Gilliland F, Gauderman W, Bleecker E, Raby B, Meyers D, London S, Martinez F, Weiss S, Burchard E, Nicolae D, Ober C, Barnes K, WIlliams L. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for serum total IgE in diverse study populations. JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 2013;131(4):1176-1184. |
R826708 (Final) R831861 (Final) R832139 (Final) |
Journal Article | Li N, Nel AE. The cellular impacts of diesel exhaust particles:beyond inflammation and death. European Respiratory Journal 2006;27(4):667-668. |
R832413 (2008) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2006) R832413C002 (2008) |
Journal Article | Li N, Xia T, Nel AE. The role of oxidative stress in ambient particulate matter-induced lung diseases and its implications in the toxicity of engineered nanoparticles. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2008;44(9):1689-1699. |
R832413 (2007) R832413 (2008) R832413 (2010) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2007) R832413C002 (2008) R832413C002 (2009) |
Journal Article | Li N, Wang M, Bramble LA, Schmitz DA, Schauer JJ, Sioutas C, Harkema JR, Nel AE. The adjuvant effect of ambient particulate matter is closely reflected by the particulate oxidant potential. Environmental Health Perspectives 2009;117(7):1116-1123. |
R832413 (2009) R832413 (2010) R832413 (Final) R832413C001 (2009) R832413C001 (Final) R832413C002 (2009) R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Li N, Harkema JR, Lewandowski RP, Wang M, Bramble LA, Gookin GR, Ning Z, Kleinman MT, Sioutas C, Nel AE. Ambient ultrafine particles provide a strong adjuvant effect in the secondary immune response:implication for traffic-related asthma flares. American Journal of Physiology 2010;299(3):L374-L383. |
R832413 (Final) R832413C001 (2010) R832413C001 (Final) R832413C002 (2010) R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Li W, Saphores J-D. A spatial hedonic analysis of the value of urban land cover in the multifamily housing market in Los Angeles, CA. Urban Studies 2012;49(12):2597-2615. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Li Y-F, Gilliland FD, Berhane K, McConnell R, Gauderman WJ, Rappaport EB, Peters JM. Effects of in utero and environmental tobacco smoke exposure on lung function in boys and girls with and without asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2000;162(6):2097-2104. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C001 (2001) R826708C003 (2001) |
Journal Article | Li Y-F, Langholz B, Salam MT, Gilliland FD. Maternal and grandmaternal smoking patterns are associated with early childhood asthma. Chest 2005;127(4):1232-1241. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Li Y-F, Tsao YH, Gauderman WJ, Conti DV, Avol E, Dubeau L, Gilliland FD. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and childhood asthma. Human Genetics 2005;117(5):476-484. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Li Y-F, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Dubeau L, Gilliland FD. Associations of tumor necrosis factor G-308A with childhood asthma and wheezing. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2006;173(9):970-976. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Liao J, Gheissari R, Thomas D, Gilliland F, Lurmann R, Islam K, Checn Z. Transcriptomic and metabolomic associations with exposures to air pollutants among young adults with childhood asthma history. Enviromental Pollution 15;299(118903). |
R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Lin MH, RajanBabu TV. Metal-catalyzed acyl transfer reactions of enol esters: Role of Y-5((OPr)-Pr-i)(13)O and (thd)(2)Y((OPr)-Pr-i) as transesterification catalysts. Organic Letters 2000;2(7):997-1000 |
R826120 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Linn WS, Gong Jr. H, Clark KW, Anderson KR. Day-to-day particulate exposures and health changes in Los Angeles area residents with severe lung disease. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1999;49(9 Spec No):108-115. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Linn WS, Adkins RH, Gong Jr. H, Waters RL. Pulmonary function in chronic spinal cord injury: a cross-sectional survey of 222 Southern California adult outpatients. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2000;81(6):757-763. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Linn WS, Szlachcic Y, Gong Jr. H, Kinney PL, Berhane KT. Air pollution and daily hospital admissions in metropolitan Los Angeles. Environmental Health Perspectives 2000;108(5):427-434. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C001 (2000) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) |
Journal Article | Liong M, Lu J, Kovochich M, Xia T, Ruehm SG, Nel AE, Tamanoi F, Zink JI. Multifunctional inorganic nanoparticles for imaging, targeting, and drug delivery. ACS Nano 2008;2(5):889-896. |
R832413 (2010) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2009) |
Journal Article | Litvak E, McCarthy HR, Pataki DE. Water relations of coast redwood planted in the semi-arid climate of southern California. Plant, Cell & Environment 2011;24(8):1384-1400. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Litvak E, McCarthy HR, Pataki DE. Transpiration sensitivity of urban trees in a semi-arid climate is constrained by xylem vulnerability to cavitation. Tree Physiology 2012;32(4):373-388. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Liu X, Zhu Y, Yang S-T. Construction and characterization of ack deleted mutant of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for enhanced butyric acid and hydrogen production. Biotechnology Progress 2006;22(5):1265-1275. |
R829479 (2006) R829479 (Final) R829479C016 (Final) R829479C023 (2006) |
Journal Article | Liu XG, Zhu Y, Yang S-T. Butyric acid and hydrogen production by Clostridium tyrobutyricum ATCC 25755 and mutants. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2006;38(3-4):521-528. |
R829479 (2006) R829479 (Final) R829479C016 (Final) R829479C023 (2005) R829479C023 (2006) |
Journal Article | Liu X, Yang S-T. Kinetics of butyric acid fermentation of glucose and xylose by Clostridium tyrobutyricum wild type and mutant. Process Biochemistry 2006;41(4):801-808. |
R829479 (Final) R829479C023 (2005) R829479C023 (2006) |
Journal Article | Lu R, Turco RP, Stolzenbach K, Friedlander SK, Xiong C, Schiff K, Tiefenthaler L, Wang G. Dry deposition of airborne trace metals on the Los Angeles Basin and adjacent coastal waters. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2003;108(D2):4074. doi: 10.1029/2001JD001446. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Marchesiello P, McWilliams JC, Shchepetkin A. Open boundary conditions for long-term integration of regional oceanic models. Ocean Modelling 2001;3(1-2):1-20. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Marchesiello P, McWilliams JC, Shchepetkin A. Equilibrium structure and dynamics of the California current system. Journal of Physical Oceanography 2003;33(4):753-783. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Marinov NM, Pitz WJ, Westbrook CK, Castaldi MJ, Senkan SM. Modeling of aromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in premixed methane and ethane flames. Combustion Science and Technology 1996;116-117(1-6):211-287. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Marinov NM, Pitz WJ, Westbrook CK, Vincitore AM, Castaldi MJ, Senkan SM, Melius CF. Aromatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in a laminar premixed n-butane flame. Combustion and Flame 1998;114(1-2):192-213. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Marinov NM, Pitz WJ, Westbrook CK, Lutz AE, Vincitore AM, Senkan SM. Chemical kinetic modeling of a methane opposed-flow diffusion flame and comparison to experiments. Symposium (International) on Combustion 1998;27(1):605-613. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | McCarthy HR, Pataki DE. Drivers of variability in water use of native and non-native urban trees in the greater Los Angeles area. Urban Ecosystems 2010;13(4):393-414. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | McCarthy HR, Pataki DE, Jenerette GD. Plant water-use efficiency as a metric of urban ecosystem services. Ecological Applications 2011;21(8):3115-3127. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | McConnell R, Berhane K, Gilliland F, London SJ, Vora H, Avol E, Gauderman WJ, Margolis HG, Lurmann F, Thomas DC, Peters JM. Air pollution and bronchitic symptoms in Southern California children with asthma. Environmental Health Perspectives 1999;107(9):757-760. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C001 (2000) |
Journal Article | McConnell R, Berhane K, Gilliland F, London SJ, Islam T, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Margolis HG, Peters JM. Asthma in exercising children exposed to ozone: a cohort study. Lancet 2002;359(9304):386-391. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | McConnell R, Berhane K, Gilliland F, Molitor J, Thomas D, Lurmann F, Avol E, Gauderman WJ, Peters JM. Prospective study of air pollution and bronchitic symptoms in children with asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2003;168(7):790-797. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C003 (Final) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) R827352C009 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | McConnell R, Milam J, Richardson J, Galvan J, Jones C, Thorne PS, Berhane K. Educational intervention to control cockroach allergen exposure in the homes of hispanic children in Los Angeles: results of the La Casa study. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2005;35(4):426-433. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C003 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861C001 (2005) R831861C001 (2006) |
Journal Article | McConnell R, Berhane K, Molitor J, Gilliland F, Kunzli N, Thorne PS, Thomas D, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Lurmann F, Rappaport E, Jerrett M, Peters JM. Dog ownership enhances symptomatic responses to air pollution in children with asthma. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(12):1910-1915. |
R826708 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | McConnell R, Berhane K, Yao L, Jerrett M, Lurmann F, Gilliland F, Kunzli N, Gauderman J, Avol E, Thomas D, Peters J. Traffic, susceptibility, and childhood asthma. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(5):766-772. |
R826708 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Melton TR, Vincitore AM, Senkan SM. The effects of equivalence ratio on the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and soot in premixed methane flames. Symposium (International) on Combustion 1998;27(2):1631-1637. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Miller NL, Bashford KE, Strem E. Potential impacts of climate change on California hydrology. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 2003;39(4):771-784. |
R827448 (Final) |
Journal Article | Moran RE, Bennett DH, Tancredi DJ, Wu XM, Ritz B, Hertz-Picciotto I. Frequency and longitudinal trends of household care product use. Atmospheric Environment 2012;55:417-424. |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Morgan-Ryan, UM, Fall A, Ward LA, Hijjawi N, Sulaiman I, Fayer R, Thompson RCA, Olson M, Lal A , Xiao L. Cryptosporidium hominis n. sp (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae) from Homo sapiens. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2002;49(6):433-440. |
R826138 (2001) R826138 (Final) |
Journal Article | Mu XY, LeBlanc GA. Environmental antiecdysteroids alter embryo development in the crustacean Daphnia magna. ournal of Experimental Zoology 2002;292(3):287-292. |
R826120 (Final) R826129 (2001) R826129 (Final) R829358 (2003) |
not available |
Journal Article | Myers R, Himes B, Gignoux C, Yang J, Gauderman W, REbordosa C, Xie J, Torgerson D, Levin A, Baurley J, Graves P, Mathias R, Romieu I, Roth L, Conti D, Avila L, Eng C, Bora H, LeNoir M, Soto-Quirs M, Liu J, Celedon J, Farber J, Kumar R, Avila P, Meade K, Srebrisky D, Thyne S, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Rodriguez-Santana J, Borrell L, Lemanske R, Bleeker E, meyers D, London S, Barnes K, Raby B, Martinez F, Gilliland F, Williams L, Burchard E, Weiss S, Nocolae D, Ober C. Further replication studies of the EVE Consortium meta-analysis identifies 2 asthma risk loci in European Americans. JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 2012;130(6):1294-1301. |
R826708 (Final) R831861 (Final) |
Journal Article | Nandi M, Jin J, RajanBabu TV. Synergistic effects of hemilabile coordination and counterions in homogeneous catalysis: new tunable monophosphine ligands for hydrovinylation reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1999;121:9899-9900. |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Napier TL. Soil and water conservation policy approaches in North America, Europe, and Australia. Water Policy 2000;1(6):551-565. |
R825761 (1999) R825761 (2000) R825761 (2001) R825761 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Napier TL, Tucker M, McCarter S. Adoption of conservation production systems in three Midwest watersheds. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2000;55(2):123-134 |
R825761 (1999) R825761 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Napier TL, Robinson J, Tucker M. Adoption of precision forming within three Midwest watersheds. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2000;55(2):135-141 |
R825761 (1999) R825761 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Napier TL. Use of conservation production practices in the north central region of the United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 2000;36(4):723-735. |
R825761 (1999) R825761 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Napier TL, Tucker M. Use of soil and water protection practices among farmers in three midwest watersheds. Environmental Management 2001;27(2):269-279. |
R825761 (1999) R825761 (2000) R825761 (2001) R825761 (Final) |
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Journal Article | Nel AE, Madler L, Velegol D, Xia T, Hoek EM, Somasundaran P, Klaessig F, Castranova V, Thompson M. Understanding biophysicochemical interactions at the nano-bio interface. Nature Materials 2009;8(7):543-557. |
R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2010) |
Journal Article | Nielsen CK, Ward LA. Enhanced detection of Cryptosporidium parvum in the acid-fast stain. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 1999;11(6):567-569. |
R826138 (1999) R826138 (2000) R826138 (2001) R826138 (Final) |
Journal Article | Olten N, Senkan S. Formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an atmospheric pressure ethylene diffusion flame. Combustion and Flame 1999;118(3):500-507. |
R825412 (Final) R826730 (2000) |
Journal Article | Olten N, Senkan SM. On-line measurements of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in counter-flow ethylene diffusion flame. Combustion Science and Technology 2000;159():1-15 |
R826730 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Olten N, Senkan S. Effect of oxygen addition on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in 1,3 butadiene counter-flow diffusion flames. Combustion and Flame 2001;125(1-2):1032-1039. |
R826730 (2000) R828193 (2002) R828193 (Final) |
Journal Article | Orzechowska GE, Paulson SE. Production of OH radicals from the reactions of C4-C6 internal alkenes and styrenes with ozone in the gas phase. Atmospheric Environment 2002;36(3):571-581. |
R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Paquette LA, Mitzel TM. Comparative diastereoselectivity analysis of crotylindium and 3-bromoallylindium additions to α-oxy aldehydes in aqueous and nonaqueous solvent systems. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1996;61(25):8799-8804. |
R824725 (Final) |
Journal Article | Paquette LA, Lobben PC. π-Facial diastereoselection in the 1,2-addition of allylmetal reagents to 2-methoxycyclohexanone and tetrahydrofuranspiro-(2-cyclohexanone). Journal of the American Chemical Society 1996;118(8):1917-1930. |
R824725 (Final) |
Journal Article | Paquette LA, Mitzel TM, Isaac MB, Crasto CF, Schomer WW. Diastereoselection during 1,2-addition of the allylindium reagent to α-thia and α-amino aldehydes in aqueous and organic solvents. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1997;62(13):4293-4301. |
R824725 (Final) |
Journal Article | Paquette LA, Isaac MB. Diastereoselective indium-promoted addition of functionalized allyl bromides to N-benzyl-2,3-azetidinedione under aqueous conditions. Heterocycles 1998;47(1):107-110. |
R824725 (Final) |
Journal Article | Paquette LA, Bennett GD, Isaac MB, Chhatriwalla A. Effective 1,4-asymmetric C-C/C-O stereoinduction in indium-promoted coupling reactions of aldehydes to protected and unprotected [1-(bromomethyl)vinyl] alkanols. The status of intramolecular chelation within functionalized allylindium reagents. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1998;63(6):1836-1845. |
R824725 (Final) |
Journal Article | Paquette LA, Mitzel TM. Addition of allylindium reagents to aldehydes substituted at Cα or Cβ with heteroatomic functional groups. Analysis of the modulation in diastereoselectivity attainable in aqueous, organic, and mixed solvent systems. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1996;118(8):1931-1937. |
R824725 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pataki DE, McCarthy HR, Litvak E, Pincetl S. Transpiration of urban forests in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. Ecological Applications 2011;21(3):661-677. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pataki DE, Carreiro MM, Cherrier J, Grulke NE, Jennings V, Pincetl S, Pouyat RV, Whitlow TH, Zipperer WC. Coupling biogeochemical cycles in urban environments: ecosystem services, green solutions, and misconceptions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2011;9(1):27-36. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pataki DE, Boone CG, Hogue TS, Jenerette GD, McFadden JP, Pincetl S. Socio-ecohydrology and the urban water challenge. Ecohydrology 2011;4(2):341-347. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Paulson SE, Fenske JD, Sen AD, Callahan TW. A novel small-ratio relative-rate technique for measuring OH formation yields from the reactions of O3 with alkenes in the gas phase, and its application to the reactions of ethene and propene. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999;103(13):2050-2059. |
R826236 (1998) R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Paulson SE, Chung MY, Hasson AS. OH radical formation from the gas-phase reaction of ozone with terminal alkenes and the relationship between structure and mechanism. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 1999;103(41):8125-8138. |
R826236 (1998) R826236 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pereira SJ, Ramirez NE, Xiao L, Ward LA. Pathogenesis of human and bovine Cryptosporidium parvum in gnotobiotic pigs. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002;186(5):715-718. |
R826138 (Final) |
Journal Article | Peters E, Slovic P, Gregory R. The role of affect in the WTA/WTP disparity. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 2003;16(4):309-330. |
R827931 (Final) |
Journal Article | Peters JM, Avol E, Navidi W, London SJ, Gauderman WJ, Lurmann F, Linn WS, Margolis H, Rappaport E, Gong Jr. H, Thomas DC. A study of twelve Southern California communities with differing levels and types of air pollution. I. Prevalence of respiratory morbidity. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1999;159(3):760-767. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Peters JM, Avol E, Gauderman WJ, Linn WS, Navidi W, London SJ, Margolis H, Rappaport E, Vora H, Gong Jr. H, Thomas DC. A study of twelve Southern California communities with differing levels and types of air pollution. II. Effects on pulmonary function. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 1999;159(3):768-775. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Philippat C, Bennett D, Calafat AM, Picciotto IH. Exposure to select phthalates and phenols through use of personal care products among Californian adults and their children. Environmental Research 2015;140:369-376. |
R831540 (Final) R835432 (2015) |
Journal Article | Pincetl S. Implementing municipal tree planting: Los Angeles million-tree initiative. Environmental Management 2010;45(2):227-238. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pincetl S, Gillespie T, Pataki DE, Saatchi S, Saphores J-D. Urban tree planting programs, function or fashion? Los Angeles and urban tree planting campaigns. GeoJournal 2012;doi:10.1007/s10708-012-9446-x. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Quinn NWT, Miller NL, Dracup JA, Brekke L, Croben LF. An integrated modeling system for environmental impact analysis of climate variability and extreme weather events in the San Joaquin Basin, California. Advances In Environmental Research 2001;5(4):309-317. |
R827448 (2002) R827448 (Final) |
Journal Article | Quinn NWT, Brekke LD, Miller NL, Heinzer T, Hidalgo H, Dracup JA. Model integration for assessing future hydroclimate impacts on water resources, agricultural production, and environmental quality in the San Joaquin Basin, California. Environmental Modelling and Software 2004;19(3):305-316. |
R827448 (Final) |
Journal Article | Radetich B, RajanBabu TV. Catalyzed cyclization of alpha,omega-dienes: A versatile protocol for the synthesis of functionalized carbocyclic and heterocyclic compounds. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1998;120(31):8007-8008. |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
Journal Article | RajanBabu TV, Radetich B, You KK, Ayers TA, Casalnuovo AL, Calabrese JC. Electronic effects in asymmetric catalysis: Structural studies of precatalysts and intermediates in Rh-catalyzed hydrogenation of dimethyl itaconate and acetamidocinnamic acid derivatives using C-2-symmetric diarylphosphinite ligands. Journal of Organic Chemistry 1999;64(10):3429-3447 |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | RajanBabu TV, Nomura N, Jin J, Radetich B, Park HS, Nandi M. Hydrovinylation and related reactions: New protocols and control elements in search of greater synthetic efficiency and selectivity. Chemistry-A European Journal 1999;5(7):1963-1968. |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
Journal Article | RajanBabu TV, Clyne DS, Jin J, Genest E. Chiral-chelated N-heterocyclic carbene complexes. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 1999;218(ORGN Pt 2):167 |
R826120 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Rezac ME, Sorensen ET, Beckham HW. Transport properties of crosslinkable polyimide blends. Journal of Membrane Science 1997;136(1-2):249-259. |
R824725 (Final) R824727 (Final) |
Journal Article | Rezac ME, Schoberl B. Transport and thermal properties of poly(ether imide)/acetylene-terminated monomer blends. Journal of Membrane Science 1999;156(2):211-222. |
R824725 (Final) R824727 (Final) |
Journal Article | Richardson JL, Milam JE, Galvan J, Jones C, McConnell R. Knowledge of skin test results among parents of asthmatic children. Journal of Asthma 2004;41(2):199-204. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Riedl MA, Landaw EM, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Initial high-dose nasal allergen exposure prevents allergic sensitization to a neoantigen. Journal of Immunology 2005;174(11):7440-7445. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Riedl M, Diaz-Sanchez D. Biology of diesel exhaust effects on respiratory function. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2005;115(2):221-228. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Robinson JR, Napier TL. Adoption of nutrient management techniques to reduce hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Agricultural Systems 2002;72(3):197-213 |
R825761 (2001) R825761 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Rumold R, Jyrala M, Diaz-Sanchez D. Secondhand smoke induces allergic sensitization in mice. Journal of Immunology 2001;167(8):4765-4770. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C002 (2001) |
Journal Article | Salam MT, Li Y-F, Langholz B, Gilliland FD. Early-life environmental risk factors for asthma:findings from the Children's Health Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112(6):760-765. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2005) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Salam MT, Li Y-F, Langholz B, Gilliland FD. Maternal fish consumption during pregnancy and risk of childhood asthma. Journal of Asthma 2005;42(6):513-518. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Saphores J-D, Li W. Estimating the value of urban green areas: a hedonic pricing analysis of the single family housing market in Los Angeles, CA. Landscape and Urban Planning 2012;104(3-4):373–387. |
R833364 (2007) R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Air pollution and allergy: you are what you breathe. Nature Immunology 2005;6(3):223-226. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Schoenberg F, Berk R, Fovell R, Li C, Lu R, Weiss R. Approximation and inversion of a complex meteorological system via local linear filters. Journal of Applied Meteorology 2001;40(3):446-458. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Senkan SM, Deskin SC. A continuous-purge pulsed valve suitable for high-temperature applications. Review of Scientific Instruments 1997;68(11):4286-4287. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Senkan S, Ly A. Resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization as a diagnostic tool in glow discharge plasmas. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 2000;8:1364-1368. |
R826730 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Senkan S, Kahn M, Duan S, Ly A, Leidholm C. High-throughput metal nanoparticle catalysis by pulsed laser ablation. Catalysis Today 2006;117(1-3):291-296. |
R830896 (2005) R830896 (Final) |
Journal Article | Sestak K, Ward LA, Sheoran A, Feng X, Akiyoshi DE, Ward HD, Tzipori S. Variability among Cryptosporidium parvum genotype 1 and 2 immunodominant surface glycoproteins. Parasite Immunology 2002;24(4):213-219. |
R826138 (2001) R826138 (Final) |
Journal Article | Shchepetkin AF, McWilliams JC. A method for computing horizontal pressure-gradient force in an oceanic model with a nonaligned vertical coordinate. Journal of Geophysical Research 2003;108(C3):3090. doi: 10.1029/2001JC001047 |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Shin H-M, McKone TE, Tulve NS, Clifton MS, Bennett DH. Indoor residence times of semivolatile organic compounds: model estimation and field evaluation. Environmental Science & Technology 2013;47(2):859-867. |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Shin S, RajanBabu TV. Water-soluble organometallic catalysts from carbohydrates. 1. Diarylphosphinite-Rh complexes. Organic Letters 1999;1:1229-1232. |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
Journal Article | Sioutas C, Kim S, Chang M, Terrell LL, Gong Jr. H. Field evaluation of a modified DataRAM MIE scattering monitor for real-time PM2.5 mass concentration measurements. Atmospheric Environment 2000;34(28):4829-4838. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) R827352C014 (Final) |
Journal Article | Smith JR, Reed BJ, Mohajerani L, Fong P. Influence of abiotic factors on the persistence of kelp habitats along the north coast of Santa Monica Bay. Southern California Academy of Sciences Bulletin 2004;103(2):79-92. |
R827637 (Final) |
Journal Article | Solomon O, MacIssac J, Tindula G, Kobor M, Eskenazi B, Holland N. 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in cord blood and associations of DNA methylation with sex in newborns. Mutagenisis 2019;34(4):315-322. |
R826708 (Final) R831710 (Final) |
Journal Article | Song YT, Chao Y. A theoretical study of topographic effects on coastal upwelling and cross-shore exchange. Ocean Modelling 2004;6(2):151-176. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Sonneborn D, Park HY, Petrik J, Kocan A, Palkovicova L, Trnovec T, Nguyen D, Hertz-Picciotto I. Prenatal polychlorinated biphenyl exposures in eastern Slovakia modify effects of social factors on birthweight. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology 2008;22(3):202-213. |
R829388 (Final) R831540 (Final) R833292 (Final) |
Journal Article | Sonneborn D, Park HY, Babinska K, Palkovicova L, Trnovec T, Kocan A, Nguyen DV, Hertz-Picciotto I. Serum PCB concentrations in relation to locally produced food items in eastern Slovakia. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2008;18(6):581-587. |
R829388 (Final) R831540 (Final) R833292 (2009) R833292 (Final) |
Journal Article | Taylor MA, Sohngen BL, Randall A, Pushkarskaya H. Group contracts for voluntary nonpoint source pollution reductions: evidence from experimental auctions. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2004;86(5):1196-1202. |
R828627 (Final) |
Journal Article | Thorne PS, Metwali N, Avol E, McConnell RS. Surface sampling for endotoxin assessment using electrostatic wiping cloths. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 2005;49(5):401-406. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Tian D, Xie G, Tian J, Tseng KH, Shum CK, Lee J, Liang S. Spatiotemporal variability and environmental factors of harmful algal blooms (HABs) over western Lake Erie. PLoS One 2017;12(6):e0179622 (16 pp.). |
R835192 (Final) |
Journal Article | Trunnelle KJ, Bennett DH, Tulve NS, Clifton MS, Davis MD, Calafat AM, Moran R, Tancredi DJ, Hertz-Picciotto I. Urinary pyrethroid and chlorpyrifos metabolite concentrations in Northern California families and their relationship to indoor residential insecticide levels, part of the Study of Use of Products and Exposure Related Behavior (SUPERB). Environmental Science & Technology 2014;48(3):1931-1939. |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Tseng K, Liang S, Ibaraki M, Lee H, Shum C. Study of the variation of schistosomiasis risk in Lake Poyang in the People's Republic of China using multiple space-borne sensors for monitoring and modelling. GEOSPATIAL HEALTH 2014;8(2):353-364. |
R835192 (Final) |
Journal Article | Tucker M, Napier TL. Determinants of perceived agricultural chemical risk in three watersheds in the Midwestern United States. Journal of Rural Studies 2001, Volume 17, Issue 2, April 2001, Pages 219-233. |
R825761 (1999) R825761 (2000) R825761 (2001) R825761 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Urman R, Garcia E, Berhane K, McConnell R, Gauderman W, Gilliland F. The Potential Effects of Policy-driven Air Pollution Interventions on Childhood Lung Development. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2020;201(4):438-444. |
R826708 (Final) R831861 (Final) |
Journal Article | Venkatesan MI, Northrup T, Baek J. Trace organic contaminants and their sources in surface sediments of Santa Monica Bay, California, USA.MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH2010;69(5):350-362 |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Vincitore AM, Senkan SM. Experimental studies of the micro-structures of opposed flow diffusion flames: methane. Combustion Science and Technology 1997;130(1-6):233-246. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Vincitore AM, Senkan SM. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in opposed flow diffusion flames of ethane. Combustion and Flame 1998;114(1-2):259-266. |
R825412 (Final) |
Journal Article | Vogt R, Bennett D, Cassady D, Frost J, Ritz B, Hertz-Picciotto I. Cancer and non-cancer health effects from food contaminant exposures for children and adults in California:a risk assessment. Environmental Health 2012;11:83 (14 pp.). |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wan J, Diaz-Sanchez D. Phase II enzymes induction blocks the enhanced IgE production in B cells by diesel exhaust particles. Journal of Immunology 2006;177(5):3477-3483. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2006) R831861C002 (2007) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wang W, Pataki DE. Drivers of spatial variability in urban plant and soil isotopic composition in the Los Angeles basin. Plant and Soil 2012;350(1-2):323-338. |
R833364 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ward LA, Wang Y. Rapid methods to isolate Cryptosporidium DNA from frozen feces for PCR. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 2001;41(1-2):37-42. |
R826138 (2000) R826138 (2001) R826138 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wenten M, Berhane K, Rappaport EB, Avol E, Tsai WW, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Dubeau L, Gilliland FD. TNF-308 modifies the effect of second-hand smoke on respiratory illness-related school absences. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2005;172(12):1563-1568. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Whitekus MJ, Li N, Zhang M, Wang M, Horwitz MA, Nelson SK, Horwitz LD, Brechun N, Diaz-Sanchez D, Nel AE. Thiol antioxidants inhibit the adjuvant effects of aerosolized diesel exhaust particles in a murine model for ovalbumin sensitization. Journal of Immunology 2002;168(5):2560-2567. |
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Journal Article | Wu XM, Bennett DH, Ritz B, Cassady DL, Lee K, Hertz-Picciotto I. Usage pattern of personal care products in California households. Food and Chemical Toxicology 2010;48(11):3109-3119. |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wu XM, Bennett DH, Ritz B, Frost J, Cassady D, Lee K, Hertz-Picciotto I. Residential insecticide usage in northern California homes with young children. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2011;21(4):427-436. |
R831540 (Final) R833292 (2012) |
Journal Article | Wu XM, Bennett DH, Lee K, Cassady DL, Ritz B, Hertz-Picciotto I. Feasibility of using web surveys to collect time-activity data. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2012;22(2):116-125. |
R831540 (Final) R833292 (2012) |
Journal Article | Wu XM, Bennett DH, Ritz B, Tancredi DJ, Hertz-Picciotto I. Temporal variation of residential pesticide use and comparison of two survey platforms:a longitudinal study among households with young children in Northern California. Environmental Health 2013;12:65 (11 pp.). |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wu X, Bennett DH, Lee K, Cassady DL, Ritz B, Hertz-Picciotto I. Longitudinal variability of time-location/activity patterns of population at different ages:a longitudinal study in California. Environmental Health 2011;10:80 (15 pp.). |
R831540 (Final) R833292 (2012) |
Journal Article | Wu X, Bennett DH, Calafat AM, Kato K, Strynar M, Andersen E, Moran RE, Tancredi DJ, Tulve NS, Hertz-Picciotto I. Serum concentrations of perfluorinated compounds (PFC) among selected populations of children and adults in California. Environmental Research 2015;136:264-273. |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wu X, Bennett DH, Moran RE, Sjodin A, Jones RS, Tancredi DJ, Tulve NS, Clifton MS, Colon M, Weathers W, Hertz-Picciotto I. Polybrominated diphenyl ether serum concentrations in a Californian population of children, their parents, and older adults: an exposure assessment study. Environmental Health 2015;14:23 (11 pp.). |
R831540 (Final) |
Journal Article | Xia T, Kovochich M, Brant J, Hotze M, Sempf J, Oberley T, Sioutas C, Yeh JI, Wiesner MR, Nel AE. Comparison of the abilities of ambient and manufactured nanoparticles to induce cellular toxicity according to an oxidative stress paradigm. Nano Letters 2006;6(8):1794-1807. |
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Journal Article | Xia T, Kovochich M, Nel A. The role of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress in mediating particulate matter injury. Clinics in Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;5(4):817-836. |
R832413 (2008) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2007) R832413C002 (2008) |
Journal Article | Xia T, Kovochich M, Nel AE. Impairment of mitochondrial function by particulate matter (PM) and their toxic components: implications for PM-induced cardiovascular and lung disease. Frontiers in Bioscience 2007;12(4):1238-1246. |
R832413 (2008) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2007) R832413C002 (2008) |
Journal Article | Xia T, Kovochich M, Liong M, Zink JI, Nel AE. Cationic polystyrene nanosphere toxicity depends on cell-specific endocytic and mitochondrial injury pathways. ACS Nano 2008;2(1):85-96. |
R832413 (2010) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2009) |
Journal Article | Xia T, Kovochich M, Liong M, Madler L, Gilbert B, Shi H, Yeh JI, Zink JI, Nel AE. Comparison of the mechanism of toxicity of zinc oxide and cerium oxide nanoparticles based on dissolution and oxidative stress properties. ACS Nano 2008;2(10):2121-2134. |
R832413 (2010) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2009) |
Journal Article | Xia T, Li N, Nel AE. Potential health impact of nanoparticles. Annual Review of Public Health 2009;30:137-150. |
R832413 (2008) R832413 (2010) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (2009) |
Journal Article | Xiao GG, Wang M, Li N, Loo JHA, Nel AE. Use of proteomics to demonstrate a heirarchical oxidative stress response to diesel exhaust particle chemicals in a macrophage cell line. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2003;278(50):50781-50790. |
R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Xie B, Gilliland FD, Li Y-F, Rockett HRH. Effects of ethnicity, family income, and education on dietary intake among adolescents. Preventive Medicine 2003;36(1):30-40. |
R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Journal Article | Xiong C, Friedlander SK. Morphological properties of atmospheric aerosol aggregates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2001;98(21):11851-11856. |
R826232 (Final) |
Journal Article | Yamamoto M, Duan S, Senkan S. The effect of strain rate on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation in acetylene diffusion flames. Combustion and Flame 2007;151(3):532-541. |
R828193 (Final) R830896 (Final) |
Journal Article | Yan YY, RajanBabu TV. Ligand tuning in asymmetric catalysis: Mono-and bis-phospholanes for a prototypical Pd-catalyzed asymmetric allylation reaction. Organic Letters 2000;2(2):199-202. |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
Journal Article | Yan Y, RajanBabu TV. Highly flexible synthetic routes to functionalized phospholanes from carbohydrates. Journal of Organic Chemistry 2000;65(3):900–906. |
R826120 (1999) R826120 (2000) R826120 (Final) |
Journal Article | Yan YY, RajanBabu TV. Ligand substituent effects on asymmetric induction. Effect of structural variations of the DIOP ligand on the Rh-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of enamides. Organic Letters 2000;2(26):4137-4140 |
R826120 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Zhu Y, Yang S-T. Effect of pH on metabolic pathway shift in fermentation of xylose by Clostridium tyrobutyricum. Journal of Biotechnology 2004;110(2):143-157. |
R829479 (2006) R829479 (Final) R829479C016 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zeidberg LD, Hamner WM. Distribution of squid paralarvae, Loligo opalescens (Cephalopoda: Myopsida), in the Southern California Bight in the three years following the 1997-1998 El Nino. Marine Biology 2002;141(1):111-122. |
R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zeng EY, Venkatesan MI. Dispersion of sediment DDTs in the coastal ocean off southern California. Science of the Total Environment 1999;229(3):195-208. |
R825381 (1999) R825381 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zhang F, Hu C, Shum CK, Liang S, Lee J. Satellite remote sensing of drinking water intakes in Lake Erie for cyanobacteria population using two MODIS-based indicators as a potential tool for toxin tracking. Frontiers in Marine Science 2017;4:124 (11 pp.). |
R835192 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zhang L, Wang M, Kang X, Boontheung P, Li N, Nel AE, Loo JA. Oxidative stress and asthma:proteome analysis of chitinase-like proteins and FIZZ1 in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Journal of Proteome Research 2009;8(4):1631-1638. |
R832413 (2008) R832413 (Final) R832413C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zhang Y, Berhane K, Eckel S, Muchmore P, Molshatzki N, Rappaport E, Linn W, Habre R, Gilliland F. Adverse Effects of Annual Fluctuations in Air Pollution on FeNO in Children: A Longitudinal Study. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE 2018;197 |
R826708 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zhang Y, Chen Z, Berhane K, Urman R, Chatzi V, Breton C, Gilliland F. The Dynamic Relationship Between Asthma and Obesity in Schoolchildren. American Journal of Epidemiology 2020;189(6):583-591. |
R826708 (Final) R836158 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zhu Y, Yang S-T. Adaptation of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for enhanced tolerance to butyric acid in a fibrous-bed bioreactor. Biotechnology Progress 2003;19(2):365-372. |
R829479 (2006) R829479 (Final) R829479C016 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zhu Y, Liu XG, Yang ST. Construction and characterization of pta gene-deleted mutant of Clostridium tyrobutyricum for enhanced butyric acid fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2005;90(2):154-166. |
R829479 (2006) R829479 (Final) R829479C016 (Final) R829479C023 (2005) R829479C023 (2006) |
Report | Ambrose RA, Orme AR. Lower Malibu Creek and Malibu Lagoon: resource enhancement and management. Final Report, California State Coastal Conservancy, 2000, 534 pp. |
R825381 (Final) |
not available |
Report | Bograd SJ, et al. The state of the California Current, 1999-2000:forward to a new regime? California Cooperative Oceanic Fish Investigative Report, No. 41, 2000, pp. 26-54. |
R825381 (Final) |
not available |
Report | Cameron TA, DeShazo JR. Demand for public health-risk reduction policies: the prevention survey ![]() |
R829485 (2002) |
not available |
Report | Dallman S, Piechota T. Storm water: asset or liability. Report, Los Angeles-San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council, 2000. |
R825381 (Final) |
not available |
Report | DeShazo JR, Cameron TA. Valuing private health-enhancing and life-extending programs: an annotated survey instrument. |
R829485 (2002) |
not available |
Report | Dracup JA, Miller NL, Piechota TC. Application of the University of California-Lawerence Livermore National Laboratory Regional Climate System Model to the Malibu Creek Watershed. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Annual Report, 1998, pp. 47-49. |
R825381 (Final) |
not available |
Report | Hand A. Overview of solid peroxides and their potential for atmospheric importance. Chemical Engineering Department Research Report, 2000. |
R826232 (2000) R826232 (Final) |
not available |
Report | Kamer K, Kennison R, Fong P, Schuff K. Equal loads of nutrients administered to macroalgae via pulses of differing frequency and concentration affect growth and tissue nutrients of Enteromorpha intestinalis and Ulva expansa. In:Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-2002 Annual Report, October 25, 2002, pp. 152-163. |
R827637 (2002) R827637 (Final) |
Report | Kamer K, Kennison R, Fong P. Rates of inorganic nitrogen uptake by the estuarine green macroalgae Enteromorpha intestinalis and Ulva expansa. In: Southern California Coastal Water Research Project 2001-2002 Annual Report, October 25, 2002, pp. 130-141. |
R827637 (Final) |
Report | Orme AR, Schwarz KM, Stege A. Post-fire erosion and sediment transfers, Santa Monica Mountains, California, 1994-1996. Final Report, National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1996, 31 pp. |
R825381 (Final) |
not available |
Report | Orme AR, Orme AJ, Saunders KA. Topanga creek watershed: erosion and sediment delivery, 2000-2001. Final Report, Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project and Resource Conservation District of the Santa Monica Mountains, 2001, 220 pp. |
R825381 (Final) |
not available |
Report | Stolzenbach K, McWilliams JC. Coastal water quality. Southern California Environmental Report Card. University of California-Los Angeles, Institute of the Environment, 2000, pp. 20-29. |
R825381 (Final) |
not available |
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.