Grantee Research Project Results
2004 Progress Report: Children’s Environmental Health Center
EPA Grant Number: R831861Center: Southern California Children's Environmental Health Center
Center Director: McConnell, Rob Scot
Title: Children’s Environmental Health Center
Investigators: Gilliland, Frank D. , Froines, John R. , McConnell, Rob Scot , Diaz-Sanchez, David , Gong, Henry
Current Investigators: Gilliland, Frank D. , Gong, Henry , McConnell, Rob Scot , Diaz-Sanchez, David , Froines, John R. , Avol, Edward L. , Gauderman, William , Peters, John M. , Linn, William S. , Lurmann, Fred , Kuenzli, Nino , Berhane, Kiros , Dubeau, Louis , Hricko, Andrea M. , Riedl, Marc A
Institution: University of Southern California
Current Institution: University of Southern California , University of California - Los Angeles
EPA Project Officer: Callan, Richard
Project Period: November 1, 2003 through October 31, 2008 (Extended to October 31, 2010)
Project Period Covered by this Report: November 1, 2003 through October 31, 2004
Project Amount: $3,802,622
RFA: Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research (2003) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Children's Health , Human Health
The objectives of the Children’s Environmental Health Center are to: (1) investigate the role of ambient air pollutants and genetic susceptibility in airway inflammation and in asthma occurrence during childhood; (2) investigate the mechanism for the modulating effects of ambient air pollutants on allergic inflammation in children; (3) implement a community-based participatory research program to respond to community concerns about the effects of regional ambient air pollutants and locally emitted fresh vehicle exhaust on early life asthma; and (4) provide a scientific resource for the broader community involved in protecting children’s environmental health.
Progress Summary:
To complete the Center’s objectives, the following subprojects have been initiated:
R831861C001: Urban Air Pollution and Persistent Early Life Asthma.
R831861C002: Pollution-Enhanced Allergic Inflammation and Phase II Enzymes.
R831861C003: Air Pollution, Exhaled Breath Markers, and Asthma in Susceptible Children.
The progress and accomplishments for each of these projects are reported separately. See the 2004 Annual Reports for R831861C001, R831861C002, and R831861C003.
Future Activities:
The future activities for the Center’s projects are reported in the individual 2004 Annual Reports for RD831861C001, RD831861C002, and RD831861C003.
Journal Articles: 131 Displayed | Download in RIS Format
Other center views: | All 202 publications | 132 publications in selected types | All 131 journal articles |
Type | Citation | ||
Bastain TM, Gilliland FD, Li Y-F, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Intraindividual reproducibility of nasal allergic responses to diesel exhaust particles indicates a susceptible phenotype. Clinical Immunology 2003;109(2):130-136. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
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Bastain TM, Islam T, Berhane KT, McConnell RS, Rappaport EB, Salam MT, Linn WS, Avol EL, Zhang Y, Gilliland FD. Exhaled nitric oxide, susceptibility and new-onset asthma in the Children’s Health Study. European Respiratory Journal 2011;37(3):523-531. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Berg J, McConnell R, Milam J, Galvan J, Kotlerman J, Thorne P, Jones C, Ferdman R, Eggleston P, Rand C, Lewis MA, Peters J, Richardson J. Rodent allergen in Los Angeles inner city homes of children with asthma. Journal of Urban Health 2008;85(1):52-61. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Berhane K, Gauderman WJ, Stram DO, Thomas DC. Statistical issues in studies of the long-term effects of air pollution: The Southern California Children's Health Study. Statistical Science 2004;19(3):414-449. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Berhane K, Zhang Y, Linn WS, Rappaport EB, Bastain TM, Salam MT, Islam T, Lurmann F, Gilliland FD. The effect of ambient air pollution on exhaled nitric oxide in the Children’s Health Study. European Respiratory Journal 2011;37(5):1029-1036. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Bernstein JA, Alexis N, Barnes C, Bernstein IL, Bernstein JA, Nel A, Peden D, Diaz-Sanchez D, Tarlo SM, Williams PB. Health effects of air pollution. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2004;114(5):1116-1123. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
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Blanc N, Liao W, Gilliland F, Zhang J, Berhane K, Huang G, Yan W, Chen Z. A systematic review of evidence for maternal preconception exposure to outdoor air pollution on Children's health. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2023;318(120850) |
R831861 (Final) R826708 (Final) |
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Breton CV, Vora H, Salam MT, Islam T, Wenten M, Gauderman WJ, Van den Berg D, Berhane K, Peters JM, Gilliland FD. Variation in the GST mu locus and tobacco smoke exposure as determinants of childhood lung function. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2009;179(7):601-607. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Breton CV, Byun HM, Wenten M, Pan F, Yang A, Gilliland FD. Prenatal tobacco smoke exposure affects global and gene-specific DNA methylation. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2009;180(5):462-467. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Breton CV, Salam MT, Vora H, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland FD. Genetic variation in the glutathione synthesis pathway, air pollution, and children’s lung function growth. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2011;183(2):243-248. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Cho AK, Di Stefano E, You Y, Rodriquez CE, Schmitz DA, Kumagai Y, Miguel AH, Eiguren-Fernandez A, Kobayashi T, Avol E, Froines JR. Determination of four quinones in diesel exhaust particles, SRM 1649a and atmospheric PM2.5. Aerosol Science and Technology 2004;38(Suppl 1):68-81. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R827352 (Final) R827352C001 (Final) R827352C009 (Final) R827352C013 (Final) |
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Conti DV, Gauderman WJ. SNPs, haplotypes, and model selection in a candidate gene region: the SIMPle analysis for multilocus data. Genetic Epidemiology 2004;27(4):429-441. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Corren J, Diaz-Sanchez D, Saxon A, Deniz Y, Reimann J, Sinclair D, Davancaze T, Adelman D. Effects of omalizumab, a humanized monoclonal anti-IgE antibody, on nasal reactivity to allergen and local IgE synthesis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology 2004;93(3):243-248. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Cozen W, Avol E, Diaz-Sanchez D, McConnell R, Gauderman WJ, Cockburn MG, Zadnick J, Jyrala M, Mack TM. Use of an electrostatic dust cloth for self-administered home allergen collection. Twin Research and Human Genetics 2008;11(2):150-155. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2007) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Delfino RJ, Gong Jr. H, Linn WS, Pellizzari ED, Hu Y. Asthma symptoms in Hispanic children and daily ambient exposures to toxic and criteria air pollutants. Environmental Health Perspectives 2003;111(4):647-656. |
R831861 (2005) |
Delfino RJ, Gong H, Linn WS, Hu Y, Pellizzari ED. Respiratory symptoms and peak expiratory flow in children with asthma in relation to volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath and ambient air. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 2003;13(5):348-363. |
R831861 (2005) |
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Diaz-Sanchez D, Proietti L, Polosa R. Diesel fumes and the rising prevalence of atopy: an urban legend? Current Allergy and Asthma Reports 2003;3(2):146-152. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Diaz-Sanchez D, Riedl M. Diesel effects on human health: a question of stress? American Journal of Physiology—Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2005;289(5):L722-L723. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2006) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Diaz-Sanchez D, Rumold R, Gong Jr. H. Challenge with environmental tobacco smoke exacerbates allergic airway disease in human beings. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2006;118(2):441-446. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2006) R831861C002 (2007) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Eggleston PA, Diette G, Lipsett M, Lewis T, Tager I, McConnell R, Chrischilles E, Lanphear B, Miller R, Krishnan J. Lessons learned for the study of childhood asthma from the Centers for Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(10):1430-1436. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861C001 (2006) R826710 (Final) R827027 (2002) R829389 (2003) R829389 (2004) R829389 (2005) R829389 (Final) R831710 (2004) R831710 (2005) R831710 (Final) R832139 (2004) R832139 (2005) R832139 (2006) R832139C002 (2005) R832139C003 (2005) R832141 (2006) R832141 (2007) R832141 (Final) |
Eiguren-Fernandez A, Miguel AH, Froines JR, Thurairatnam S, Avol EL. Seasonal and spatial variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in vapor-phase and PM2.5 in Southern California urban and rural communities. Aerosol Science and Technology 2004;38(5):447-455. |
R831861 (2005) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C009 (Final) R827352C013 (Final) |
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Finkelman FD, Yang M, Orekhova T, Clyne E, Bernstein J, Whitekus M, Diaz-Sanchez D, Morris SC. Diesel exhaust particles suppress in vivo IFN-γ production by inhibiting cytokine effects on NK and NKT cells. Journal of Immunology 2004;172(6):3808-3813. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Garcia E, Urman R, Berhane K, McConnell R, Gilland F. Effects of policy-driven hypothetical air pollutant interventions on childhood asthma incidence in southern California. PNAS 2019;116(32):15883-15888. |
R831861 (Final) R826708 (Final) |
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Garcia E, Berhane KT, Islam T, McConnell R, Urman R, Chen ZH, Gilliand FD. association of changes in air quality with incident asthma in children in California, 1993-2014. JAMA-Journal of the American Medical Association 2019;321(19):1906-1915. |
R831861 (Final) R826708 (Final) |
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Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Gilliland F, Vora H, Thomas D, Berhane K, McConnell R, Kuenzli N, Lurmann F, Rappaport E, Margolis H, Bates D, Peters J. The effect of air pollution on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age. New England Journal of Medicine 2004;351(11):1057-1067. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2005) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Lurmann F, Kuenzli N, Gilliland F, Peters J, McConnell R. Childhood asthma and exposure to traffic and nitrogen dioxide. Epidemiology 2005;16(6):737-743. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2005) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) R827352C009 (Final) |
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Gauderman WJ, Conti DV. Commentary: Models for longitudinal family data. International Journal of Epidemiology 2005;34(5):1077-1079. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Gauderman WJ. Air pollution and children — an unhealthy mix. New England Journal of Medicine 2006;355(1):78-79. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Gauderman WJ, Vora H, McConnell R, Berhane K, Gilliland F, Thomas D, Lurmann F, Avol E, Kunzli N, Jerrett M, Peters J. Effect of exposure to traffic on lung development from 10 to 18 years of age: a cohort study. Lancet 2007;369(9561):571-577. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2007) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) |
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Gauderman WJ, Murcray C, Gilliland F, Conti DV. Testing association between disease and multiple SNPs in a candidate gene. Genetic Epidemiology 2007;31(5):383-395. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Li YF, Rappaport EB, Peters JM. Effects of early onset asthma and in utero exposure to maternal smoking on childhood lung function. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2003;167(6):917-924. |
R831861 (2005) |
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Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Islam T, Wenten M, Rappaport E, Avol E, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Peters JM. Environmental tobacco smoke and absenteeism related to respiratory illness in schoolchildren. American Journal of Epidemiology 2003;157(10):861-869. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
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Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Islam T, McConnell R, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland SS, Avol E, Peters JM. Obesity and the risk of newly diagnosed asthma in school-age children. American Journal of Epidemiology 2003;158(5):406-415. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Gilliland FD, Berhane KT, Li Y-F, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Peters J. Children's lung function and antioxidant vitamin, fruit, juice, and vegetable intake. American Journal of Epidemiology 2003;158(6):576-584. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Gilliland FD, Li Y-F, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Effect of glutathione-S-transferase M1 and P1 genotypes on xenobiotic enhancement of allergic responses: randomised, placebo-controlled crossover study. Lancet 2004;363(9403):119-125. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2002) |
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Gilliland FD, Li YF, Gong Jr. H, Diaz-Sanchez D. Glutathione s-transferases M1 and P1 prevent aggravation of allergic responses by secondhand smoke. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2006;174(12):1335-1341. |
R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2006) R831861C002 (2007) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Gilliland FD, Islam T, Berhane K, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Avol E, Peters JM. Regular smoking and asthma incidence in adolescents. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2006;174(10):1094-1100. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Gilliland FD. Outdoor air pollution, genetic susceptibility, and asthma management: opportunities for intervention to reduce the burden of asthma. Pediatrics 2009;123(Suppl 3):S168-S173. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Gilliland F, Avol E, Kinney P, Jerrett M, Dvonch T, Lurmann F, Buckley T, Breysse P, Keeler G, de Villiers T, McConnell R. Air pollution exposure assessment for epidemiologic studies of pregnant women and children: lessons learned from the Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(10):1447-1454. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826710 (Final) R827027 (2002) R831845 (2005) R832139 (2006) R832141 (2006) R832141 (2007) R832141 (Final) |
Gong Jr. H, Linn WS, Sioutas C, Terrell SL, Clark KW, Anderson KR, Terrell LL. Controlled exposures of healthy and asthmatic volunteers to concentrated ambient fine particles in Los Angeles. Inhalation Toxicology 2003;15(4):305-325. |
R831861 (2005) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) R827352C014 (Final) |
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Gong Jr. H, Linn WS, Terrell SL, Anderson KR, Clark KW, Sioutas C, Cascio WE, Alexis N, Devlin RB. Exposures of elderly volunteers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to concentrated ambient fine particulate pollution. Inhalation Toxicology 2004;16(11-12):731-744. |
R831861 (2005) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) R827352C014 (Final) R827999 (Final) |
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Gong Jr. H, Linn WS, Clark KW, Anderson KR, Geller MD, Sioutas C. Respiratory responses to exposures with fine particulates and nitrogen dioxide in the elderly with and without COPD. Inhalation Toxicology 2005;17(3):123-132. |
R831861 (2005) R826708 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) R827352C014 (Final) R827999 (Final) |
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Hall JV, Brajer V, Lurmann F. Economic valuation of ozone-related school absences in the South Coast Air Basin of California. Contemporary Economic Policy 2003;21(4):407-417. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
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Hricko A. Ships, trucks, and trains: effects of goods movement on environmental health. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(4):A204-A205 (guest editorial). |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Hricko A. Global trade comes home: community impacts of goods movement. Environmental Health Perspectives 2008;116(2):A78-A81. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Islam T, Gauderman WJ, Berhane K, McConnell R, Avol E, Peters JM, Gilliland FD. Relationship between air pollution, lung function and asthma in adolescents. Thorax 2007;62(11):957-963. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2007) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Islam T, McConnell R, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Peters JM, Gilliland FD. Ozone, oxidant defense genes, and risk of asthma during adolescence. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2008;177(4):388-395. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2007) |
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Islam T, Berhane K, McConnell R, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Peters JM, Gilliland FD. Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) P1, GSTM1, exercise, ozone and asthma incidence in school children. Thorax 2009;64(3):197-202. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Islam T, Breton C, Salam MT, McConnell R, Wenten M, Gauderman WJ, Conti D, Van Den Berg D, Peters JM, Gilliland FD. Role of inducible nitric oxide synthase in asthma risk and lung function growth during adolescence. Thorax 2010; 65(2):139-145. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Jerrett M, Buzzelli M, Burnett RT, DeLuca PF. Particulate air pollution, social confounders, and mortality in small areas of an industrial city. Social Science & Medicine 2005;60(12):2845-2863. |
R831861 (2005) |
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Jerrett M, Arain A, Kanaroglou P, Beckerman B, Potoglou D, Sahsuvaroglu T, Morrison J, Giovis C. A review and evaluation of intraurban air pollution exposure models. Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 2005;15(2):185-204. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R831845 (2005) |
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Jerrett M, Shankardass K, Berhane K, Gauderman WJ, Künzli N, Avol E, Gilliland F, Lurmann F, Molitor JN, Molitor JT, Thomas DC, Peters J, McConnell R. Traffic-related air pollution and asthma onset in children: a prospective cohort study with individual exposure measurement. Environmental Health Perspectives 2008;116(10):1433-1438. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R835441 (2017) |
Kunzli N, Avol E, Wu J, Gauderman WJ, Rappaport E, Millstein J, Bennion J, McConnell R, Gilliland FD, Berhane K, Lurmann F, Winer A, Peters JM. Health effects of the 2003 Southern California wildfires on children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2006;174(11):1221-1228. |
R831861C003 (2007) |
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Kanaroglou P, Jerrett M, Morrison J, Beckerman B, Arain A, Gilbert N, Brook J. Establishing an air pollution monitoring network for intra-urban population exposure assessment: a location-allocation approach. Atmospheric Environment 2005;39(13):2399-2409. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Kraft P, Yen YC, Stram DO, Morrison J, Gauderman WJ. Exploiting gene-environment interaction to detect genetic associations. Human Heredity 2007;63(2):111-119. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Kuenzli N, McConnell R, Bates D, Bastain TM, Hricko A, Lurmann F, Avol E, Gilliland FD, Peters JM. Breathless in Los Angeles: the exhausting search for clean air. American Journal of Public Health 2003;93(9):1494-1499. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Kuenzli N, Jerrett M, Mack WJ, Beckerman B, LaBree L, Gilliland F, Thomas D, Peters J, Hodis HN. Ambient air pollution and atherosclerosis in Los Angeles. Environmental Health Perspectives 2005;113(2):201-206. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
Kuenzli N, Schindler C. A call for reporting the relevant exposure term in air pollution case-crossover studies. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2005;59(6):527-530. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
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Kunzli N, Perez L, Lurmann F, Hricko A, Penfold B, McConnell R. An attributable risk model for exposures assumed to cause both chronic disease and its exacerbations. Epidemiology 2008;19(2):179-185. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2007) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) R831845 (2005) |
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Lee YL, Gilliland FD, Wang JY, Lee YC, Guo YL. Associations of FcɛRIβ E237G polymorphism with wheezing in Taiwanese schoolchildren. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2008;38(3):413-420. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Lee YL, McConnell R, Berhane K, Gilliland FD. Ambient ozone modifies the effect of tumor necrosis factor G-308A on bronchitic symptoms among children with asthma. Allergy 2009;64(9):1342-1348. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Levin A, Mathias R, Huang L, Roth L, Daley D, Myers R, Himes B, Romieu I, Yang M, Eng C, Park J, Zoratti K, Gignoux C, Torgerson D, Galanter J, Huntsman S, Nguyen E, Becker A, Chan-Yeung M, Kozyrskyj A, Dwok P, Gilliland F, Gauderman W, Bleecker E, Raby B, Meyers D, London S, Martinez F, Weiss S, Burchard E, Nicolae D, Ober C, Barnes K, WIlliams L. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for serum total IgE in diverse study populations. JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 2013;131(4):1176-1184. |
R831861 (Final) R826708 (Final) R832139 (Final) |
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Li Y-F, Langholz B, Salam MT, Gilliland FD. Maternal and grandmaternal smoking patterns are associated with early childhood asthma. Chest 2005;127(4):1232-1241. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Li Y-F, Tsao YH, Gauderman WJ, Conti DV, Avol E, Dubeau L, Gilliland FD. Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and childhood asthma. Human Genetics 2005;117(5):476-484. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Li Y-F, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Dubeau L, Gilliland FD. Associations of tumor necrosis factor G-308A with childhood asthma and wheezing. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2006;173(9):970-976. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Linn WS, Avila M, Gong H Jr. Exhaled nitric oxide: sources of error in offline measurement. Archives of Environmental Health 2004;59(8):385-391. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C011 (Final) R827352C012 (Final) |
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Linn WS, Rappaport EB, Berhane KT, Bastain TM, Avol EL, Gilliland FD. Exhaled nitric oxide in a population-based study of southern California schoolchildren. Respiratory Research 2009;10(1):28. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Linn WS, Berhane KT, Rappaport EB, Bastain TM, Avol EL, Gilliland FD. Relationships of online exhaled, offline exhaled, and ambient nitric oxide in an epidemiologic survey of schoolchildren. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2009;19(7):674-681. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Linn WS, Rappaport EB, Berhane KT, Bastain TM, Salam MT, Gilliland FD. Extended exhaled nitric oxide analysis in field surveys of schoolchildren: a pilot test. Pediatric Pulmonology 2009;44(10):1033-1042. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Lu R, Wu J, Turco RP, Winer AM, Atkinson R, Arey J, Paulson SE, Lurmann FW, Miguel AH, Eiguren-Fernandez A. Naphthalene distributions and human exposure in Southern California. Atmospheric Environment 2005;39(3):489-507. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C013 (Final) R827352C015 (Final) |
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McConnell R, Jones C, Milam J, Gonzalez P, Berhane K, Clement L, Richardson J, Hanley-Lopez J, Kwong K, Maalouf N, Galvan J, Platts-Mills T. Cockroach counts and house dust allergen concentrations after professional cockroach control and cleaning. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2003;91(6):546-552. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
McConnell R, Berhane K, Gilliland F, Molitor J, Thomas D, Lurmann F, Avol E, Gauderman WJ, Peters JM. Prospective study of air pollution and bronchitic symptoms in children with asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2003;168(7):790-797. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C003 (Final) R827352 (2004) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) R827352C009 (Final) |
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McConnell R, Milam J, Richardson J, Galvan J, Jones C, Thorne PS, Berhane K. Educational intervention to control cockroach allergen exposure in the homes of hispanic children in Los Angeles: results of the La Casa study. Clinical & Experimental Allergy 2005;35(4):426-433. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861C001 (2005) R831861C001 (2006) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) R826708C003 (Final) |
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McConnell R, Berhane K, Molitor J, Gilliland F, Kunzli N, Thorne PS, Thomas D, Gauderman WJ, Avol E, Lurmann F, Rappaport E, Jerrett M, Peters JM. Dog ownership enhances symptomatic responses to air pollution in children with asthma. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(12):1910-1915. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) |
McConnell R, Berhane K, Yao L, Lurmann FW, Avol E, Peters JM. Predicting residential ozone deficits from nearby traffic. Science of the Total Environment 2006;363(1-3):166-174. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2005) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) |
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McConnell R, Berhane K, Yao L, Jerrett M, Lurmann F, Gilliland F, Kunzli N, Gauderman J, Avol E, Thomas D, Peters J. Traffic, susceptibility, and childhood asthma. Environmental Health Perspectives 2006;114(5):766-772. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C007 (Final) |
McConnell R, Islam T, Shankardass K, Jerrett M, Lurmann F, Gilliland F, Gauderman J, Avol E, Kunzli N, Yao L, Peters J, Berhane K. Childhood incident asthma and traffic-related air pollution at home and school. Environmental Health Perspectives 2010;118(7):1021-1026. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) |
Sheppard L, Wakefield JC. Comment. In: Berhane K, Gauderman WJ, Stram DO, Thomas DC. Statistical issues in studies of the long-term effects of air pollution: the Southern California Children's Health Study. Statistical Science 2004;19(3):414-449. Statistical Science 2004;19(3):438-441. |
R831861 (2005) |
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Milam J, McConnell R, Yao L, Berhane K, Jerrett M, Richardson J. Parental stress and childhood wheeze in a prospective cohort study. Journal of Asthma 2008;45(4):319-323. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Millstein J, Gilliland F, Berhane K, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Avol E, Rappaport EB, Peters JM. Effects of ambient air pollutants on asthma medication use and wheezing among fourth-grade school children from 12 Southern California communities enrolled in The Children's Health Study. Archives of Environmental Health 2004;59(10):505-514. |
R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
Exit |
Millstein J, Siegmund KD, Conti DV, Gauderman WJ. Testing association and linkage using affected-sib-parent study designs. Genetic Epidemiology 2005;29(3):225-233. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Millstein J, Conti DV, Gilliland FD, Gauderman WJ. A testing framework for identifying susceptibility genes in the presence of epistasis. American Journal of Human Genetics 2006;78(1):15-27. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Mirabelli MC, Kunzli N, Avol E, Gilliland FD, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Peters JM. Respiratory symptoms following wildfire smoke exposure: airway size as a susceptibility factor. Epidemiology 2009;20(3):451-459. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R831845 (2005) |
Exit |
Molitor J, Molitor N-T, Jerrett M, McConnell R, Gauderman J, Berhane K, Thomas D. Bayesian modeling of air pollution health effects with missing exposure data. American Journal of Epidemiology 2006;164(1):69-76. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) R831845 (2005) |
Exit Exit |
Molitor J, Jerrett M, Chang CC, Molitor NT, Gauderman J, Berhane K, McConnell R, Lurmann F, Wu J, Winer A, Thomas D. Assessing uncertainty in spatial exposure models for air pollution health effects assessment. Environmental Health Perspectives 2007;115(8):1147-1153. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2007) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Mueller-Anneling L, Avol E, Peters JM, Thorne PS. Ambient endotoxin concentrations in PM10 from Southern California. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112(5):583-588. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Murcray CE, Lewinger JP, Gauderman WJ. Gene-environment interaction in genome-wide association studies. American Journal of Epidemiology 2009;169(2):219-226. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Myers R, Himes B, Gignoux C, Yang J, Gauderman W, REbordosa C, Xie J, Torgerson D, Levin A, Baurley J, Graves P, Mathias R, Romieu I, Roth L, Conti D, Avila L, Eng C, Bora H, LeNoir M, Soto-Quirs M, Liu J, Celedon J, Farber J, Kumar R, Avila P, Meade K, Srebrisky D, Thyne S, Rodriguez-Cintron W, Rodriguez-Santana J, Borrell L, Lemanske R, Bleeker E, meyers D, London S, Barnes K, Raby B, Martinez F, Gilliland F, Williams L, Burchard E, Weiss S, Nocolae D, Ober C. Further replication studies of the EVE Consortium meta-analysis identifies 2 asthma risk loci in European Americans. JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY 2012;130(6):1294-1301. |
R831861 (Final) R826708 (Final) |
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Perez L, Kunzli N, Avol E, Hricko AM, Lurmann F, Nicholas E, Gilliland F, Peters J, McConnell R. Global goods movement and the local burden of childhood asthma in southern California. American Journal of Public Health 2009;99(Suppl 3):S622-S628. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R831845 (2005) |
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Richardson JL, Milam JE, Galvan J, Jones C, McConnell R. Knowledge of skin test results among parents of asthmatic children. Journal of Asthma 2004;41(2):199-204. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Riedl MA, Landaw EM, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Initial high-dose nasal allergen exposure prevents allergic sensitization to a neoantigen. Journal of Immunology 2005;174(11):7440-7445. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Riedl MA, Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Oral sulforaphane increases Phase II antioxidant enzymes in the human upper airway. Clinical Immunology 2009;130(3):244-251. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Riedl M, Diaz-Sanchez D. Biology of diesel exhaust effects on respiratory function. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2005;115(2):221-228. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Ritz SA, Wan J, Diaz-Sanchez D. Sulforaphane-stimulated phase II enzyme induction inhibits cytokine production by airway epithelial cells stimulated with diesel extract. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 2007;292(1):L33-L39. |
R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2006) R831861C002 (2007) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Rondeau V, Berhane K, Thomas DC. A three-level model for binary time-series data: the effects of air pollution on school absences in the Southern California Children's Health Study. Statistics in Medicine 2005;24(7):1103-1115. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Ross Z, English PB, Scalf R, Gunier R, Smorodinsky S, Wall S, Jerrett M. Nitrogen dioxide prediction in Southern California using land use regression modeling: potential for environmental health analyses. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2006;16(2):106-114. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Salam MT, Li Y-F, Langholz B, Gilliland FD. Early-life environmental risk factors for asthma:findings from the Children's Health Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2004;112(6):760-765. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2005) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Salam MT, Li Y-F, Langholz B, Gilliland FD. Maternal fish consumption during pregnancy and risk of childhood asthma. Journal of Asthma 2005;42(6):513-518. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Salam MT, Millstein J, Li YF, Lurmann FW, Margolis HG, Gilliland FD. Birth outcomes and prenatal exposure to ozone, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter: results from the Children's Health Study. Environment Health Perspectives 2005;113(11):1638-1644. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
Salam MT, Wenten M, Gilliland FD. Endogenous and exogenous sex steroid hormones and asthma and wheeze in young women. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2006;117(5):1001-1007. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) |
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Salam MT, Margolis HG, McConnell R, McGregor JA, Avol EL, Gilliland FD. Mode of delivery is associated with asthma and allergy occurrences in children. Annals of Epidemiology 2006;16(5):341-346. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Salam MT, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Lin PC, Gilliland FD. Transforming growth factor-β1 C-509T polymorphism, oxidant stress, and early-onset childhood asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2007;176(12):1192-1199. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2007) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2007) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Salam MT, Lin PC, Avol EL, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland FD. Microsomal epoxide hydrolase, glutathione S-transferase P1, traffic and childhood asthma. Thorax 2007;62(12):1050-1057. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Salam MT, Islam T, Gilliland FD. Recent evidence for adverse effects of residential proximity to traffic sources on asthma. Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 2008;14(1):3-8. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Salam MT, Islam T, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland FD. Roles of arginase variants, atopy, and ozone in childhood asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2009;123(3):596-602. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
Salam MT, Bastain TM, Rappaport EB, Islam T, Berhane K, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland FD. Genetic variations in nitric oxide synthase and arginase influence exhaled nitric oxide levels in children. Allergy 2011;66(3):412-419. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Sawant AA, Cocker III DR, Miller JW, Taliaferro T, Diaz-Sanchez D, Linn WS, Clark KW, Gong Jr. H. Generation and characterization of diesel exhaust in a facility for controlled human exposures. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2008;58(6):829-837. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Saxon A, Diaz-Sanchez D. Air pollution and allergy: you are what you breathe. Nature Immunology 2005;6(3):223-226. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Schlesinger RB, Kunzli N, Hidy GM, Gotschi T, Jerrett M. The health relevance of ambient particulate matter characteristics:coherence of toxicological and epidemiological inferences. Inhalation Toxicology 2006;18(2):95-125. |
R831861 (2005) R831845 (2005) |
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Shankardass K, McConnell RS, Milam J, Berhane K, Tatalovich Z, Wilson JP, Jerrett M. The association between contextual socioeconomic factors and prevalent asthma in a cohort of Southern California school children. Social Science & Medicine 2007;65(8):1792-1806. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Stram DO. Designs for studies of personal exposure to air pollution and the impact of measurement error. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2005;68(13-14):1181-1187. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Stram DO. Software for tag single nucleotide polymorphism selection. Human Genomics 2005;2(2):144-151. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Thomas DC. The need for a systematic approach to complex pathways in molecular epidemiology. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2005;14(3):557-559. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Thomas DC, Haile RW, Duggan D. Recent developments in genomewide association scans: a workshop summary and review. American Journal of Human Genetics 2005;77(3):337-345. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Thomas DC, Witte JS, Greenland S. Dissecting effects of complex mixtures: who's afraid of informative priors? Epidemiology 2007;18(2):186-190. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Thomas D, Xie R, Gebregziabher M. Two-stage sampling designs for gene association studies. Genetic Epidemiology 2004;27(4):401-414. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Thomas D. Why do estimates of the acute and chronic effects of air pollution on mortality differ? Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 2005;68(13-14):1167-1174. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Thomas DC, Jerrett M, Kuenzli N, Louis TA, Dominici F, Zeger S, Schwartz J, Burnett RT, Krewski D, Bates D. Bayesian model averaging in time-series studies of air pollution and mortality. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part A 2007;70(3-4):311-315. |
R831861 (2005) R830548 (Final) R832417 (Final) R832417C001 (2007) R832417C001 (2008) R832417C001 (2009) R832417C001 (Final) |
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Thorne PS, Metwali N, Avol E, McConnell RS. Surface sampling for endotoxin assessment using electrostatic wiping cloths. Annals of Occupational Hygiene 2005;49(5):401-406. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (2006) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Urman R, Garcia E, Berhane K, McConnell R, Gauderman W, Gilliland F. The Potential Effects of Policy-driven Air Pollution Interventions on Childhood Lung Development. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2020;201(4):438-444. |
R831861 (Final) R826708 (Final) |
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Wan J, Diaz-Sanchez D. Phase II enzymes induction blocks the enhanced IgE production in B cells by diesel exhaust particles. Journal of Immunology 2006;177(5):3477-3483. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2006) R831861C002 (2007) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Wan J, Diaz-Sanchez D. Antioxidant enzyme induction: a new protective approach against the adverse effects of diesel exhaust particles. Inhalation Toxicology 2007;19(Suppl 1):177-182. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (2007) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Wang C, Salam MT, Islam T, Wenten M, Gauderman WJ, Gilliland FD. Effects of in utero and childhood tobacco smoke exposure and beta2-adrenergic receptor genotype on childhood asthma and wheezing. Pediatrics 2008;122(1):e107-e114. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Wenten M, Berhane K, Rappaport EB, Avol E, Tsai WW, Gauderman WJ, McConnell R, Dubeau L, Gilliland FD. TNF-308 modifies the effect of second-hand smoke on respiratory illness-related school absences. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2005;172(12):1563-1568. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (2006) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (2006) R831861C003 (Final) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
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Wenten M, Gauderman WJ, Berhane K, Lin PC, Peters J, Gilliland FD. Functional variants in the catalase and myeloperoxidase genes, ambient air pollution, and respiratory-related school absences: an example of epistasis in gene-environment interactions. American Journal of Epidemiology 2009;170(12):1494-1501. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Wenten M, Li YF, Lin PC, Gauderman WJ, Berhane K, Avol E, Gilliland FD. In utero smoke exposure, glutathione S-transferase P1 haplotypes, and respiratory illness-related absence among schoolchildren. Pediatrics 2009;123(5):1344-1351. |
R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) |
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Westerdahl D, Fruin SA, Fine PL, Sioutas C. The Los Angeles International Airport as a source of ultrafine particles and other pollutants to nearby communities. Atmospheric Environment 2008;42(13):3143-3155. |
R831861 (2005) R827352 (Final) R832413 (2007) R832413 (2008) R832413 (2009) R832413 (Final) R832413C001 (2007) R832413C001 (2008) R832413C001 (Final) |
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Wu J, Lurmann F, Winer A, Lu R, Turco R, Funk T. Development of an individual exposure model for application to the Southern California Children's Health Study. Atmospheric Environment 2005;39(2):259-273. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C015 (Final) R828172 (Final) R831845 (2005) |
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Wu J, Funk T, Lurmann F, Winer A. Improving spatial accuracy of roadway networks and geocoded addresses. Transactions in GIS 2005;9(4):585-601. |
R831861 (2005) R831861 (Final) R831861C001 (Final) R831861C002 (Final) R831861C003 (Final) R827352 (Final) R827352C015 (Final) R831845 (2005) |
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Xie B, Gilliland FD, Li Y-F, Rockett HRH. Effects of ethnicity, family income, and education on dietary intake among adolescents. Preventive Medicine 2003;36(1):30-40. |
R831861 (2004) R831861 (2005) R826708 (2000) R826708 (2001) R826708 (2002) R826708 (Final) |
Exit |
Zhang Y, Chen Z, Berhane K, Urman R, Chatzi V, Breton C, Gilliland F. The Dynamic Relationship Between Asthma and Obesity in Schoolchildren. American Journal of Epidemiology 2020;189(6):583-591. |
R831861 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Supplemental Keywords:
asthma, children, susceptibility, community, children’s health, health effects, risk assessment, airway disease, allergen, asthma, childhood respiratory disease, children’s environmental health, community-based intervention, outreach and education, respiratory problems,, RFA, Health, Scientific Discipline, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Air, HUMAN HEALTH, Health Risk Assessment, mobile sources, Biochemistry, Health Effects, Children's Health, Risk Assessment, asthma, traffic, engine exhaust, community-based intervention, airway disease, respiratory problems, automotive emissions, automotive exhaust, Human Health Risk Assessment, susceptibility, childhood respiratory disease, ambient particle pollution, children's environmental health, outreach and educationRelevant Websites: Exit ExitProgress and Final Reports:
Original Abstract Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
R831861C001 Urban Air Pollution and Persistent Early Life Asthma
R831861C002 Pollution-Enhanced Allergic Inflammation and Phase II Enzymes
R831861C003 Air Pollution, Exhaled Breath Markers, and Asthma in Susceptible Children
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.