Grantee Research Project Results
2012 Progress Report: Air Pollution Mixtures: Health Effects Across Life Stages
EPA Grant Number: R834798Center: Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Leukemia and the Environment - 2015
Center Director: Metayer, Catherine
Title: Air Pollution Mixtures: Health Effects Across Life Stages
Investigators: Koutrakis, Petros , Godleski, John J.
Current Investigators: Koutrakis, Petros , Godleski, John J. , Gold, Diane R. , Coull, Brent , Dominici, Francesca , Schwartz, Joel , Mittleman, Murray
Institution: Harvard University
EPA Project Officer: Chung, Serena
Project Period: January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2015 (Extended to December 31, 2016)
Project Period Covered by this Report: August 1, 2011 through July 31,2012
Project Amount: $7,997,561
RFA: Clean Air Research Centers (2009) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Human Health , Air
Main Center
This report presents an overview and summary of the progress and achievements of the first year of funding for the Harvard University Clean Air Research Center (CLARC). The primary objective of the Center is to estimate health effects of air pollution mixtures, sources, and individual pollutants across life stages (prenatal to senescence). The Harvard CLARC addresses four of the six research priorities of the EPA solicitation to establish Clean Air Centers. The Center: 1) investigates the effects of pollutants and mixtures through animal and human studies; 2) identifies sub-populations that are at increased risk through the investigation of the modifying effects of gender, diabetes, obesity, socioeconomic disparities, stress, depression, violence, smoking, and omega-3 fatty acid intake in children, adults, and elderly; 3) explains regional and temporal differences in air pollution risks; and 4) examines the shapes of exposure response relationships for associations resulting from the use of multiple exposure metrics, outcomes and populations.
The Harvard CLARC has assembled a multidisciplinary team with expertise in a wide range of fields, including epidemiology, biostatistics, air pollution, exposure assessment, cell biology, pathology, and toxicology. To meet our main objective, we have developed five research Projects that will be supported by three technical Cores. We have developed a common set of hypotheses that will be tested in the different Projects using a synergistic and integrative approach. Importantly, as part of the Center, we will examine the consistency of findings across different health outcomes and across populations at different stages of life by: 1) relying on a common set of exposure metrics; 2) exploring the same set of susceptibility and vulnerability factors; and 3) integrating results from laboratory animal experiments with cohort and population-based studies. Specifically, we plan to: 1) investigate the acute and chronic effects of short- and long-term exposures to individual pollutants, pollution sources and multi-pollutant mixtures on: cognitive/neuropsychological function, cardiovascular/endothelial function, inflammation, birth weight/growth, and cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related hospitalization/mortality across life stages; and 2) identify susceptibility and vulnerability factors that modify these effects.
Individual Projects
Project 1: Relative Toxicity of Air Pollution Mixtures. PI: John J. Godleski.
Objective of Research: Project 1 is an inhalation toxicological animal exposure study that investigates the relative toxicity of different component concentration combinations of air pollution mixtures. These components include both particles and gases that are emitted directly from sources (primary species) or are formed in the atmosphere through a series of reactions that are predominantly photochemical (secondary species). The project uses source-specific emissions as well as ambient air or concentrated ambient particles and our photochemical chamber technologies to generate realistic mixtures. We are testing the biological responses of exposure to fresh, aged primary, and secondary pollutants (both gas and particle phase) formed from the photochemical oxidation of traffic emissions or Boston ambient air. We will investigate the toxicological effects of exposure to aged primary or secondary particles. Toxicity is assessed in Sprague-Dawley rats by changes in in vivo oxidant response, blood pressure, measures of inflammation, and vascular blood flow/resistance.
Project 2: Cognitive Decline, Cardiovascular Changes, and Biological Aging in Response to Air Pollution. PI: Joel Schwartz, HSPH.
Objective of Research: In this Project we investigate the acute and chronic effects of air pollution on cognitive and neurological impairments, systemic inflammation, and vascular dysfunction. We will determine how these effects differ depending on the composition of multi-pollutant mixtures and the source contributions to PM composition. We then will ascertain the level of increased effects in susceptible and vulnerable subpopulations by examining modifying factors of obesity, diabetes, diet, socioeconomic position, and psychosocial stress.
Project 3: Identifying the Cognitive and Vascular Effects of Air Pollution Sources and Mixtures in the Framingham Offspring and Third Generation Cohorts. PI: Murray Mittleman, HSPH.
Objective of Research: Long- and short-term exposures to ambient air pollution are associated with adverse acute and chronic cardiovascular and perhaps cognitive function, but these effects are poorly understood. Using data from the Framingham Offspring and Third Generation Cohorts, well characterized populations that have not been previously investigated in association with ambient environmental exposures, we will: 1) determine whether long-term exposures to ambient pollutants and mixtures are associated with cognitive impairment and cognitive interference; 2) test whether short-term and long-term exposures to pollutants, mixtures and sources are associated with acute and chronic vascular and endothelial function; and 3) consider whether markers of biological susceptibility and vulnerability differentially influence these associations, allowing us to identify subpopulations at increased risk for harmful effects of air pollution.
Project 4: Longitudinal Effects of Multiple Pollutants on Child Growth, Blood Pressure and Cognition. PI: Diane Gold, HSPH.
Objective of Research: The main aim of this project is to determine the health effects of prenatal and postnatal exposures to individual pollutants, sources, and pollutant mixtures on somatic growth, cardiovascular risk (blood pressure, exercise tolerance) and cognition in children. The strength of chronic and acute effects of individual pollutants will vary by source and mixture, as well as the timing of prenatal and postnatal exposures. Increased vulnerability or susceptibility to pollution effects on these adverse health outcomes also will result from socioeconomic disparities, stress and violence, environmental tobacco smoke, and reduced maternal and child omega-3 fatty acid intake measured in the prenatal as well as postnatal periods.
Project 5: A National Study to Assess Susceptibility, Vulnerability, and Effect Modification of Air Pollution Health Risks. PI: Francesca Dominici, HSPH.
Objective of Research: This national study is aimed at identifying factors that explain the heterogeneity of health risks associated with air pollution exposure. We hypothesize that such factors include medical and social conditions, conditions that modify exposure, and differences in pollution composition that modify exposure toxicity. Moreover, we hypothesize that the relevant factors vary among different health outcomes. Our research will be fully interactive with the other Center projects. Our previous results (e.g., diabetic susceptibility) have guided their analyses, and their results have generated specific hypotheses that we will test. We have 3 objectives. In Aims 1 and 2, we will conduct national studies of short-term and long-term exposures to individual pollutants, sources, and mixtures. A main focus of our Center is to study established cohorts (NAS, Framingham, and Viva) in Massachusetts and surrounding states using novel, validated approaches to assess exposure. In Aim 3, we will complement those cohort studies, by establishing a cohort of 2.3 million Medicare enrollees residing in the same region and following its members prospectively for cause-specific hospital admissions and mortality for the period 2000-2014, and also by studying all live births in Eastern Massachusetss, geo-coded to exact address and followed for adverse birth outcomes.
Progress Summary:
Individual Projects
Project 1: Relative Toxicity of Air Pollution Mixtures. PI: John J. Godleski.
Progress Summary/Accomplishments: During the reporting period we have completed a group of three papers which are in press in the journal Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health. These papers describe the reaction chamber and exposure system used for study of emissions derived from traffic using a northeastern traffic tunnel as the source of mixed vehicular emissions, and compared the effects of the emissions with or without simulation of atmospheric aging by photochemistry and formation of secondary particles on respiratory, cardiovascular, and systemic outcomes.
We have examined the relative toxicity of these air pollution mixtures, focusing on traffic. All exposures were done at a target dose of 50 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3). Sprague Dawley rats were repeatedly exposed to primary only (P), secondary organic aerosol only (SOA), a combination of the two (P+SOA) or filtered air for 5-hours/day for 3 weeks. Blood pressure (BP) was measured continuously using implanted telemetry. Mixed effects models were used to compare responses of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR).
Exposure to P increased and maintained an effect on SBP and DBP across weeks showing a significant dose response. SOA exposure on the first day resulted in a significant increase in both SBP and DBP (p=0.001, p=.0003) becoming strongly negative by week 3. With P+SOA, significant increases in SBP and DBP of 13 mmHg were observed on the first day of exposure (p=0.04, p=0.0015), which was maintained through week 1 for SBP and through week 2 for DBP. Sham exposures in the SOA and P+SOA groups after 3 weeks showed compensatory decreases in both SBP and DBP. No exposure had a significant effect on HR. Both primary and secondary traffic-derived aerosols can substantially increase SBP and DBP but these increases are eventually lost.
Respiratory outcome included breathing pattern, in-vivo chemiluminescence (IVCL), broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL), and complete blood count. Although all exposures produced decreases in tidal/minute volumes and inspiratory/expiratory flows, there were differences in inflammatory changes in BAL, with increased neutrophils for SOA and for P+SOA and increased lymphocytes for P and P+SOA, without changes in total protein, N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminidase (ß-NAG) or IVCL.
Project 2: Cognitive Decline, Cardiovascular Changes, and Biological Aging in Response to Air Pollution. PI: Joel Schwartz, HSPH.
Progress Summary/Accomplishments: We have published a number of papers. A key part of this project and of all the cohort studies is development of a spatio-temporal model predicting daily PM2.5 concentrations in New England using land use regression terms and satellite remote sensing. We have successfully developed a model that predicts daily PM2.5 at the spatial resolution of a 10x10 km grid across New-England. The model was used to investigate both the long-term and short-term effects of PM2.5 exposures on hospital admissions across New England. We found that chronic exposure to particles is associated with substantially larger increases in hospital admissions than acute exposure and both can be detected simultaneously using our exposure model.
We have evaluated the relationship between premature birth and birth weight with exposure to PM2.5 levels during pregnancy in Massachusetts for a 9-year period (2000-2008), and we found that exposure to PM2.5 during the last month of pregnancy contributes to risks for lower birth weight and preterm birth in infants.
We have studied the cross-sectional association between DNA methylation in nine inflammatory genes and lung function in the Normative Aging Study cohort of 756 elderly men living in the metropolitan area of Boston. In a published paper we show that DNA methylation may be part of the biological processes underlying the lung function decline and that IFNγ and IL6 may have ambivalent roles through activation of negative feedback. Furthermore, in the Normative Aging Study we investigated the short-term and intermediate-term air pollution effects on repeated measurements of: fibrinogen, C-reactive protein (CRP), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and epigene-environment interactions by DNA methylation of Alu, LINE-1, tissue factor (F3), Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR-2), and ICAM-1. We observed associations of traffic-related pollutants on fibrinogen, and both traffic and secondary particles on C-reactive protein, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1. There was effect modification by DNA methylation status, indicating that epigenetic states can convey susceptibility to air pollution.
We published the results of a further follow-up of the Harvard Six Cities Study where we replicated our previous analysis on the association between PM2.5 and mortality; we further examined different time lags, the shape of the concentration-response relationship, changes in the slope of the relation over time, and the impact of time-varying effects for smoking, sex, and education on the results.
Project 3: Identifying the Cognitive and Vascular Effects of Air Pollution Sources and Mixtures in the Framingham Offspring and Third Generation Cohorts. PI: Murray Mittleman, HSPH.
Progress Summary/Accomplishments: We have conducted preliminary analyses of the effects of air pollution exposures on vascular outcomes including flow-mediated dilation, flow velocity and blood pressure in the Framingham Offspring and Third Generation Cohorts. We also conducted preliminary analyses evaluating the impact of residential distance from an A1 or A2 road on cognitive function as assessed by the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) in the Framingham Offspring Study (n=3,678). Preliminary evidence suggests a non-linear association between distance to major road and lower cognitive function, but associations did not meet nominal statistical significance.
While working on exposure assignment for the Framingham cohorts, we have completed related work that builds on the aims of our project. We evaluated the association between short-term meteorological exposures on biomarkers of inflammation, endothelial function, and heart failure control in a cohort of 100 patients with Class II and III heart failure. In this study we found that higher 2-day moving average of apparent temperature was associated with elevated levels of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). Finally, CRP followed a similar pattern after 3-day moving average.
In another study, we followed a cohort of 3,886 individuals hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in 64 Centers across the United States from 1989 to 1996. Addresses were geocoded, and distance to the nearest major roadway was assigned. Cox regression was used to calculate hazard ratios, with adjustment for personal, clinical and neighborhood-level characteristics. There were 1,071 deaths after 10 years of follow-up. In the fully adjusted model, compared with living >1,000 m, hazard ratios (95% confidence interval) for living ≤100 m were 1.27 (1.01-1.60), for 100 to ≤200 m were 1.19 (0.93-1.60), and for 200 to ≤1,000 m were 1.13 (0.99-1.30) (P(trend)=0.016).
We reviewed the medical records of 1,705 Boston area patients hospitalized with neurologist-confirmed ischemic stroke and abstracted data on the time of symptom onset and clinical characteristics. The estimated odds ratio (OR) of ischemic stroke onset was 1.34 (95% CI, 1.13-1.58) (P < 0.001) following a 24-hour period classified as moderate (PM2.5 15-40 μg/m3) by the EPA Air Quality Index compared with a 24-hour period classified as good (≤15 μg/m3). Considering PM2.5 levels as a continuous variable, we found the estimated odds ratio of ischemic stroke onset to be 1.11 (95% CI, 1.03-1.20) (P = 0.006) per interquartile range increase in PM2.5 levels (6.4 μg/m3). The increase in risk was greatest within 12 to 14 hours of exposure to PM2.5 and was most strongly associated with markers of traffic-related pollution.
We also evaluated the impact of long-term near-roadway exposure on renal dysfunction in a susceptible population. In this study we found that living closer to a major roadway was associated with a significantly lower estimated glomerular filtration rate compared with living farther away. This work currently is under review.
Project 4: Longitudinal Effects of Multiple Pollutants on Child Growth, Blood Pressure and Cognition. PI: Diane Gold, HSPH.
Progress Summary/Accomplishments: We have geocoded the entire longitudinal address history and have used this to link to longitudinal GIS and census data. With these data, we have created a longitudinal data set with: 1) estimated spatially and temporally resolved black carbon (BC) and PM2.5; and 2) neighborhood-level socioeconomic status (SES) variables. While addresses before and after birth are known and geocoded, for the purpose of improving estimation of birth outcome health data, the address at birth currently is being verified and geocoded. We have performed initial analyses of the associations of measured and estimated individual pollution and traffic exposures (temporally or spatially and temporally resolved) with the following outcomes: maternal (glucose tolerance, hypertension in pregnancy); birth weight and longitudinal development of adiposity; blood pressure (birth, 6 months, 3 years, 7 years); cognition; respiratory illness in early life; sleep duration; and markers of inflammation. We have evaluated whether socioeconomic exposures confound or modify the relation of pollution to these exposures. We have expanded our research team to include many senior and junior investigators from Harvard Pilgrim; the Department of Population Medicine’s Obesity Prevention Program; Boston Children’s Hospital; Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center; Harvard Medical School; Massachusetts General Hospital; the Brigham and Women’s Hospital; and the University of Utrecht in The Netherlands. In the coming year, in addition to completing analyses and papers on the relation of pre-birth and postnatal distance to roadway, BC, and PM on our many health outcomes, we will begin to: 1) evaluate effects of pollution sources and mixtures; 2) extend our evaluation of effect modification by family and neighborhood SES, and evaluate modification by nutrition and genes and; 3) conduct pathway analyses incorporating multiple outcomes and exposures. Our most outstanding findings were highlighted in nine posters presented at our external advisory committee meeting. Elevated traffic exposures in pregnancy predict abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy. Closer distance to roadway was associated with increased sleep deprivation. Increased BC and urbanicity predicted lower fetal growth; increased traffic density predicted development of adiposity by 6 months of age. Increased residence-level BC levels or closer distance to roadway in pregnancy predicted reduced cognition by age 7, but associations were confounded by SES. Increased BC in the last month of pregnancy predicted higher neonatal blood pressure, but increased ozone in that period predicted lower neonatal blood pressure.
Project 5: A National Study to Assess Susceptibility, Vulnerability, and Effect Modification of Air Pollution Health Risks. PI: Francesca Dominici, HSPH.
Progress Summary/Accomplishments:
We have estimated temporal and geographical trends in the incidence and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the Medicare population for the period 1998 to 2008. This is the period where Medicare data Part A is available to us for 100% of the Medicare population. Now, the Medicare data has been extended to the year 2009 and 2010. We sought to examine: 1) whether there have been significant regional disparities in myocardial infarction (MI) incidence, treatment and outcomes during this time period; and 2) whether these regional disparities have changed over time. In our study population, which includes nearly 300 million Medicare fee-for-service beneficiary-years, we found: 1) statistically significant declines in the incidence of MI in all U.S. Census Divisions; 2) statistically significant differences in the incidence of MI between geographic regions at the start of the study period, which increased over time between 2000 and 2008; 3) strong evidence of a wide and persistent variation in rates of cardiac catheterization and revascularization after MI across regions. To our knowledge, this is the largest study to date that examines geographic differences of trends in acute MI in the U.S. elderly, and the first that examines geographic differences in MI incidence, procedures and 30-day mortality. As always it will require some serious considerations on how to incorporate the temporal changes in cardiovascular disease management into our models of air pollution exposure (short- and long-term) and mortality and morbidity outcomes. We will continue to investigate this issue in year 3.
We have applied Bayesian stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) to ambient PM2.5 components in multi-pollutant models of emergency hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in a population of Medicare enrollees older than 65 in each of 118 U.S. counties, 2000-2008. Our SSVS method allows us to evaluate a large number of possible statistical models in each county (we consider six of the most common PM2.5 components: sulfate, nitrate, silicon, elemental carbon, organic carbon matter, and sodium ion) to identify, within each county, the combination of PM2.5 components most associated with CVD hospital admissions. Complete results and extensive tools for reproducibility are made freely available online at (login: map, password: Review65).
We have performed a literature review and conducted a multi-site time-series analysis of hospital admissions and exposure to PM2.5 constituents (elemental carbon, organic carbon matter, sulfate, and nitrate) in a population of 12 million U.S. Medicare enrollees for the period 2000 to 2008. The literature review illustrated a general lack of multi-constituent models or insight about probabilities of differential impacts per unit concentration change. Consistent with previous results, the multi-site time-series analysis found statistically significant associations between short-term changes in elemental carbon and cardiovascular hospital admissions. Posterior probabilities from multi-constituent models provided evidence that some individual constituents were more toxic than others. Ratios of constituent toxicities, commonly used in risk assessment to describe differential toxicity, were extremely uncertain for all comparisons. These analyses emphasize the subtlety of the statistical techniques and epidemiological studies necessary to inform risk assessments of particle constituents.
In an analysis of 545 U.S. counties for the period 2000 to 2007, we investigated whether more recent and slower declines in PM2.5 levels continue to improve life expectancy. We found that reductions in PM2.5 were significantly associated with improvements in life expectancy for the period 2000 to 2007. These results demonstrated that air pollution control in the last decade continues to have a positive impact to public health.
Center Collaborations
Collaboration 1: Assessment of common outcomes from exposures of a reproducible animal model of cardio-metabolic syndrome to traffic-related multi-pollutant atmospheres used at four CLARC facilities
Lead Harvard Investigator: John Godleski
Collaborative Centers: GLACIER, University of Washington CLARCs, and EPA
In collaboration with our Project 1, GLACIER, University of Washington CLARCs, and EPA in-house scientist, we have planned to study animals with diet-induced cardio-metabolic syndrome (CMS) using the traffic-related multi-pollutant exposure system in use at each Center. We will use our facility to generate exposures to vehicular emissions from an urban tunnel. This system can differentiate primary and secondary particles as a model of traffic-related ambient urban pollution (TRAUP). Protocols for these studies were developed through a series of emails following the 2011 Center Director’s meeting and finalized at the 2012 meeting. Project 1 scientists played a leadership role in organizing this study and coordinating among the various CLARCs participating in this collaboration.
Using an established high fructose-diet-fed rat model of CMS established at GLACIER, the proposed collaborative study is designed to: 1) determine if this dysfunctional cardiometabolic condition predisposes to the toxic effects of traffic-related air pollution and; 2) identify underlying toxicological modes of action by which this may occur. We will be able to discern if CMS renders the laboratory animal more susceptible to the cardiovascular, autonomic, and airway toxicity of a multi-pollutant mixture of primary particles and secondary organic aerosols derived from traffic emissions in the Boston Tunnel. CMS is defined as three or more of the following abnormalities: abdominal obesity; increased blood pressure; elevated blood glucose; and hyperlipidemia. Common coexisting pathologically linked abnormalities include impaired vascular endothelial function, autonomic nervous system imbalance, systemic inflammation, and oxidative stress. Though it represents an emergent phenotype due to interactions among multiple physiological systems, pre-existing genetic propensity, and environmental factors (e.g., obesity, diet, lifestyle), defects in insulin sensitivity among organs/tissues is a fundamental underlying cause. The animal model is established in Sprague-Dawley rats, the species and strain that have been used at our CLARC so that we have considerable data for comparison between this model of susceptibility and normal animals. At the same time, the GLACIER CLARC has found that exposure to concentrated ambient particles plus ozone produces a reduction in heart rate and blood pressure in this model, the opposite of what we have found with our traffic exposures in normal animals. How this model will respond to exposures used at the University of Washington CLARC and EPA laboratories will produce an extensive data set for direct comparison of responses. The GLACIER CLARC will provide the diet and protocol to each collaborating laboratory, as well as provide data from their laboratory for comparison with their exposures. Finally, serum and plasma samples will be collected from a cohort of exposed and control animals at each center carrying out their exposure protocol. These samples will be assessed by collaborating CLARC investigators at one laboratory to determine in vitro effects on vascular endothelial cells, thereby doing a direct comparison of these samples on a critical in vitro outcome.
In summary, this collaborative project will assess the various traffic-related exposures in use in different CLARCs on one susceptible model for which extensive data exist on the normal counterpart of this model. This collaborative project will use similar outcomes in all CLARCs and will use serum samples from a subset of animals for an in vitro study using endothelial cells. This study will add considerable value to individual studies within the CLARCs. For the Harvard CLARC, it provides an opportunity to use not only an important model of susceptibility, but precisely the same model used in another CLARC with which very different responses from our findings in normal animals have been obtained.
Collaboration 2: Characterization of primary and secondary traffic related particles
Lead Harvard Investigator: Petros Koutrakis
Collaborating Center: SCAPE
The objective of this collaborative project is to obtain near real-time chemical characterization of the tunnel primary, secondary, and aged primary plus secondary aerosols generated for exposures in our toxicology study (Project 1). This collaboration also will provide information about the atmosphere inside the photochemical chamber and how the secondary products relate to those found in the atmosphere. To do this study, we are working with Dr. Sally Ng from Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT). She is using an Aerodyne Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM). For some of the exposure atmospheres, the ACSM will be operated simultaneously with animal exposures. It will provide complementary chemical data such as the near real-time determination of the contribution of aerosol sources (e.g., primary vs. secondary) and extent of oxidation over the course of each experiment. Furthermore, as numerous chamber studies have been conducted in laboratory settings to study SOA formation previously, this collaboration also provides a unique opportunity for linking the chemical properties of laboratorygenerated chamber aerosols to ambient aerosols and their consequent health effects. Such information would be invaluable for designing future laboratory chamber studies to mimic the ambient atmosphere with relevant health outcomes.
Researchers from GIT, Dr. Sally Ng and doctoral student, Matthew Kollman, will operate the ACSM at the Harvard tunnel study from July 23rd – August 10th, 2012. Aerodyne Research Inc., will provide the ACSM for this study. The ACSM provides quantitative measurement of non-refractory submicron aerosol composition with a time resolution of 15 to 30 min. The species that are measured by the ACSM include organics, nitrate, sulfate, ammonium, and chloride. The ACSM will be operated in continuous sampling mode, providing mass concentration and mass spectra of each of the species. The ACSM will sample three different chamber/exposure atmospheres simultaneously with animal exposures: primary particles (P), primary particles plus secondary organic aerosols (P+SOA), and SOA only. The extent of oxidation of chamber aerosols can be determined from the mass spectra. Specifically, the evolution of O/C over the course of each experiment can be calculated from the fraction of m/z 44 (CO2 +). Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) also will be applied to the organics data to de-convolute the organics mass spectra into different factors to provide further insights into the chemical evolution of organic aerosols.
In addition to the ACSM, we also will be collecting information about the gas phase organics during these collaborative studies. While the ACSM is operating, we will collect SUMMA canister samples of each atmosphere (primary, SOA, and P+SOA). Canisters will be analyzed for TO-15 organics by a local commercial laboratory.
Collaboration 3: Obesity and diet as sources of susceptibility to pollution: collaborative insights derived from birth cohort, animal model and controlled human exposure studies
Lead Harvard Investigator: Diane Gold
Collaborating Centers: GLACIER, EPA
We plan a collaborative project amongst our Project 4, GLACIER, and EPA in-house scientists: to evaluate obesity and diet (high fructose, high caloric, or high fat) as sources of susceptibility to systemic and specific airway inflammatory/oxidative stress responses to PM2.5, O3, and multi-pollutant mixtures. Airway responses relevant to asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) risk that will be measured in Project 4 children will include FeNO, EBC 8-isoprostanes, leukotrienes and counterbalancing lipoxins. Obesity and diet also will be considered as sources of susceptibility to autonomic dysregulation relevant to cardiovascular and pulmonary outcomes. Through initial collaboration with GLACIER, it already has become apparent that their rodent model findings will inform and guide interpretation of birth cohort findings and planning of future work. While our main focus will be on prenatal and early life obesity/diet as a risk factor for adverse responses in children/rodent offspring, we intend to compare obesity/diet as a source of susceptibility across the life stages, in controlled human exposure studies as well as in epidemiologic studies.
Collaboration 4: Ambient PM2.5 predictions in North Carolina using several spatio-temporal models
Lead Harvard Investigator: Petros Koutrakis
Collaborating Centers: SCAPE, CCAR
Satellites offer a new resource for air quality management, providing regular observations of air pollutants with wide spatial coverage. Among various satellite retrieved parameters, aerosol optical depth (AOD) has been used extensively in estimating ground level PM2.5 concentrations. This collaboration will evaluate the performance of various satellite-driven PM2.5 exposure models as well as CMAQ PM2.5 in North Carolina. Details about this study will be discussed in future meetings among the collaborating investigators.
Collaboration 5: Cluster analysis: a multi-pollutant approach in environmental epidemiology
Lead Harvard Investigator: Antonella Zanobetti
Collaborating Centers: TBD
We are proposing to collaborate with the other CLARC centers on the application of cluster analysis in environmental epidemiology. Developing a multi-pollutant approach is extremely challenging due to the highly complex interactions between source emissions, atmospheric processes and effects on human health and ecosystems.
Cluster analysis is a novel method that allows us to group days with similar chemical profiles in order to identify days with common physico-chemical properties and meteorological conditions that then can be separately described and investigated. The collaboration would include first applying different statistical techniques to define the clusters; then the clusters will be applied to epidemiological data.
The identified clusters, which define different pollutant profiles, can be used in health effects studies of PM2.5 mass; the acute health effects observed on different groupings of days will identify the mixtures posing higher health risks. This approach will permit identification of toxic multi-pollutant mixtures, thus enhancing our understanding of pollutant combinations that pose higher risks to public health. In the near future, we will start contacting the investigators from other CLARC centers to propose an outline for this collaboration.
Future Activities:
Project 1: Relative Toxicity of Air Pollution Mixtures. PI: John J. Godleski.
Future Activities: We will conduct exposures to fresh and photochemically aged source traffic emissions with and without ozone and other secondary gases. Toxicity of exposures will be assessed in rats using a variety of outcomes including changes in vivo chemi-luminescence, blood pressure, inflammation, and vascular flow/resistance.
Project 2: Cognitive Decline, Cardiovascular Changes, and Biological Aging in Response to Air Pollution. PI: Joel Schwartz, HSPH.
Future Activities: We will continue to work on the activities proposed in our grant application. In addition, we received a grant from NIEHS to investigate epigenomic effects of environmental exposures. This will allow us to continue examining exposure and epigenetic effects in the Normative Aging Study.
Project 3: Identifying the Cognitive and Vascular Effects of Air Pollution Sources and Mixtures in the Framingham Offspring and Third Generation Cohorts. PI: Murray Mittleman, HSPH.
Future Activities: Future work will include completion of all modeled air pollution data in the Framingham master dataset for Offspring Cycles 6, 7, 8 and Generation 3 Cycles 1 and 2. We will complete analyses and publish manuscripts on vascular outcomes including flow mediated dilation, blood pressure, flow rates, peripheral arterial tonometry and biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress and hemostasis.
Project 4: Longitudinal Effects of Multiple Pollutants on Child Growth, Blood Pressure and Cognition. PI: Diane Gold, HSPH.
Future Activities: In the coming year, in addition to completing analyses and papers on the relation of pre-birth and postnatal distance to roadway, BC, and PM on our many health outcomes, we will: 1) begin to evaluate effects of pollution sources and mixtures; 2) extend our evaluation of effect modification by family and neighborhood SES, and begin evaluation of modification by nutrition and genes; and 3) begin pathway analyses incorporating multiple outcomes and exposures.
Project 5: A National Study to Assess Susceptibility, Vulnerability, and Effect Modification of Air Pollution Health Risks. PI: Francesca Dominici, HSPH.
Future Activities: We will continue to develop methods for multi-pollutant models and we will extend them to the multi-pollutant analyses of metals. We will continue the development and analysis of a cohort of Medicare enrollees in Massachusetts and surrounding states for cause-specific hospital admissions and mortality; studying all live births in Eastern Massachusetss, geo-coded to exact address and followed for adverse birth outcomes.
Journal Articles: 412 Displayed | Download in RIS Format
Other center views: | All 476 publications | 411 publications in selected types | All 411 journal articles |
Type | Citation | ||
Achilleos S, Kioumourtzoglou M-A, Wu C-D, Schwartz JD, Koutrakis P, Papatheodorou SI. Acute effects of fine particulate matter constituents on mortality: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Environment International 2017;109:89-100. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
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Alexeeff SE, Schwartz J, Kloog I, Chudnovsky A, Koutrakis P, Coull BA. Consequences of kriging and land use regression for PM2.5 predictions in epidemiologic analyses: insights into spatial variability using high-resolution satellite data. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2015;25(2):138-144. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
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Alexeeff SE, Carroll RJ, Coull B. Spatial measurement error and correction by spatial SIMEX in linear regression models when using predicted air pollution exposures. Biostatistics 2016;17(2):377-389. |
R834798 (Final) |
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Anderson GB, Bell ML. Lights out: impact of the August 2003 power outage on mortality in New York, NY. Epidemiology 2012;23(2):189-193. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832417 (Final) |
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Anderson GB, Krall JR, Peng RD, Bell ML. Is the relationship between ozone and mortality confounded by chemical components of particulate matter? Analysis of 7 components in 57 US communities. American Journal of Epidemiology 2012;176(8):726-732. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) |
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Anderson GB, Dominici F, Wang Y, McCormack MC, Bell ML, Peng RD. Heat-related emergency hospitalizations for respiratory diseases in the Medicare population. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 2013;187(10):1098-1103. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
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Anderson GB, Bell ML, Peng RD. Methods to calculate the heat index as an exposure metric in environmental health research. Environmental Health Perspectives 2013;121(10):1111-1119. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Antonelli J, Cefalu M, Bornn L. The positive effects of population-based preferential sampling in environmental epidemiology. Biostatistics 2016;17(4):764-778. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Antonelli, J., Schwartz, J., Kloog, I., & Coull, B. A. Spatial multiresolution analysis of the effect of PM2.5 on birth weights. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 2017:11(2);792-807. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2017) R835872C002 (2016) |
Asselbergs, F.W., Y. Guo, E.P. van Iperen, S. Sivapalaratnam, V. et al. Large-Scale Gene-Centric Meta-analysis across 32 Studies Identifies Multiple Lipid Loci. Am J Hum Genet, 2012. 91(5):p. 823-38. |
R834798C005 (Final) R834514C004 (Final) |
not available |
Austin E, Coull B, Thomas D, Koutrakis P. A framework for identifying distinct multipollutant profiles in air pollution data. Environment International 2012;45:112-121. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Austin E, Coull BA, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P. A framework to spatially cluster air pollution monitoring sites in US based on the PM2.5 composition. Environment International 2013;59:244-254. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Austin E, Zanobetti A, Coull B, Schwartz J, Gold D, Koutrakis P. Ozone trends and their relationship to characteristic weather patterns. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2015;25(5):532-542. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (2014) |
Exit Exit |
Baccarelli AA, Zheng YN, Zhang X, Chang D, Liu L, Wolf KR, Zhang Z, McCracken JP, Diaz A, Bertazzi PA, Schwartz J, Wang S, Kang CM, Koutrakis P, Hou L. Air pollution exposure and lung function in highly exposed subjects in Beijing, China: a repeated-measure study. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2014;11:51 (10 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Baccarelli A, Barretta F, Dou C, Zhang X, McCracken JP, Diaz A, Bertazzi PA, Schwartz J, Wang S, Hou L. Effects of particulate air pollution on blood pressure in a highly exposed population in Beijing, China: a repeated-measure study. Environmental Health 2011;10:108 (10 pp.). |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Baccarelli, A.A. (2015). Traffic Related Air Pollution, Blood Pressure, and Adaptive Response of Mitochondrial Abundance. Circulation CIRCULATIONAHA.115.018802. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Baja ES, Schwartz JD, Coull BA, Wellenius GA, Vokonas PS, Suh HH. Structural equation modeling of the inflammatory response to traffic air pollution. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2013;23(3):268-274. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R827353 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Baja ES, Schwartz JD, Coull BA, Wellenius GA, Vokonas PS, Suh HH. Structural equation modeling of parasympathetic and sympathetic response to traffic air pollution in a repeated measures study. Environmental Health 2013;12(1):81 (13 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Barr CD, Diez DM, Wang Y, Dominici F, Samet JM. Comprehensive smoking bans and acute myocardial infarction among Medicare enrollees in 387 US counties:1999–2008. American Journal of Epidemiology 2012;176(7):642-648. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832417 (Final) R833622 (Final) R834894 (2012) R834894 (2013) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Behbod B, Urch B, Speck M, Scott JA, Liu L, Poon R, Coull B, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P, Silverman F, Gold DR. Endotoxin in concentrated coarse and fine ambient particles induces acute systemic inflammation in controlled human exposures. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2013;70(11):761-767. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bell ML, Belanger K, Ebisu K, Gent JF, Leaderer BP. Relationship between birth weight and exposure to airborne fine particulate potassium and titanium during gestation. Environmental Research 2012;117:83-89. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832417 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Bell ML, Ebisu K. Environmental inequality in exposures to airborne particulate matter components in the United States. Environmental Health Perspectives 2012;120(12):1699-1704. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Bell ML, Zanobetti A, Dominici F. Evidence on vulnerability and susceptibility to health risks associated with short-term exposure to particulate matter: a systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology 2013;178(6):865-876. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (2013) R834894 (Final) R834900 (2013) R834900 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Bell ML, Ebisu K, Leaderer BP, Gent JF, Lee HJ, Koutrakis P, Wang Y, Dominici F, Peng RD. Associations of PM2.5 constituents and sources with hospital admissions: analysis of four counties in Connecticut and Massachusetts (USA) for persons ≥ 65 years of age. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(2):138-144. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) |
Bell ML, Zanobetti A, Dominici F. Who is more affected by ozone pollution? A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology 2014;180(1):15-28. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) R834900 (2013) R834900 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Bell ML, Son JY, Peng RD, Wang Y, Dominici F. Ambient PM2.5 and risk of hospital admissions: do risks differ for men and women? Epidemiology 2015;26(4):575-579. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bellavia A, Urch B, Speck M, Brook RD, Scott JA, Albetti B, Behbod B, North M, Valeri L, Bertazzi PA, Silverman F, Gold D, Baccarelli AA. DNA hypomethylation, ambient particulate matter, and increased blood pressure: findings from controlled human exposure experiments. Journal of the American Heart Association 2013;2(3):e000212 (11 pp.). |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (2013) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Bind M-A, Zanobetti A, Gasparrini A, Peters A, Coull B, Baccarelli A, Tarantini L, Koutrakis P, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Effects of temperature and relative humidity on DNA methylation. Epidemiology 2014;25(4):561-569. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R827353 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bind M-A, Baccarelli A, Zanobetti A, Tarantini L, Suh H, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Air pollution and markers of coagulation, inflammation, and endothelial function: associations and epigene-environment interactions in an elderly cohort. Epidemiology 2012;23(2):332-340. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2012) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bind M-A, Coull B, Suh H, Wright R, Baccarelli A, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. A novel genetic score approach using instruments to investigate interactions between pathways and environment: application to air pollution. PLoS One 2014;9(4):e96000 (8 pp.). |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R827353 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bind M-A, Lepeule J, Zanobetti A, Gasparrini A, Baccarelli A, Coull BA, Tarantini L, Vokonas PS, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J. Air pollution and gene-specific methylation in the Normative Aging Study: association, effect modification, and mediation analysis. Epigenetics 2014;9(3):448-458. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R827353 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Bind M-AC, Coull BA, Peters A, Baccarelli AA, Tarantini L, Cantone L, Vokonas PS, Koutrakis P, Schwartz JD. Beyond the mean: quantile regression to explore the association of air pollution with gene-specific methylation in the Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2015;123(8):759-765. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) R827353 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Bind M, VanderWeele T, Schwartz J, Coull B. Quantile causal mediation analysis allowing longitudinal data. STATISTICS IN MEDICINE 2017;36(26):4182-4195 |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Bobb JF, Dominici F, Peng RD. Reduced hierarchical models with application to estimating health effects of simultaneous exposure to multiple pollutants. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 2013;62(3):451-472. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bobb JF, Peng RD, Bell ML, Dominici F. Heat-related mortality and adaptation to heat in the United States. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(8):811-816. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
Exit |
Bobb JF, Obermeyer Z, Wang Y, Dominici F. Cause-specific risk of hospital admission related to extreme heat in older adults. JAMA 2014;312(24):2659-2667. |
R834798 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bobb JF, Valeri L, Claus Henn B, Christiani DC, Wright RO, Mazumdar M, Godleski JJ, Coull BA. Bayesian kernel machine regression for estimating the health effects of multi-pollutant mixtures. Biostatistics 2015;16(3):493-508. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Boehm Vock LF, Reich BJ, Fuentes M, Dominici F. Spatial variable selection methods for investigating acute health effects of fine particulate matter components. Biometrics 2015;71(1):167-177. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bose S, Chiu Y-HM, Hsu H-HL, Di Q, Rosa MJ, Lee A, Kloog I, Wilson A, Schwartz J, Wright RO, Cohen S, Coull BA, Wright RJ. Prenatal nitrate exposure and childhood asthma. Influence of maternal prenatal stress and fetal sex. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017;196(11):1396-1403. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bottino CJ, Rifas-Shiman SL, Kleinman KP, Oken E, Redline S, Gold D, Schwartz J, Melly SJ, Koutrakis P, Gillman MW, Taveras EM. The association of urbanicity with infant sleep duration. Health & Place 2012;18(5):1000-1005. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (2013) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Bravo MA, Fuentes M, Zhang Y, Burr MJ, Bell ML. Comparison of exposure estimation methods for air pollutants: ambient monitoring data and regional air quality simulation. Environmental Research 2012;116:1-10. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R833863 (2011) R833863 (2012) R833863 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Bravo MA, Son J, de Freitas CU, Gouveia N, Bell ML. Air pollution and mortality in Sao Paulo, Brazil: effects of multiple pollutants and analysis of susceptible populations. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2016;26(2):150-161. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Bravo MA, Ebisu K, Dominici F, Wang Y, Peng RD, Bell ML. Airborne fine particles and risk of hospital admissions for understudied populations: effects by urbanicity and short-term cumulative exposures in 708 U.S. counties. Environmental Health Perspectives 2017;125(4):594-601. |
R834798 (Final) R833863 (Final) R835871 (2016) R835871 (2017) R835871 (2018) R835871 (2020) R835871C004 (2016) R835871C004 (2017) |
Breysse PN, Delfino RJ, Dominici F, Elder ACP, Frampton MW, Froines JR, Geyh AS, Godleski JJ, Gold DR, Hopke PK, Koutrakis P, Li N, Oberdorster G, Pinkerton KE, Samet JM, Utell MJ, Wexler AS. US EPA particulate matter research centers: summary of research results for 2005–2011. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2013;6(2):333-355. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2013) R834798C001 (2014) R832413 (Final) R832414 (Final) R832415 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Busenkell E, Collins C, Moy M, Hart J, Grady S, Coull B, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P, Harshick E. Modification of associations between indoor particulate matter and systemic inflammation in individuals with COPD. ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH 2022;209(112802). |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Carll AP, Crespo SM, Mauricio Filho S, Zati DH, Coull BA, Diaz EA, Raimundo RD, Jaeger TN, Ricci-Vitor AL, Papapostolou V, Lawrence JE, Garner DM, Perry BS, Harkema JR, Godleski JJ. Inhaled ambient-level traffic-derived particulates decrease cardiac vagal influence and baroreflexes and increase arrhythmia in a rat model of metabolic syndrome. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2017;14(1):16 (15 pp.). |
R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Carmona JJ, Sofer T, Hutchinson J, Cantone L, Coull B, Maity A, Vokonas P, Lin X, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Short-term airborne particulate matter exposure alters the epigenetic landscape of human genes associated with the mitogen-activated protein kinase network: a cross-sectional study. Environmental Health 2014;13:94 (14 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Carreras H, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P. Effect of daily temperature range on respiratory health in Argentina and its modification by impaired socio-economic conditions and PM10 exposures. Environmental Pollution 2015;206:175-182. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Castillo M, Wagner J, Casuccio G, West R, Freedman F, Eisl H, Wang Z, Yip J, Kinney P. Field testing a low-cost passive aerosol sampler for long-term measurement of ambient PM2.5 concentrations and particle composition. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 2019;216:116905. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Cefalu M, Dominici F. Does exposure prediction bias health-effect estimation?: The relationship between confounding adjustment and exposure prediction. Epidemiology 2014;25(4):583-590. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) R834900 (Final) |
Exit |
Cefalu M, Dominici F, Arvold N, Parmigiani G. Model averaged double robust estimation. Biometrics 2017;73(2):410-421. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit |
Chiu Y-HM, Coull BA, Sternthal MJ, Kloog I, Schwartz J, Cohen S, Wright RJ. Effects of prenatal community violence and ambient air pollution on childhood wheeze in an urban population.Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2014;133(3):713-722.e4. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chiu Y-HM, Hsu H-HL, Coull BA, Bellinger DC, Kloog I, Schwartz J, Wright RO, Wright RJ. Prenatal particulate air pollution and neurodevelopment in urban children:examining sensitive windows and sex-specific associations. Environment International 2016;87:56-65. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chudnovsky AA, Lee HJ, Kostinski A, Kotlov T, Koutrakis P. Prediction of daily fine particulate matter concentrations using aerosol optical depth retrievals from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2012;62(9):1022-1031. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chudnovsky AA, Tang C, Lyapustin A, Wang Y, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P. A critical assessment of high-resolution aerosol optical depth retrievals for fine particulate matter predictions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2013;13(21):10907-10917. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chudnovsky AA, Koutrakis P, Kloog I, Melly S, Nordio F, Lyapustin A, Wang Y, Schwartz J. Fine particulate matter predictions using high resolution Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) retrievals. Atmospheric Environment 2014;89:189-198. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chudnovsky AA, Lyapustin A, Wang Y, Tang C, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P. High resolution aerosol data from MODIS satellite for urban air quality studies. Central European Journal of Geosciences 2014:6(1):17-26. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chudnovsky AA, Koutrakis P, Kostinski A, Proctor SP, Garshick E. Spatial and temporal variability in desert dust and anthropogenic pollution in Iraq, 1997–2010. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2017;67(1):17-26. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chudnovsky AA, Kostinski A, Lyapustin A, Koutrakis P. Spatial scales of pollution from variable resolution satellite imaging. Environmental Pollution 2013;172:131-138. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chung M, Wang DD, Rizzo AM, Gachette D, Delnord M, Parambi R, Kang C-M, Brugge D. Association of PNC, BC, and PM2.5 measured at a central monitoring site with blood pressure in a predominantly near highway population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2015;12(3):2765-2780. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Chung Y, Dominici F, Wang Y, Coull BA, Bell ML. Associations between long-term exposure to chemical constituents of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and mortality in Medicare enrollees in the eastern United States. Environmental Health Perspectives 2015;123(5):467-474. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) R834900 (Final) |
Chung, M., Wang, D.D., Rizzo, A.M., Gachette, D., Delnord, M., Parambi, R., Kang, C.-M., and Brugge, D. (2015). Association of PNC, BC, and PM2.5 Measured at a Central Monitoring Site with Blood Pressure in a Predominantly Near Highway Population. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12, 2765-2780. |
R834798C005 (Final) |
not available |
Colicino E, Power MC, Cox DG, Weisskopf MG, Hou L, Alexeeff SE, Sanchez-Guerra M, Vokonas P, Spiro III A, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Mitochondrial haplogroups modify the effect of black carbon on age‐related cognitive impairment. Environmental Health 2014;13(1):42. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Colicino E, Giuliano G, Power MC, Lepeule J, Wilker EH, Vokonas P, Brennan KJ, Fossati S, Hoxha M, Spiro III A, Weisskopf MG Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Long-term exposure to black carbon, cognition and single nucleotide polymorphisms in microRNA processing genes in older men. Environment International 2016;88:86-93. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Colicino E, Wilson A, Frisardi MC, Prada D, Power MC, Hoxha M, Dioni L, Spiro III A, Vokonas PS, Weisskopf MG, Schwartz JD, Baccarelli AA. Telomere length, long-term black carbon exposure, and cognitive function in a cohort of older men:the VA Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2017;125(1):76-81. |
R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Conti S, Lafranconi A, Zanobetti A, Fornari C, Madotto F, Schwartz J, Cesana G. Cardiorespiratory treatments as modifiers of the relationship between particulate matter and health:A case-only analysis on hospitalized patients in Italy. Environmental Research 2015;136:491-499. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Correia AW, Pope III CA, Dockery DW, Wang Y, Ezzati M, Dominici F. Effect of air pollution control on life expectancy in the United States: an analysis of 545 U.S. counties for the period 2000 to 2007. Epidemiology 2013;24(1):23-31. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2012) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (2013) |
Exit |
Cowell WJ, Bellinger DC, Coull BA, Gennings C, Wright RO, Wright RJ. Associations between prenatal exposure to black carbon and memory domains in urban children: modification by sex and prenatal stress. PLoS One 2015;10(11):e0142492 (14 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Dai L, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P, Schwartz JD. Associations of fine particulate matter species with mortality in the United States: a multicity time-series analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(8):837-842. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Dai L, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz JD. Use of the adaptive LASSO method to identify PM2.5 components associated with blood pressure in elderly men:the Veterans Affairs Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(1):120-125. |
R834798 (2015) R834798C002 (Final) |
Dai L, Bind MA, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz JD. Fine particles, genetic pathways, and markers of inflammation and endothelial dysfunction: analysis on particulate species and sources. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2016;26(4):415-421. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Dai L, Kloog I, Coull BA, Sparrow D, Spiro III A, Vokonas PS, Schwartz JD. Cognitive function and short-term exposure to residential air temperature: a repeated measures study based on spatiotemporal estimates of temperature. Environmental Research 2016;150:446-451. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Deslauriers J, Redlich C, Kang C, Grady S, Slade M, Koutrakis P, Garshick E. Determinants of indoor carbonaceous aerosols in homes in the Northeast United States. JOURNAL OF THE EXPOSURE SCIENCE & ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY 2022;. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Di Q, Dai L, Wang Y, Zanobetti A, Choirat C, Schwartz JD, Dominici F. Association of short-term exposure to air pollution with mortality in older adults. JAMA 2017;318(24):2446-2456. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) R835872 (2017) |
Exit |
Di Q, Rowland S, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J. A hybrid model for spatially and temporally resolved ozone exposures in the continental United States. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2017;67(1):39-52. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit |
Di Q, Wang Y, Zanobetti A, Wang Y, Koutrakis P, Choirat C, Dominici F, Schwartz JD. Air pollution and mortality in the Medicare population. New England Journal of Medicine 2017;376(26):2513-2522. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) R835872 (2016) R835872 (2017) |
Exit |
Diaz EA, Lemos M, Coull B, Long MS, Rohr AC, Ruiz P, Gupta T, Kang C-M, Godleski JJ. Toxicological Evaluation of Realistic Emission Source Aerosols (TERESA)--power plant studies: assessment of breathing pattern. Inhalation Toxicology 2011;23(Suppl 2):42-59. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832416C005 (2010) |
Exit Exit |
Diaz EA, Chung Y, Papapostolou V, Lawrence J, Long MS, Hatakeyama V, Gomes B, Calil Y, Sato R, Koutrakis P, Godleski JJ. Effects of fresh and aged vehicular exhaust emissions on breathing pattern and cellular responses – pilot single vehicle study. Inhalation Toxicology 2012;24(5):288-295. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2012) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C001 (Final) R827353 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Diaz EA, Chung Y, Lamoureux DP, Papapostolou V, Lawrence J, Long MS, Mazzaro V, Buonfiglio H, Sato R, Koutrakis P, Godleski JJ. Effects of fresh and aged traffic-related particles on breathing pattern, cellular responses, and oxidative stress. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2013;6(2):431-444. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2012) R834798C001 (2013) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C001 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Diez DM, Dominici F, Zarubiak D, Levi JI. Statistical approaches for identifying air pollutant mixtures associated with aircraft departures at Los Angeles International Airport. Environmental Science & Technology 2012;46(15):8229-8235. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Dominici F, Mittleman MA. China’s air quality dilemma:reconciling economic growth with environmental protection. Journal of the American Medical Association 2012;307(19):2100-2102 (editorial). |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2012) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (2012) R834894 (2013) R834894 (Final) |
Exit |
Dominici F, Greenstone M, Sunstein CR. Particulate matter matters. Science 2014;344(6181):257-259. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834900 (Final) |
Exit |
Dominici F, Wang Y, Correia AW, Ezzati M, Pope IIII CA, Dockery DW. Chemical composition of fine particulate matter and life expectancy: in 95 US counties between 2002 and 2007. Epidemiology 2015;26(4):556-564. |
R834798 (Final) R834894 (2013) R834894 (Final) R834900 (Final) |
Exit |
Dorans KS, Wilker EH, Li W, Rice MB, Ljungman PL, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Kloog I, Koutrakis P, D’Agostino RB, Massaro JM, Hoffmann U, O'Donnell J, Mittleman MA. Residential proximity to major roads, exposure to fine particulate matter, and coronary artery calcium: the Framingham Heart Study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 2016;36(8):1679-1685. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit |
Dorans KS, Wilker EH, Li W, Rice MB, Ljungman PL, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Kloog I, Koutrakis P, D’Agostino RB, Massaro JM, Hoffmann U, O'Donnell J, Mittleman MA. Residential proximity to major roads, exposure to fine particulate matter and aortic calcium:the Framingham Heart Study, a cohort study. BMJ Open . 2017;7(3):e013455. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Dorans KS, Wilker EH, Li W, et al. Residential proximity to major roads, exposure to fine particulate matter and aortic calcium:The Framingham Heart Study, a cohort study. BMJ open. 2017;7:e013455. |
R834798C003 (Final) |
not available |
dos Santos N, Zilli V, Nascimento S, Mazzilli B, Saki M, Saueia C, Saldiva De Andre C, Justo L, Tisti M, Koutrakis P. Levels of Polonium-210 in brain and pulmonary tissues:Preliminary study in autopsies conducted in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020;10(1):180. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Ebisu K, Bell ML. Airborne PM2.5 chemical components and low birth weight in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. Environmental Health Perspectives 2012;120(12):1746-1752. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) |
Ebisu K, Belanger K, Bell ML. The association between airborne PM2.5 chemical constituents and birth weight--implication of buffer exposure assignment. Environmental Research Letters 2014;9(8):084007 (12 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Ebisu K, Holford TR, Bell ML. Association between greenness, urbanicity, and birth weight. Science of the Total Environment 2016;542(Pt A):750-756. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Ebisu K, Berman JD, Bell ML. Exposure to coarse particulate matter during gestation and birth weight in the U.S. Environment International 2016;94:519-524. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Fang SC, Mehta AJ, Alexeeff SE, Gryparis A, Coull B, Vokonas P, Christiani DC, Schwartz J. Residential black carbon exposure and circulating markers of systemic inflammation in elderly males: the normative aging study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2012;120(5):674-680. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Fang SC, Schwartz J, Yang M, Yaggi HK, Bliwise DL, Araujo AB. Traffic‐related air pollution and sleep in the Boston Area Community Health Survey. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2015;25(5):451-456. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit |
Fiffer M, Kang C, Requia W, Koutrakis P. Long-term impact of PM(2.5)mass and sulfur Reductions on ultrafine particle trends in Boston, MA from 1999 to 2018. JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 2020;70(7):700-707. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Fleisch AF, Gold DR, Rifas-Shiman SL, Koutrakis P, Schwartz JD, Kloog I, Melly S, Coull BA, Zanobetti A, Gillman MW, Oken E. Air pollution exposure and abnormal glucose tolerance during pregnancy: the Project Viva cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014:122(4):378-383. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (2014) |
Fleisch AF, Kloog I, Luttmann-Gibson H, Gold DR, Oken E, and Schwartz JD. Air Pollution Exposure and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Among Pregnant Women in Massachusetts:a Cohort Study. Environmental Health 2016; 15:40-48. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R835437 (2016) |
Exit |
Fleisch AF, Kloog I, Luttmann-Gibson H, Gold DR, Oken E, Schwartz JD. Air pollution exposure and gestational diabetes mellitus among pregnant women in Massachusetts: a Cohort Study. Environmental Health 2016;15(1):40 (9 pp.). |
R834798 (2016) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Fleisch AF, Luttmann‐Gibson H, Perng W, Rifas‐Shiman SL, Coull BA, Kloog I, Koutrakis P, Schwartz JD, Zanobetti A, Mantzoros CS, Gillman MW, Gold DR, Oken E. Prenatal and early life exposure to traffic pollution and cardiometabolic health in childhood. Pediatric Obesity 2017;12(1):48-57. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit |
Fossati S, Baccarelli A, Zanobetti A, Hoxha M, Vokonas PS, Wright RO, Schwartz J. Ambient particulate air pollution and MicroRNAs in elderly men. Epidemiology 2014;25(1):68-78. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Fuller CH, Brugge D, Williams PL, Mittleman MA, Durant JL, Spengler JD. Estimation of ultrafine particle concentrations at near-highway residences using data from local and central monitors. Atmospheric Environment 2012;57:257-265. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Fuller CH, Williams PL, Mittleman MA, Patton AP, Spengler JD, Brugge D. Response of biomarkers of inflammation and coagulation to short-term changes in central site, local, and predicted particle number concentrations. Annals of Epidemiology 2015;25(7):505-511. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Gaskins A, Tang Z, Hood R, Ford J, Schwartz J, Jones D, Laden F, Liang D. Periconception air pollution, metabolomic biomarkers, and fertility among women undergoing assisted reproduction. ENVIRONMENTAL INTERNATIONAL 2021;155:106666. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Godleski JJ, Diaz EA, Lemos M, Long M, Ruiz P, Gupta T, Kang C-M, Coull B. Toxicological Evaluation of Realistic Emission Source Aerosols (TERESA)-power plant studies: assessment of cellular responses. Inhalation Toxicology 2011;23(Suppl 2):60-74. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832416C005 (2010) |
Exit Exit |
Godleski JJ, Rohr AC, Kang CM, Diaz EA, Ruiz PA, Koutrakis P. Toxicological Evaluation of Realistic Emission Source Aerosols (TERESA): introduction and overview. Inhalation Toxicology 2011;23(Suppl 2):1-10. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832416C005 (2010) |
Exit Exit |
Godleski JJ, Rohr AC, Coull BA, Kang CM, Diaz EA, Koutrakis P. Toxicological Evaluation of Realistic Emission Source Aerosols (TERESA): summary and conclusions. Inhalation Toxicology 2011;23(Suppl 2):95-103. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Godleski J, Rohr A, Coull B, Kang C, Diaz E, Koutrakis P. Toxicological evaluation of realistic emission source aerosols TERESA:summary and conclusions. INHALATION TOXICOLOGY 2011;23:95-103. |
R834798 (Final) R827353 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Gold DR, Mittleman MA. New insights into pollution and the cardiovascular system: 2010 to 2012. Circulation 2013;127(18):1903-1913. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2013) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) R834798C004 (2013) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Grady ST, Koutrakis P, Hart JE, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Laden F, Zhang JJ, Gong J, Moy ML, Garshick E. Indoor black carbon of outdoor origin and oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Environment International 2018;115:188-195. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) |
Greven S, Dominici F, Zeger S. An approach to the estimation of chronic air pollution effects using spatio-temporal information. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2011;106(494):396-406. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832417 (Final) R833622 (2009) R833622 (Final) R834894 (2012) R834894 (2013) |
Exit Exit |
Guo L, Byun H-M, Zhong J, Motta V, Barupal J, Zheng Y, Dou C, Zhang F, McCracken JP, Diaz A, Marco SG, Colicino S, Schwartz J, Wang S, Hou L, Baccarelli AA. Effects of short-term exposure to inhalable particulate matter on DNA methylation of tandem repeats. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 2014;55(4):322-335. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Habre R, Coull B, Koutrakis P. Impact of source collinearity in simulated PM2.5 data on the PMF receptor model solution. Atmospheric Environment 2011;45(38):6938-6946. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Harris MH, Gold DR, Rifas-Shiman SL, Melly SJ, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Schwartz JD, Gryparis A, Kloog I, Koutrakis P, Bellinger DC, White RF, Sagiv SK, Oken E. Prenatal and childhood traffic-related pollution exposure and childhood cognition in the Project Viva Cohort (Massachusetts, USA). Environmental Health Perspectives 2015;123(10):1072-1078. |
R834798 (2015) |
Harris MH, Gold DR, Rifas-Shiman SL, Melly SJ, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Schwartz JD, Gryparis A, Kloog I, Koutrakis P, Bellinger DC, Belfort MB, Webster TF, White RF, Sagiv SK, Oken E. Prenatal and childhood traffic-related air pollution exposure and childhood executive function and behavior. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 2016;57(Sep-Oct):60-70. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Hart JE, Grady ST, Laden F, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Schwartz JD, Moy ML, Garshick E. Effects of indoor and ambient black carbon and PM 2.5 on pulmonary function among individuals with COPD. Environmental Health Perspectives 2018;126(12):127008. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) R835872 (2019) R835872 (2020) |
Hoffmann B, Luttmann-Gibson H, Cohen A, Zanobetti A, de Souza C, Foley C, Suh HH, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Mittleman M, Stone P, Horton E, Gold DR. Opposing effects of particle pollution, ozone, and ambient temperature on arterial blood pressure. Environmental Health Perspectives 2012;120(2):241-246. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C004 (2012) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832416C001 (Final) |
Exit |
Hood R, James P, Fong K, Minguez-Alcaron L, Coull B, Schwartz J, Kloog I, Laden F, Gasking A. The influence of fine particulate matter on the association between residential greenness and ovarian reserve. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2021;197:111162. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Hou L, Wang S, Dou C, Zhang X, Yu Y, Zheng Y, Avula U, Hoxha M, Díaz A, McCracken J, Barretta F, Marinelli B, Bertazzi PA, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Air pollution exposure and telomere length in highly exposed subjects in Beijing, China: a repeated-measure study. Environment International 2012;48:71-77. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Hou L, Zhang X, Dioni L, Barretta F, Dou C, Zheng Y, Hoxha M, Bertazzi PA, Schwartz J, Wu S, Wang S, Baccarelli AA. Inhalable particulate matter and mitochondrial DNA copy number in highly exposed individuals in Beijing, China: a repeated-measure study. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2013;10:17. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Hou L, Zhang X, Zheng Y, Wang S, Dou C, Guo L, Byun H-M, Motta V, McCracken J, Díaz A, Kang C-M, Koutrakis P, Bertazzi PA, Li J, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Altered methylation in tandem repeat element and elemental component levels in inhalable air particles. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 2014;55(3):256-265. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Hou L, Barupal J, Zhang W, Zheng YA, Liu L, Zhang X, Dou C, McCracken JP, Diaz A, Motta V, Sanchez-Guerra M, Wolf KR, Bertazzi PA, Schwartz JD, Wang S, Baccarelli AA. Particulate air pollution exposure and expression of viral and human microRNAs in blood: The Beijing Truck Driver Air Pollution Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(3):344-350. |
R834798 (Final) |
Howe C, Coull B, Papatheodorou S, Luttmann-Gibson H, Rifas-Shiman S, Wilson A, Kloog I, Di Q, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J, Oken E, Gold D. Relative humidity, temperature, and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: Findings from the Project Viva cohort. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2024;257(119211) |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Hsu H-HL, Chiu Y-HM, Coull BA, Kloog I, Schwartz J, Lee A, Wright RO, Wright RJ. Prenatal particulate air pollution and asthma onset in urban children. Identifying sensitive windows and sex differences. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2015;192(9):1052-1059. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Huang K, Yang X, Liang F, Liu F, Li J, Xiao Q, Chen J, Liu X, Cao J, Shen C, Yu L, Lu F, Wu X, Zhao L, Wu X, Li Y, Hu D, Huang J, Liu Y, Lu X, Gu D. Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Hypertension Incidence in China:The China-PAR Cohort Study. HYPERTENSION 2019;242:675-683. |
R834798 (Final) R835869 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Hwang S, Hood R, Hauser R, Schwartz J, Laden F, Jones D, Liang D, Gaskins A. Using follicular fluid metabolomics to investigate the association between air pollution and oocyte quality. ENVIRONMENTAL INTERNATIONAL 2022;169(107522). |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2021) |
Exit |
Ierodiakonou D, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Melly S, Postma DS, Boezen HM, Vonk JM, Williams PV, Shapiro GG, McKone EF, Hallstrand TS, Koenig JQ, Schildcrout JS, Lumley T, Fuhlbrigge AN, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J, Weiss ST, Gold DR, Childhood Asthma Management Program Research Group. Ambient air pollution, lung function, and airway responsiveness in asthmatic children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2016;137(2):390-399. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (2016) R834798C004 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Jhun I, Oyola P, Moreno F, Castillo MA, Koutrakis P. PM2.5 mass and species trends in Santiago, Chile, 1998 to 2010: the impact of fuel-related interventions and fuel sales. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2013;63(2):161-169. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Jhun I, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Hubbell B, Koutrakis P. The impact of weather changes on air quality and health in the United States in 1994-2012. Environmental Research Letters 2015;10(8):084009 (11 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Jhun I, Coull BA, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P. The impact of nitrogen oxides concentration decreases on ozone trends in the USA. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2015;8(3):283-292. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Joyce BT, Gao T, Zheng Y, Liu L, Zhang W, Dai Q, Shrubsole MJ, Hibler EA, Cristofanilli M, Zhang H, Yang H, Vokonas P, Cantone L, Schwartz J, Baccarelli A, Hou L. Prospective changes in global DNA methylation and cancer incidence and mortality. British Journal of Cancer 2016;115(4):465-472. |
R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Kang C-M, Gupta T, Ruiz PA, Wolfson JM, Ferguson ST, Lawrence JE, Rohr AC, Godleski J, Koutrakis P. Aged particles derived from emissions of coal-fired power plants: the TERESA field results. Inhalation Toxicology 2011;23(Suppl 2):11-30. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832416C005 (2010) R832416C005 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Kang C, Achilleos S, Lawrence J, Wolfson J, Koutrakis P. Interlab Comparison of Elemental Analysis for Low Ambient Urban PM2.5 Levels. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2014;48(20):12150-12156. |
R834798 (Final) |
Kingsley SL, Eliot MN, Glazer K, Awad YA, Schwartz JD, Savitz DA, Kelsey KT, Marsit CJ, Wellenius GA. Maternal ambient air pollution, preterm birth and markers of fetal growth in Rhode Island:results of a hospital-based linkage study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2017;71(12):1131-1136. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2017) |
Exit |
Kioumourtzoglou MA, Coull BA, Dominici F, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J, Suh H. The impact of source contribution uncertainty on the effects of source-specific PM2.5 on hospital admissions:a case study in Boston, MA. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2014;24(4):365-371. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
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Kioumourtzoglou M-A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD, Coull BA, Dominici F, Suh HH. The effect of primary organic particles on emergency hospital admissions among the elderly in 3 US cities. Environmental Health 2013;12(1):68 (10 pp.). |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
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Kioumourtzoglou M-A, Austin E, Koutrakis P, Dominici F, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A. PM2.5 and survival among older adults: effect modification by particulate composition. Epidemiology 2015;26(3):321-327. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834894 (Final) R834900 (Final) |
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Kioumourtzoglou M-A, Schwartz JD, Weisskopf MG, Melly SJ, Wang Y, Dominici F, Zanobetti A. Long-term PM2.5 exposure and neurological hospital admissions in the Northeastern United States. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(1):23-29. |
R834798 (Final) |
Kioumourtzoglou M-A, Schwartz JD, Weisskopf MG, Melly SJ, Wang Y, Dominici F, Zanobetti A. Long-term PM2.5 exposure and neurological hospital admissions in the northeastern United States. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016:124(1):23-29. |
R834798 (2015) R834894 (Final) R834900 (Final) |
Kioumourtzoglou, M.-A., Austin, E., Koutrakis, P., Dominici, F.S., J. D., and Zanobetti, A. (2015). PM2.5 and Survival Among Older Adults Effect Modification by Particulate Composition. Epidemiology 26, 321-327. |
R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
Exit |
Kioumourtzoglou, M.-A., Schwartz, J., Weisskopf, M.G., Melly, S., Wang, Y., Dominici, F., and Zanobetti, A. (2015). Long-term PM2.5 Exposure and Neurological Hospital Admissions in the Northeastern United States. Environmental Health Perspectives 124, 23-29. |
R834798C005 (Final) |
Kloog I, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Lee HJ, Schwartz J. Assessing temporally and spatially resolved PM2.5 exposures for epidemiological studies using satellite aerosol optical depth measurements. Atmospheric Environment 2011;45(35):6267-6275. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2012) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
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Kloog I, Coull BA, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P, Schwartz JD. Acute and chronic effects of particles on hospital admissions in New-England. PLoS ONE 2012;7(4):e34664 (8 pp.). |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2012) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
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Kloog I, Chudnovsky A, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J. Temporal and spatial assessments of minimum air temperature using satellite surface temperature measurements in Massachusetts, USA. Science of The Total Environment 2012;432:85-92. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
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Kloog I, Melly SJ, Ridgway WL, Coull BA, Schwartz J. Using new satellite based exposure methods to study the association between pregnancy PM2.5 exposure, premature birth and birth weight in Massachusetts. Environmental Health 2012;11:40 (8 pp.). |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2012) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
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Kloog I, Nordio F, Coull BA, Schwartz J. Incorporating local land use regression and satellite aerosol optical depth in a hybrid model of spatiotemporal PM2.5 exposures in the Mid-Atlantic states. Environmental Science & Technology 2012;46(21):11913-11921. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) |
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Kloog I, Ridgway B, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Schwartz JD. Long-and short-term exposure to PM2.5 and mortality:using novel exposure models. Epidemiology 2013;24(4):555-561. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Kloog I, Nordio F, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Schwartz JD. Short term effects of particle exposure on hospital admissions in the Mid-Atlantic states: a population estimate. PLoS ONE 2014;9(2):e88578 (7 pp.). |
R834798 (2014) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
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Kloog I, Nordio F, Coull BA, Schwartz J. Predicting spatiotemporal mean air temperature using MODIS satellite surface temperature measurements across the Northeastern USA. Remote Sensing of Environment 2014;150:132-139. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
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Kloog I, Chudnovsky AA, Just AC, Nordio F, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Lyapustin A, Wang Y, Schwartz J. A new hybrid spatio-temporal model for estimating daily multi-year PM2.5 concentrations across northeastern USA using high resolution aerosol optical depth data. Atmospheric Environment 2014;95:581-590. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Kloog I, Zanobetti A, Nordio F, Coull BA, Baccarelli AA, Schwartz J. Effects of airborne fine particles (PM2.5 ) on deep vein thrombosis admissions in the northeastern United States. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2015;13(5):768-774. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Kloog I, Melly SJ, Coull BA, Nordio F, Schwartz JD. Using satellite-based spatiotemporal resolved air temperature exposure to study the association between ambient air temperature and birth outcomes in Massachusetts. Environmental Health Perspectives 2015;123(10):1053-1058. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) |
Krall JR, Anderson GB, Dominici F, Bell ML, Peng RD. Short-term exposure to particulate matter constituents and mortality in a national study of U.S. urban communities. Environmental Health Perspectives 2013;121(10):1148-1153. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832417 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
Krieger N, Waterman PD, Gryparis A, Coull BA. Black carbon exposure more strongly associated with census tract poverty compared to household income among US black, white, and Latino working class adults in Boston, MA (2003-2010). Environmental Pollution 2014;190:36-42. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Krieger N, Waterman PD, Gryparis A, Coull BA. Black carbon exposure, socioeconomic and racial/ethnic spatial polarization, and the Index of Concentration at the Extremes (ICE). Health & Place 2015;34:215-228. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Lamoureux DP, Diaz EA, Chung Y, Coull BA, Papapostolou V, Lawrence J, Sato R, Godleski JJ. Effects of fresh and aged vehicular particulate emissions on blood pressure in normal adult male rats. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2013;6(2):407-418. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2012) R834798C001 (2013) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C001 (Final) R827353 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
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Lee HJ, Coull BA, Bell ML, Koutrakis P. Use of satellite-based aerosol optical depth and spatial clustering to predict ambient PM2.5 concentrations. Environmental Research 2012;118:8-15. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
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Lee HJ, Kang C-M, Coull BA, Bell ML, Koutrakis P. Assessment of primary and secondary ambient particle trends using satellite aerosol optical depth and ground speciation data in the New England region, United States. Environmental Research 2014;133:103-110. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
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Lee HJ, Koutrakis P. Daily ambient NO2 concentration predictions using satellite ozone monitoring instrument NO2 data and land use regression. Environmental Science & Technology 2014;48(4):2305-2311. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Lee M, Kloog I, Chudnovsky A, Lyapustin A, Wang Y, Melly S, Coull B, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J. Spatiotemporal prediction of fine particulate matter using high-resolution satellite images in the Southeastern US 2003-2011. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2016;26(4):377-384. |
R834798 (2015) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Lee M, Shi L, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD. Study on the association between ambient temperature and mortality using spatially resolved exposure data. Environmental Research 2016;151:610-617. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Lee M, Schwartz J, Wang Y, Dominici F, Zanobetti A. Long-term effect of fine particulate matter on hospitalization with dementia. Environmental Pollution 2019;254:112. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2019) |
Exit Exit |
Lee W-C, Shen L, Catalano PJ, Mickley LJ, and Koutrakis P. Effects of Future Temperature Change on PM2.5 Infiltration in the Greater Boston Area. Atmospheric Environment 2017;150:98-105. |
R834798 (Final) R835437 (2016) R835755 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Lemos M, Diaz EA, Gupta T, Kang C-M, Ruiz P, Coull BA, Godleski JJ, Gonzalez-Flecha B. Cardiac and pulmonary oxidative stress in rats exposed to realistic emissions of source aerosols. Inhalation Toxicology 2011;23(Suppl 2):75-83. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832416C005 (2010) |
Exit Exit |
Lepeule J, Laden F, Dockery D, Schwartz J. Chronic exposure to fine particles and mortality: an extended follow-up of the Harvard Six Cities study from 1974 to 2009. Environmental Health Perspectives 2012;120(7):965-970. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2012) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit |
Lepeule J, Baccarelli A, Tarantini L, Motta V, Cantone L, Litonjua AA, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz J. Gene promoter methylation is associated with lung function in the elderly: the Normative Aging Study. Epigenetics 2012;7(3):261-269. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2012) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Lepeule J, Bind M-AC, Baccarelli AA, Koutrakis P, Tarantini L, Litonjua A, Sparrow D, Vokonas P, Schwartz JD. Epigenetic influences on associations between air pollutants and lung function in elderly men: the Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122( 6):566-572. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Lepeule J, Litonjua AA, Coull B, Koutrakis P, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz J. Long-term effects of traffic particles on lung function decline in the elderly. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014;190(5):542-548. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Lepeule J, Litonjua AA, Gasparrini A, Koutrakis P, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz J. Lung function association with outdoor temperature and relative humidity and Its interaction with air pollution in the elderly. Environmental Research 2018;165:110-117. |
R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Levy JI, Diez D, Dou Y, Barr CD, Dominici F. A meta-analysis and multisite time-series analysis of the differential toxicity of major fine particulate matter constituents. American Journal of Epidemiology 2012;175(11):1091-1099. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C005 (2012) R834798C005 (Final) R832416C001 (Final) R832417 (Final) R834894 (2012) R834894 (2013) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Levy JI, Fabian MP, Peters JL. Meta-analytic approaches for multistressor dose-response function development: strengths, limitations, and case studies. Risk Analysis 2015;35(6):1040-1049. |
R834798 (Final) R834557 (Final) R834577 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Li W, Dorans KS, Wilker EH, Rice MB, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Gold DR, Fox CS, Mittleman MA. Residential proximity to major roadways, fine particulate matter, and adiposity: the Framingham Heart Study. Obesity 2016;24(12):2593-2599. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Li W, Wilker EH, Dorans KS, Rice MB, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Gold DR, Keaney JF, Lin H, Vasan RS, Benjamin EJ, Mittleman MA. Short‐term exposure to air pollution and biomarkers of oxidative stress:the Framingham Heart Study. Journal of the American Heart Association 2016;5(5):e002742 (9 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Li W, Dorans KS, Wilker EH, Rice MB, Long MT, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Gold DR, Fox CS, Mittleman MA. Residential proximity to major roadways, fine particulate matter, and hepatic steatosis: the Framingham Heart Study. American Journal of Epidemiology 2017;186(7):857-865. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit |
Li W, Dorans KS, Wilker EH, Rice MB, Ljungman PL, Schwartz JD, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Gold DR, Keaney Jr JF, Vasan RS, Benjamin EJ, Mittleman MA. Short-term exposure to ambient air pollution and biomarkers of systemic inflammation: the Framingham Heart Study. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 2017;37(9):1793-1800. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Liang D, Lee W, Liao J, Lawence J, Wolfson J, Ebelt S, Kang C, Koutrakis P, Samat J. Estimating climate change-related impacts on outdoor air pollution infiltration. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2021;196(110923). |
R834798 (Final) R835755 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Link MS, Luttmann-Gibson H, Schwartz J, Mittleman MA, Wessler B, Gold DR, Dockery DW, Laden F. Acute exposure to air pollution triggers atrial fibrillation. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2013;62(9):816-825. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C004 (2013) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Liu JC, Pereira G, Uhl SA, Bravo MA, Bell ML. A systematic review of the physical health impacts from non-occupational exposure to wildfire smoke. Environmental Research 2015;136:120-132. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Liu JC, Wilson A, Mickley LJ, Dominici F, Ebisu K, Wang Y, Sulprizio MP, Peng RD, Yue X, Son JY, Anderson GB, Bell ML. Wildfire-specific fine particulate matter and risk of hospital admissions in urban and rural counties. Epidemiology 2017;28(1):77-85. |
R834798 (Final) R835871 (2017) R835871 (2018) R835871 (2020) |
Exit |
Liu JC, Wilson A, Mickley LJ, Ebisu K, Sulprizio MP, Wang Y, Peng RD, Yue X, Dominici F, Bell ML. Who among the elderly is most vulnerable to exposure to and health risks of fine particulate matter from wildfire smoke? American Journal of Epidemiology 2017;186(6):730-735. |
R834798 (Final) R835871 (2017) R835871 (2018) R835871 (2020) R835875 (2017) R835875 (2018) R835875 (2019) |
Exit Exit |
Ljungman PL, Wilker EH, Rice MB, Schwartz J, Gold DR, Koutrakis P, Vita JA, Mitchell GF, Vasan RS, Benjamin EJ, Mittleman MA, Hamburg NM. Short-term exposure to air pollution and digital vascular function. American Journal of Epidemiology 2014;180(5):482-489. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C004 (2014) |
Exit |
Ljungman PL, Mittleman MA. Ambient air pollution and stroke. Stroke. 2014b;45:3734-3741. |
R834798C003 (Final) |
not available |
Lue S-H, Wellenius GA, Wilker EH, Mostofsky E, Mittleman MA. Residential proximity to major roadways and renal function. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2013;67(8):629-634. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2013) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Maccarone J, Grady S, Moy M, Hart J, Kang C, Coull B, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P, Zhang J, Garshick E. Indoor (residential) and ambient particulate matter associations with urinary oxidative stress biomarkers in a COPD cohort. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2023;165352. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
MacNaughton P, Eitland E, Kloog I, Schwartz J, Allen J. Impact of particular matter exposure and surrounding “greenness” on chronic absenteeism in Massachusetts public schools. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2017;14(2):E207. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit |
MacNaughton P, Eitland E, Kloog I, Schwartz J, Allen J. Impact of Particulate Matter Exposure and Surrounding Greenness on Chronic Absenteeism in Massachusetts Public Schools. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2017;14(2):207. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Madrigano J, Baccarelli A, Mittleman MA, Sparrow D, Spiro III A, Vokonas PS, Cantone L, Kubzansky L, Schwartz J. Air pollution and DNA methylation: interaction by psychological factors in the VA Normative Aging Study. American Journal of Epidemiology 2012;176(3):224-232. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Madrigano J, Kloog I, Goldberg R, Coull BA, Mittleman MA, Schwartz J. Long-term exposure to PM2.5 and incidence of acute myocardial infarction. Environmental Health Perspectives 2013;121(2):192-196. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Madrigano J, Mittleman MA, Baccarelli A, Goldberg R, Melly S, von Klot S, Schwartz J. Temperature, myocardial infarction, and mortality: effect modification by individual-and area-level characteristics. Epidemiology 2013;24(3):439-446. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Madrigano J, Jack D, Anderson GB, Bell ML, Kinney PL. Temperature, ozone, and mortality in urban and non-urban counties in the northeastern United States. Environmental Health 2015;14:3 (11 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Mannshardt E, Sucic K, Jiao W, Dominici F, Frey HC, Reich B, Fuentes M. Comparing exposure metrics for the effects of fine particulate matter on emergency hospital admissions. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2013;23(6):627-636. |
R834798 (Final) R833863 (2012) R833863 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
Exit |
Masri S, Kang C-M, Koutrakis P. Composition and sources of fine and coarse particles collected during 2002–2010 in Boston, MA. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2015;65(3):287-297. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Masri S, Garshick E, Hart J, Bouhamra W, Koutrakis P. Use of visual range measurements to predict fine particulate matter exposures in Southwest Asia and Afghanistan. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2017;67(1):75-85. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Masri S, Garshick E, Coull B, Koutrakis P. A novel calibration approach using satellite and visibility observations to estimate fine particulate matter exposures in Southwest Asia and Afghanistan. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2017;67(1):86-95. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Matthaios V, Liu M, Li L, Kang M, Vieira C, Gold D, Koutrakis P. Sources of indoor PM2.5 gross alpha and beta activities measured in 340 homes. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2021;197. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Matthaios V, Kang C, Wolfson J, Greco K, Gaffin J, Hauptman M, Cunningham A, Petty C, Lawrence J, Gold D, Koutrakis P. Factors Influencing Classroom Exposures to Fine Particles, Black Carbon, and Nitrogen Dioxide in Inner-City Schools and Their Implications for Indoor Air Quality. ENVIRONMETAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES 2022;130(4):47005. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
McDevitt JJ, Koutrakis P, Ferguson ST, Wolfson JM, Fabian MP, Martins M, Pantelic J, Milton DK. Development and performance evaluation of an exhaled-breath bioaerosol collector for influenza virus. Aerosol Science and Technology 2013;47(4):444-451. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
McGuinn LA, Ward-Caviness CK, Neas LM, Schneider A, Diaz-Sanchez D, Cascio WE, Kraus WE, Hauser E, Dowdy E, Haynes C, Chudnovsky A, Koutrakis P, Devlin RB. Association between satellite-based estimates of long-term PM2.5 exposure and coronary artery disease. Environmental Research 2016;145:9-17. |
R834798 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Mehta AJ, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P, Mittleman MA, Sparrow D, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Associations between short-term changes in air pollution and correlates of arterial stiffness: the Veterans Affairs Normative Aging Study, 2007-2011. American Journal of Epidemiology 2014;179(2):192-199. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Mehta AJ, Kubzansky LD, Coull BA, Kloog I, Koutrakis P, Sparrow D, Spiro III A, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Associations between air pollution and perceived stress: the Veterans Administration Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health 2015;14:10 (10 pp.). |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Mehta AJ, Zanobetti A, Bind MA, Kloog I, Koutrakis P, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Schwartz JD. Long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and renal function in older men: the Veterans Administration Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(9):1353-1360. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) R834514C004 (Final) |
Mittleman MA, Mostofsky E. Exchangeability in the case-crossover design. International Journal of Epidemiology 2014;43(5):1645-1655. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Montresor-Lopez JA, Yanosky JD, Mittleman MA, Sapkota A, He X, Hibbert JD, Wirth MD, Puett RC. Short-term exposure to ambient ozone and stroke hospital admission: a case-crossover analysis. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2016;26(2):162-166. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Mordukhovich I, Lepeule J, Coull BA, Sparrow D, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. The effect of oxidative stress polymorphisms on the association between long-term black carbon exposure and lung function among elderly men. Thorax 2015;70(2):133-137. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Mordukhovich I, Coull B, Kloog I, Koutrakis P, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Exposure to sub-chronic and long-term particulate air pollution and heart rate variability in an elderly cohort: the Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health 2015;14:87 (10 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Mordukhovich I, Kloog I, Coull B, Koutrakis P, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Association between particulate air pollution and QT interval duration in an elderly cohort. Epidemiology 2016;27(2):284-290. |
R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit |
Mordukhovich, I., Coull, B.A., Kloog, I., Koutrakis, P., Vokonas, P., and Schwartz, J. (2015). Exposure to Sub-Chronic and Long-t4erm Particulate Air Pollution and Heart Rate Variability in an Elderly Cohort:the Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health 14, 1-10. |
R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) |
not available |
Mostofsky E, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Wellenius GA, Suh HH, Gold DR, Mittleman MA. Modeling the association between particle constituents of air pollution and health outcomes. American Journal of Epidemiology 2012;176(4):317-326. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (2013) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Mostofsky E, Wilker EH, Schwartz J, Zanobetti A, Gold DR, Wellenius GA, Mittleman MA. Short-term changes in ambient temperature and risk of ischemic stroke. Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra 2014;4(1):9-18. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) R834798C004 (2014) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Mostofsky, E., Schwartz, J., Coull, B., Koutrakis, P., Wellenius, G.A., Suh, H.H., Gold, D.R., and Mittleman, M.A. (2012). Modeling the Association between Particle Constituents of Air Pollution and Health Outcomes. American Journal of Epidemiology 176, 317 – 326. |
R834798C002 (Final) R834798C003 (Final) |
not available |
Nguyen JL, Laden F, Link MS, Schwartz J, Luttmann-Gibson H, Dockery DW. Weather and triggering of ventricular arrhythmias in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2015;25(2):175-181. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Nguyen JL, Link MS, Luttmann-Gibson H, Laden F, Schwartz J, Wessler BS, Mittleman MA, Gold DR, Dockery DW. Drier air, lower temperatures, and triggering of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Epidemiology 2015;26(3):374-380. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Nordio F, Kloog I, Coull BA, Chudnovsky A, Grillo P, Bertazzi PA, Baccarelli AA, Schwartz J. Estimating spatio-temporal resolved PM10 aerosol mass concentrations using MODIS satellite data and land use regression over Lombardy, Italy. Atmospheric Environment 2013;74:227-236. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Oken E, Baccarelli AA, Gold DR, Kleinman KP, Litonjua AA, De Meo D, Rich-Edwards JW, Rifas-Shiman SL, Sagiv S, Taveras EM, Weiss ST, Belfort MB, Burris HH, Camargo Jr. CA, Huh SY, Mantzoros C, Parker MG, Gillman MW. Cohort profile: Project Viva. International Journal of Epidemiology 2015;44(1):37-48. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Panni T, Mehta AJ, Schwartz JD, Baccarelli AA, Just AC, Wolf K, Wahl S, Cyrys J, Kunze S, Strauch K, Waldenberger M. Genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and fine particulate matter air pollution in three study populations: KORA F3, KORA F4, and the Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(7):983-990. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Panni T, Mehta AJ, Schwartz JD, Baccarelli AA, Just AC, Wolf Kr, Wahl S, Cyrys J, Kunze sS, K. |
R834798 (2016) |
not available |
Papapostolou V, Lawrence JE, Diaz EA, Wolfson JM, Ferguson ST, Long MS, Godleski JJ, Koutrakis P. Laboratory evaluation of a prototype photochemical chamber designed to investigate the health effects of fresh and aged vehicular exhaust emissions. Inhalation Toxicology 2011;23(8):495-505. |
R834798 (2010) R834798 (2011) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2010) R834798C001 (2011) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C001 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832416C005 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Papapostolou V, Lawrence JE, Ferguson ST, Wolfson JM, Diaz EA, Godleski JJ, Koutrakis P. Development and characterization of an exposure generation system to investigate the health effects of particles from fresh and aged traffic emissions. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2013;6(2):419-429. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2012) R834798C001 (2013) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C001 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Patton AP, Collins C, Naumova EN, Zamore W, Brugge D, Durant JL. An hourly regression model for ultrafine particles in a near-highway urban area. Environmental Science & Technology 2014;48(6):3272-3280. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Peng C, Luttmann-Gibson H, Zanobetti A, Cohen A, De Souza C, Coull BA, Horton ES, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P, Gold DR. Air pollution influences on exhaled nitric oxide among people with type II diabetes. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 2016;9(3):265-273. |
R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit |
Peng C, Bind MA, Colicino E, Kloog I, Byun HM, Cantone L, Trevisi L, Zhong J, Brennan K, Dereix AE, Vokonas PS, Coull BA, Schwartz JD, Baccarelli AA. Particulate air pollution and fasting blood glucose in nondiabetic individuals: associations and epigenetic mediation in the normative aging study, 2000–2011. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(11):1715-1721. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Pereira G, Bell ML, Lee HJ, Koutrakis P, Belanger K. Sources of fine particulate matter and risk of preterm birth in Connecticut, 2000–2006: a longitudinal study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(10):1117-1122. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Pereira, G., Bell, M.L., Lee, H.J., Koutrakis, P., and Belanger, K. (2014). Sources of Fine Particulate Matter and Risk of Preterm Birth in Connecticut, 2000–2006:A Longitudinal Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 122, 1117-1122. |
R834798C005 (Final) |
not available |
Peters JL, Kubzansky LD, Ikeda A, Spiro III A, Wright RO, Weisskopf MG, Kim D, Sparrow D, Nie LH, Hu H, Schwartz J. Childhood and adult socioeconomic position, cumulative lead levels, and pessimism in later life: the VA Normative Aging Study. American Journal of Epidemiology 2011;174(12):1345-1353. |
R834798 (2010) R834798 (2011) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C001 (Final) R834798C002 (2010) R834798C002 (2011) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832416C001 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Phipatanakul W, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Kang CM, Wolfson JM, Ferguson ST, Petty CR, Samnaliev M, Cunningham A, Sheehan WJ, Gaffin JM, Baxi SN, Lai PS, Permaul P, Liang L, Thorne PS, Adamkiewicz G, Brennan KJ, Baccarelli AA, Gold DR. The school inner-city asthma intervention study: design, rationale, methods, and lessons learned. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2017;60:14-23. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit |
Powell H, Krall JR, Wang Y, Bell ML, Peng RD. Ambient coarse particulate matter and hospital admissions in the Medicare Cohort Air Pollution Study, 1999-2010. Environmental Health Perspectives 2015;123(11):1152-1158. |
R834798 (Final) |
Power, MC, Weisskopf MG, Alexeef SE, Coull BA, Spiro III A , Schwartz J. Traffic-related air pollution and cognitive function in a cohort of older men. Environmental Health Perspectives 2011;119(5):682-687. |
R834798 (2010) R834798 (2011) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2010) R834798C002 (2011) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Power MC, Weisskopf MG, Alexeeff SE, Wright RO, Coull BA, Spiro III A, Schwartz J. Modification by hemochromatosis gene polymorphisms of the association between traffic-related air pollution and cognition in older men: a cohort study. Environmental Health 2013;12:16 (8 pp.). |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia Junior WJ, Roig HL, Koutrakis P. A spatial multicriteria model for determining air pollution at sample locations. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2015;65(2):232-243. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia Jr WJ, Koutrakis P, Roig HL. Spatial distribution of vehicle emission inventories in the Federal District, Brazil. Atmospheric Environment 2015;112:32-39. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Roig HL, Koutrakis P. A novel land use approach for assessment of human health:The relationship between urban structure types and cardiorespiratory disease risk. Environment International 2015;85:334-342. |
R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Koutrakis P, Roig HL, Adams MD, Santos CM. Association between vehicular emissions and cardiorespiratory disease risk in Brazil and its variation by spatial clustering of socio-economic factors. Environmental Research 2016;150:452-460. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Adams MD, Koutrakis P. Association of PM2.5 with diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure incidence in Canada:a spatiotemporal analysis of the impacts of the energy generation and fuel sales. Science of the Total Environment 2017;584-585:1077-1083. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Roig HL, Koutrakis P, Adams MD. Modeling spatial patterns of traffic emissions across 5570 municipal districts in Brazil. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017;148:845-853. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Adams MD, Arain A, Koutrakis P, Lee W-C, Ferguson M. Spatio-temporal analysis of particulate matter intake fractions for vehicular emissions: hourly variation by micro-environments in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Canada. Science of the Total Environment 2017;599-600:1813-1822. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Dalumpines R, Adams MD, Arain A, Ferguson M, Koutrakis P. Modeling spatial patterns of link-based PM2.5 emissions and subsequent human exposure in a large Canadian metropolitan area. Atmospheric Environment 2017;158:172-180. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Adams MD, Arain A, Koutrakis P, Ferguson M. Carbon dioxide emissions of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles: a life-cycle analysis in eight Canadian cities. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2017;78:1390-1396. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) R835872C005 (2016) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Higgins CD, Adams MD, Mohamed M, Koutrakis P. The health impacts of weekday traffic: a health risk assessment of PM2.5 emissions during congested periods. Environment International 2018;111:164-176. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) R835872 (2017) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Coull BA, Koutrakis P. Regional air pollution mixtures across the continental US. Atmospheric Environment 2019;213(5):258-272. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) |
Exit Exit |
Requia W, Di Q, Silvern R, Kelly J, Koutrakis P, Mickley L, Sulprizio M, Amini H, Schwartz J. An Ensemble Learning Approach for Estimating High Spatiotemporal Resolution of Ground-Level Ozone in the Contiguous United States. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020;54(18):11037-11047. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Rice MB, Ljungman PL, Wilker EH, Gold DR, Schwartz JD, Koutrakis P, Washko GR, O'Connor GT, Mittleman MA. Short-term exposure to air pollution and lung function in the Framingham Heart Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2013;188(11):1351-1357. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Rice MB, Thurston GD, Balmes JR, Pinkerton KE. Climate change. A global threat to cardiopulmonary health. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014;189(5):512-519. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2014) |
Exit |
Rice MB, Rifas-Shiman SL, Oken E, Gillman MW, Ljungman PL, Litonjua AA, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P, Melly SJ, Mittleman MA, Gold DR. Exposure to traffic and early life respiratory infection: a cohort study. Pediatric Pulmonology 2015;50(3):252-259. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Rice MB, Rifas-Shiman SL, Litonjua AA, Oken E, Gillman MW, Kloog I, Luttmann-Gibson H, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P, Mittleman MA, Gold DR. Lifetime exposure to ambient pollution and lung function in children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2016;193(8):881-888. |
R834798 (2015) R832416 (Final) |
Exit |
Rodosthenous RS, Coull BA, Lu Q, Vokonas PS, Schwartz JD, Baccarelli AA. Ambient particulate matter and microRNAs in extracellular vesicles: a pilot study of older individuals. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 2016;13:13 (13 pp.). |
R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Rodosthenous, S., Coull, B.A., Lu, Q., Vokonas, P.S., Schwartz, J.D., and Baccarelli, A.A. (2016). Ambient Particulate Matter and MicroRNAs in Extracellular Vesicles:a Pilot Study of Older Individuals. Particle and Fibre Toxicology 13, 1-13. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Romero-Guiterrez C, Koutrakis P, Liu M, Vieria C, Coull B, Maher E, Zhang J, Garshick E. Radon decay product particle radioactivity and oxidative stress biomarkers in patients with COPD. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2024;240(Part 2):117505 |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (Final) |
Exit |
Rosenbloom JI, Wilker EH, Mukamal KJ, Schwartz J, Mittleman MA. Residential proximity to major roadway and 10-year all-cause mortality after myocardial infarction. Circulation 2012;125(18):2197-2203. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2012) R834798C003 (2013) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Schwartz J, Alexeeff SE, Mordukhovich I, Gryparis A, Vokonas P, Suh H, Coull BA. Association between long-term exposure to traffic particles and blood pressure in the Veterans Administration Normative Aging Study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2012;69(6):422-427. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798C002 (2012) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Schwartz J, Austin E, Bind M-A, Zanobetti A, Koutrakis P. Estimating causal associations of fine particles with daily deaths in Boston. American Journal of Epidemiology 2015;182(7):644-650. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Schwartz J, M-A., Koutrakis P. Estimating causal effects of local air pollution on daily deaths: effect of low levels. Environmental Health Perspectives 2017;125(1):23-29. |
R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) |
Schwartz, J., Austin, E., Bind, M.A., Zanobetti, A., and Koutrakis, P. (2015). Estimating Causal Associations of Low PM2.5 on Daily Deaths in Boston. American Journal of Epidemiology 182, 644-650. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Schwartz, J., and Baccarelli, A.A. (2015). Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction:Particulate Air Pollution Effects Are Modulated by Epigenetic Immunoregulation of Toll‐like Receptor 2 and Dietary Flavonoid Intake. Journal of the American Heart Association 4. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Schwartz, J.B., M-A., and Koutrakis, P. (2016). Estimating Causal Effects of Local Air Pollution on Daily Deaths:Effect of Low Levels. Environmental Health Perspectives, 1-30. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Shi L, Kloog I, Zanobetti A, Liu P, Schwartz JD. Impacts of temperature and its variability on mortality in New England. Nature Climate Change 2015;5:988-991. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Shi L, Zanobetti A, Kloog I, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Melly SJ, Schwartz JD. Low-concentration PM2.5 and mortality:estimating acute and chronic effects in a population-based study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(1):46-52. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Shi L, Liu P, Wang Y, Zanobetti A, Kosheleva A, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J. Chronic effects of temperature on mortality in the Southeastern USA using satellite-based exposure metrics. Scientific Reports 2016;6:30161 (8 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Shi, L., Liu, P., Kloog, I., Lee, M., Kosheleva, A., and Schwartz, J. (2016). Estimating Daily Air Temperature Across the Southeastern United States Using High-Resolution Satellite Data:A Statistical Modeling Study. Environmental Research 146, 51-58. |
R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) |
not available |
Shi, L., Zanobetti, A., Kloog, I., Coull, B.A., Koutrakis, P., Melly, S.J., and Schwartz, J. (2015). Low-Concentration PM2.5 and Mortality:Estimating Acute and Chronic Effects in a Population-Based Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 124, 46-52. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Shtein A, Kloog I, Schwartz J, Silibello C, Michelozzi P, Gariazzo C, Viegi G, Forastiere F, Karnieli A, Just A, Stafoggia M. Estimating Daily PM2.5 and PM10 over Italy Using an Ensemble Model. ENVIRONMETAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2020;54(1):120-128. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Sivagangabalan G, Spears D, Masse S, Urch B, Brook RD, Silverman F, Gold DR, Lukic KZ, Speck M, Kusha M, Farid T, Poku K, Shi E, Floras J, Nanthakumar K. The effect of air pollution on spatial dispersion of myocardial repolarization in healthy human volunteers. Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2011;57(2):198-206. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C004 (2012) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) CR830837 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832416C002 (2010) R832416C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Sofer T, Maity A, Coull B, Baccarelli A, Schwartz J, Lin X. Multivariate gene selection and testing in studying the exposure effects on a gene set. Statistics in Bioscience 2012;4(2):319-338. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Sofer T, Baccarelli A, Cantone L, Coull B, Maity A, Lin X, Schwartz J. Exposure to airborne particulate matter is associated with methylation pattern in the asthma pathway. Epigenomics 2013;5(2):147-154. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Son J-Y, Lee J-T, Park YH, Bell ML. Short-term effects of air pollution on hospital admissions in Korea. Epidemiology 2013;24(4):545-554. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Son J-Y, Lee J-T, Kim K-H, Jung K, Bell ML. Characterization of fine particulate matter and associations between particulate chemical constituents and mortality in Seoul, Korea. Environmental Health Perspectives 2012;120(6):872-878. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Son J-Y, Bell ML. The relationships between short-term exposure to particulate matter and mortality in Korea: impact of particulate matter exposure metrics for sub-daily exposures. Environmental Research Letters 2013;8(1):014015. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Tang CH, Kourakis P, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Di Q. Trends and spatial patterns of fine resolution aerosol optical depth-derived PM2.5 emissions in Northeast United States from 2002 to 2013. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2017;67(1):64-74. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) R835872 (2017) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Tang CH, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Lyapustin A, Di Q, Koutrakis P. Developing particle emission inventories using remote sensing (PEIRS). Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2017;67(1):53-63. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) R835872 (2017) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Valdes A, Zanobetti A, Halonen JI, Cifuentes L, Morata D, Schwartz J. Elemental concentrations of ambient particles and cause specific mortality in Santiago, Chile: a time series study. Environmental Health 2012;11:82 (8 pp.). |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) |
Exit Exit Exit |
van Rossem L, Rifas-Shiman SL, Melly SJ, Kloog I, Luttmann-Gibson H, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Schwartz JD, Mittleman MA, Oken E, Gillman MW, Koutrakis P, Gold DR. Prenatal air pollution exposure and newborn blood pressure. Environmental Health Perspectives 2015;123(4):353-359. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Vieira CL, Koutrakis P, Huang S, Grady S, Hart JE, Coull BA, Laden F, Requia W, Schwartz J, Garshick E. Short-term effects of particle gamma radiation activities on pulmonary function in COPD patients. Environ Res 2019;221-227. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2016) R835872 (2019) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Vieira C, Koutrakis P. The impact of solar activity on ambient ultrafine particle concentrations:An analysis based on 19-year measurements in Boston, USA. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 2021;201(111532). |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
von Klot S, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Influenza epidemics, seasonality, and the effects of cold weather on cardiac mortality. Environmental Health 2012;11:74. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Waldenberger, M., Peters A. A Genome-Wide Analysis of DNA Methylation and Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution in Three Study Populations:KORA F3, KORA F4, and the Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016; |
R834798 (2016) |
not available |
Wang C, Parmigiani G, Dominici F. Bayesian effect estimation accounting for adjustment uncertainty. Biometrics 2012;68(3):661-671. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2012) R834798C005 (2013) R834798C005 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832417 (Final) R833622 (Final) R834894 (2012) R834894 (2013) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Wang C, Parmigiani G, Dominici F. Rejoinder: Bayesian effect estimation accounting for adjustment uncertainty. Biometrics 2012;68(3):680-686. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2012) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (2012) R834894 (2013) |
Exit Exit |
Wang Y, Eliot MN, Koutrakis P, Gryparis A, Schwartz JD, Coull BA, Mittleman MA, Milberg WP, Lipsitz LA, Wellenius GA. Ambient air pollution and depressive symptoms in older adults: results from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(6):553-558. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C003 (2014) |
Wang Y, Eliot MN, Kuchel GA, Schwartz J, Coull BA, Mittleman MA, Lipsitz LA, Wellenius GA. Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and serum leptin in older adults: results from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2014;56(9):e73-e77. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C003 (Final) R834797 (2016) |
Exit |
Wang Y, Kloog I, Coull BA, Kosheleva A, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD. Estimating causal effects of long-term PM2.5 exposure on mortality in New Jersey. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(8):1182-1188. |
R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) |
Wang Y, Shi L, Zanobetti A, Schwartz JD. Estimating and projecting the effect of cold waves on mortality in 209 US cities. Environment International 2016; 94:141-149. |
R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Wang Y, Montas HJ, Brubaker KL, Leisnham PT, Shirmohammadi A, Chanse V. A diagnostic decision support system for BMP selection in small urban watershed. Water Resources Management 2017;31(5):1649-1664. |
R834798C005 (Final) R835284 (Final) |
Exit |
Wang Z, Koutrakis P, Liu M, Vieira C, Coull B, Maher E, Moy M, Huang S, Garshick E. Residential radon decay products are associated with cough and phlegm in patients with COPD. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 2024;282. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (Final) |
Exit |
Wang, Y., Eliot, M.N., Koutrakis, P., Gryparis, A., Schwartz, J.D., Coull, B.A., Mittleman, M.A., Milberg, W.P., Lipsitz, L.A., and Wellenius, G.A. (2014). Ambient Air Pollution and Depressive Symptoms in Older Adults:Results from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 122, 553 – 558. |
R834798C003 (Final) |
not available |
Wang, Y., Kloog, I., Coull, B., Kosheleva, A., Zanobetti, A., and Schwartz, J. (2016). Estimating Causal Effects of Long-Term PM2.5 Exposure on Mortality in New Jersey. Environmental Health Perspectives, 1-38. |
R834798C005 (Final) |
not available |
Ward-Caviness CK, Weaver AM, Buranosky M, Pfaff ER, Neas LM, Devlin RB, Schwartz J, Di Q, Cascio WE, Diaz-Sanchez D. Associations Between Long-Term Fine Particulate Matter Exposure and Mortality in Heart Failure Patients. J Am Heart Assoc 2020; 9(6):e012517. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Wellenius GA, Burger MR, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Suh HH, Koutrakis P, Schlaug G, Gold DR, Mittleman MA. Ambient air pollution and the risk of acute ischemic stroke. Archives of Internal Medicine 2012;172(3):229-234. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2012) R834798C003 (2013) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Wellenius GA, Wilhelm-Benartzi CS, Wilker EH, Coull BA, Suh HH, Koutrakis P, Lipsitz LA. Ambient particulate matter and the response to orthostatic challenge in the elderly: the Maintenance of Balance, Independent Living, Intellect, and Zest in the Elderly (MOBILIZE) of Boston study. Hypertension 2012;59(3):558-563. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Wellenius GA, Boyle LD, Coull BA, Milberg WP, Gryparis A, Schwartz J, Mittleman MA, Lipsitz LA. Residential proximity to nearest major roadway and cognitive function in community-dwelling seniors: results from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 2012;60(11):2075-2080. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2013) R834798C003 (2014) |
Exit Exit |
Wellenius GA, Boyle LD, Wilker EH, Sorond FA, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Mittleman MA, Lipsitz LA. Ambient fine particulate matter alters cerebral hemodynamics in the elderly. Stroke 2013;44(6):1532-1536. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C003 (2013) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) R834797 (2016) R834797 (Final) R834797C001 (Final) R834797C002 (2016) R834797C003 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Wellenius, G.A., Boyle, L.D., Coull, B.A., Milberg, W.P., Gryparis, A., Schwartz, J., Mittleman, M.A., and Lipsitz, L.A. (2012a). Residential Proximity to Nearest Major Roadway and Cognitive Function in Community-Dwelling Seniors:Results from the MOBILIZE Boston Study. Journal of the American Geriatric Society 60, 2075–2080. |
R834798C003 (Final) |
not available |
Weuve J, Puett RC, Schwartz J, Yanosky JD, Laden F, Grodstein F. Exposure to particulate air pollution and cognitive decline in older women. Archives of Internal Medicine 2012;172(3):219-227. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Wikle N, Hanks E, Henneman L, Zigler C. A Mechanistic Model of Annual Sulfate Concentrations in the United States. JOURNALS OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION 2022;. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Wilker EH, Yeh G, Wellenius GA, Davis RB, Phillips RS, Mittleman MA. Ambient temperature and biomarkers of heart failure: a repeated measures analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives 2012;120(8):1083-1087. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2012) R834798C003 (2013) R834798C003 (2014) |
Wilker EH, Mostofsky E, Lue S-H, Gold D, Schwartz J, Wellenius GA, Mittleman MA. Residential proximity to high-traffic roadways and poststroke mortality. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases 2013;22(8):e366-e372. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2013) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Wilker EH, Mittleman MA, Coull BA, Gryparis A, Bots ML, Schwartz J, Sparrow D. Long-term exposure to black carbon and carotid intima-media thickness: the Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2013;121(9):1061-1067. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798C002 (2013) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Wilker EH, Wu C-D, McNeely E, Mostofsky E, Spengler J, Wellenius GA, Mittleman MA. Green space and mortality following ischemic stroke. Environmental Research 2014;133:42-48. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Wilker EH, Ljungman PL, Rice MB, Kloog I, Schwartz J, Gold DR, Koutrakis P, Vita JA, Mitchell GF, Vasan RS, Benjamin EJ, Hamburg NM, Mittleman MA. Relation of long-term exposure to air pollution to brachial artery flow-mediated dilation and reactive hyperemia. American Journal of Cardiology 2014;113(12):2057-2063. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (2014) R834798C003 (Final) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Wilker EH, Preis SR, Beiser AS, Wolf PA, Au R, Kloog I, Li W, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P, DeCarli C, Seshadri S, Mittleman MA. Long-term exposure to fine particulate matter, residential proximity to major roads and measures of brain structure. Stroke 2015;46(5):1161-1166. |
R834798 (2015) R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Wilker EH, Martinez-Ramirez S, Kloog I, Schwartz J, Mostofsky E, Koutrakis P, Mittleman MA, Viswanathan A. Fine particulate matter, residential proximity to major roads, and markers of small vessel disease in a memory study population. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2016;53(4):1315-1323. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit |
Wilker E, Yeh G, Wellenius G, Davis R, Phillips RS, Mittleman M. Ambient Temperature and Bioniarkers of Heart Failure:A Repeated Measures Analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES 2012;120(8):1083-1087. |
R834798 (Final) |
Wilker E, Mostofsky E, Fossa A, Koutrakis P, Warren A, Charidimou A, Mittleman M, Viswanathan A. Ambient Pollutants and Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Greater Boston. STROKE 2018;49(11):2764-2766. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Wright L, Rifas-Shiman S, Oken E, Litonjua A, Gold D. Prenatal and Early Life Fructose, Fructose-Containing Beverages, and Midchildhood Asthma. ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY 2018;15(2):217-224. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Wu X, Braun D, Schwartz J, Kioumourtzoglou M, Dominici F. Evaluating the impact of long-term exposure to fine particulate matter on mortality among the elderly. SCIENCE ADVANCES 2020;6(29):eaba5692. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Yazdi M, Wang Y, Di Q, Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Long-term exposure to PM2.5 and ozone and hospital admissions of Medicare participants in the Southeast USA. ENVIRONMENTAL INTERNATIONAL 2019;130(104879). |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Yeh RW, Normand S-LT, Wang Y, Barr CD, Dominici F. Geographic disparities in the incidence and outcomes of hospitalized myocardial infarction: does a rising tide lift all boats? Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 2012;5(2):197-204. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2012) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (2012) R834894 (2013) R834894 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Yu S, Kang C, Liu M, Kotrakis P. PM2.5 sources affecting particle radioactivity in Boston, Massachusetts. ATHMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 2021;259. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Zanobetti A, Schwartz J. Ozone and survival in four cohorts with potentially predisposing diseases. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2011;184(7):836-841. |
R834798 (2010) R834798 (2011) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) R834798C001 (2014) R834798C001 (Final) R834798C002 (2010) R834798C002 (2011) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832416C001 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Zanobetti A, O'Neill MS, Gronlund CJ, Schwartz JD. Summer temperature variability and long-term survival among elderly people with chronic disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012;109(17):6608-6613. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2012) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832752 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Zanobetti A, O'Neill MS, Gronlund CJ, Schwartz JD. Susceptibility to mortality in weather extremes: effect modification by personal and small-area characteristics. Epidemiology 2013;24(6):809-819. |
R834798 (Final) R832416 (Final) R832752 (Final) |
Exit |
Zanobetti A, Luttmann-Gibson H, Horton ES, Cohen A, Coull BA, Hoffmann B, Schwartz JD, Mittleman MA, Li Y, Stone PH, de Souza C, Lamparello B, Koutrakis P, Gold DR. Brachial artery responses to ambient pollution, temperature, and humidity in people with type 2 diabetes: a repeated-measures study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2014;122(3):242-248. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (2013) R834798C004 (2014) R834798C004 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Gryparis A, Kloog I, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Wright RO, Gold DR, Schwartz J. Associations between arrhythmia episodes and temporally and spatially resolved black carbon and particulate matter in elderly patients. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2014;71(3):201-207. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (2014) R834798C002 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Zanobetti A, Dominici F, Wang Y, Schwartz JD. A national case-crossover analysis of the short-term effect of PM2.5 on hospitalizations and mortality in subjects with diabetes and neurological disorders. Environmental Health 2014;13(1):38 (11 pp.). |
R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) R834900 (2012) R834900 (2013) R834900 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Zanobetti A, Austin E, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P. Health effects of multi-pollutant profiles. Environment International 2014;71:13-19. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Zanobetti A, Peters A. Disentangling interactions between atmospheric pollution and weather. Journal of the Epidemiology and Community Health 2015;69(7):613-615. |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Kloog I, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS, Gold DR, Schwartz J. Fine-scale spatial and temporal variation in temperature and arrhythmia episodes in the VA Normative Aging Study. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2017;67(1):96-104. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C004 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R832416 (Final) R835872 (2016) |
Exit Exit |
Zhong J, Colicino E, Lin X, Mehta A, Kloog I, Zanobetti A, Byun H-M, Bind M-A, Cantone L, Prada D, Tarantini L, Trevisi L, Sparrow D, Vokonas P, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Cardiac autonomic dysfunction: particulate air pollution effects are modulated by epigenetic immunoregulation of Toll‐like receptor 2 and dietary flavonoid intake. Journal of the American Heart Association 2015;4(1):e001423 (21 pp.). |
R834798 (2015) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Zhong J, Urch B, Speck M, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Thorne PS, Scott J, Liu L, Brook RD, Behbod B, Gibson H, Silverman F, Mittlemanm MA, Baccarelli AA, Gold DR. Endotoxin and β-1,3-d-glucan in concentrated ambient particles induce rapid increase in blood pressure in controlled human exposures. Hypertension 2015;66(3):509-516. |
R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Zhong J, Cayir A, Trevisi L, Sanchez-Guerra M, Lin X, Peng C, Bind MA, Prada D, Laue H, Brennan KJ, Dereix A, Sparrow D, Vokonas P, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Traffic-related air pollution, blood pressure, and adaptive response of mitochondrial abundance. Circulation 2016;133(4):378-387. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Zhong J, Trevisi L, Urch B, Lin X, Speck M, Coull BA, Liss G, Thompson A, Wu S, Wilson A, Koutrakis P, Silverman F, Gold DR, Baccarelli AA. B-vitamin supplementation mitigates effects of fine particles on cardiac autonomic dysfunction and inflammation: a pilot human intervention trial. Scientific Reports 2017;7:45322 (9 pp.). |
R834798C004 (Final) R832416 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Zhong J, Karlsson O, Wang G, Li J, Guo Y, Lin X, Zemplenyi M, Sanchez-Guerra M, Trevisi L, Urch B, Speck M, Liang L, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Silverman F, Gold DR, Wu T, Baccarelli AA. B vitamins attenuate the epigenetic effects of ambient fine particles in a pilot human intervention trial. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017;114(13):3503-3508. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Zhong, J., Colicino, E., Lin, X., Mehta, A., Kloog, I., Zanobetti, A., Byun, H.M., Bind, M.A., Cantone, L., Prada, D., Tarantini, L., Trevisi, L., Sparrow, D., Vokonas, P.,. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Zigler CM, Dominici F, Wang Y. Estimating causal effects of air quality regulations using principal stratification for spatially correlated multivariate intermediate outcomes. Biostatistics 2012;13(2):289-302. |
R834798 (2012) R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798C005 (2012) R834798C005 (2013) R832417 (Final) R833622 (Final) R834894 (2012) R834894 (2013) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Zigler CM, Watts K, Yeh RW, Wang Y, Coull BA, Dominici F. Model feedback in Bayesian propensity score estimation. Biometrics 2013;69(1):263-273. |
R834798 (2013) R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
Exit |
Zigler CM, Dominici F. Point: clarifying policy evidence with potential-outcomes thinking--beyond exposure-response estimation in air pollution epidemiology. American Journal of Epidemiology 2014;180(12):1133-1140. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (2014) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Zigler CM, Dominici F. Uncertainty in propensity score estimation: Bayesian methods for variable selection and model averaged causal effects. Journal of the American Statistical Association 2014;109(505):95-107. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) R834894 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Zilli V, Link M, Garschick E, Peralta A, Luttman-Gibson H, Laden F, Liu M, Gold D, Koutrakis P. Solar and geomagnetic activity enhance the effects of air pollutants on atrial fibrillation. EURSPACE 2022;24(5):713-720. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit |
Colicino E, Giuliano G, Power MC, Lepeule J, Wilker EH, Vokonas P, Brennan KJM, Fossati S, Hoxha M, Spiro A, Weisskopf MG, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Long-term Exposure to Black Carbon, Cognition and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in MicroRNA Processing Genes in Older Men. Environment International 2016; 88:86-93. |
R834798 (2016) |
Kang C-M, Gold D, Koutrakis P. Downwind O3 and PM2.5 speciation during the wildfires in 2002 and 2010. Atmospheric Environment 2014;95:511-519. |
R834798 (2014) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Ljungman PL, Wilker EH, Rice MB, et al. Short-term exposure to air pollution and digital vascular function. Am J Epidemiol. 2014a;180:482-489. |
R834798C003 (Final) R834798C004 (Final) |
Exit |
Rice MB, Rifas-Shiman SL, Litonjua AA, Oken E, Gillman MW, Kloog I, Luttmann-Gibson H, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P, Mittleman MA and Gold DR. Lifetime Exposure to Ambient Pollution and Lung Function in Children. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2016; 193(8):881-888. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Di Q, Koutrakis P and Schwartz J. A hybrid prediction model for PM2.5 mass and components using a chemical transport model and land use regression. Atmospheric Environment 2016; 131:390-399. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Shi L, Liu P, Kloog I, Lee M, Kosheleva A, Schwartz J. Estimating daily air temperature across the Southeastern United States using high-resolution satellite data:a statistical modeling study. Environmental Research 2016; 146:51-58. |
R834798 (2016) R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Bind M-A, Peters A, Koutrakis P, Coull B, Vokonas P and Schwartz J. Quantile Regression Analysis of the Distributional Effects of Air Pollution on Blood Pressure, Heart Rate Variability, Blood Lipids, and Biomarkers of Inflammation in Elderly American Men:The Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016; 124(8):1189-1198. |
R834798 (Final) |
Bind M-A, Peters A, Koutrakis P, Coull B, Vokonas P, Schwartz J. Quantile regression analysis of the distributional effects of air pollution on blood pressure, heart rate variability, blood lipids, and biomarkers of inflammation in elderly American men: the Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016;124(8):1189-1198. |
R834798 (2016) R832416 (Final) |
Dorans KS, Wilker EH, Li W, et al. Residential proximity to major roads, exposure to fine particulate matter, and coronary artery calcium:The Framingham Heart Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2016. |
R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Roig HL, Koutrakis P and Rossi MS. Mapping alternatives for public policy decision making related to human exposures from air pollution sources in the Federal District, Brazil. Land Use Policy 2016; 59:375-385. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Réquia WJ, Koutrakis P, Roig HL and Adams MD. Spatiotemporal analysis of traffic emissions in over 5000 municipal districts in Brazil. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2016; 66(12):1284-1293. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Ierodiakonou D, Zanobetti A, Coull BA, Melly S, Postma DS, Boezen HM, Vonk JM, Williams PV, Shapiro GG, McKone EF, Hallstrand TS, Koenig JQ, Schildcrout JS, Lumley T, Fuhlbrigge AN, Koutrakis P, Schwartz J, Weiss ST and Gold DR. Ambient air pollution, lung function, and airway responsiveness in asthmatic children. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2016; 137(2):390-399. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
McGuinn LA, Ward-Caviness CK, Neas LM, Schneider A, Diaz-Sanchez D, Cascio WE, Kraus WE, Hauser E, Dowdy E, Haynes C, Chudnovsky A, Koutrakis P and Devlin RB. Association between satellite-based estimates of long-term PM2.5 exposure and coronary artery disease. Environmental Research 2016; 145:9-17. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Dai L, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Sparrow D, Vokonas PS and Schwartz JD. Use of the Adaptive LASSO Method to Identify PM 2.5 Components Associated with Blood Pressure in Elderly Men:The Veterans Affairs Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016; 124(1):120-125. |
R834798 (Final) |
Lee M, Kloog I, Chudnovsky A, Lyapustin A, Wang Y, Melly S, Coull B, Koutrakis P and Schwartz J. Spatiotemporal prediction of fine particulate matter using high-resolution satellite images in the Southeastern US 2003–2011. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2016; 26(4):377-384. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Lee M, Koutrakis P, Coull B, Kloog I and Schwartz J. Acute effect of fine particulate matter on mortality in three Southeastern states from 2007–2011. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology 2016; 26(2):173-179. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit |
Kioumourtzoglou, M.-A., Schwartz, J., James, P., Dominici, F., and Zanobetti, A. (2016). PM2.5 and Mortality in 207 US Cities:Modification by Temperature and City Characteristics. Epidemiology 27, 221-227. |
R834798 (Final) R834798C002 (Final) R834798C005 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Roig HL, Adams MD, Zanobetti A and Koutrakis P. Mapping distance-decay of cardiorespiratory disease risk related to neighborhood environments. Environmental Research 2016; 151:203-215. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Coull BA and Koutrakis P. Where air quality has been impacted by weather changes in the United States over the last 30 years? Atmospheric Environment 2020; 224. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Lee M-S, LeBouf RF, Son Y-S, Koutrakis P and Christiani DC. Nicotine, aerosol particles, carbonyls and volatile organic compounds in tobacco-and menthol-flavored e-cigarettes. Environmental Health 2017; 16(1):42. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Zhong J, Trevisi L, Urch B, Lin X, Speck M, Coull BA, Liss G, Thompson A, Wu S, Wilson A, Koutrakis P, Silverman F, Gold DR and Baccarelli AA. B-vitamin Supplementation Mitigates Effects of Fine Particles on Cardiac Autonomic Dysfunction and Inflammation:A Pilot Human Intervention Trial. Scientific Reports 2017; 7(1):45322. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Wilson A, Chiu YH, Hsu HH, Wright RO, Wright RJ, Coull BA. Potential for bias when estimating critical windows for air pollution in children’s health. American Journal of Epidemiology 2017;186(11):1281-1289. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) |
Exit |
Son J-Y, Lee HJ, Koutrakis P and Bell ML. Pregnancy and Lifetime Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Infant Mortality in Massachusetts, 2001–2007. American Journal of Epidemiology 2017; 186(11):1268-1276. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Dominici F, Zigler C. Best practices for gauging evidence of causality in air pollution epidemiology. American Journal of Epidemiology 2017;186(12):1303-1309. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2017) |
Exit |
Awad YA, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Schwartz J. A spatio-temporal prediction model based on support vector machine regression: ambient black carbon in three New England States. Environmental Research 2017;159: 427-434. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2017) |
Exit |
Li W, Dorans KS, Wilker EH, et al. Residential proximity to major roadways, fine particulate matter, and hepatic steatosis:The Framingham Heart Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2017. |
R834798C003 (Final) |
Exit |
Gaffin JM, Hauptman M, Petty CR, Sheehan WJ, Lai PS, Wolfson JM, Gold DR, Coull BA, Koutrakis P, Phipatanakul W. Nitrogen dioxide exposure in school classrooms of inner-city children with asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2018;141(6):2249-2255. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) |
Li W, Dorans KS, Wilker EH, Rice MB, Kloog I, Schwartz JD, Koutrakis P, Coull BA, Gold DR, Meigs JB, Fox CS. Ambient air pollution, adipokines, and glucose homeostasis:The Framingham heart study. Environment International 2018;111:14-22. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) |
Exit |
Rokoff LB, Rifas-Shiman SL, Coull BA, Cardenas A, Calafat AM, Ye X, Gryparis A, Schwartz J, Sagiv SK, Gold DR, Oken E. Cumulative exposure to environmental pollutants during early pregnancy and reduced fetal growth:the project viva cohort. Environmental Health 2018;17(1):19. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) |
Di Q, Amini H, Shi L, Kloog I, Silvern R, Kelly J, Sabath MB, Choirat C, Koutrakis P, Lyapustin A, Wang Y. Assessing NO2 concentration and model uncertainty with high spatiotemporal resolution across the contiguous United States using ensemble model averaging. Environmental Science & Technology 2019;54(3):1372-1384. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2019) R835872 (2020) |
Blomberg AJ, Coull BA, Jhun I, Vieira CL, Zanobetti A, Garshick E, Schwartz J, Koutrakis P. Effect modification of ambient particle mortality by radon:a time series analysis in 108 US cities. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 2019;69(3):266-276. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) R835872 (2019) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Coull BA, Koutrakis P. Evaluation of predictive capabilities of ordinary geostatistical interpolation, hybrid interpolation, and machine learning methods for estimating PM2.5 constituents over space. Environmental Research 2019;175:421-433. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) R835872 (2019) |
Exit |
Di Q, Amini H, Shi L, Kloog I, Silvern R, Kelly J, Sabath MB, Choirat C, Koutrakis P, Lyapustin A, Wang Y. An ensemble-based model of PM2.5 concentration across the contiguous United States with high spatiotemporal resolution. Environment International 2019;130:104909. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2019) |
Requia WJ, Coull BA, Koutrakis P. Multivariate spatial patterns of ambient PM2.5 elemental concentrations in Eastern Massachusetts. 2019;252:1942-1952.. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) R835872 (2019) |
Exit |
Vieira CL, Alvares D, Blomberg A, Schwartz J, Coull B, Huang S, Koutrakis P. Geomagnetic disturbances driven by solar activity enhance total and cardiovascular mortality risk in 263 US cities. Environmental Health 2019;18(1):83. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2019) |
Requia WJ, Coull BA, Koutrakis P. The impact of wildfires on particulate carbon in the western USA. Atmospheric Environment 2019;213:1-10.. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) |
Exit Exit |
Requia WJ, Coull BA, Koutrakis P. The influence of spatial patterning on modeling PM2.5 constituents in Eastern Massachusetts. Science of The Total Environment 2019;682:247-258. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) R835872 (2019) |
Exit |
Requia WJ, Jhun I, Coull BA, Koutrakis P. Climate impact on ambient PM2.5 elemental concentration in the United States:a trend analysis over the last 30 years. Environment International 2019;131:104888. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2018) R835872 (2019) |
Exit |
Gaskins AJ, Minguez-Alarcon L, Fong KC, Abu Awad Y, Di Q, Chavarro JE, Ford JB, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Kloog I, Attaman J. Supplemental folate and the relationship between traffic-related air pollution and livebirth among women undergoing assisted reproduction. American Journal of Epidemiology 2019;188(9):1595-1604. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2019) |
Exit Exit |
Wei Y, Wang Y, Di Q, Choirat C, Wang Y, Koutrakis P, Zanobetti A, Dominici F and Schwartz JD. Short term exposure to fine particulate matter and hospital admission risks and costs in the Medicare population:time stratified, case crossover study. BMJ 2019; 367:l6258. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2019) |
Exit |
Borge R, Requia WJ, Yague C, Jhun I and Koutrakis P. Impact of weather changes on air quality and related mortality in Spain over a 25year period [1993-2017]. Environ Int 2019; 133(Pt B):105272. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Wang M, Aaron CP, Madrigano J, Hoffman EA, Angelini E, Yang J, Laine A, Vetterli TM, Kinney PL, Sampson PD, Sheppard LE. Association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and change in quantitatively assessed emphysema and lung function. JAMA 2019;322(6):546-556. |
R834798 (Final) R831697 (Final) R838300 (2019) R838300 (2020) |
Kang CM, Liu M, Garshick E and Koutrakis P. Indoor Particle Alpha Radioactivity Origins in Occupied Homes. Aerosol Air Qual Res 2020; 20(6). |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Gaffin JM, Hauptman M, Petty CR, Haktanir-Abul M, Gunnlaugsson S, Lai PS, Baxi SN, Permaul P, Sheehan WJ, Wolfson JM, Coull BA, Gold DR, Koutrakis P and Phipatanakul W. Differential Effect of School-Based Pollution Exposure in Children With Asthma Born Prematurely. Chest 2020; 158(4):1361-1363. |
R834798 (Final) R835872 (2020) |
Exit Exit |
Wang VA, Koutrakis P, Li L, Liu M, Vieira CLZ, Coull BA, Maher EF, Kang CM and Garshick E. Particle radioactivity from radon decay products and reduced pulmonary function among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Environ Res 2023; 216(Pt 1):114492. |
R834798 (Final) |
Exit Exit |
Peng C, Bind M-A, Colicino E, Kloog I, Byun H-M, Cantione L, Trevisi LZ, J., Brennan K, Dereix AE, Vokonas P, Coull BA, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Particulate Air Pollution and Fasting Blood Glucose in Non-Diabetic Individuals:Associations and E[pigenetic Mediation in the Normative Aging Study, 2000-2011. Environmental Health Perspectives 2016; |
R834798 (2016) |
not available |
Zhong, J., Cayir, A., Trevis, L., Sanchez-Guerra, M., Peng, L.X., Bind, M.A., Prada, D., Laue, H., Brennan, K.J.D., A., Sparrow, D., Vokonas, P., Schwartz, J., and. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Wang, Y., Eliot, M.N., Kuchel, G.A., Schwartz, J., Coull, B.A., Mittleman, M.A., Lipsitz, L.A., and Wellenius, G.A. (2014). Long-Term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and. |
R834798C003 (Final) |
not available |
Shi, L., Kloog, I., Zanobetti, A., Liu, P., and Schwartz, J. (2015). Impacts of Temperature and its Variability on Mortality in New England. Nature Climate Change 5, 1-6. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Wang, Y., Kloog, I., Coull, B., Kosheleva, A., Zanobetti, A., and Schwartz, J. (2016). Estimating Causal Effects of Long-Term PM2.5 Exposure on Mortality in New Jersey. Environmental Health Perspectives, 1-38. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Lee, M., Kloog, I., Chudnovsky, A., Lyapustin, A., Wang, Y., Melly, S., Coull, B., Koutrakis, P., and Schwartz, J. (2015). Spatiotemporal Prediction of Fine Particulate Matter using High-resolution Satellite Images in the Southeastern US 2003-2011. J Expos Sci Environ Epidemiol, 1-8. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Dai, L., Koutrakis, P., Coull, B.A., Sparrow, D., Vokonas, P.S., and Schwartz, J. (2015). Use of the Adaptive LASSO method to Identify PM2.5 components Associated with Blood Pressure in Elderly Men:Veterans Affairs Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health Perspectives 121, 120-125. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Di, Q., Koutrakis, P., Lyapustin, A., Wang, Y., and Schwartz, J. (2016). Assessing PM2.5 Exposures with High Spatio-Temporal Resolution across the Continental United States. Environmental Science & Technology DOI:10.1021/acs.est.5b06121, 1-35. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Mehta, A., Kubzansky, L., Coull, B., Kloog, I., Koutrakis, P., Sparrow, D., Spiro, A., Vokonas, P., and Schwartz, J. (2015). Associations Between Air Pollution and Perceived Stress:the Veterans Administration Normative Aging Study. Environmental Health 14, 10. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Mordukhovich, I., Lepeule, J., Coull, B.A., Sparrow, D., Vokonas, P., and Schwartz, J. (2015). The Effect of Oxidative Stress Polymorphisms on the Association between Long-term Black Carbon Exposure and Lung Function among Elderly Men. Thorax 70, 133-137. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Madrigano, J., Mittleman, M., Baccarelli, A., Goldberg, R., Melly, S.J., Von Klot, S., and Schwartz, J. (2013). Temperature, Myocardial Infarction, and Mortality Effect Modification by Individual-and Area-level Characteristics. Epidemiology 24, 439-446. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Wang, Y., Shi, L., Zanobetti, A., and Schwartz, J.D. (2016). Estimating and Projecting the Effect of Cold Waves on Mortality in 209 US Cities. Environment International 94, 141-149. |
R834798C002 (Final) |
not available |
Zhong J, Cayir A, Trevis L, Sanchez-Guerra M, Peng LX, Bind MA, Prada D, Laue H, Brennan KJD, A., Sparrow D, Vokonas P, Schwartz J, Baccarelli AA. Traffic Related Air Pollution, Blood Pressure, and Adaptive Response of Mitochondrial Abundance. Circulation 2015; CIRCULATIONAHA.115.018802. |
R834798 (2016) |
not available |
Mannshardt, E., Sucic, K., Jiao, W., Dominici, F., Frey, C.H., Reich, B., and Fuentes, M. (2013). Comparing Exposure Metrics for the Effects of Fine Particulate Matter on Emergency Hospital Admissions. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 23, 627–636. |
R834798C005 (Final) |
not available |
Dominici, F., Wang, Y., Correia, A.W., Ezzati, M., Pope, C.A.I., and Dockery, D.W. (2015). Chemical Composition of Fine Particulate Matter and Life Expectancy in 95 US Counties Between 2002 and 2007. Epidemiology 26, 556-564. |
R834798C005 (Final) |
not available |
Kloog, I., Zanobetti, A., Nordio, F., Coull, B., Baccarelli, A., and Schwartz, J. (2015). Effects of Airborne Fine Particles (PM2.5) on Deep Vein Thrombosis Admissions in the Northeastern United States. Journal of Thrombosis and AHaemostasis 13, 768-774. |