Grantee Research Project Results
Journal Publications for Center:
National Research Program on Design-Based/Model-Assisted Survey Methodology for Aquatic Resources
Grant Number R828772
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Reference Type | Citation | Progress Report Year | Document Sources |
Journal Article | Agrawal A, Ferguson WJ, Gardner BO, Christ JA, Bandstra JZ, Tratnyek PG. Effects of carbonate species on the kinetics of dechlorination of 1,1,1-trichloroethane by zero-valent iron. Environmental Science & Technology 2002;36(20):4326-4333. |
R827117 (2000) R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Anderson TA, Coats JR. Screening rhizosphere soil samples for the ability to mineralize elevated concentrations of atrazine and metolachlor. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B - Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 1995;B30(4):473-484. |
R825549C045 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Anhalt, J.C., E.L. Kruger, A.L. Chouhy, T.A. Anderson, and J.R. Coats. 1996. Effects of aging herbicide mixtures on soil respiration and plant survival in soils from a pesticide-contaminated site. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Joint meeting of Ozark-Prairie, South Central, and Rocky Mountain Regions, Stillwater, OK, May 16-18. |
R825549C045 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Anhalt JC, Arthur E, Anderson TA, Coats JR. Degradation of atrazine, metolachlor, and pendimethalin in pesticide-contaminated soils: Effects of aged residues on soil respiration and plant survival. Journal of Environmental Science and Healther Part B - Pesticides Food Contaminants and Argicultural Wastes 2000;35(4):417-438. |
R825549C045 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Arp DJ. Understanding the diversity of trichloroethene co-oxidations. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 1995;6(3):352-358. |
R825689C009 (Final) |
Journal Article | Arp DJ, Yeager CM, Hyman MR. Molecular and cellular fundamentals of aerobic cometabolism of trichloroethylene. Biodegradation 2001;12(2):81-103. |
R825689C027 (Final) R828772 (2002) R828772 (Final) |
Journal Article | Arthur EL, Moorman TB, Zhau SM, Coats JR. Evaluation of microbial inoculation and regulation to enhance the dissipation of atrazine and metachlor in soil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2005;24(10):2428-2434. |
R825549C045 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Arthur, E.L., J.C. Anhalt, S. Zhao, B. Nelson, D. Sorensen, and J. R. Coats. 1997. Phytoremediation of pesticide mixtures with native prairie grasses. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Ozark-Prairie Chapter, Columbia, MO May 15-17. |
R825549C045 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Azizian MF, Nelson PO. Hexavalent chromium adsorption kinetics and equilibrium in a natural soil. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology 1993;17(2):81-89. |
R825689C005 (Final) |
Journal Article | Balko BA, Tratnyek PG. A discovery-based experiment illustrating how iron metal is used to remediate contaminated groundwater. Journal of Chemical Education 2001;78(12):1661-1664. |
R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Barbier EB, Koch EW, Silliman BR, Hacker SD, Wolanski E, Primavera JH, Granek EF, Polasky S, Aswani S, Cramer LA, Stoms DM, Kennedy CJ, Bael D, Kappel C, Perillo GME, Reed DJ. Vegetation's role in coastal protection:response. Science 2008;320:176-177. |
R833836 (2010) R833836 (2011) R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Barbier EB, Koch EW, Silliman BR, Hacker SD, Wolanski E, Primavera J, Granek EF, Polasky S, Aswani S, Cramer LA, Stoms DM, Kennedy CJ, Bael D, Kappel CV, Perillo GME, Reed DJ. Coastal ecosystem-based management with nonlinear ecological functions and values. Science 2008;319(5861):321-323. |
R833836 (2010) R833836 (2011) R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Barbier EB, Hacker SD, Kennedy C, Koch EW, Stier AC, Silliman BR. The value of estuarine and coastal ecosystem services. Ecological Monographs 2011;81(2):169-193. |
R833836 (2010) R833836 (2011) R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Berner L, Law B. Plant traits, productivity, biomass and soil properties from forest sites in the Pacific Northwest, 1999-2014. SCIENTIFIC DATA 2016;3:160002. |
R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Bernhard AE, Field KG. A PCR assay to discriminate human and ruminant feces based on host differences in Bacteroides-Prevotella genes encoding16S rRNA. Applied Environmental Microbiology 2000;66(10):4571-4574. |
R827639 (2000) |
Journal Article | Bernhard AE, Field KG. Identification of nonpoint sources of fecal pollution in coastal waters by using host-specific 16S ribosomal DNA genetic markers from fecal anaerobes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2000;66(4):1587-1594. |
R827639 (2000) |
Journal Article | Bernhard AE, Goyard T, Simonich MT, Field KG. Application of a rapid method for identifying fecal pollution sources in a multi-use estuary. Water Research 2003;37(4):909-913. |
CR830396 (Final) R827639 (2001) R827639 (2002) R827639 (Final) |
Journal Article | Bernhard AE, Colbert D, McManus J, Field KG. Microbial community dynamics based on 16S rRNA gene profiles in a Pacific Northwest estuary and its tributaries. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 2005;52(1):115-128. |
R827639 (2002) R827639 (Final) |
Journal Article | Biedenweg K, Trimbach D, Fleming W. Integrating Social Science in Puget Sound Restoration. Ecological Restoration 2022;39(4):226-237. |
R836946 (2020) |
Journal Article | Bugel SM, Wehmas LC, La Du JK, Tanguay RL. Phenotype anchoring in zebrafish reveals a potential role for matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in tamoxifen's effects on skin epithelium. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2016;296:31-41. |
R835168 (Final) |
Journal Article | Calkin DE, Montgomery CA, Schumaker NH, Polasky S, Arthur JL, Nalle DJ. Developing a production possibility set of wildlife species persistence and timber harvest value. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2002;32(8):1329-1342. |
R826619 (Final) |
Journal Article | Campbell JL, Sun O, Law BE. Disturbance and net ecosystem production across three climatically distinct forest landscapes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2004;18:GB4017, doi: 10.1029/2004GB002236. |
R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Campbell JL, Sun OJ, Law BE. Supply-side controls on soil respiration among Oregon forests. Global Change Biology 2004;10(11):1857-1869. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) R828309 (2002) R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Campbell JL, Law BE. Forest soil respiration across three climatically distinct chronoseqeunces in Oregon. Biogeochemistry 2005;73(1):109-125. |
R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Cantrell KM, Ingle Jr JD. The SLIM spectrometer. Analytical Chemistry 2003;75(1):27-35. |
R828772 (2002) R828772 (2003) R828772 (Final) R828772C007 (2001) |
Journal Article | Caslin TM, Wolff JO. Individual and demographic responses of the gray-tailed vole to vinclozolin. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 1999;18(7):1529-1533. |
R825347 (1999) R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Chen J, Tanguay RL, Simonich M, Nie S, Zhao Y, Li L, Bai C, Dong Q, Huang C, Lin K. TBBPA chronic exposure produces sex-specific neurobehavioral and social interaction changes in adult zebrafish. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 2016;56:9-15. |
R835796 (2015) R835796 (2016) |
Journal Article | Chen J, Tanguay RL, Xiao Y, Haggard DE, Ge X, Jia Y, Zheng Y, Dong Q, Huang C, Lin K. TBBPA exposure during a sensitive developmental window produces neurobehavioral changes in larval zebrafish. Environmental Pollution 2016;216:53-63. |
R835796 (2015) R835796 (2016) |
Journal Article | Cohen WB, Maiersperger TK, Spies TA, Oetter DR. Modelling forest cover attributes as continuous variables in a regional context with Thematic Mapper data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2001;22(12):2279-2310. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Cohen WB, Spies TA, Alig RJ, Oetter DR, Maiersperger TK, Fiorella M. Characterizing 23 years (1972-95) of stand replacement disturbance in western Oregon forests with Landsat imagery. Ecosystems 2002;5(2):122-137. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) R828309 (2002) R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Cohen WB, Maiersperger TK, Gower ST, Turner DP. An improved strategy for regression of biophysical variables and Landsat ETM+ data. Remote Sensing of Environment 2003;84(4):561-571. |
R828309 (2002) R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Colbert D, McManus J. Nutrient biogeochemistry in an upwelling-influenced estuary of the Pacific Northwest - Tillamook Bay, Oregon, USA. Estuaries 2003;26:1205-1219. |
R825751 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Cozza CL, Woods SL. Reductive dechlorination pathways for substituted benzenes: a correlation with electronic properties. Biodegradation 1991;2(4):265-278. |
R825689C001 (Final) |
Journal Article | Craig AM, Latham CJ, Blythe LL, Schmotzer WB, O'Connor OA. Metabolism of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids from tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) in ovine ruminal fluid under anaerobic conditions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1992;58(9):2730-2736. |
R825689C006 (Final) |
Journal Article | Crooker J, Kling CL. Nonparametric bounds on welfare measures: a new tool for nonmarket valuation. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 2000;39(2):145-161. |
R825310 (Final) |
Journal Article | Curry S, Ciuffetti L, Hyman M. Inhibition of growth of a Graphium sp. on gaseous n-alkanes by gaseous n-alkynes and n-alkenes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1996;62(6):2198-2200. |
R825689C018 (Final) |
Journal Article | David AS, Zarnetske PL, Hacker SD, Ruggiero P, Biel RG, Seabloom EW. Invasive congeners differ in successional impacts across space and time. PLoS One 2015;10(2):e0117283 (15 pp.). |
R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | David AS, Seabloom EW, May G. Plant host species and geographic distance affect the structure of aboveground fungal symbiont communities, and environmental filtering affects belowground communities in a coastal dune ecosystem. Microbial Ecology 2016;71(4):912-926. |
R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | David AS, May G, Schmidt D, Seabloom EW. Beachgrass invasion in coastal dunes is mediated by soil microbes and lack of disturbance dependence. Ecosphere 2016;7(11):e01527 (12 pp.). |
R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Davidson EA, Savage K, Bolstad P, Clark DA, Curtis PS, Ellsworth DS, Hanson PJ, Law BE, Luo Y, Pregitzer KS, Randolph JC, Zak D. Belowground carbon allocation in forests estimated from litterfall and IRGA-based soil respiration measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2002;113(1-4):39-51. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) |
Journal Article | Debinski DM, Kindscher K, Jakubauskas ME. A remote sensing and GIS-based model of habitats and biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. International Journal of Remote Sensing 1999;20(17):3281-3291. |
R825155 (1997) R825155 (1999) R825155 (Final) |
Journal Article | Debinski DM, Jakubauskas ME, Kindscher K. Montane meadows as indicators of environmental change. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2000;64(1):213-225. |
R825155 (1999) R825155 (Final) |
Journal Article | Debinski DM, Ray C, Saveraid EH. Species diversity and the scale of the landscape mosaic: do scales of movement and patch size affect diversity? Biological Conservation 2001;98(2):179-190. |
R825155 (Final) R826110 (Final) |
Journal Article | Debinski DM. Using satellite data to support fieldwork: can species distributions be predicted? Yellowstone Science 1996;4(3):2-5. |
R825155 (Final) |
Journal Article | Debinski D, Jakubauskas M, Kindscher K. Assessing biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Geo Info Systems 1997;7:42-45. |
R825155 (1999) R825155 (Final) |
Journal Article | Dick LK, Field KG. Rapid estimation of numbers of fecal Bacteroidetes by use of a quantitative PCR assay for 16S rRNA genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2004;70(9):5695-5697. |
R827639 (Final) |
Journal Article | Dick LK, Bernhard AE, Brodeur TJ, Santo Domingo JW, Simpson JM, Walters SP, Field KG. Host distributions of uncultivated fecal Bacteroidales bacteria reveal genetic markers for fecal source identification. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2005;71(6):3184-3191. |
R827639 (Final) |
Journal Article | Dick LK, Simonich MT, Field KG. Microplate subtractive hybridization to enrich for Bacteroidales genetic markers for fecal source identification. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2005;71(6):3179-3183. |
R827639 (Final) |
Journal Article | Doughty DM, Sayavedra-Soto LA, Arp DJ, Bottomley PJ. Effects of dichloroethene isomers on the induction and activity of butane monooxygenase in the alkane-oxidizing bacterium “Pseudomonas butanovora.” Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2005;71(10):6054-6059. |
R828772 (2003) R828772 (Final) R828772C010 (2005) |
Journal Article | Doughty DM, Sayavedra-Soto LA, Arp DJ, Bottomley PJ. Product repression of alkane monooxygenase expression in Pseudomonas butanovora. Journal of Bacteriology 2006;188(7):2586-2592. |
R828772 (Final) R828772C010 (2005) |
Journal Article | Edge WD, Schauber EM. Factors affecting risk assessment of small mammals to pesticides. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2000;19(11):2735-2741. |
R825347 (1999) R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Elias VO, Simoneit BRT, Pereira AS, Cardoso JN. Mass spectra of triterpenyl alkanoates, novel natural products. Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1997;32(12):1356-1361. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Elias VO, Simoneit BRT, Pereira AS, Cardoso JN. High temperature gas chromatography with a glass capillary column for the analysis of high molecular weight tracers in smoke samples from biomass burning. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography 1998;21(2):87-93. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Elias VO, Simoneit BRT, Pereira AS, Cabral JA, Cardoso JN. Very high molecular weight organic marker (>C40) emissions from biomass burning in Amazonia. Revista Latino-Americana de Geoquimica Organica 1998;4:65-71. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Elias VO, Simoneit BRT, Pereira AS, Cabral JA, Cardoso JN. Detection of high molecular weight organic tracers in vegetation smoke samples by high-temperature gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology 1999;33(14):2369-2376. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Elias VO, Simoneit BRT, Cordeiro RC, Turcq B. Evaluating levoglucosan as an indicator of biomass burning in Carajás, amazonia: a comparison to the charcoal record. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2001;65(2):267-272. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ely RL, Williamson KJ, Guenther RB, Hyman MR, Arp DJ. A cometabolic kinetics model incorporating enzyme inhibition, inactivation, and recovery: I. Model development, analysis, and testing. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1995;46(3):218-231. |
R825689C009 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ely RL, Hyman MR, Arp DJ, Guenther RB, Williamson KJ. A cometabolic kinetics model incorporating enzyme inhibition, inactivation, and recovery: II. Trichloroethylene degradation experiments. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1995;46(3):232-245. |
R825689C009 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ely RL, Williamson KJ, Hyman MR, Arp DJ. Cometabolism of chlorinated solvents by nitrifying bacteria: kinetics, substrate interactions, toxicity effects, and bacterial response. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1997;54(6):520-534. |
R825689C013 (Final) |
Journal Article | Field JA, Reed RL, Sawyer TE, Martinez M. Diuron and its metabolites in surface water and ground water by solid phase extraction and in-vial elution. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 1997;45(10):3897-3902. |
R821195 (1998) R821195 (Final) |
Journal Article | Field JA. Coupling chemical derivatization reactions with supercritical fluid extraction. Journal of Chromatography A 1997;785(1-2):239-249. |
R821195 (1998) R821195 (Final) |
Journal Article | Field JA, Monohan K, Reed R. Coupling supercritical CO2 and subcritical (hot) water for the determination of Dacthal and its acid metabolites in soil. Analytical Chemistry 1998;70(9):1956-1962. |
R821195 (1998) R821195 (Final) |
Journal Article | Field JA, Schultz M, Barofsky D. Identifying hydrocarbon and fluorocarbon surfactants in specialty chemical formulations of environmental interest by fast atom bombardment/mass spectrometry. Chimia International Journal for Chemistry 2003;57(9):556-560. |
R829025 (2003) |
Journal Article | Field KG, Chern EC, Dick LK, Fuhrman J, Griffith J, Holden PA, LaMontagne MG, Le J, Olson B, Simonich MT. A comparative study of culture-independent, library-independent genotypic methods of fecal source tracking. Journal of Water and Health 2003;1(4):181-194. |
R827639 (Final) R828676 (Final) R828676C003 (Final) |
Journal Article | Fleming W, Needham M, Biedenweg K. Connections among Puget Sound Residents' Psychological Restoration from Natural Environments, Place Attachment, and Beliefs about Environmental Governance. Environmental Management 2021;. |
R836946 (2020) |
Journal Article | Fleming W, Hallman T, Van Den Hoek J, Johnson S, Biedenweg K. Measuring Spatial Associations between Environmental Health and Beliefs about Environmental Governance. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2022;Early Access. |
R836946 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ford J, Rose CE. Characterizing small subbasins: A case study from coastal Oregon. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2000;64(1):359-377 |
R825751 (1999) R825751 (2000) R825751 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Garcia GR, Noyes PD, Tanguay RL. Advancements in zebrafish applications for 21st century toxicology. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2016;161:11-21. |
R835168 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gaspar DJ, Lea AS, Engelhard MH, Baer DR, Miehr R, Tratnyek PG. Evidence for localization of reaction upon reduction of carbon tetrachloride by granular iron. Langmuir 2002;18(20):7688-7693. |
R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Gerth WJ, Herlihy AT. Effect of sampling different habitat types in regional macroinvertebrate bioassessment surveys. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 2006;25(2):501-512. |
R829498 (2004) R829498 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hacker SD, Zarnetske P, Seabloom E, Ruggiero P, Mull J, Gerrity S, Jones C. Subtle differences in two non-native congeneric beach grasses significantly affect their colonization, spread, and impact. Oikos 2012;121(1):138-148. |
R833836 (2010) R833836 (2011) R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Istok JD, Humphrey MD, Schroth MH, Hyman MR, OReilly KT. Single-well, "push-pull" test for in situ determination of microbial activities. Ground Water 1997;35(4):619-631. |
R825689C021 (Final) |
Journal Article | Halofsky J, Donato D, Hibbs D, Campbell J, Cannon M, Fontaine J, Thompson J, Anthony R, Bormann B, Kayes L, Law B, Peterson D, Spies T. Mixed-severity fire regimes:lessons and hypotheses from the Klamath-Siskiyou Ecoregion. ECOSPHERE 2011;2(4):160002. |
R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Halsey KH, Sayavedra-Soto LA, Bottomley PJ, Arp DJ. Trichloroethylene degradation by butane-oxidizing bacteria causes a spectrum of toxic effects. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2005;68(6):794-801. |
R828772 (2003) R828772 (Final) R828772C010 (2005) |
Journal Article | Hamamura N, Page C, Long T, Semprini L, Arp DJ. Chloroform cometabolism by butane-grown CF8, Pseudomonas butanovora, and Mycobacterium vaccae JOB 5, and methane-grown Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1997;63(9):3607-3613. |
R825689C019 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hamamura N, Storfa RT, Semprini L, Arp DJ. Diversity in butane monooxygenases among butane-grown bacteria. Applied Environmental Microbiology 1999;65(10):4586-4593. |
R825689C019 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hamamura N, Arp DJ. Isolation and characterization of alkane-utilizing Nocardioides sp. strain CF8. FEMS Microbiology Letters 2000;186(1):21-26. |
R825689C019 (Final) |
Journal Article | Harding DJ, Lefsky MA, Parker GG, Blair JB. Laser altimeter canopy height profiles--methods and validation for closed-canopy, broadleaf forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 2001;76(3):283-297. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) |
Journal Article | Hardison LK, Curry SS, Ciuffetti LM, Hyman MR. Metabolism of diethyl ether and cometabolism of methyl tert-butyl ether by a filamentous fungus, a Graphium sp. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1997;63(8):3059-3067. |
R823426 (Final) R825689C020 (Final) |
Journal Article | Harper BL, Harris SG. A possible approach for setting a mercury risk-based action level based on tribal fish ingestion rates. Environmental Research 2008;107(1):60-68. |
R831046 (Final) |
Journal Article | Harper B, Harding A, Harris S, Berger P. Subsistence exposure scenarios for tribal applications. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2012;18(4):810-831. |
R831046 (Final) |
Journal Article | Harper SL, Dahl JA, Maddux BLS, Tanguay RL, Hutchison JE. Proactively designing nanomaterials to enhance performance and minimise hazard. International Journal of Nanotechnology 2008;5(1):124-142. |
R833320 (2008) R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Harper SL, Carriere JL, Miller JM, Hutchison JE, Maddux BLS, Tanguay RL. Systematic evaluation of nanomaterial toxicity: utility of standardized materials and rapid assays. ACS Nano 2011;5(6):4688-4697. |
R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Harper S, Usenko C, Hutchison JE, Maddux BLS, Tanguay RL. In vivo biodistribution and toxicity depends on nanomaterial composition, size, surface functionalisation and route of exposure. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 2008;3(3):195-206. |
R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Helihy A, Paulsen S, Kentula M, Magee T, Nahlik A, Lominicky G. Assessing the relative and attributable risk of stressors to wetland condition across the conterminous United States. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2019;191(320). |
R834252 (2011) |
Journal Article | Herlihy A, Kentula M, Magee T, Lominicky G, Nahlik A, Serenbetz G. Striving for consistency in the National Wetland Condition Assessment:developing a reference condition approach for assessing wetlands at a continental scale. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2019;191(327). |
R834252 (2011) |
Journal Article | Herriges JA, Phaneuf DJ. Inducing patterns of correlation and substitution in repeated logic models of recreation demand. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2002;84(4):1076-1090. |
R825310 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hill B, Elonen C, Herlihy A, Jocha T, Serenbetz G. Microbial ecoenzyme stoichiometry, nutrient limitation, and organic matter decomposition in wetlands of the conterminous United States. WETLANDS ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT 2018;26(3):425-439. |
R834252 (2011) |
Journal Article | Hillyer C, Bolte J, van Evert F, Lamaker A. The ModCom modular simulation system. European Journal of Agronomy 2003;18(3-4):333-343. |
R827960 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Hulse D, Ribe R. Land conversion and the production of wealth. Ecological Applications 2000;10(3):679-682. |
R825797 (2000) R825822 (2000) R825822 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hulse D, Eilers JE, Freemark KE, White D, Hummon C. Planning alternative future landscapes in Oregon: evaluating effects on water quality and biodiversity. Landscape Journal 2000;19(2):1-19. |
R825797 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Hyman MR, Page CL, Arp DJ. Oxidation of methyl fluoride and dimethyl ether by ammonia monooxygenase in Nitrosomonas europaea. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1994;60(8):3033-3035. |
R825689C009 (Final) |
Journal Article | Hyman MR, Russell SA, Ely RL, Williamson KJ, Arp DJ. Inhibition, inactivation, and recovery of ammonia-oxidizing activity in cometabolism of trichloroethylene by Nitrosomonas europaea. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1995;61(4):1480-1487. |
R825689C009 (Final) |
Journal Article | Isaacson CW, Usenko CY, Tanguay RL, Field JA. Quantification of fullerenes by LC/ESI-MS and its application to in vivo toxicity assays. Analytical Chemistry 2007;79(23):9091-9097. |
R833320 (2008) R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Haggerty R, Schroth MH, Istok JD. Simplified method of "push-pull" test data analysis for determining in situ reaction rate coefficients. Ground Water 1998;36(2):314-324. |
R825689C021 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jakubauskas M, Kindscher K, Debinski D. Multitemporal characterization and mapping of montane sagebrush communities using Indian IRS LISS-II imagery. Geocarto International 1998;13(4):65-74. |
R825155 (1997) R825155 (1999) R825155 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jakubauskas M, Kindscher K, Fraser A, Debinski D, Price KP. Close-range remote sensing of aquatic macrophyte vegetation cover. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2000;21(18):3533-3538. |
R825155 (1997) R825155 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jakubauskas M, Kindscher K, Debinski D. Spectral and biophysical relationships of montane sagebrush communities in multi-temporal SPOT XS data. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2001;22(9):1767-1778. |
R825155 (1997) R825155 (1999) R825155 (Final) R826110 (Final) |
Journal Article | Jeltsch, F, Moloney K. Spatially explicit vegetation models: what have we learned? In: Esser K, Luttge U, Beyschlag W, Hellwig F, eds. Progress in Botany. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2002, pp. 326-343. |
R825796 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Jones BD, Ingle Jr JD. Evaluation of redox indicators for determining sulfate-reducing and dechlorinating conditions. Water Research 2005;39(18):4343-4354. |
R828772 (Final) R828772C011 (2005) |
Journal Article | Jurik TW, Kliebenstein H. Canopy architecture, light extinction and self-shading of a prairie grass, Andropogon gerardii. The American Midland Naturalist 2000;144(1):51-65. |
R825796 (1999) R825796 (2000) R825796 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kaminsky GM, Ruggiero P, Buijsman MC, McCandless D, Gelfenbaum G. Historical evolution of the Columbia River littoral cell. Marine Geology 2010;273(1-4):96-126. |
R833836 (2009) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kennedy RE, Cohen WB. Automated designation of tie-points for image-to-image coregistration. International Journal of Remote Sensing 2003;24(17):3467-3490. |
R828309 (2002) |
Journal Article | Khaodhiar S, Azizian MF, Nelson PO, Osathaphan K. Copper, chromium, and arsenic adsorption and equilibrium modeling in an iron-oxide-coated sand, background electrolyte system. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 2000;119(1-4):105-120. |
R825689C024 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kim Y, Semprini L, Arp DJ. Aerobic cometabolism of chloroform and 1,1,1-trichloroethane by butane-grown microorganisms. Bioremediation Journal 1997;1(2):135-148. |
R825689C019 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kim Y, Arp DJ, Semprini L. Chlorinated solvent cometabolism by butane-grown mixed culture. Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE 2000;126(10):934-942. |
R825689C019 (Final) |
Journal Article | Kim Y, Arp DJ, Semprini L. Kinetic and inhibition studies for the aerobic cometabolism of 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,1-dichloroethylene, and 1,1-dichloroethane by a butane-grown mixed culture. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2002;80(5):498-508. |
R828772 (2002) R828772 (Final) R828772C003 (2002) |
Journal Article | Kim Y, Arp DJ, Semprini L. A combined method for determining inhibition type, kinetic parameters, and inhibition coefficients for aerobic cometabolism of 1,1,1-trichloroethane by a butane-grown mixed culture. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2002;77(5):564-576. |
R828772 (2002) R828772 (Final) R828772C003 (2002) |
Journal Article | Kim Y, Semprini L. Cometabolic transformation of cis-1,2-dichloroethylene and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene epoxide by a butane-grown mixed culture. Water Science & Technology 2005;52(8):125-131. |
R828772 (Final) R828772C010 (2005) |
Journal Article | Kindscher K, Fraser A, Jakubauskas ME, Debinski DM. Identifying wetland meadows in Grand Teton National Park using remote sensing and average wetland values. Wetlands Ecology and Management 1997;5(4):265-273. |
R825155 (1999) R825155 (Final) |
Journal Article | Klaas BA, Moloney KA, Danielson BJ. The tempo and mode of gopher mound production in a tallgrass prairie remnant. Ecography 2000;23(2):246-256 |
R825796 (Final) |
Journal Article | Koch EW, Barbier EB, Silliman BR, Reed DJ, Perillo GME, Hacker SD, Granek EF, Primavera JH, Muthiga N, Polasky S, Halpern BS, Kennedy CJ, Kappel CV, Wolanski E. Non-linearity in ecosystem services: temporal and spatial variability in coastal protection. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2009;7(1):29-37. |
R833836 (2010) R833836 (2011) R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Komar PD, McManus J, Styllas M. Sediment accumulation in Tillamook Bay, Oregon: Natural processes versus human impacts. Journal of Geology 2004;112(4):455-469 |
R825751 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Lamy F, Bolte J, Santelmann M, Smith C. Development and evaluation of multiple-objective decision-making methods for watershed management planning. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 2002;38(2):517-529. |
R827146 (Final) R833626 (Final) |
Journal Article | Law BE, Van Tuyl S, Cescatti A, Baldocchi DD. Estimation of leaf area index in open-canopy Ponderosa pine forests at different successional stages and management regimes in Oregon. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2001;108(1):1-14. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) |
Journal Article | Law BE, Sun OJ, Campbell J, Van Tuyl S, Thornton PE. Changes in carbon storage and fluxes in a chronosequence of Ponderosa pine. Global Change Biology 2003;9(4):510-524. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) |
Journal Article | Law BE, Turner D, Campbell J, Sun OJ, Van Tuyl S, Ritts WD, Cohen WB. Disturbance and climate effects on carbon stocks and fluxes across Western Oregon USA. Global Change Biology 2004;10(9):1429-1444. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) R828309 (2002) |
Journal Article | Lefsky MA, Cohen WB, Spies TA. An evaluation of alternate remote sensing products for forest inventory, monitoring, and mapping of Douglas-fir forests in western Oregon. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2001;31(1):78-87. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Lefsky MA, Cohen WB, Parker GG, Harding DJ. Lidar Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Studies: Lidar, an emerging remote sensing technology that directly measures the three-dimensional distribution of plant canopies, can accurately estimate vegetation structural attributes and should be of particular interest to forest, landscape, and global ecologists. Bioscience 2002;52(1):19-30. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) |
Journal Article | Lefsky MA, Turner DP, Guzy M, Cohen WB. Combining lidar estimates of aboveground biomass and Landsat estimates of stand age for spatially extensive validation of modeled forest productivity. Remote Sensing of Environment 2005;95(4):549-558. |
R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Lemmon TL, Westall JC, Ingle Jr. JD. Development of redox sensors for environmental applications based on immobilized redox indicators. Analytical Chemistry 1996;68(6):947-953. |
R825689C004 (Final) |
Journal Article | Leon AS. Mathematical models for quantifying eruption velocity in degassing pipes based on exsolution of a single gas and simultaneous exsolution of multiple gases. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 2016;323:72-79. |
R835187 (2015) R835187 (Final) |
Journal Article | Leon, A. S. (2017). Mechanisms that lead to violent geysers in vertical shafts. Journal of Hydraulic Research. Under review. Accepted with minor revisions. |
R835187 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Leon, A. S. (2017), Elayeb I. S., Tang, Y. (2017). An experimental study on violent geysers in vertical shafts. Journal of Hydraulic Research. Under review. |
R835187 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Lminicky G, Herlihy A, Kaufmann P. Quantifying the extent of human disturbance activities and anthropogenic stressors in wetlands across the conterminous United States:results from the National Wetland Condition Assessment. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2019;191(324). |
R834252 (2011) |
Journal Article | Logue BA, Westall JC. Kinetics of reduction of nitrobenzene and carbon tetrachloride at an iron-oxide coated gold electrode. Environmental Science & Technology 2003;37(11):2356-2362. |
R827117 (2000) R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Lotrario JB, Woods SL. Comparison of the correlation of MEP and the free energies of reaction with nitro group reduction of nitrotoluene congeners. Bioremediation Journal 1997;1(2):115-122. |
R825689C011 (Final) |
Journal Article | Magee T, Blocksom K, Herlihy A, Nahlik A. Characterizing nonnative plants in wetlands across the conterminous United States. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT 2019;191(344). |
R834252 (2011) |
Journal Article | Miehr R, Tratnyek PG, Bandstra JZ, Scherer MM, Alowitz MJ, Bylaska EJ. Diversity of contaminant reduction reactions by zerovalent iron: role of the reductate. Environmental Science & Technology 2004;38(1):139-147. |
R827117 (2000) R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Moody CA, Field JA. Determination of perfluorocarboxylates in groundwater impacted by fire-fighting activity. Environmental Science & Technology 1999;33(16):2800-2806. |
R821195 (1998) R821195 (Final) |
Journal Article | Moody CA, Hebert GN, Strauss SH, Field JA. Occurrence and persistence of perfluorooctanesulfonate and other perfluorinated surfactants in groundwater at a fire-training area at Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Michigan, USA. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2003;5(2):341-345. |
R829025 (2002) |
Journal Article | Mull J, Ruggiero P. Estimating storm-induced dune erosion and overtopping along U.S. West Coast beaches. Journal of Coastal Research 2014;30(6):1173-1187. |
R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Munn MD, Waite IR, Larsen DP, Herlihy AT. The relative influence of geographic location and reach-scale habitat on benthic invertebrate assemblages in six ecoregions. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2009;154(1-4):1-14. |
R829498 (Final) |
Journal Article | Nam S, Tratnyek PG. Reduction of azo dyes with zero-valent iron. Water Research 2000;34(6):1837-1845. |
R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Naymik J, Pan Y, Ford J. Effects of basinwide logging on stream periphyton. Abstract Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 2001;18(1):133-134. |
R825751 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Nelson PO, Yang M. Equilibrium adsorption of chlorophenols on granular activated carbon. Water Environment Research 1995;67(6):892-898. |
R825689C002 (Final) |
Journal Article | Nicholson DK, Woods SL, Istok JD, Peek DC. Reductive dechlorination of chlorophenols by a pentachlorophenol-acclimated methanogenic consortium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1992;58(7):2280-2286. |
R825689C001 (Final) |
Journal Article | Noyes PD, Haggard DE, Gonnerman GD, Tanguay RL. Advanced morphological-behavioral test platform reveals neurodevelopmental defects in embryonic zebrafish exposed to comprehensive suite of halogenated and organophosphate flame retardants.Toxicological Sciences 2015;145(1):177-195. |
R835796 (2015) R835796 (2016) |
Journal Article | Oros DR, Simoneit BRT. Identification of molecular tracers in organic aerosols from temperate climate vegetation subjected to biomass burning. Aerosol Science and Technology 1999;31(6):433-445. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Oros DR, Standley LJ, Chen X, Simoneit BRT. Epicuticular wax compositions of predominant conifers of western North America. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung 1999;54C:17-24. |
R823990 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Oros DR, Simoneit BRT. Identification and emission rates of molecular tracers in coal smoke particulate matter. Fuel 2000;79(5):515-536. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Oros DR, Simoneit BRT. Identification and emission factors of molecular tracers in organic aerosols from biomass burning Part 1. Temperate climate conifers. Applied Geochemistry 2001;16(13):1513-1544. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Oros DR, Simoneit BRT. Identification and emission factors of molecular tracers in organic aerosols from biomass burning Part 2. Deciduous trees. Applied Geochemistry 2001;16(13):1545-1565. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Pan Y, Hill BH, Husby P, Hall RK, Kaufmann PR. Relationships between environmental variables and benthic diatom assemblages in California Central Valley streams (USA). Hydrobiologia 2006;561(1):119-130. |
R829498 (Final) |
Journal Article | Parker GG, Lefsky MA, Harding DJ. Light transmittance in forest canopies determined from airborne laser altimetry and in-canopy quantum measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment 2001;76(3):298-309. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) |
Journal Article | Pereira AS, Siqueira DS, Elias VO, Simoneit BRT, Cabral JA, Aquino Neto FR. Three series of high molecular weight alkanoates found in Amazonian plants. Phytochemistry 2002;61(6):711-719. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Perkovich BS, Anderson TA, Kruger EL, Coats JR. Enhanced mineralization of C-14-atrazine in Kochia scoparia rhizospheric soil from a pesticide-contaminated site. Pesticide Science 1996;46(4):391-396. |
R825549C045 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Phaneuf DJ, Herriges JA. Choice set definition issues in a Kuhn-Tucker model of recreation demand. Marine Resource Economics 1999;14(4):343-355. |
R825310 (Final) R826615 (1999) R826615 (2000) R826615 (Final) |
Journal Article | Field JA, Reed RL. Subcritical (hot) water/ethanol extraction of nonylphenol polyethoxy carboxylates from industrial and municipal sludges. Environmental Science & Technology 1999;33(16):2782-2787. |
R821195 (1998) R821195 (Final) |
Journal Article | Reif DM, Truong L, Mandrell D, Marvel S, Zhang G, Tanguay RL. High-throughput characterization of chemical-associated embryonic behavioral changes predicts teratogenic outcomes. Archives of Toxicology 2016;90(6):1459-1570. |
R835168 (Final) |
Journal Article | Richardson K, Hatten J, Wheatcroft R. 1500 years of lake sedimentation due to fire, earthquakes, floods and land clearance in the Oregon Coast Range:geomorphic sensitivity to floods during timber harvest period. EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS 2018;43(7):1496-1517. |
R835186 (Final) |
Journal Article | Rosenberger RS, Stanley TD. Measurement, generalization, and publication: sources of error in benefit transfers and their management. Ecological Economics 2006;60(2):372-378. |
R832421 (2007) |
Journal Article | Ruggiero P, Buijsman M, Kaminsky GM, Gelfenbaum G. Modeling the effects of wave climate and sediment supply variability on large-scale shoreline change. Marine Geology 2010;273(1-4):127-140. |
R833836 (2009) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Ruggiero P, Komar PD, Allan JC. Increasing wave heights and extreme value projections:the wave climate of the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Coastal Engineering 2010;57(5):539-552. |
R833836 (2009) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Russell J, Marsee M, Weems C. Developmental Variation in Amygdala Volumes:Modeling Differences Across Time, Age, and Puberty. BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY-COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE AND NEUROIMAGING 2021;6(1):117-125. |
R840040 (2021) |
Journal Article | Saveraid EH, Debinski DM, Kindscher K, Jakubauskas ME. A comparison of satellite data and landscape variables in predicting bird species occurrences in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA. Landscape Ecology 2001;16(1):71-83. |
R825155 (Final) |
Journal Article | Schauber EM, Edge WD. Statistical power to detect main and interactive effects on the attributes of small-mammal populations. Canadian Journal of Zoology 1999;77(1):68-73. |
R825347 (1999) R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Scherer MM, Westall JC, Ziomek-Moroz M, Tratnyek PG. Kinetics of carbon tetrachloride reduction at an oxide-free iron electrode. Environmental Science & Technology 1997;31(8):2385-2391. |
R825689C004 (Final) |
Journal Article | Scherer MM, Johnson KM, Westall JC, Tratnyek PG. Mass transport effects on the kinetics of nitrobenzene reduction by iron metal. Environmental Science & Technology 2001;35(13):2804-2811. |
R827117 (2000) R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Scherer MM, Westall JC, Tratnyek PG. Discussion on "Electrochemical and Raman spectroscopic studies of the influence of chlorinated solvents on the corrosion behaviour of iron in borate buffer and in simulated groundwater" [Corrosion Science 42 (2000) 1921–1939]. Corrosion Science 2002;44(5):1151-1157. |
R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Schroth MH, Istok JD, Conner GT, Hyman MR, Haggerty R, O'Reilly KT. Spatial variability in in situ aerobic respiration and denitrification rates in a petroleum-contaminated aquifer. Ground Water 1998;36(6):924-937. |
R825689C021 (Final) |
Journal Article | Schultz MM, Barofsky DF, Field JA. Fluorinated alkyl surfactants. Environmental Engineering Science 2003;20(5):487-501. |
R829025 (2002) R829025 (2003) |
Journal Article | Scott LE, Ford J. Relationships between land use, geology, and in-stream phsyical habitat in small northern Oregon coastal streams. Ecological Society of America, 2001. |
R825751 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Seabloom EW, Ruggiero P, Hacker SD, Mull J, Zarnetske P. Invasive grasses, climate change, and exposure to storm-wave overtopping in coastal dune ecosystems. Global Change Biology 2013;19(3):824-832. |
R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Semprini L. Strategies for the aerobic co-metabolism of chlorinated solvents. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 1997;8(3):296-308. |
R825689C019 (Final) |
Journal Article | Shanks OC, Nietch C, Simonich M, Younger M, Reynolds D, Field KG. Basin-wide analysis of the dynamics of fecal contamination and fecal source identification in Tillamook Bay, Oregon. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2006;72(8):5537-5546. |
CR830396 (Final) |
Journal Article | Sheffield LM, Crait JR, Edge WD, Wang G. Response of American kestrels and gray-tailed voles to vegetation height and supplemental perches. Canadian Journal of Zoology 2001;79(3):380-385. |
R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Simoneit BRT, Rogge WF, Lang Q, Jaffe R. Molecular characterization of smoke from campfire burning of pine wood (Pinus elliottii). Chemosphere-Global Change Science 2000;2(1):107-122. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Simoneit BRT, Elias VO. Detecting organic tracers from biomass burning in the atmosphere. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2001;42(10):805-810. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Simoneit BRT, Schauer JJ, Nolte CG, Oros DR, Elias VO, Fraser MP, Rogge WF, Cass GR. Levoglucosan, a tracer for cellulose in biomass burning and atmospheric particles. Atmospheric Environment, January 1999;33(2):173-182. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Simoneit BRT. A review of biomarker compounds as source indicators and tracers for air pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 1999;6(3):159-169. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Simoneit BRT, Oros DR, Elias VO. Molecular tracers for smoke from charring/burning of chitin biopolymer. Chemosphere-Global Change Science 2000;2(1):101-105. |
R823990 (Final) |
Journal Article | Smith CL, Gilden J. Assets to move watershed councils from assessment to action. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 2002;38(3):653-662. |
R825751 (2000) R825751 (Final) R827146 (2000) R827146 (Final) |
Journal Article | Smith CL. Institutional mapping of Oregon coastal watershed management options. Ocean & Coastal Management 2002;45(6-7):357-375. |
R825751 (1999) R825751 (2000) |
not available |
Journal Article | Smith L, Ford J, Colbert D, Komar PD, McManus J. Coping with nature: acquiring knowledge, adopting technology, accepting risk. Environmental Management. |
R825751 (Final) |
not available |
Journal Article | Spilseth SA, Morgan SG. Evaluation of internal elastomer tags for small, mature crabs. Crustaceana 2005;78(11):1383-1388. |
R825689C028 (Final) R828676 (Final) R828676C001 (2004) R828676C001 (Final) |
Journal Article | Stanley TD. Meta-regression methods for detecting and estimating empirical effects in the presence of publication selection. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 2008;70(1):103-127. |
R832421 (2007) |
Journal Article | Stuart SL, Woods SL. Kinetic evidence for pentachlorophenol-dependent growth of a dehalogenating population in a pentachlorophenol- and acetate-fed, methanogenic culture. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1998;57(4):420-429. |
R825689C007 (Final) |
Journal Article | Stuart SL, Woods SL, Lemmon TL, Ingle Jr. JD. The effect of redox potential changes on reductive dechlorination of pentachlorophenol and the degradation of acetate by a mixed, methanogenic culture. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 1999;63(1):69-78. |
R825689C007 (Final) R825689C011 (Final) |
Journal Article | Sule PA, Ingle Jr. JD. Determination of the speciation of chromium with an automated two-column ion-exchange system. Analytica Chimica Acta 1996;326(1-3):85-93. |
R825689C015 (Final) |
Journal Article | Sun OJ, Campbell J, Law BE, Wolf V. Dynamics of carbon stocks in soils and detritus across chronosequences of different forest types in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Global Change Biology 2004;10(9):1470-1481. |
R828309 (2000) R828309 (2001) R828309 (2002) R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Thomas DG, Klaessig F, Harper SL, Fritts M, Hoover MD, Gaheen S, Stokes TH, Reznik-Zellen R, Freund ET, Klemm JD, Paik DS, Baker NA. Informatics and standards for nanomedicine technology. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology 2011;3(5):511-532. |
R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Tratnyek PG, Scherer MM, Deng BL, Hu S. Effects of natural organic matter, anthropogenic surfactants, and model quinones on the reduction of contaminants by zero-valent iron. Water Research 2001;35(18):4435-4443. |
R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Tratnyek PG, Reilkoff TE, Lemon AW, Scherer MM, Balko BA, Feik LM, Henegar BD. Visualizing redox chemistry: probing environmental oxidation-reduction reactions with indicator dyes. The Chemical Educator 2001;6(3):172-179. |
R827117 (2000) R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Tratnyek PG, Weber EJ, Schwarzenbach RP. Quantitative structure-activity relationships for chemical reductions of organic contaminants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2003;22(8):1733-1742. |
R827117 (Final) |
Journal Article | Truong L, Moody IS, Stankus DP, Nason JA, Lonergan MC, Tanguay RL. Differential stability of lead sulfide nanoparticles influences biological responses in embryonic zebrafish. Archives of Toxicology 2011;85(7):787-798. |
R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Truong L, Harper SL, Tanguay RL. Evaluation of embryotoxicity using the zebrafish model. Methods in Molecular Biology 2011;691(Part 6):271-279. |
R833320 (2008) R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Truong L, Zaikova T, Richman EK, Hutchison JE, Tanguay RL. Media ionic strength impacts embryonic responses to engineered nanoparticle exposure. Nanotoxicology 2012;6(7):691-699. |
R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Truong L, Saili KS, Miller JM, Hutchison JE, Tanguay RL. Persistent adult zebrafish behavioral deficits results from acute embryonic exposure to gold nanoparticles. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 2012;155(2):269-274. |
R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Truong L, Tilton SC, Zaikova T, Richman E, Waters KM, Hutchison JE, Tanguay RL. Surface functionalities of gold nanoparticles impact embryonic gene expression responses. Nanotoxicology 2013;7(2):192-201. |
R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Truong L, Bugel SM, Chlebowski A, Usenko CY, Simonich MT, Simonich SLM, Tanguay RL. Optimizing multi-dimensional high throughput screening using zebrafish. Reproductive Toxicology 2016;65:139-147. |
R835168 (Final) R835796 (2017) |
Journal Article | Turner DP, Guzy M, Lefsky MA, Van Tuyl S, Sun O, Daly C, Law BE. Effects of land use and fine-scale environmental heterogeneity on net ecosystem production over a temperate coniferous forest landscape. Tellus Series B-Chemical and Physical Meteorology 2003;55(2):657-668. |
R828309 (2002) R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Turner DP, Ollinger SV, Kimball JS. Integrating remote sensing and ecosystem process models for landscape- to regional-scale analysis of the carbon cycle. BioScience 2004;54(6):573-584. |
R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Turner DP, Guzy M, Lefsky M, Ritts WD, Van Tuyl S, Law BE. Monitoring forest carbon sequestration with remote sensing and carbon cycle modeling. Environmental Management 2004;33(4):457-466. |
R828309 (2002) R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Usenko CY, Harper SL, Tanguay RL. In vivo evaluation of carbon fullerene toxicity using embryonic zebrafish. Carbon 2007;45(9):1891-1898. |
R833320 (2008) R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Usenko CY, Harper SL, Tanguay RL. Fullerene C60 exposure elicits an oxidative stress response in embryonic zebrafish. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2008;229(1):44-55. |
R833320 (2008) R833320 (Final) |
Journal Article | Van Tuyl S, Law BE, Turner DP, Gitelman AI. Variability in net primary production and carbon storage in biomass across Oregon forests--an assessment integrating data from forest inventories, intensive sites, and remote sensing. Forest Ecology and Management 2005;209(3):273-291. |
R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Vancheeswaran S, Halden RU, Williamson KJ, Ingle Jr. JD, Semprini L. Abiotic and biological transformation of tetraalkoxysilanes and trichloroethene/cis-1,2-dichloroethene cometabolism driven by tetrabutoxysilane-degrading microorganisms. Environmental Science & Technology 1999;33(7):1077-1085. |
R825689C026 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wachenheim DE, Blythe LL, Craig AM. Effects of antibacterial agents on in vitro ovine ruminal biotransformation of the hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid, jacobine. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1992;58(8):2559-2564. |
R825689C006 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wachenheim DE, Blythe LL, Craig AM. Characterization of rumen bacterial pyrrolizidine alkaloid biotransformation in ruminants of various species. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 1992;34(6):513-517. |
R825689C006 (Final) |
Journal Article | Waite IR, Herlihy AT, Larsen DP, Urquhart NS, Klemm DJ. The effects of macroinvertebrate taxonomic resolution in large landscape bioassessments: an example from the Mid-Atlantic Highlands, U.S.A. Freshwater Biology 2004;49(4):474-489. |
R829095 (Final) R829095C003 (2004) R829498 (2003) R829498 (Final) |
Journal Article | Walters SP, Field KG. Persistence and growth of fecal Bacteroidales assessed by bromodeoxyuridine immunocapture. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2006;72(7):4532-4539. |
CR830396 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wang G, Wolff JO, Edge WD. Gray-tailed voles do not move to avoid exposure to the insecticide Guthion® 2S. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 1999;18(8):1824-1828. |
R825347 (1999) R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wang G, Edge W, Wolff JO. A field test of the quotient method for predicting risk to Microtus canicaudus in grasslands. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1999;36(2):207-212. |
R825347 (1999) R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wang G, Edge WD, Wolff JO. Response of bobwhite quail and gray-tailed voles to granular and flowable diazinon applications. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2001;20(2):406-11 |
R825347 (1999) |
Journal Article | Wang G, Edge WD, Wolff JO. Response of bobwhite quail and gray-tailed voles to granular and flowable diazinon applications. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2001;20(2):406-411. |
R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wang G, Edge WD, Wolff JO. Demographic uncertainty in ecological risk assessments. Ecological Modelling 2001;136(1):95-102. |
R825347 (1999) R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wang G, Edge WD, Wolff JO. Rainfall and Guthion 2S interactions affect gray-tailed vole demography. Ecological Applications 2001;11(3):928-933. |
R825347 (Final) |
Journal Article | Wolfe-Bellin KS, Moloney KA. The effect of gopher mounds and fire on the spatial distribution and demography of a short-lived legume in tallgrass prairie. Canadian Journal of Botany 2000;78(10):1299-1308. |
R825796 (Final) |
Journal Article | Woodcock CE, Macomber SA, Pax-Lenney M, Cohen WB. Monitoring large areas for forest change using Landsat: generalization across space, time and Landsat sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment 2001;78(1-2):194-203, Special Issue. |
R828309 (Final) |
Journal Article | Woods SL, Trobaugh DJ, Carter KJ. Polychlorinated biphenyl reductive dechlorination by vitamin B12s: thermodynamics and regiospecificity. Environmental Science & Technology 1999;33(6):857-863. |
R825689C017 (Final) |
Journal Article | Yeager CM, Bottomley PJ, Arp DJ, Hyman MR. Inactivation of toluene 2-monooxygenase in Burkholderia cepacia G4 by alkynes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1999;65(2):632-639. |
R825689C027 (Final) |
Journal Article | Yeager CM, Bottomley PJ, Arp DJ. Cytotoxicity associated with trichloroethylene oxidation in Burkholderia cepacia G4. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2001;67(5):2107-2115. |
R825689C027 (Final) R828772 (2002) R828772 (Final) |
Journal Article | Yeager CM, Arthur KM, Bottomley PJ, Arp DJ. Trichloroethylene degradation by toluene-oxidizing bacteria grown on non-aromatic substrates. Biodegradation 2004;15(1):19-28. |
R828772 (2003) R828772 (2004) R828772 (Final) R828772C010 (2005) |
Journal Article | Yu S, Semprini L. Comparison of trichloroethylene reductive dehalogenation by microbial communities stimulated on silicon-based organic compounds as slow-release anaerobic substrates. Water Research 2002;36(20):4985-4996. |
R828772 (2002) R828772 (Final) R828772C001 (2001) |
Journal Article | Zarnetske PL, Seabloom EW, Hacker SD. Non-target effects of invasive species management:beach grass, birds, and bulldozers in coastal dunes. Ecosphere 2010;1(5):1-20. |
R833836 (2010) R833836 (2011) R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zarnetske PL, Hacker SD, Seabloom EW, Ruggiero P, Killian JR, Maddux TB, Cox D. Biophysical feedback mediates effects of invasive grasses on coastal dune shape. Ecology 2012;93(6):1439-1450. |
R833836 (2011) R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zarnetske PL, Gouhier TC, Hacker SD, Seabloom EW, Bokil VA. Indirect effects and facilitation among native and non-native species promote invasion success along an environmental stress gradient. Journal of Ecology 2013;101(4):905-915. |
R833836 (2012) R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zarnetske PL, Ruggiero P, Seabloom EW, Hacker SD. Coastal foredune evolution:the relative influence of vegetation and sand supply in the US Pacific Northwest. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 2015;12(106):20150017. |
R833836 (Final) |
Journal Article | Zhang G, Truong L, Tanguay RL, Reif DM. A new statistical approach to characterize chemical-elicited behavioral effects in high-throughput studies using zebrafish. PLoS One 2017;12(1):e0169408 (16 pp.). |
R835168 (Final) R835796 (2017) |
Journal Article | Zhang G, Marvel S, Truong L, Tanguay RL, Reif DM. Aggregate entropy scoring for quantifying activity across endpoints with irregular correlation structure. Reproductive Toxicology 2016;62:92-99. |
R835168 (Final) R835796 (2017) R835802 (2015) R835802 (2016) R835802 (2017) R835802 (2018) R835802C003 (2015) |
Journal Article | Zhang G, Roell KR, Truong L, Tanguay RL, Reif DM. A data-driven weighting scheme for multivariate phenotypic endpoints recapitulates zebrafish developmental cascades. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2017;314:109-117. |
R835796 (2017) R835802 (2016) R835802 (2017) R835802 (2018) |
Journal Article | Zhang G, Roell KR, Truong L, Tanguay RL, Reif DM. A data-driven weighting scheme for multivariate phenotypic endpoints recapitulates zebrafish developmental cascades. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2017;314:109-117. |
R835168 (Final) |
Journal Article | Nam C, Lee YA. Multilayered cellulosic material as a leather alternative in the footwear industry. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 2019;37(1):20-34. |
SU835733 (Final) |
Journal Article | Titaley IA, De la Cruz FB, Field JA. Comment on “Release of Volatile Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Aqueous Film-Forming Foam”. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2020;7(11):866-8. |
R839600 (2020) R839600 (2021) |
Journal Article | Lee J, Choi J, Fatka M, Swanner E, Ikuma K, Liang X, Leung T, Howe A. Improved detection of mcyA genes and their phylogenetic origins in harmful algal blooms. Water Research 2020;19:115730. |
R839270 (2019) R839270 (Final) |
Journal Article | Titaley IA, De la Cruz FB, Barlaz MA, Field JA. Neutral per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in in situ landfill gas by thermal desorption–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2023;10(3):214-221. |
R839600 (2023) |
Journal Article | Chegini, T., Phan, M. K. and Leon, A. S. (2017). Three-dimensional numerical modeling of violent geysers in vertical shafts. Journal of Hydraulic Research. Under review. |
R835187 (Final) |
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Journal Article | Nelson TN, Poleacovschi C, Weems CF, Ikuma K, García I, Rehmann CR. Navigating end-user perceptions:development and initial psychometric properties of a water quality perception scale. Frontiers in Water. 2024 30;6:1357921. |
R840040 (Final) |
Journal Article | Nelson TN, Poleacovschi C, Weems CF, García I, Rehmann CR, Ikuma K. Relationship between Drinking Water Sources and Perceptions of Psychological Resilience in Older Adults Following Hurricane Maria. ACS ES&T Water. 2024 19;4(9):3976-85. |
R840040 (Final) |
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.