Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Paraffin)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acute Oral Administration in Male and Female Rats Code 69 (Meflex 039(12-2023-43.5% Chlorination)) with Cover Letter. 1982
BALB/3T3 Transformation Test: Gulfgrown Grease E.P. No. 2 with Cover Letter. 1984
Calyptospora funduli (Apicomplexa, Calyptosporidae) in the Liver of the Gulf Toadfish, 'Opsanus beta'. 1993
Cell Transformation Test Results on Chlorinated Paraffins. 1982
Chlorinated paraffins / 1993
Chlorinated paraffins : report on the findings from two field studies : Sugar Creek, Ohio and Tinkers Creek, Ohio / 1988
Chlorinated paraffins. 1996
Chlorinated Paraffins: A Report on the Findings from Two Field Studies, Sugar Creek, Ohio, Tinkers Creek, Ohio. Volume 2. Appendix D, The Quality Assurance Project Plan. 1988
CHO/HGPRT Test using Gulfcrown Grease E.P. No. 2. 1983
Dossier on epoxidized oils : 1978
Environmental release assessment of chlorinated paraffins 1985
Evaluation of the Mutagenic Potential of High Drop Point Lithium Hydroxystearate Grease (XRR 185A) in the Mouse Lymphoma (L5178Y/TK(sup +/-)) Assay with Cover Letter. 1983
Hazard assessment for chlorinated paraffins : effects on fish and wildlife / 1985
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : chlorinated paraffins. 1975
Letter from Amoco Oil Corporation to US EPA submitting Information on a Series of Skin Painting Studies Conducted on Mice with Certain Hydrotreated Paraffinic Distillate Fractions with Attachments. 1978
Micronucleus Test in Mouse Bone Marrow: Gulfcrown Grease E.P. No. 2 Administered by Dermal Application for Two Days with Cover Letter. 1983
Mutagenicity Study of Thirteen Petroleum Fractions Project No. U-150-14 (EA-1) prepared by Hine Labs, Inc. with Cover Letter. 1982
NTP technical report on the toxicology and carcinogenesis studies of chlorinated paraffins (C12, 60% chlorine) (CAS no. 63449-39-8) in F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice (gavage studies) / 1986
Phenyl Glycidyl Ether (1,2-Epoxy-3-Phenoxypropane) Technical Bulletin by Shell Chemical Corp. with Cover Letter. 1983
Report analysis of substitutes for chlorinated paraffins 1986
Review of the HERD and NTP reports on the toxicology and carcinogenicity studies of chlorinated paraffins : final report for Task 1-1 subtask 2 / 1986
Risk assessment for chlorinated paraffins : effects on fish and wildlife / 1985
Superfund record of decision : Apache Powder Site, St. David, AZ. 1994

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