Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Flue gas)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A compendium of synfuel end-use testing programs / 1982
Acid rain control options. 1990
Acid Rain Mitagation Study. Volume III: Industrial Boilers and Processes. 1982
Acid rain mitigation study / 1982
Acid Rain Mitigation Study. Volume II. FGD Cost Estimates (Appendices). 1982
Adipic acid degradation mechanism in aqueous FGD systems / 1979
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 1. Field Test Results. 1982
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers. Volume 2. Technical Assessment. Project Summary. 1983
Adipic Acid Enhanced Flue Gas Desulfurization Process for Industrial Boilers: Volume 1. Field Test Results Project Summary. 1983
Adipic Acid Enhanced Limestone Flue Gas Desulfurization Process: An Assessment. 1981
Advacate-Low-Cost Process for SO2 Control. 1992
Advances in Control Technology for Acid Deposition. 1985
Advantage of Illinois Coal for FGD Removal of Mercury. 2002
Air Pollution Control Alternatives for Shale Oil Production Operations. 1988
Air pollution emission test : volume I: first interim report, continuous sulfur dioxide monitoring at steam generators / 1978
An Analysis of the costs and cost effectiveness of allowing SO2 emission credits for cogeneration systems / 1985
Analysis of state and federal sulfur dioxide emission regulations for combustion sources (revised) / 1989
Applicability of Inorganic Solids Other Than Oxides to the Development of New Processes for Removing SO2 from Flue Gases. 1970
Application of the Dual Alkali Process at a 280 MW Coal-Fired Power Plant. 1984
Assessment of control technologies for reducing emissions of SO2 and NOx from existing coal-fired utility boilers : final report / 1990
Assessment of manufacturer's capabilities to meet requirements for control of emissions of sulfur dioxide particulate matter, and nitrogen oxides from industrial boilers / 1979
Assessment of the Adequacy of the Appendix F Quality Assurance Procedures for Maintaining CEMS (Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems) Data Accuracy: Status Report 2. 1984
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing synthesis, mass transfer, and degradation {MICROFICHE} 1984
Buffer Additives for Lime/Limestone Slurry Scrubbing: Sulfite Oxidation with Enhanced Oxygen Absorption Catalyzed by Transition Metals. 1984
Calcium Oxide Sintering in Atmospheres Containing Water and Carbon Dioxide. 1989
Capsule Report: Wellman-Lord SO2 Recovery Process. Flue Gas Desulfurization Plant. 1997
Chemical Characterization and Monitoring Studies of Effluents from Emerging Fossil Fuel Processes. 1976
Chemical speciation of flue gas desulfurization sludge constituents 1981
Coal Ash Impoundment - Specific Site Assessment, PacifiCorp Energy: Jim Bridger Power Station. 2009
Coal Cleaning Options for SO2 Emission Reduction. 1985
Coal resources and sulfur emissions regulations : a summary of eight eastern and midwestern states / 1981
Comanagement of a high-volume combustion by-product and low-volume utility wastes a Southwestern site / 1996
Combined Flue Gas Desulfurization and Water Treatment in Coal-Fired Power Plants. 1979
Commercial development of the ADVACATE process for flue gas desulfurization / 1990
Commercial Utility Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems. 1984
Comparison of Pilot Data with Predictions from the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) SPRAYMOD Computer Program. 1986
Comparison of West German and U.S. Flue Gas Desulfurization and Selective Catalytic Reduction Costs. 1990
Computer Controlled Acquisition of Corrosion Rate Data from Multiple Sensors. 1985
Computer Economics of Physical Coal Cleaning and Flue Gas Desulfurization. Final Report. 1985
Computerized Shawnee lime/limestone scrubbing model users manual / 1981
Control of Air Pollution Emissions from Molybdenum Roasting. Volume 2. Alternatives for Control of Weak Sulfur Dioxide Emissions. 1983
Control of criteria and non-criteria pollutants from coal/liquid mixture combustion / 1984
Control of Criteria and Non-Criteria Pollutants from Coal/Oil Mixture Combustion 1983
Control of PCDD/PCDF Emissions from Refuse-Derived Fuel Combustors. 1990
Control techniques for sulfur oxide emissions from stationary sources / 1981
Controlling SO2 Emissions: An Analysis of Technologies. 2000
Controlling sulfur oxides / 1980
Cost of retrofitting coke oven particulate controls / 1974
Current Status of ADVACATE Process for Flue Gas Desulfurization (Journal Article). 1992
Current Status of ADVACATE Process for Flue Gas Desulfurization. 1991
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