Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Flue gas)

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Select Item Title Year Published
EPA Utility FGD Survey, October-December 1981. Volume I. Categorical Summaries of FGD Systems. Volume II. Design and Performance Data for Operational FGD Systems. 1982
EPA Utility FGD Survey: July-September 1981. 1981
Evaluation of a Bench-Scale Dry Flue Gas Desulfurization System for Screening Potential Reagents and Operating Conditions. 1986
Evaluation of FGD dry injection sorbents and additives. Volume 1, Development of high reactivity sorbents / 1989
Evaluation of Gypsum Crystallization for Limestone Flue Gas Desulfurization. 1986
Evaluation of method 5B at a coal-fired boiler. 1983
Evaluation of particulate matter (PM) continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) final report, volume 2 - appendices for initial correlation tests. 2000
Evaluation of particulate matter (PM) continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS). 2000
Evaluation of particulate matter (PM) continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS). Final report : volume 1: technical report. 2000
Evaluation of physical/chemical coal cleaning and flue gas desulfurization / 1979
Evaluation of SO2 - Control Processes. 1971
Evaluation of Sorbents and Additives for Dry SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide) Removal. 1986
Evaluation of the Disposal of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastes in Coal Mines and the Ocean: Mine Disposal Demonstration Tests. 1984
Evaluation of the Fluidized Bed Combustion Process. Volume II, Technical Evaluation. 1971
Evaluation of the potential carcinogenicity of Dimethyl Sulfate(77-78-1) / 1988
Executive summary for full-scale dual-alkali demonstration system at Louisville Gas and Electric Co. : final design and system cost / 1979
FGDIS Primer: Major Equipment/Component Classifications, Problem/Solution Access Codes, and Definitions Related to FGD Systems as Contained in the Flue Gas Desulfurization Information System (FGDIS). 1981
Field Evaluation of a Utility Dry Scrubbing System. 1985
Field Evaluation of Low-Emission Coal Burner Technology on Utility Boilers. Volume 4. Alternative Concepts for SOx, NOx, and Particulate Emissions Control from a Fuel-Rich Precombustor. 1989
Field evaluation of the comanagement of utility low-volume wastes with high-volume coal combustion by products CL site / 1997
Final report for low pressure tests of the CPU-400 pilot plant / 1977
Flue Gas Desulfurization and Its Alternatives: The State of the ART. 1974
Flue Gas Desulfurization Costs for Large Coal-Fired Boilers (Draft). 1982
Flue Gas Desulfurization Information System (FGDIS) Data Base User's Manual. 1985
Flue Gas Desulfurization Information System (FGDIS) Data Base User's Manual. 1981
Flue Gas Desulfurization Information System Data Base User's Manual. 1982
Flue gas desulfurization inspection and performance evaluation manual / 1985
Flue Gas Desulfurization Pilot Study: Summary of Phase I and Phase II Reports. 1980
Flue Gas Desulfurization Sludge: Establishment of Vegetation on Ponded and Soil-Applied Waste. 1984
Fluidized bed combustion : effectiveness of an SO2 control technology for industrial boilers / 1984
Forced-Oxidation Demonstration at the TVA Widows Creek Unit 8 FGD System. 1982
Forced-Oxidation Demonstration at the TVA Widows Creek Unit 8 FGD System. 1982
Full-Scale Dual Alkali FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Demonstration at Louisville Gas and Electric Company. 1983
Full-scale dual-alkali demonstration system at Louisville Gas and Electric Co. : final design and system cost / 1979
Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants : volume 1. Sections 1 through 5 / 1985
Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants : volume 2. Sections 6 through 9 / 1985
Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants : volume 3. Appendices A and B / 1985
Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants : volume 4. Appendices C and E / 1985
Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants : volume 5. Appendix F / 1985
Full-scale field evaluation of waste disposal from coal-fired electric generating plants : volume 6. Appendices G through I / 1985
Full-Scale Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) System Adipic Acid Demonstration Program. Volume 1. Process Results. 1983
Full-Scale Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) System Adipic Acid Demonstration Program. Volume 2. Continuous Emissions Monitoring Results. 1983
Further Study of Adipic Acid Degradation in FGD Scrubbers. 1980
German FGD/De-NOx (Flue Gas Desulfurization/Denitrification) Experience. 1987
High-Temperature, Short-Time Sulfation of Calcium-Based Sorbents. 2. Experimental Data and Theoretical Model Predictions. 1990
Homer City Multistream Coal Cleaning Demonstration: A Progress Report. 1984
IAPCS: A Computer Model That Evaluates Pollution Control Systems for Utility Boilers. 1994
Identification of (and responses to) potential effects of SCR and wet scrubbers on submicron particulate emissions and plume characteristics [electronic resource] / 2004
Identification of CaSO4 Formed by Reaction of CaO and SO2 (Journal Article). 1989
Impact of Coal Cleaning as a Sulfur-Reduction Strategy in the Midwest. 1983
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