Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Flue gas)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Current Status of Commercial Utility Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems. 1983
Definitive SOx control process evaluations : aqueous carbonate and Wellman-Lord (acid, Allied Chemical, and Resox) FGD technologies / 1981
Definitive SOx control process evaluations : limestone, lime, and magnesia FGD processes / 1980
Demonstration of sorbent injection technology on a wall-fired utility boiler (Edgewater LIMB demonstration) / 1992
Demonstration of Wellman-Lord/Allied Chemical FGD technology : acceptance test results / 1979
Demonstration of Wellman-Lord/Allied Chemical FGD technology : demonstration test first year results / 1979
Demonstration of Wellman-Lord/Allied Chemical FGD Technology: Demonstration Test Second Year Results. 1981
Development of infrared methods for characterization of inorganic sulfur species related to injection desulfurization processes / 1990
Development of the Catalytic Chamber Process for the Manufacture of Sulfuric and Nitric Acids from Waste Flue Gases. 1969
Developments in Particulate Control for Coal-Fired Power Plants. 1980
Disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes : Shawnee field evaluation / 1980
Disposal of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastes: EPA Shawnee Field Evaluation. 1981
Disposal of Spent Sorbent from Dry FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Processes. 1983
Economic evaluation of a sodium/limestone double-alkali FGD process / 1984
Economic Evaluation of Advanced Limestone, Davy S-H, and Dowa Gypsum-Producing FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Processes. 1984
Economic evaluation of limestone and lime flue gas desulfurization processes / 1983
Economic Evaluation of Limestone and Lime Flue-Gas-Desulfurization Processes. 1983
Economic Valuation of Human Health Benefits of Controlling Mercury Emissions from U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plants. 2005
Economics of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, and ash control systems for coal-fired utility power plants / 1985
Economics of Retrofitting Big Rivers Electric Corporation's Lime-Based FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) System to Organic-Acid-Enhanced Limestone Operations. 1985
Effect of Dissolved Solids on Limestone FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Scrubbing Chemistry. 1985
Effect of Flue Gas Cleaning Sludges on Selected Liner Materials. 1981
Effect of trace metals and sulfite oxidation on adipic acid degradation in FGD systems {MICROFICHE} 1982
Effects of design and operating variables on NOx from coal-fired furnaces : phase II / 1975
Effects of Leaching on Pore Size Distribution of Solidified/Stabilized Wastes. 1994
Elutriate test evaluation of chemically stabilized waste materials / 1979
Energy/Environment II. Proceedings of National Conference on the Interagency R and D Program (2nd) Held at Washington, D.C. on June 6 and 7, 1977. 1977
Engineering Application and Economics of LIMB (Limestone Injection/Multistage Burners). 1985
Engineering-economic analyses of coal preparation with SO2 cleanup processes for keeping higher sulfur coals in the energy market : prepared for Coal Preparation and Analysis Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Energy / 1977
Environmental assessment of coal cleaning processes : second annual report / 1979
Environmental assessment of waste-to-energy processes : source assessment document / 1977
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Testing of Dioxin Emission Monitoring Systems: IDX Technologies, Ltd. (RIMMPA-TOFMS), bm becker messtechnik gmbh (AMESA), MonitoringSystems GmbH, and SRI International (Jet-REMPI). 2006
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Survey. Volume II. Design and Performance Data for Operational FGD Systems. 1982
EPA evaluation of water plant lime sludge in an industrial boiler FGD system at Rickenbacker Air Force Base / 1979
EPA industrial boiler FGD survey, 1979 : special report / 1981
EPA Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Survey. 1981
EPA Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Survey. 1981
EPA Utility FGD (Flue Gas Desulfurization) Survey: October - December 1980. Volume II. Design and Performance Data for Operational FGD Systems. 1981
EPA utility FGD survey : April-June 1979 / 1979
EPA utility FGD survey : April-May 1978 / 1978
EPA utility FGD survey : August - September 1978 / 1979
EPA utility FGD survey : December 1978 - January 1979 / 1979
EPA utility FGD survey : January - March 1980 / 1980
EPA utility FGD survey : July - September 1980 / 1980
EPA utility FGD survey : July-September 1979 / 1979
EPA utility FGD survey : October - December 1979 / 1980
EPA utility FGD survey : October - December 1980 / 1981
EPA utility FGD survey : October-November 1978 / 1979
EPA utility FGD survey, April-June 1981 / 1982
EPA utility FGD survey, October-December 1981 : Volume I. Categorical summaries of FGD systems / 1982
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