Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water utilities)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1993 municipal water and wastewater resource directory for Idaho city leaders. 1993
2010 water rate information : maintaining a plentiful supply of the highest quality water. 2009
A balanced approach to water conservation in utility planning / 2012
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1985. 1984
A Guide to the Office of Water accountability system and mid-year evaluations : fiscal year 1986. 1985
A water security handbook : planning for and responding to drinking water contamination threats and incidents / 2006
Addressing the challenge through innovation / 2007
Addressing the challenge through science and innovation. 2011
Advanced concepts / 2007
Advisory by the Science Advisory Board (SAB) Drinking Water Committee (DWC) concerning EPA's proposed drinking water distribution system research project. 1996
Allotment of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Monies. 1997
An introduction to the ICR laboratory QC database system. 1996
An introduction to the ICR water utility database system. 1996
Analysis on the Use of Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Set-Asides: Promoting Capacity Development. 2008
Applicability of reliability-centered maintenance in the water industy 2006
Application of knowledge management to utilities 2003
Applying Economic Principles to Small Water Systems. 1987
Arsenic removal from drinking water by iron removal U.S. EPA demonstration project at Sabin, MN, six-month evaluation report / [electronic resource] : 2008
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water by Iron Removal, U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Sabin, MN, Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2010
Asset management planning and reporting options for water utilities 2006
Asset management research needs roadmap 2008
At a Glance : Costs Claimed under EPA Grant XP98011401 Awarded to the City of Rupert, Idaho. 2009
Avoiding ICR Treatment Studies by Demonstrating Effective DBP Precursor Removal with Full-Scale GAC or Membrane Treatment. 1997
Balanced evaluation of public/private partnerships 1999
Bay Area Collaborative : model for regional utility cooperation / 2010
Benchmarking performance indicators for water and wastewater utilities : 2007 annual survey data and analysis report / 2008
Benchmarking water utility customer relations best practices 2006
Best practices for energy management 2003
Best practices in customer payment assistance programs / 2010
Building a 21st-century infrastructure for America : water stakeholders' perspectives : hearing before the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, September 26, 2017. 2018
Building water system capacity : a guide for tribal administrators. 2001
Capital planning strategy manual / 2001
Case Study for a Distribution System Emergency Response Tool. 2003
Cases in water conservation : how efficiency programs help water utilities save water and avoid costs. 2002
Cases in Water Conservation: How Efficiency Programs Help Water Utilities Save Water and Avoid Costs. 2004
Changing organizational culture to promote sustainable water operations : a guidebook for water utility sustainability champions / 2013
Chemical Oxidation for Arsenic Removal. 2006
Chicagoland water and wastewater preparedness and business resiliency summit : a community forum on interdependencies : meeting summary findings and recommendations. 2008
Climate change and water : international perspectives on mitigation and adaptation / 2010
Climate change and water resources : a primer for municipal water providers / 2006
Climate change in water utility planning : decision analytic approaches / 2011
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments: A Review of Water Utility Practices. 2010
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments: Four Case Studies of Water Utility Practices. 2011
Communicating the value of water : an introductory guide for water utilities / 2008
Communicating water's value : talking points, tips, and strategies / 2014
Communicating water's value, part 2 : stormwater, wasterwater & watersheds / 2016
Community water system survey 2000. Volume I Overview / 2002
Community water system survey 2000. Volume II Detailed tables and survey methodology / 2002
Community water system survey : Volume I Overview / 1997
Community water system survey : Volume II Detailed survey result tables and methodology report / 1997
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