Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Reference guide for the unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation / 2001
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. 1994
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. Appendix Volume 1: Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Analysis Model (DBP-RAM). Part 1: Model Development. 1994
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. Appendix Volume 1: Disinfection By-Products Regulatory Analysis Model (DBP-RAM). Part 2: Critical Reviews and Refinements Made to Support REG-NEG. 1994
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. Appendix Volume 2: REG-NEG Technologies Working Group Working Papers/Analysis of Regulatory Alternatives. 1994
Regulatory Impact Analysis for the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule. Appendix Volume 3: REG-NEG Technologies Working Group Working Papers/Assessment of Technology Performance and Cost. 1994
Rehabilitation of wastewater collection systems / 2007
Reimbursement tips for water sector emergency response and recovery / 2009
Research plan for microbial pathogens and disinfection by-products in drinking water. 1997
Research priorities for successful asset management : a workshop : executive summary. 2002
Research priorities for successful asset management : a workshop. 2002
Research to Support the SDWA: Pushing Back the Envelope. 1990
Residential water use, rate, revenue, and nonprice conservation program database 1998
Response protocol toolbox : planning for and responding to drinking water contamination threats and incidents, interim final - December 2003 : module 1: water utilities planning guide / 2003
Restructuring and consolidation of small drinking water systems : a compendium of state authorities, statutes and regulations. 2007
Restructuring small drinking water systems : Options and case studies. 1995
Revised public notification handbook 2007
Revised State Implementation Guidance for the Public Notification (PN) Rule. 2010
Risk analysis strategies for credible and defensible utility decisions 2007
Risk governance : achieving value by aligning risk governance with other business functions in water utilities / 2016
Risks and benefits of energy management for drinking water utilities / 2008
Safe drinking water act amendments of 1996 : General guide to provisions / 1996
Safe Drinking Water Act as amended by the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1986. 1991
Sampling guidance for unknown contaminants in drinking water. 2008
Seattle-King County, Washington community case study : security and preparedness practices : a collaborative approach to water sector resiliency. 2008
Seattle-King County, Washington community case study report security and preparedness practices : a collaborative approach to water sector resiliency. 2008
Security analysis & response for water utilities / 2001
Security considerations : small water systems. 2003
Security information collaboratives : a guide for water utilities / 2005
Security practices primer for water utilities 2004
Selection and definition of performance indicators for water and wastewater utilities / 2004
Seminar publication : control of lead and copper in drinking water. 1993
Simultaneous Compliance Guidance Manual for the Long Term 2 and Stage 2 DBP Rules. 2007
Small system compliance technology list for the surface water treatment rule and total coliform rule. 1998
Small system compliance technology list for the surface water treatment rule. 1997
Socioeconomic impacts of water conservation / 2001
Source water protection vision and roadmap / 2012
Sourcebook 2012 / 2011
Stakeholder perceptions of utility role in environmental leadership 2006
Standardized Costs for Water Supply Distribution Systems. 1990
State of Technology for Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems. 2013
State of the Susquehanna: Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 2010 Report. 2010
Statistical Procedures for Corrosion Studies. 1993
Strategic assessment of the future of water utilities 2006
Strategic communication planning : a guide for water utilities / 2006
Strategic planning and organizational development for water utilities {electronic resource}. 2004
Strategies to help drinking water utilities ensure effective retention of knowledge / 2008
Strategy and performance of water supply and sanitation providers : effects of two decades of neo-liberalism = Strategieeen en prestaties van water bedrijven : effecten van twee decennia neo-liberalisme/ 2009
Strengthening the safety of our drinking water : a report on progress and challenges and an agenda for action. 1995
Succession planning for a vital workforce in the information age 2005
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