Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water utilities)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Community Water System Survey, 2006. Volume 1: Overview. 2009
Community Water System Survey, 2006. Volume 2: Detailed Tables and Survey Methodology. 2009
Condition assessment of collection systems / 2007
Consolidated water rates : issues and practices in single-tariff pricing / 1999
Consolidated water rates : issues and practices in single-tariff pricing. 1999
Control of Microbial Contaminants and Biological Agents in Small Systems. 2005
Conventional and unconventional approaches to water service provision / 2004
Correction to Federal Register, Thursday, November 29, 1979, Part III, Appendix C ; Analysis of Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water. 1979
Corrosion Control Principles and Strategies for Reducing Lead and Copper in Drinking Water Systems. 1993
Cost allocation and rate design for water utilities 1991
Costs claimed under EPA grant XP98011401 awarded to the city of Rupert, Idaho / 2009
Creating effective information technology solutions 2004
Critical information policies for water utilities / 2008
Customer attitudes, behavior, and the impact of communications efforts 2004
Customer satisfaction: best practices for a continually improving customer responsive organization 2001
Decision support system for distribution system piping renewal 2002
Decision-makers' guide in water supply management : final report / 1980
Decision-Making in Wastewater/Drinking Water Management. 1991
Defining a resilient business model for water utilities / 2014
Deregulation! : impacts on the water industry / 2000
Design manual : removal of arsenic from drinking water supplies by iron removal process / 2006
Developing a risk management culture : 'mindfulness' in the international water utility sector / 2009
Developing customer service targets by assessing customer perspectives 2004
Developing robust strategies for climate change and other risks : a water utility framework / 2014
Development of a strategic planning process. 2003
Directory of drinking water training materials / 1995
Distribution system research consortium : collaborating to achieve drinking water security. 2003
Distribution system security primer for water utilities 2005
Distribution system water quality monitoring : sensor technology evaluation methodology and results : a guide for sensor manufacturers and water utilities / 2009
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : American Indian and Alaska native water systems. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : first report to Congress. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : Modeling the cost of infrastructure. 1997
Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assesment, 2003: Modeling the Cost of Infrastructure. 2006
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey. 1997
Drinking water laboratory response preparedness project. 2007
Drinking water pump station design and operation for energy efficiency / 2015
Drinking water security : roll call training DVD / 2005
Drinking water security for small systems serving 3,300 or fewer persons : one of the simple tools for effective performance (STEP) guide series. 2005
Drinking water state revolving fund program guidelines : Final guidelines / 1997
Early warning monitoring to detect hazardous events in water supply 1999
Economic feasibility of selected alternative sources of drinking water for the Eastern Columbia Plateau aquifer system / 1996
Economies of Scale and Scope in Water Supply. 1988
Effect of temperature on corrosion control. 1997
Effective climate change communication for water utilities / 2014
Effective practices to select, acquire, and implement a utility CIS / 2005
Effective utility management : a primer for water and wastewater utilities. 2008
Effectiveness of residential water conservation price and nonprice programs 1998
Effectiveness of water utility quality control practices / 1962
El Agua Del Grifo - Lo Que Usted Debe Saber (Water on Tap: What You Need to Know). 2003
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