Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 374
Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water utilities)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Message management : effective communications / 2005
Methods for assessing small water system capability : a review of current techniques and approaches / 1996
Methods for assessing the viability of small water systems : a review of current techniques and approaches. 1995
Mitigate disasters : protect your utility / 2016
Modeling Contaminant Propagation in Drinking-Water Distribution Systems. 1993
Monitoring systems for early warning of source water contamination / 2001
National Drinking Water Advisory Council, Final Report, Decembern 9, 2010. 2010
National economic & labor impacts of the water utility sector / 2014
National primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper : Analysis of occurrences of very low 90th percentile load levels. 1995
National primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper : Flow charts, annotated to show effect of proposed revisions. 1996
National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR, Parts 141-143. 1995
National public water system supervision program : FY 1993 compliance report. 1994
National Workshop on Control of Lead and Copper in Drinking Water; Handout, Preliminary Draft 1991
Office of Water Operating Guidance and Accountability System, Fiscal Year 1984. 1983
Office of Water Operating Guidance and Accountability System, Fiscal Year 1984. Appendix A and B (Final). 1983
Office of Water Operating Guidance and Accountability System, Fiscal Year 1984. Appendix A and B. 1983
Office of Water operating guidance and accountability system. 0
Optimizing information technology solutions for drinking water utilities / 2009
Optimizing the water utility customer contact center / 2010
Organizational development for knowledge management at water utilities / 2011
Performance benchmarking for water utilities 1996
Performance Center pilot project : a utility business architecture application project / 2001
Physical security technologies for water and wastewater utilities / 2008
Preparing your drinking water consumer confidence report : guidance for water suppliers. 2010
Preparing your drinking water consumer confidence report : revised guidance for water suppliers / 2005
Preventing waterborne disease : a focus on EPA's research. 1993
Primer on Condition Curves for Water Mains. 2013
Privatization of water services in the United States : an assessment of issues and experience / 2002
Proceedings of the 2nd EPA National Drinking Water Treatment Technology Transfer Workshop : Kansas City, Missouri, August 12-14, 1996 / 1996
Protecting your community's assets : a guide for small wastewater systems. 2002
Providing safe drinking water in America : 1996 national public water systems compliance report and update on implementation of 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments. 1998
Providing safe drinking water in America : 1997 national public water systems compliance report and update on implementation of 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments. 1999
Providing safe drinking water in America : 2002 national public water systems compliance report. 2004
Providing safe drinking water in America : 2003 national public water systems compliance report. 2005
Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 2004 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report. 2006
Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 2005 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report. 2008
Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 2006 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report. 2009
Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 2007/2008 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report. 2010
Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 2009 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report. 2011
Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 2010 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report. 2012
Providing Safe Drinking Water in America: 2011 National Public Water Systems Compliance Report. 2013
Public assistance for water and wastewater utilities in emergencies and disaster. 2010
Public involvement strategies : a manager's handbook / 1995
Public involvement-- making it work : highlights report / 2001
Public notification handbook. 2000
Public Private Partnerships in the Provision of Water and Wastewater Services : Barriers and Incentives. 2008
Public water system inventory and compliance statistics : Fy 1991 - fy 1995. 1997
Public-Private Partnerships in the Provision of Water and Wastewater Services : the Canadian Experience. 2008
Re-Energizing the Capacity Development Program. Findings and Best Practices from the Capacity Development Re-Energizing Workgroup. 2011
Recognizing and providing incentives for excellence in water and wastewater utility management. 2007
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