Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water utilities)

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Select Item Title Year Published
ICR treatment studies data collection spreadsheets user's guide / 1997
ICR treatment study data collection spreadsheets [electronic resource]. 1997
ICR Treatment Study Database, Version 1.0 (on CD-ROM with Search Software). 2000
ICR water utility database system users' guide (manual and six disks) April 1996 ; ICR water utility database system users' guide (instructions and three disks), September, 1996 / 1996
ICR Water Utility Database System Users' Guide. Release 1.1. 1996
ICR water utility database systems users' guide / 1996
Identifying and prioritizing emerging safety issues in the water industry 2003
Identifying Vulnerable Surface Water Utilities. 1989
Implementing the lead public education provision of the lead and copper rule : a guide for community water systems. 2008
Implementing the lead public education provision of the lead and copper rule : a guide for non-transient non-community water systems. 2008
Improving water utility capital efficiency / 2009
Information collection request : Proposed changes for national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper / 1996
Information Collection Rule (ICR) Auxiliary 1 Database, Version 5.0 Query Tool, Version 2.0 (on CD-ROM with Search and Retrieval Software). 2000
Information Collection Rule (ICR) reference manual : understanding the ICR / 1996
Information Collection Rule (ICR) Water Utility Database System, Release 1.0 (for Microcomputers). 1996
Information Collection Rule (ICR) Water Utility Database System, Release 1.1 (for Microcomputers). 1996
Information collection rule laboratory QC database system. 1996
Information collection rule water utility database system. 1996
Information Collection Rule. Status of Implementation and Start of Monitoring. 1997
Information for states on implementing the capacity development provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996. 1998
Information for States on Implementing the Capacity Development Provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act. 1997
Information for states on recommended operator certification requirements. 1998
Information for the Public on Participating with States in Preparing Capacity Development Strategies. 1998
Information for the public on participating with states in preparing capacity development strategies. 1997
Information pertaining to lead in drinking water at transient non-community water systems. 1997
Initial summary of current state capacity development activities. 1997
Innovation and research for water infrastructure for the 21st century : draft research plan / 2006
Key asset data for drinking water and wastewater utilities / 2012
Knowledge management approach to drinking water utility business 2006
Knowledge review : 2001/02 / 2001
Knowledge review : 2002/03 / 2002
Knowledge review : 2003/2004 / 2003
Lead and copper rule : a quick reference guide. 2008
Lead and copper rule : basic decision process for small water utilities. 1985
Lead and copper rule : public education & consumer notification requirements for non-transient non-community water systems. 2008
Lead and copper rule : public education & other public information requirements for community water systems. 2008
Limestone bed contactors for control of corrosion at small water utilities / 1986
Long-term effects of conservation rates 1997
LT1ESWTR implementation guidance manual / 2004
M54 : developing rates for small systems / 2017
Managerial assessment of water quality and system reliability 1997
Managing infrastructure risk : the consequence of failure for buried assets / 2017
Managing public infrastructure assets to minimize cost and maximize performance. 2002
Managing the revenue and cash flow effects of conservation 1996
Managing Water Quality in Distribution Systems: Simulating TTHM and Chlorine Residual Propagation. 1994
Manual for the certification of laboratories analyzing drinking water : criteria and procedures, quality assurance. 1997
Manual of water utilities calculations / 1990
Manual of water utility operations / 1979
Meeting future financing needs of water utilities 1993
Meeting the challenge : an update of ODW's mobilization effort. 1990
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