Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 773
Showing: Items 551 - 600
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Recreation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Review of potential modeling tools and approaches to support the beach program. 1999
Review of published studies to characterize relative risks from different sources of fecal contamination in recreational water / 2009
Ritter Canyon Aquatic Recreation Area : recreation development plan. 1974
Rockport reservoir final environmental assessment and finding of now significant impact PRO-06-004 / 2007
Rocky Mountain Environmental Research. Quest for a Future. Problems and Research Priorities in the Rocky Mountain Region. 1975
Rocky Mountain Environmental Research. Quest for a Future: Problems and Research Priorities in the Rocky Mountain Region. 1975
Saint Clair River and Lake Saint Clair, Michigan: An Ecological Profile. 1988
Salem Lake Restoration 1995
San Juan Resource Management Plan, Proposed Resource Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 and Volume 2 1987
San Luis Reservoir and Forebay recreation development plan. 1965
Santee Recreation Project, Santee, California. 1965
Sarasota Bay National Estuary Program: Framework for Action. 1992
Sarasota Bay Project: State of the Bay Report. 1990
Sarasota Bay: Reclaiming Paradise. 1993
Sarasota Bay: The Voyage to Paradise Reclaimed, 1995. The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan for Sarasota Bay. 1995
Saving bays and estuaries : a primer for establishing and managing estuary programs. Appendices G, H, and I. 1990
Scenic analyses of the Lake Tahoe region : a guide to planning 1971
Scenic River Study Report No. 10. A Methodology Study to Develop Evaluation Criteria for Wild and Scenic Rivers. 1973
Scenic Rivers Study Report No. 9. Report of Attitudes and Opinions in Recreationists Towards Wild and Scenic Rivers: A Case Study of the St. Joe River. 1973
Scenic Rivers Study. Report no. 3. Salmon River Basin. Report of Range Subproject. 1973
Scofield Reservoir Restoration Through Phosphorus Control 1992
Selecting and planning high country reservoirs for recreation within a multipurpose management framework 1977
Sensitivity of Travel Cost Estimates of Recreation Demand to the Functional Form and Definition of Origin Zones. 1982
Shifting land and water use in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana, 1971
Shifting Land and Water Use in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana. 1972
Shoreline for the public a handbook of social, economic, and legal considerations regarding public recreational use of the Nation's coastal shoreline 1974
Silverton Outdoor Learning and Recreation Center: Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2003
Silverwood Lake recreation development plan. 1970
Sixth Annual Exeter River Alewife Festival. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2006
Smoke Damage and the Recreational and Hygienic Value of Forests in Industrial Areas, (Immissionsschaeden und Erholungswert des Waldes in der Industrielandschaft). 1965
Socio-Economic Study of Multiple-Use Water Supply Reservoirs. 1971
Sociocultural Impact of Reservoirs on Local Government Institutions. Anthropological Analysis of Social and Cultural Benefits and Costs from Stream Control Measures--Phase 4. 1973
Socioeconomic aspects of dredged material disposal : the creation of recreation land in urban areas / 1976
Sociological Dimensions of Leisure Involvement in Water-Based Recreation. 1973
Sound Health 2001: Status and Trends in the Health of Long Island Sound. 2001
Sound Health 2003: Status and Trends in the Health of Long Island Sound. 2003
Sound Health 2006: Status and Trends in the Health of Long Island Sound. 2006
Sound Health 2008: Status and Trends in the Health of Long Island Sound. 2008
Sound Health 2010: Status and Trends in the Health of Long Island Sound. 2010
Sources of assistance in reclaiming surface-mined lands for outdoor recreation. 1973
South Dakota atlas & gazetteer {map}. 1997
South Dakota atlas & gazetteer. 2001
South Dakota outdoor recreation plan. 1967
South I-25 Corridor and US 85 Corridor Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Section 4(f) Evaluation, Volume 1 2000
South I-25 Corridor and US 85 Corridor Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Section 4(f) Evaluation, Volume 2 2000
South I-25 Corridor and US 85 Corridor Final Environmental Impact Statement, Section 4(f) Evaluation, Volume 1 2001
South I-25 Corridor and US 85 Corridor, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Section 4(f) Evaluation, Volume 2 2001
South Platte River Chatfield Lake, Colorado, Design Memorandum No. PC-1D, Master Plan 1972
South Platte River Corridor Project Instream issues report / 1996
South Platte River, a plan for the future - Chatfield to Brighton 1985
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