Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 773
Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Recreation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed acquisition, development and management of the Bong Recreation Area, Kenosha County, Wisconsin 1979
Environmental Impact Statement: Wastewater Treatment and Discharge. Part 1. Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, Dane County, Wisconsin. 1978
Environmental management in the Malibu watershed : institutional framework / 1975
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) : Great Lakes monitoring and research strategy / 1992
Environmental Survey of the Lower Clearwater River. 1970
Epidemiologic studies of virus transmission in swimming waters / 1980
Estimating future recreation demand : a decision guide for the practitioner / 2007
Estimating water quality benefits / 1974
Estimation of Outdoor Recreational Values. 1973
Estuarine pollution control and assessment : proceedings of a conference. 1977
Etowah river user's guide / 2013
Eutrophication / 1970
Evaluation of Coliform Contribution by Pleasure Boats. 1966
Evaluation of methodologies to estimate nonroad mobile source usage. [microform] / 1993
Evaluation of Recreational and Cultural Benefits of Estuarine Use in an Urban Setting. 1971
Evaluation of the EPA Region 1 New England Marina Initiative. Promoting Environmental Results Through Evaluation. 2010
Evaluation of the Regional Multipurpose Economic Benefits Resulting from a Water and Related Land Resource Development. 1973
Ex Post Measurement of Benefits and Costs in Small Watershed Projects. 1973
Exeter River Alewife Festival, 2005. 2005
Explore the Fraser Estuary| 1980
Facing Our Future: Adapting to Connecticut's Changing Climate. A Series of Eight Documents Concerning Connecticut's Changing Climate: Biodiversity and Habitat; Fisheries; Forestry; Infrastructure; Natural Coastal Shoreline Environment; Outdoor Recreation; Water Resources; Wildlife. 2009
Farbach-Werner Nature Preserve map. 0
Feasibility of a Systematic Approach to Water Quality Management in Illinois. 1977
Feasibility of Centralized Management of Water Recreation Facilities in Mississippi. 1971
Federal water-related research, development and management programs in the Great Lakes region 1975
Final Environmental Impact State, Red Dog Mine Project, Northwest Alaska. 1984
Final environmental impact statement for Lake Apopka restoration project, Lake and Orange Counties, Florida / 1979
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Alta Ski Area Master Development Plan Update, Volume I and Volume II 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Brighton Ski Area Master Development Plan Update, Volume I and Volume II 1999
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Brighton Ski Area Master Development Plan Update. Volume 1 and 2 1999
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Pacer Timber Sale (including Record of Decision) 1994
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Snowbird Master Development Plan, Summary 1999
Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Snowbird Master Development Plan, Volume 1 and 2 1999
Final Environmental Impact Statement Record of Decision Price Coalbed Methane Project, Volume I and Volume II 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement Telluride Ski Area, Proposed Expansion Project Summary 1996
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendices B-M and P-Q, Volume 3 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix A - Response to Comment, Volume 2 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Appendix N - Biological Evaluation, Volume 4 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Aptus Industrial and Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility, Tooele County, Utah 1988
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement, FEIS Appendices, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Summary, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland 1997
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Uintah Basin Unit Expansion - Colorado River Salinity Control Program 1991
Final Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 1 (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan, 2002 Revision) 2002
Final Environmental Impact Statement: Personal Watercraft Rulemaking: Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona and Utah 2003
Final Environmental Statement Change of Water Use in Willard Reservoir 1987
Final Environmental Statement, Central Utah Project, Jensen Unit 1975
Final general management plan amendment, environmental impact statement Presidio of San Francisco, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California. 1994
Final regulatory support document : control of emissions from highway motorcycles / 2003
Final report of the Small Business Advocacy Review Panel on control of emissions from nonroad large spark ignition engines, recreational engines (marine and land-based), and highway motorcycles : July 17, 2001 / 2001
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