Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 451 - 500
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Recreation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Outdoor careers : exploring occupations in outdoor fields / 1992
Outdoor recreation and the environment / 1974
Outdoor recreation on Long Island. 1971
Overview of the master plan / 1973
Pacific Northwest Watercraft Pollution Study. 1967
Pacific Northwest Watercraft Pollution Study. Appendix. 1967
Patuxent River Water Quality Management Technical Evaluation. 1969
Pennsylvania's recreation plan / 1976
People and the Sound. Water Management Planning Report. 1975
Perception of Lake Water Resource Management. 1985
Pesticide fact sheet number 239 : cimectacarb. 1993
Pesticides : water quality standards criteria summaries : a compilation of state/federal criteria / 1988
Phosphorus : water quality standards criteria summaries : a compilation of state/federal criteria / 1988
Pines Tract Project Final Environmental Impact Statement 1999
Planning and Evaluation of Multiple Purpose Water Resource Projects in a Multiobjective Environment: An Overview and Post-Audit Analyses. 1972
Planning Report/Final Environmental Impact Statement Price-San Rafael Rivers Unit, Utah, Colorado River Water Quality Improvement Program/Colorado River Salinity Control Program 1993
Playa Wetlands and Wildlife on the Southern Great Plains: A Guide to Habitat Management. 1983
Policies, standards, and procedures in the formulation, evaluation, and review of plans for use and development of water and related land resources. Supplement no. 1, Evaluation standards for primary outdoor recreation benefits. 1964
Pollution of Slocum Creek, Havelock, North Carolina. A Cooperative Investigation by the State of North Carolina, Department of the Navy, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. 1969
Pollution of Slocum Creek, Havelock, North Carolina. Appendices. A Cooperative Investigation by the State of North Carolina, Department of the Navy, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration. 1969
Pollution of the Navigable Waters of the Detroit River and Lake Erie and Their Tributaries within the State of Michigan - Session (1st) Held at Detroit, Michigan on March 27-28, 1962. Volume I. Transcript of Conference. 1962
Potential recreation areas along the California aqueduct 1965
Potomac Valley, a model of scenic and recreational values; a preliminary report of the joint Federal-State planning team on landscape and recreation. 1966
Potomac, a model estuary. 1970
Pre-Impoundment Recreational Use Pattern and Waterfowl Occurrence in the Saylorville Reservoir Area. 1970
Preimpoundment study, Cedar Creek drainage basin, Evans County watershed : Evans, Tattnall, and Candler Counties, Georgia / 1977
Present water use inventory : Snake River - main stem / 1967
Presidio Trust management plan : land use policies for Area B of the Presidio of San Francisco : executive summary. 2002
Presidio Trust management plan : land use policies for Area B of the Presidio of San Francisco. 2002
Problems and Issues of Implementing the Federal Water Project Recreation Act (PL 89-72) in the Pacific Northwest (Phase I). 1971
Problems and Issues of Implementing the Federal Water Project Recreation Act in the Pacific Northwest. 1973
Proceedings 1993 Southeastern Recreation Research Conference : February 10-12, 1993, Helen, Georgia. 1994
Proceedings of Conference on Recreation Sanitation and Safety (1st), held at Little Rock, Arkansas, on 25-26 May 1965. 1965
Proceedings of the 2004 National Beaches Conference 2005
Proceedings of the Federal Conference on the Great Lakes, (1st), Held at Ann Arbor, Michigan, December 13-15, 1972. 1972
Proceedings, 1990 Southeastern Recreation Research Conference. 1991
Proceedings, Southeastern Recreation Research Conference : February 28-March 1, 1985, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina / 1985
Program for Metropolitan Water Management. 1972
Programa de banderines sobre la calidad del aire : manual del coordinador. 2015
Progress Report Colorado River Basin Water Quality Control Project (presented at Public Meeting, Grand Junction, Colorado December 1965) For Discussion Only 1965
Project Open Space report. 1964
Project Open Space summary report, 1966
Proposed Criteria for Water Quality. Volume I. 1973
Proposed Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters. 1991
Proposed Land and Resource Management Plan for the Dixie National Forest 1985
Proposed Revised Land and Resource Management Plan, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland 1990
Proposed Revised Land and Resource Management Plan, Draft, Routt National Forest 1996
Proposed strip mined area and recreation center development, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania : final environmental statement / 1972
Public Hearings on Noise Abatement and Control Held at Denver, Colorado, on September 30-October 1, 1971. Volume V. Agricultural and Recreational Use Noise. 1971
Pure water, clean air, and quality outdoor recreation : a comprehensive program for Illinois. 1967
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