Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 773
Showing: Items 651 - 700
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Recreation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
The Maine atlas and gazetteer. 1997
The New Hampshire atlas and gazetteer / 1988
The new urban park : Golden Gate National Recreation Area and civic environmentalism / 2004
The recreation benefits of water quality improvement : analysis of day trips in an urban setting / 1978
The site selection and evaluation process in water-oriented recreation planning on the Hudson River of Albany and Rensselaer Counties, New York / 1976
The southern Maryland heritage area plan : [where time and tide meet] / 1997
The State of the New England environment, 1997 / 1997
The streams and rivers of Minnesota / 1977
The Vermont atlas and gazetteer / 1988
The wild coast 2 : a kayaking and recreation guide for the north and central B.C. coast / 2006
The wild coast : a kayaking, hiking and recreation guide for north and west Vancouver Island. [Volume one] / 2005
To have and to hold: Washington's outdoor recreation heritage summary of first official revision, Washington statewide outdoor recreation and open space plan. 1970
Tocks Island National Recreation Area : a proposal / 1965
Tocks Island region environmental study 1970
Transportation Noise and Noise from Equipment Powered by Internal Combustion Engines. 1971
Travel, tourism and outdoor recreation in the Great Lakes States a statistical profile. 1989
Turbidity : water quality standards criteria summaries : a compilation of state/federal criteria. 1988
Two Forks Environmental Protection and Mitigation Plan 1987
Uinta Basin Replacement Project, Summary Report, Task 9: Inventory Resources, Draft 1992
Uinta Basin Replacement Projects, Uintah Unit, Potential Site-Specific Projects, Summary Report 1993
Uintah Unit Replacement Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1997
Uncompahgre National Forest Travel Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement 2000
Uncompahgre National Forest Travel Plan, Record of Decision 2000
Unfinished business : a comparative assessment of environmental problems - appendix IV : welfare risk work group / 1987
United States Department of the Interior draft environmental statement : general management plan : Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Pennsylvania and New Jersey / 1978
Upalco Unit Replacement Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1996
Upper Gunnison Project, Colorado, concluding report 1973
Upper Mississippi River Comprehensive Basin Study / 1970
Urban Air Pollution Problems. Briefing Document for the President's Air Quality Advisory Board. 1973
Urban storm-induced discharge impacts : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Research Program review / 1989
US 287/Northwest Parkway Interchange, Environmental Assessment 2001
User Related Study of Three Michigan Rivers: The Red Cedar River - an Urban Stream; the Au Sable River - a Famous Trout Stream; the Jordan River - a National Wild River. 1973
Utah atlas & gazetteer : new enhanced topography, topo maps of the entire state, public lands, back roads / 2000
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume I Overview 1985
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume II West-Central Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume III Part A, South-West Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume III Part B, South-West Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume IV South-Central Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume V South-East Region 1986
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume VI East-Central Region 1986
Utah Lake : legacy / 2002
Utility Analysis in the Valuation of Extra-Market Benefits with Particular Reference to Water-Based Recreation. 1973
Valuing recreation and the environment : revealed preference methods in theory and practice / 1999
Van Duzen River Basin environmental atlas 1975
Vehicle behavior in and around complex sources and related complex source characteristics : volume VII, recreational areas / 1973
Vermont atlas & gazetteer / 1996
Virginia atlas & gazetteer. 1989
Virginia's common wealth : a study of Virginia's outdoor recreation resources and the Virginia Outdoors Plan for conserving and developing them for the lasting public benefit. 1965
Warm Springs Resource Area Draft Resource Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement 1986
Warm Springs Resource Area, Proposed Resource Management Plan, Final Environmental Impact Statement 1986
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