Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 701 - 750
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Select Item Title Year Published
Washington atlas & gazetteer. 0
Washington statewide comprehensive outdoor recreation and open space plan. 1969
Wastewater Facilities and the Clean Water Plan. 1977
Wastewater Facilities and the Clean Water Program. 1977
Wastewater Facilities and the Clean Water Program. Appendices. 1977
Wastewater Facilities and the Clean Water Program. Volume 2. Analysis, Comments and Responses. 1978
Wastewater Facilities Southern Region Area, Palm Beach County, Florida. 1981
Wastewater Management Program, Jamaica Bay, New York. Volume I. Summary Report. 1976
Water and Recreation Study of the Blackfoot River System, Montana. 1969
Water cleanup and recreation : making it work for people / 1979
Water Law and Its Relationship to Environmental Quality: A Bibliography of Source Material. 1973
Water Oriented Outdoor Recreation, Lake Erie Basin. 1966
Water Pollution Problems of the Great Lakes Area. 1966
Water Pollution Surveillance in the United States. Report Number 1, Missouri River Main Stem. 1958-1962. 1964
Water quality and possible sources of nitrogen and bacteria to Rock and Travertine Creeks, Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma, 2004 / 2006
Water quality and recreation in Ohio proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Water Resources Research, June 15-16, 1966. 1966
Water quality assessment report, Monongahela River Basin 1973
Water quality assessment report, Ohio River main stem / 1973
Water quality criteria, 1972 : a report of the Committee on Water Quality Criteria, Environmental Studies Board, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Washington, D.C., 1972. 1974
Water Quality Criteria. Report of the National Technical Advisory Committee to the Secretary of the Interior. 1968
Water quality effects and nonpoint source control for forestry : an annotated bibliography / 1993
Water Quality Investigations Lake Michigan Basin. 1968
Water Quality Management Analysis of Summit County, Colorado. 1972
Water quality of the Flint River upstream from Flint as influenced by existing conditions : and by the proposed impoundment that will form Charles Stewart Mott Lake / 1970
Water Quality Strategy Paper (Second Edition). A Statement of Policy for Implementing the Requirements of the 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments, and Certain Requirements of the 1972 Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. 1974
Water recreation and disease : plausibility of associated infections : acute effects, sequelae, and mortality / 2005
Water Resource Planning in Urban Development. 1971
Water Resources Activities in the United States. Fish and Wildlife and Water Resources. 1960
Water Resources Activities in the United States. Future Needs for Reclamation in the Western States. 1960
Water Resources Activities in the United States. Water Recreation Needs in the United States, 1960-2000. 1960
Water Resources in Sourdough and Hyalite Creek Watersheds. A Comparative Study of Quality and Hydrology. 1972
Water resources management plan : Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma / 1998
Water Resources Research in Virginia. Annual Report for Fiscal Year 1971. 1971
Water Supply and Demand. 1970
Water, a resource you can help restore / 1980
Water, Water Everywhere --- But. A Study of the Politico-Administrative Aspects of Water Development in Montana. 1968
Water-Oriented Outdoor Recreation in the Illinois River Basin (Appendix VI) - Illinois - Indiana - Wisconsin. 1964
Water-oriented outdoor recreation in the Illinois River Basin : Appendix VI : Illinois - Indiana - Wisconsin / 1964
Water-oriented outdoor recreation in the Lake Erie Basin : Ohio - Michigan - Indiana - Pennsylvania - New York / 1966
Water-oriented outdoor recreation in the Lake Huron Basin, Michigan. Prepared for Federal Water Pollution Control Administration, Great Lakes Region, Chicago, Illinois. 1969
Water-oriented outdoor recreation in the Lake Michigan Basin : Illinois - Wisconsin - Michigan - Indiana / 1967
Water-Oriented Outdoor Recreation in the Lake Ontario Basin: New York--Pennsylvania. 1967
Water-oriented outdoor recreation in the Lake Ontario Basin; New York - Pennsylvania. 1967
Water-Oriented Outdoor Recreation in the Lake Superior Basin (Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin). 1970
Water-oriented outdoor recreation in the Lake Superior Basin : Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin / 1970
Water-related recreation in Nevada : present and future / 1973
Watershed Progress: Hot Creek Watershed Mimbres River Basin 1996
Weed control methods for recreation facilities management 1981
West Desert Pumping Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1986
West Desert Pumping Project Final Environmental Impact Statement 1986
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