Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Heat treatment)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 2 / 1997
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 3 / 1998
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 4 / 2000
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 5 / 2001
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 7 / 2003
Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies. Volume 6. 2004
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices : special machinery manufacturing industries / 1977
Babcock & Wilcox cyclone furnace vitrification technology : applications analysis report. 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for land disposal restrictions phase III : Decharacterized wastewaters, carbamate wastes, and spent poltiners (final rule). 1996
Background document for capacity analysis for land disposal restrictiopns, phase III : Universal treatment standards and treatment standards for organic toxicity characteristic wastes and other newly listed wastes (final rule). 1994
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 1, capacity analysis methodology and results. Appendix A, organic waste phone logs. Appendix B, hazardous debris issues and concerns. 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 2, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 1). 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 3, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 2). 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 4, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 3). 1992
Background Document for the Capacity Analysis to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions for Ignitable and Corrosive Wastes Whose Treatment Standards Were Vacated (Interim Final Rule). 1993
Chemical and biological treatment of thermally conditioned sludge recycle liquors / 1980
Chlorinated organic compounds in digested, heat-conditioned, and purifax-treated sludges {microform} / 1984
Cleaning Illinois: Status of the State's Hazardous Waste Cleanup Programs, Spring 1988. 1988
Comparison of In situ Vitrification and Rotary Kiln Incineration for Soils Treatment. 1991
Completed North American innovative remediation technology demonstration projects. 1996
Design Seminar Handout: Sludge Treatment and Disposal, 1977. 1977
Development of BDAT Standards for RCRA Wastes. 1991
Development of U.S. Navy Shipboard Systems for Solid and Liquid Waste Thermal Treatment. 1996
Effects of thermal treatment of sludge on municipal wastewater treatment costs / 1978
Energy requirements for municipal pollution control facilities / 1977
Engineering bulletin : separation/concentration technology alternatives for the remediation of pesticide-contaminated soil. 1997
Evaluation of rotary kiln incinerator operation at low-to-moderate temperature conditions / 1996
Experience in incineration applicable to Superfund site remediation / 1988
Experimental Study on Mercury Sorption by Activated Carbons and Calcium Hydroxide. 1998
Federal publications on alternative and innovative treatment technologies for corrective action and site remediation / 1995
Further Developments of Water Desalination Systems Based on Large Spiral-Wound Reverse Osmosis Membrane Elements. 1973
Guidance for NPDES Compliance Inspectors: Inspection of Sludge Treatment Unit Processes. 1991
Guide for conducting treatability studies under CERCLA : thermal desorption quick reference fact sheet. 1992
Guide for conducting treatability studies under CERCLA : thermal desorption remedy selection. 1992
Guides to pollution prevention : the metal casting and heat treating industry. 1992
Hazardous Waste Decontamination with Plasma Reactors. 1990
Heat treatment/low pressure oxidation systems : design and operational considerations / 1985
High Sulfur Combustor. A Study of Systems for Coal Refuse Processing. Volume I. Narrative Summary. 1971
Horsehead Resources Development Company, Inc. flame reactor technology / 1992
Hot Water Injection for the Remediation of Oily Wastes. 1998
IITRI radio frequency heating technology : innovative technology evaluation report / 1995
IITRI radio frequency heating technology. 1995
Improving Design and Operation of Heat Treatment/Low Pressure Oxidation Systems. 1986
Improving Surface Water Conditions Through Control and Disposal of Aquatic Vegetation. Phase I: Processing Aquatic Vegetation for Improved Handling and Disposal or Utilization. 1972
In situ vitrification treatment / 1994
Information Content of Flow Curves. 1970
Initial Screening of Thermal Desorption for Soil Remediation (Chapter 11). 1993
Initial Screening of Thermal Desorption for Soil Remediation. 1992
Innovative site remediation technology : thermal desorption / 1993
Innovative technology evaluation report : radio frequency heating, KAI Technologies, Inc. 1995
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