Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 119
Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Heat treatment)

Select Item Title Year Published
Innovative treatment technologies : overview and guide to information sources. 1991
Investigation of the Fracture Characteristics of Synthetic Welded Joints of Medium Strength Steel n-A-Xtra 70. 1970
Investigations of heat treatment for paper mill sludge conditioning / 1978
Literature survey of innovative technologies for hazardous waste site remediation, 1987-1991. 1992
Low temperature thermal treatment (LT3(R)) system / 1992
Low temperature thermal treatment (LT3(R)) technology / 1992
Management of metal-finishing sludge / 1977
Metalcasters of Minnesota Thermal Sand Processing Feasibility Study. 1990
Minipilot Solar System: Design/Operation of System and Results of Non-Solar Testing at MRI. 1993
Mixed Waste Treatment and Regulations. 1996
NATO/CCMS pilot study : evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment of contaminated land and groundwater (Phase III) 1998 annual report. 1998
Overview of Development in Continuous Emissions Monitoring for Mixed Waste Treatment. 1998
Petroleum Refining Process Waste Listing Determination Notice of Data Availability (NODA) Response to Comment Document, Part 2. 1998
Photothermal Destruction of the Vapor of Volatile Organic Compounds. 1993
Pilot Scale Up of Processes to Demonstrate Utilization of Pulverized Coal Flyash Modified by the Addition of Limestone-Dolomite Sulfur Dioxide Removal Additives. 1971
Pilot-Scale Anaerobic Filter Treatment of Heat Treatment Liquor. 1981
Process Demonstration and Cost Analysis of a Mass Production Forging Technique for Automotive Turbine Wheels. Phase I. 1974
Pyrolysis treatment. 1992
Rapid Procedure for Preparation of Support-Bonded Carbowax 20M Gas Chromatographic Column Packing. 1978
RCRA, Superfund, & EPCRA hotline training module : introduction to miscellaneous units (40 CFR Part 264, Subpart X and 40 CFR Part 265, Subparts P, Q, and R) 2000
RCRA, Superfund, and EPCRA Hotline Training Module: Introduction to Miscellaneous and Other Units (40 CFR Part 264, Subpart X and 40 CFR Part 265, Subparts P, Q, and R) Updated July 1997. 1997
Remediation case studies : in situ soil treatment technologies (soil vapor extraction, thermal processes) : volume 8 / 1998
Remediation case studies : soil vapor extraction and other in situ technologies : volume 6 / 1997
Research Issues for Thermal Remediation. 1998
Response to Comments Background Document for the Newly Listed Wastes and Hazardous Debris Proposed Rule; Capacity-Related Comments. 1992
Reuse of fermentation brines in the cucumber pickling industry / 1978
SITE Program Evaluation of the Sonotech Pulse Combustion Burner Technology. Technical Results. 1996
Site remediation technology infobase : a guide to federal programs, information resources, and publications on contaminated site cleanup technologies / 1998
SITE technology capsule : clean Bershires, Inc. thermal desorption system. 1994
Sludge Handling and Ultimate Disposal. 1971
Sludge Treatment and Disposal Seminar Handout. Part 1. Introduction and Sludge Processing. 1978
Steel heat treatment handbook / 1997
Summary of treatment technology effectiveness for contaminated soil. 1990
Summary Report: Pilot Plant Studies on Dewatering Primary Digested Sludge. 1973
Supercritical Water Oxidation Model Development for Selected EPA Priority Pollutants. 1993
Superfund Explanation of Significant Difference for the Record of Decision (EPA Region 2): DeRewal Chemical Company, Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ., December 5, 1994. 1996
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Commencement Bay, Nearshore/Tideflats, Operable Unit 2, Pierce County, WA, 7/2/1996. 1996
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Davis Liquid Waste, Smithfield, RI. 1997
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : DeRewal Chemical Co., Kingwood Township, NJ. 1997
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Landfill and Resource Recovery Inc., (L&RR), North Smithfield, RI. 1996
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Love Canal, Niagara Falls, NY. 1996
Superfund innovative technology evaluation : technology profiles. 1996
Superfund innovative technology evaluation program : technology profiles : volume 1 demonstration program. 1999
Superfund innovative technology evaluation program : technology profiles : volume 2 emerging technology program. 1999
Superfund innovative technology evaluation program : technology profiles : volume 3 monitoring and measurement program. 1999
Superfund record of decision : Anderson Development, MI : first remedial action (amendment - final). 1991
Superfund record of decision : USA Letterkenny Southeast Area, PA : first remedial action. 1991
Survey of Medical Waste Incinerators and Emissions Control. 1992
Synopses of federal demonstrations of innovative site remediation technologies / 1992
Task III, the manufacture and use of selected inorganic cyanides / 1976

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