Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 526
Showing: Items 301 - 350

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Select Item Title Year Published
Microsoft Windows 2000 professional step by step 2000
Microsoft Windows 95 step by step 1995
Microsoft Windows 98 at a glance 1998
Microsoft Windows user's guide for the Windows Graphical Environment : Version 3.0 for the MS-DOS operating system. 1990
Microsoft Word 2013 bible / 2013
Minicomputers in data processing and simulation / 1972
Mixed-effects models in S and S-PLUS / 2000
Model for the prediction of highway construction noise (final report) {Microfiche} 1981
Model program for removal site file management. 1988
Modeling of Indoor Air Quality for a Personal Computer. 1992
Modeling of Simulated Photochemical Smog with Kinetic Mechanisms. Volume 2. CHEMK: A Computer Modeling Scheme for Chemical Kinetics. 1980
Multilevel and longitudinal modeling using Stata / 2012
MULTIMAX: An Air Dispersion Modeling Program for Multiple Sources, Receptors, and Concentration Averages. 1979
My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 / 2014
National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) - Programmer's Manual . 1981
National Roadway Traffic Noise Exposure Model (NRTNEM) - User's Manual. 1982
Needs Survey (1978): Continuous Stormwater Pollution Simulation System - Users Manual. 1979
Needs Survey (1978): Continuous Stormwater Pollution Simulation Systems. 1979
Network security tools 2005
Neural networks in bioprocessing and chemical engineering 1995
New S language a programming environment for data analysis and graphics / 1988
New sampling theory for measuring ecosystem structure / 1978
New York City Air Pollution Project of 1964-1969. 1969
Numerical methods / 1974
Numerical methods for scientists and engineers / 1962
Numerical Thermal Plume Model for Vertical Outfalls in Shallow Water. 1973
Off-Line Analysis Programs for Long-Path Spectrometer. 1972
Office 2013 for seniors in easy steps : also covers Office 365 subscription editions / 2014
Office 365 / 2019
Office equipment design, indoor air emissions and pollution prevention / 1995
Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Integrated Compliance Information System ICIS Batch DMR - Technical Specification Version 1.1 For Electronic Reporting of DMRs. 2011
Oklahoma Coordinate System User's Guide. 1978
Onboard diagnostics and measurement in the automotive industry, shipbuilding, and aircraft construction / 2012
Operations and maintenance manual. 1990
Optical Devices - Lasers. A Compilation. 1971
Optimization of process flowsheets through metaheuristic techniques / 2019
Optimizing a Photochemical Air Quality Model Gas-Phase Chemistry Solver for Parallel Processing. 1997
OTS data dictionary for automated systems 1982
Ottotest - a mobile computer for engine testing. 1978
OZIPM-3 (Ozone Isopleth Plotting with Optional Mechanisms, Version 3) Source Code. 1985
Parallel algorithms for matrix computations / 1990
Parallel processing in computational mechanics 1992
Password management : protecting EPA information resources. 1996
PC hardware and systems implementation 1989
PC-BEIS: A Personal Computer Version of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System. 1991
People-oriented computer systems : the computer in crisis / 1975
Personal computer monitors : a screening evaluation of volatile organic emissions from existing printed circuit board laminates and potential pollution / 1998
Personal computer/equipment / 1987
Personal Computers and Environmental Engineering. Part 1. Trends and Perspectives. 1987
Personal Computers and Environmental Engineering. Part 2. Applications. 1987
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