Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 526
Showing: Items 101 - 150

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Select Item Title Year Published
Computer law 1983
Computer law 1985
Computer management of a combined sewer system / 1974
Computer measurement and evaluation--artistry or science? 1972
Computer methods for mathematical computations / 1977
Computer model of the quantity and chemical quality of return flow, 1971
Computer organization and programming 1969
Computer Performance Evaluation Users Group (CPEUG) : proceedings of the thirteenth meeting, held at New Orleans, Louisiana, October 11-14, 1977 / 1977
Computer program for reducing mass spectral data from GC/MS systems / 1979
Computer Program for the Analysis of gamma-Ray Spectra by the Method of Least Squares. 1966
Computer Program for the Determination of Most Probable Number and Its Confidence Limits. 1993
Computer security : make the commitment / 1989
Computer security awareness training / 1990
Computer security requirements guidance for applying the Department of Defense trusted computer system evaluation criteria in specific environments. 1985
Computer Simulation of a Small Information System. 1968
Computer sorting / 1969
Computer systems security 1989
Computer technology and the law 1983
Computer Technology: Pattern Recognition of Behavioral Events in the Nonhuman Primate. 1980
Computer Utilization in Nuclear Reactor Design. 1970
Computer-Assisted Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Analysis. 1977
Computer-Implemented Instructional Game for Evaluation Water Management Alternatives. 1973
Computer-related risks 1995
Computerized Assessment of Human Neurotoxicity: Sensitivity to Nitrous Oxide Exposure. 1985
Computerized System for the Evaluation of Aquatic Habitats Based on Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance Associations of Resident Organisms. 1986
Computers and intractability a guide to the theory of NP-completeness / 1991
Computers and their role in the physical sciences. 1970
Computers, 1973
Computers; a programming problem approach 1968
Computerworld. 1967
Consumptive Use of Irrigation Water in Wyoming. 1970
Continuous Flow Analyzer Automation System. Part III -- Program Documentation. 1982
Continuous Release - Emergency Response Notification System. User's Manual for Industry. 1991
Control of Combined Sewer Overflows in Minneapolis-Saint Paul. 1971
Controlling Air Toxics: An Advisory System. 1988
Conversion from RT-11 to Micro-RSX for Real-Time Data Collection and Analysis. 1986
Cult of information the folklore of computers and the true art of thinking / 1986
Cybersecurity and cyberwar : what everyone needs to know / 2014
Data structures : theory and practice 1975
Data structures : theory and practice / 1971
DBase III : the Microsoft desktop dictionary and cross-reference guide 1985
Defending secrets, sharing data : new locks and keys for electronic information. 1987
Demonstration Model Personnel Management Information System. 1977
Description of the CLEANS human exposure system / 1978
Design of on-line computer systems. 1972
Designing on-board diagnostics for light and medium duty emissions control systems seminar / 2014
Developing and implementing an integrated test facility for testing computerized systems / by William E. Perry and Javier F. Kuong. 1979
Development and application of a water supply cost analysis system ; volume II / 1980
Development and Application of a Water Supply Financial Reporting System. Volume 2. 1983
Development of a national digital geospatial data framework a status report from the Framework Working Group / 1994
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