Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 526
Showing: Items 401 - 450

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Select Item Title Year Published
River Basin Simulation Program. 1968
Running Linux / 2003
SAROAD Terminal User's Manual. 1973
SAS programmer's guide 1981
Selected applications of instrumentation and automation in wastewater-treatment facilities / 1976
Seminar on computer solution (hybrid and digital) for partial differential equations in the study of environmental and natural resources problems / 1970
Silicon snake oil second thoughts on the information highway / 1995
Single Source (CRSTER) Model Computer Programs. 1977
Smart power : automotive applications. 1987
SNA theory and practice : a comprehensive guide to IBM's System Network Architecture 1984
Software engineering 1979
Software engineering : a practitioner's approach / 1982
Software tools 1976
Software verification and validation its role in computer assurance and its relationship with software project management standards / 1989
Software-hardware integration in automotive development / 2014
Solving linear systems on vector and shared memory computers / 1991
Some common BASIC programs 1979
Specific ion mass spectrometric detection for gas chromatographic pesticide analysis / 1974
SRIM index. 1978
Standard Calibration Instrument Automation System for the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Part I: Functional Specifications. 1982
Standard Calibration Instrument Automation System for the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Part II: User's Guide. 1982
Standard Calibration Instrument Automation System for the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Part III: Program Documentation. 1982
Standard dictionary of computers and information processing / 1977
Statistical Analysis of Data Obtained from Long-Range Spacecraft. 1971
Statistical inference : the minimum distance approach / 2011
Stochastic Model for the Response of Permanent Offshore Structures Subject to Soil Restraints and Wave Forces. 1969
Stratified Reservoir Currents. Part I. Entering Streamflow Effects on Currents of a Density Stratified Model Reservoir. Part II. The Numac Method for Non-Homogeneous Unconfined Marker-And-Cell Calculations. 1969
Streamflow Routing (with Applications to North Carolina Rivers). 1969
Structured design : fundamentals of a discipline of computer program and systems design / 1979
Structured system programming / 1980
Summaries of Solid Wastes Program. Contracts: July 1, 1965 - June 30, 1968. 1969
Support vector machines and their application in chemistry and biotechnology / 2011
Surface II graphics system 1975
Synoptic Rainfall Data Analysis Program (SYNOP). 1976
Systems Study of Solid Waste Management in the Fresno Area. 1969
Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm And Its Engineering Applications / [electronic resource] : 2016
Techniques for optimizing a quadrupole GC/MS/computer system / 1976
Techniques in computer programming 1970
Testing the validity of the lognormal probability model : computer analysis of carbon monoxide data from U.S. cities / 1979
Tetrahedron computer methodology. 1988
The art of computer programming 1968
The computer from Pascal to von Neumann / 1972
The computer glossary : the complete illustrated dictionary / 2001
The design and analysis of computer algorithms / 1974
The elements of programming style / 1974
The ICIS Resource. 2011
The imaging glossary : electronic document & image processing terms, acronyms and concepts / 1991
The law of computer technology : rights, licenses, liabilities / 1992
The law of computer technology : rights, licenses, liabilities / 1997
The mythical man-month : essays on software engineering / 1975
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