Main Title |
Office equipment design, indoor air emissions and pollution prevention / |
Author |
Hetes, R. ;
Moore, M. ;
Northeim, C.
CORP Author |
Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, NC. Center for Environmental Analysis.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air and Energy Engineering Research Lab. |
Publisher |
Center for Environmental Analysis, |
Year Published |
1995 |
Report Number |
EPA-CR-822025-01; EPA/600/R-95/045 |
Stock Number |
PB95-191375 |
Subjects |
Office equipment and supplies
Additional Subjects |
Office equipment ;
Emissions ;
Indoor air pollution ;
Air pollution sources ;
Office machines ;
Facsimile communication ;
Printers ;
Computers ;
Computer terminals ;
Particulates ;
Ozone ;
Organic compounds ;
Pollution prevention ;
Photocopiers ;
Copiers ;
Duplicators ;
Diazo machines ;
Photoimaging machines ;
Volatile organic compounds
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
PB95-191375 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
78 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm |
Abstract |
The report summarizes available information on office equipment design; indoor air emissions of organics, ozone, and particulates from office equipment; and pollution prevention approaches for reducing these emissions. The report covers (1) dry and wet process photoimaging machines (copiers, printers, and faxes); (2) spirit duplicators; (3) mimeograph machines; (4) digital duplicators; (5) diazo (blue-print) machines; (6) computers and computer terminals; (7) impact matric printers; and (8) other equipment types. Office equipment emits indoor air pollutants as a result of equipment operating, offgassing from components, or episodic releases related to catastrophic failure of a unit. |
Notes |
"EPA 600/R-95/045." Microfiche. |