Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"SESOIL" : a seasonal soil compartment model / 1981
15N Natural Abundance and (15)N Labelling Studies in Forest Ecosystems. 1994
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) transformation/sorption in thin-disk soil columns 1995
2007 Annual Report NATO/CCMS Pilot Study. Prevention and Remediation in Selected Industrial Sectors: Sediments. Held in Ljubltana, Solvenia on June 17-22, 2007. 2007
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : biogenics – vegetation and soil 2023
A basic technique and models for determining exposure rates over uranium-bearing soils / 1982
A Citizen's guide to glycolate dehalogenation. 1992
A Citizen's guide to how innovative technologies are being successfully applied at Superfund sites. 1992
A citizen's guide to in situ soil flushing. 1992
A citizen's guide to in situ soil flushing. 1992
A citizen's guide to soil washing. 1992
A citizen's guide to thermal desorption. 1992
A conceptual model for the movement of pesticides through the environment : a contribution of the EPA Alternative Chemicals Program / 1974
A demonstration of thermal water utilization in agriculture / 1974
A field permeability test for compacted clay liners / 1984
A gage for measuring pore water pressures in soils under dynamic loads / 1963
A Method of calculating soil temperature under a cover of snow = Metod rascheta temperatury pochvy pod snezhnym pokrovom / 1961
A Preliminary Investigation of Radioactivity in Crops and Soils on Selected Farms 1961
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1989
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A reconnaissance study of manganese potential in South Dakota / 1990
A report on the lead reference materials workshop : Washington, D.C., May 13-14, 1991 / 1991
A resource guide for MGP site characterization and remediation : expedited site characterization and source remediation at former manufactured gas plant sites / 2000
A review of concentration techniques for trace chemicals in the environment. 1975
A screening procedure for the impacts of air pollution sources on plants, soils, and animals / 1980
A study of vegetation problems associated with refuse landfills / 1978
Abiotic Transformations in Water, Sediments, and Soil. Chapter 5. 1990
Abstract proceedings : Second Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : Philadelphia, PA, May 15-17, 1990. 1990
Abstract proceedings : Third Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : Dallas, TX, June 11-13, 1991. 1991
Accumulation of atmospheric sulfur by plants and sulfur-supplying capacity of soils / 1979
Accumulation of heavy metals in soil from past fertilization / 1978
Acid Deposition: Processes of Lake Acidification. 1984
Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils / 1994
Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils / 1994
Acid Precipitation and Its Effects on Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems. 1980
Acid rain. 1980
Acid soil and acid rain the impact on the environment of nitrogen and sulphur cycling / 1986
Acid sulphate soils proceedings of the International Symposium on Acid Sulphate Soils, 13-20 August 1972, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 1973
Acidic deposition and Adirondack forest soil fertility : an appraisal / 1991
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 1. Atmospheric Sciences (Review Draft). 1983
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 2. 1984
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 2. Effects Sciences (Review Draft). 1983
Acidic Episodes and Surface Water Chemistry: A Comparison of Northeast and Southeast Study Sites. 1987
Acidic Precipitation Effects on Terrestrial Vegetation. 1984
Acidic precipitation-induced chemical changes in subalpine fir forest organic soil layers / 1980
Acidification and Recovery of a Spodosol Bs Horizon from Acidic Deposition. 1990
Acidification of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems: Chemical Weathering. 1984
Adjustments to the HUD National Survey Dust Data for Section 403 analyses : final report / 1996
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