Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soils)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Jefferson Parish (West Bank) Louisiana (Supplemental). 1983
Draft final sampling and analysis plan for Smuggler Mountain, Aspen, Pitkin County, Colorado / 1990
Draft protocol for measuring children's non-occupational exposure to pesticides by all relevant pathways / 2001
Draft Risk Assessment for Cement Kiln Dust Used as an Agricultural Soil Amendment. 1998
Draft Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Uncompahgre National Forest Travel Plan 2001
Dredging and the disposal of dredged soil, Annapolis, Maryland, November 1, 1978. 1978
Drinking water criteria document for 1,2-dichloropropane / 1990
Drinking water health advisory for oxamyl 2004
Drinking water microbiology / 1984
Dry Creek Interceptor Project C200442 in Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas. 1980
Durability of Geosynthetics in Waste Management Facilities: Needed Research (Journal Article). 1988
Dynamic geotechnical testing : a symposium / 1978
Dynamic Simulation of Vertical Infiltration into Unsaturated Soils. 1971
Dynamics and bioavailability of heavy metals in the rootzone / 2011
Earthworms as Ecotoxicological Assessment Tools. 1984
Ecological effects on tropospheric ozone: a U.S. perspective - past, present and future {microfiche} / by William E. Hogsett and Christian P. Andersen. 1997
Ecological Risk Assessment for General Electric (GE)/Housatonic River Site Rest of River. Volumes 1 and 2, Sections 1-12. 2004
Ecological soil screening levels for arsenic : interim final / 2005
Ecological soil screening levels for cadmium : interim final / 2005
Ecological soil screening levels for chromium : interim final / 2008
Ecological soil screening levels for cobalt : interim final / 2005
Ecological soil screening levels for DDT and metabolites / 2007
Ecological soil screening levels for manganese : interim final / 2007
Ecological soil screening levels for vanadium : interim final / 2005
Ecological soil screening levels for Zinc : interim final / 2007
Ecology and management of forest soils / 2000
Economic Analysis, Root Control, and Backwater Flow Control as Related to Infiltration/Inflow Control. Appendices. 1977
Ecoregions and Subregions of Iowa: A Framework for Water Quality Assessment and Management. 1994
Ecoregions of Alaksa. 1995
Ecoregions of Tennessee. 1997
Ecoregions of the conterminous United States / 1986
Ecoregions of the Upper Midwest States / 1988
Ecosystem stress from chronic exposure to low levels of nitrate / 2005
Education of Best Management Practices in the Arroyo Colorado Watershed. 2009
Effect of capillarity and soil structure on flow in low permeability saturated soils at disposal facilities / 1987
Effect of detergent-laden water on the growth of corn 1973
Effect of geology on soil mass movement activity in the Pacific Northwest / 1984
Effect of Natural Ventilation on Radon and Radon Progeny Levels in Houses. 1991
Effect of Sediment Organic Carbon on Survival of 'Hyalella azteca' Exposed to DDT and Endrin. 1989
Effect of Simulated Sulfuric Acid Rain on the Chemistry of a Sulfate-Adsorbing Forest Soil. 1985
Effect of SO2 and NOx on the soil ecosystems : final report 1978
Effect of soil moisture content upon adsorption and movement of phosphorus from leachates of domestic waste disposal systems completion report / 1980
Effects of accumulation of air pollutants in forest ecosystems : proceedings of a workshop held at Geottingen, West Germany, May 16-18, 1982 / 1983
Effects of Acid Precipitation on a Typic Quartzipsamment Soil in Florida. 1985
Effects of acid precipitation on soil leachate quality : computer calculations / 1980
Effects of Acid Precipitation. 1979
Effects of acid rain on forest nutrient status 1985
Effects of burn/low-till on erosion and soil quality 2001
Effects of CO2 and climate change on forest trees : research plan. 1993
Effects of deicing salts on plant biota and soil experimental phase / 1976
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