Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 301 - 350
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soils)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Classification and floral relationships of seaside salt marsh soils in Accomack and Northampton counties, Virginia 1985
Classification of coal surface mine soil material for vegetation management soil water quality / 1979
Classifying Soils for Acidic Deposition Aquatic Effects: A Scheme for the Northeast USA. 1989
Clay County soils, 1911
Clay Liner Construction and Quality Control. 1986
Cleaning excavated soil using extraction agents : a state-of-the-art review / 1989
Cleaning excavated soil using extraction agents : a state-of-the-art review. Project summary / 1990
Cleanup of petroleum contaminated soils at underground storage tanks / 1990
Cleanup of releases from petroleum USTs : selected technologies. 1988
Climate Change in Levelock, Alaska: Strategies for Community Health. 2014
Climate Warming and the Carbon Cycle in the Permafrost Zone of the Former Soviet Union. 1993
Climate, soil and crop production in the humid tropics 1970
Clinton County soils, 1936
Closure evaluation for petroleum residue land treatment / 1984
COGNIS Terramet lead extraction process : innovative technology evaluation report / 1998
COGNIS Terramet(R) lead extraction process : Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant, COGNIS, Inc. 1997
Cold climate oil spills : a terrestrial and freshwater research review / 1981
Cold climate oil spills : a terrestrial and freshwater research review / 1981
Coles County soils, 1929
Collapsing soils and their clay mineralogy in Tucson / 1982
Colloid polishing filter method 1995
Colloid polishing filter method / 1994
Colloid polishing filter method / 1994
Columbus incinerator waste-to-energy facility : soil sample site descriptions, laboratory analysis data sheets. 1996
Columbus waste-to-energy municipal incinerator, dioxin soil sampling project. 1996
Column Vapor Extraction Experiments on Gasoline Contaminated Soil. 1991
Community action guidebook for soil erosion and sediment control, 1970
Compacted Soil Barriers at Abandoned Landfill Sites Are Likely to Fail in the Long Term. 1993
Comparative evaluation of the effects of acid precipitation, natural acid production, and harvesting on cation removal from forests 1985
Comparing Conventionally Landfilled Solid Waste with Processed Landfilled Solid Waste. 1973
Comparison of Bioassay and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Quantification of 'Spodoptera frugiperda' Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Soil. 1985
Comparison of Chemical Biodegradation Rates in BOD Dilution and Natural Waters. 1988
Comparison of Geoprobe(R) PRT and AMS GVP soil-gas sampling systems with dedicated vapor probes in sandy soils at the Raymark Superfund Site / 2006
Comparison of hydrologic responses at different watershed scales / 2004
Comparison of leachate characteristics from selected municipal solid waste test cells / 1984
Comparison of methods to determine selenium species in saturation extracts of soils from the western San Joaquin Valley, California / 1988
Comparison of Risks and Costs of Hazardous Waste Alternatives: Methods Development and Pilot Studies. 1984
Comparison of some properties of mine soils and contiguous natural soils / 1978
Comparison of the alternative asbestos control method and the NESHAP method for demolition of asbestos-containing buildings [electronic resource] / 2008
Comparison of Three Earthworm Bioassay Procedures for the Assessment of Environmental Samples Containing Hazardous Wastes. 1985
Comparison of Two Methods to Assess the Carbon Budget of Forest Biomes in the Former Soviet Union. 1993
Compendium of ERT soil sampling / 1994
Compendium of ERT soil sampling and surface geophysics procedures : interim final. 1991
Compendiums of the Environmental Response Team's (ERT) standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sampling and analytical protocols / 1991
Compilation of a global inventory of emmissions of nitrous oxide / 1995
Comprehensive abatement performance study : volume 1. Summary report / 1996
Comprehensive abatement performance study : volume 2. Detailed statistical results / 1996
Comprehensive Method for the Analysis of Volatile Organics on Soils, Sediments and Sludges. Part 1. State-of-the-Art Review of Analytical Operations. 1994
Comprehensive report on the KPEG process for treating chlorinated wastes 1990
Computer estimates of natural recharge from soil moisture data, high plains of Colorado : completion report, OWRT project no. A-016 COLO 1975
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