Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soils)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of Drying Treatments on Porosity of Soil Materials. 1985
Effects of fertilizer made from flue gas and fly ash on selected crops and soils 1979
Effects of flue gas cleaning waste on groundwater quality and soil characteristics / 1979
Effects of forest fertilization with urea on major biological components of small cascade streams, Oregon / 1979
Effects of forest management on soil carbon storage. 1992
Effects of heavy metal pollution on decomposition in forest soils / 1975
Effects of mechanical agitation on drying rate of fine-grained dredged material : final report / 1977
Effects of organic solvents on the permeability of clay soils / 1983
Effects of organic solvents on the permeability of clay soils / 1983
Effects of ozone on nitrogen fixation in ladino clover / 1976
Effects of Selected Inorganic Leachates on Clay Permeability. 1987
Effects of sewage sludge on the cadmium and zinc content of crops / 1980
Effects of sludge irrigation on three Pacific Northwest forest soils / 1980
Effects of sulfuric acid rain on two model hardwood forests : throughfall, litter leachate, and soil solution / 1980
Effects of Synthetic Polyelectrolytes on Selected Aquatic Organisms. 1986
Effects of tillage and nitrogen fertilization on nitrogen losses from soils used for corn production 1990
Effects of tillage system, crop residue level, and fertilizer application technique on losses of phosphorus and pesticides from agricultural lands 1987
Effects of using sewage sludge on agricultural and disturbed lands / 1983
Effects of variable hardness, pH, alkalinity, suspended clay, and humics on the chemical speciation and aquatic toxicity of copper 1986
Efficiency of soil core and soil-pore water sampling systems 1986
Efficiency of soil core and soil-pore water sampling systems / 1987
Effingham County soils, 1931
Eighteenth Annual Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Research Symposium : abstract proceedings / 1992
EIIP Volume 5: Biogenic Sources Preferred and Alternative Methods. 1997
Electrical Effects and the Movement of Water in Soils. 1970
Electroanalytical measurement techniques for metals-contaminated soil characterization : Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory, New Mexico State University, and Environmental Technologies Group, Inc. / 1998
Electrochemical remediation technologies for polluted soils, sediments and groundwater / 2009
Electrokinetic soil processing : Electrokinetics, Inc. 1995
Electrokinetics. 1995
Electroosmotic drying of slime consistence wastes / 1979
Electroplating plant operating conditions related to wastewater sludge leachability / 1984
Element concentrations in soils and other surficial materials of the conterminous United States : an account of the concentrations of 50 chemical elements in samples of soils and other regoliths / 1984
Elemental composition of corn grains, soybean seeds, pasture grasses, and associated soils from selected areas in Missouri a study of geochemical variation between four vegetation-type areas as indicated by analyses of cultivated plants and soils / 1976
Elemental composition of selected native plants and associated soils from major vegetation-type areas in Missouri an examination of statewide geochemical variations as indicated by plant and soil analysis / 1976
Elkton quadrangle (ELK) 1985
Emergency response equipment to clean up hazardous chemical releases at spills and uncontrolled waste sites / 1982
Emerging technologies for the in situe remediation of PCB-contaminated soils and sediments : bioremediation and nanoscale zero-valent iron / 2004
Emerging technologies for the remediation of metals in soils : insitu stabilization/inplace inactivation / 1997
Emerging technology summary : development of electro-acoustic soil decontamination (ESD) process for in situ applications. 1990
Emission rates for biogenic NOx / 1978
Emissionen von N2O, NO und NO2 aus Boden zweier Fichtenstandorte im Schwarzwald 1994
Encyclopedia of soils in the environment / 2005
Energy/Environment II. Proceedings of National Conference on the Interagency R and D Program (2nd) Held at Washington, D.C. on June 6 and 7, 1977. 1977
Engineering and design : geotechnical manual for surface and subsurface investigations. 1985
Engineering and design : soil sampling / 1972
Engineering and design: laboratory soils testing. 1986
Engineering design criteria for sub-slab depressurization systems in low-permeability soils / 1990
Engineering design criteria for sub-slab depressurization systems in low-permeability soils / 1990
Engineering properties & soil interpretations for use in resource planning & development 1970
Entrainment and Deposition of Fine-Grained Sediments in Lake Erie. 1981
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