Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Certification of Three NIST Renewal Soil Standard Reference Materials for Element Content: SRM 2709a San Joaquin Soil, SRM 2710a Montana Soil I, and SRM 2711a Montana Soil II. 2010
CF Systems organics extraction system, New Bedford, Massachusetts. Volume 1. 1990
Changes of Purine Metabolism in Man and Animals Under Conditions of Molybdenum Biogeochemical Provinces (Izmeneniya Purinovogo Obmena u Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh v Usloviyakh Molibdenovykh Biogeokhimicheskikh Provintsii). 1961
Characteristic Waste Designation of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Products / 1988
Characteristics of Florida Fill Materials and Soils, 1990. 1994
Characterization and laboratory soil treatability studies for creosote and pentachlorophenol sludges and contaminated soil / 1988
Characterization and utilization of municipal and utility sludges and ashes / 1975
Characterization of Chemical Waste Site Contamination and Determination of Its Extent Using Bioassays. 1986
Characterization of coal pile drainage / 1979
Characterization of explosives processing waste decomposition due to composting 1991
Characterization of explosives processing waste decomposition due to composting 1990
Characterization of hazardous waste sites : a methods manual / 1983
Characterization of mercury contamination at the East Fork Poplar Creek Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee : a case study / 1995
Characterization of organic matter in soil and aquifer solids / 1997
Characterization of products containing lead and cadmium in municipal solid waste in the United States, 1970 to 2000 : Executive summary : Final report / 1989
Characterization of products containing lead and cadmium in municipal solid waste in the United States, 1970 to 2000 : executive summary and chapter 1, lead and codmium in municipal solid waste: overview and summary / 1989
Characterization of sewage sludge and sewage sludge-soil systems / 1984
Characterization of soils and saprolites from the piedmont region for waste disposal purposes 1991
Charaterization of Nonpoint Sources and Loadings to the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. 1996
Chelating agents for land decontamination technologies / 2012
Chemfix solidification/stabilization process, Clackamas, Oregon. 1990
Chemical analysis of contaminated land / 2003
Chemical analysis of ecological materials 1974
Chemical and physical effects of municipal landfills on underlying soils and groundwater / 1978
Chemical aspects of H2S removal in soil / 1968
Chemical Aspects of H2S Removal in Soil. 1968
Chemical Contaminants in House Dust: Occurrences and Sources. 1993
Chemical data for predicting the fate of organic compounds in water volume 1: Technical basis / 1989
Chemical Effects of Red Clays on Western Lake Superior. 1979
Chemical effects of saline drainage waters on irrigated San Joaquin Valley soils 1987
Chemical investigations of soils and plants around two coal-fired power plants near Stanton, North Dakota 1975
Chemical methods for assessing bio-available metals in sludges and soils 1985
Chemical properties for soil screening levels. 1994
Chemical speciation of flue gas desulfurization sludge constituents 1981
Chemical stabilization of soils : laboratory and field evaluation of several petrochemical liquids for soil stabilization / 1971
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective. final report. Task 1, Analysis of the sources of phosphorus in the environment : 1979
Chemical Transport Facilitated by Colloidal-Sized Organic Molecules. 1990
Chemical Weathering and Solution Chemistry in Acid Forest Soils: Differential Influence of Soil Type, Biotic Processes, and H+ Deposition. 1985
Chemistry and Photochemistry of Low-Volatility Organic Chemicals on Environmental Surfaces. 1987
Chemistry of phosphorus, cadmium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc in Indiana lake and reservoir sediments 1979
Chesapeake Bay program nutrient trading fundamental principles and guidelines / 2001
Chesapeake Bay: A Framework for Action, Appendices. 1983
Child-specific exposure factors handbook / 2002
Child-specific exposure factors handbook / 2008
Child-specific exposure factors handbook [and] Highlights of the child-specific exposure factors handbook. 2009
Christian County soils / 1950
Circulation of Carcinogens in the Environment. 1979
Clarification and interpretation of the 1987 manual. 1992
Clarification to the 1994 revised interim soil lead guidance for CERCLA sites and RCRA corrective action facilities / 1998
Classification and engineering properties of dredged material : final report / 1977
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