Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Phytoplankton)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1997 atlas of Chesapeake Bay Basin biological and living resources long term monitoring programs 1997
A dynamic river basin water quality model / 1991
A review of methods used for quantitative phytoplankton studies : final report of SCOR Working Group 33. 1974
A status report on planktonic cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and their toxins / 1992
A study of the phytoplankton along established permanent transects in Utah Lake, Utah, U.S.A. / 1981
A Study of the phytoplankton in the Delaware River Basin streams in New York State / 1973
Age Dependent Model of PCB in a Lake Michigan Food Chain. 1984
Algae / 2000
Algae and water pollution 1994
Algae in water supplies : an illustrated manual on the identification, significance, and control of algae in water supplies / 1959
Algal cultures and phytoplankton ecology / 1975
Algal metabolite influence on bloom sequence in eutrophied freshwater ponds / 1976
Algal nutrient studies of the Potomac estuary : (Summer 1977) / 1979
Alternative water disinfection schemes for reduced trihalomethane formation / 1984
Alum Control of Internal Phosphorus Loading in a Shallow Lake. 1982
An annotated key to the identification of commonly occurring and dominant genera of algae observed in the phytoplankton of the United States / 1982
An ecological evaluation of a thermal discharge : Part II: The distribution of phytoplankton and primary productivity near the western shore of Lake Erie / 1972
An in situ evaluation of nutrient effects in lakes / 1973
An intensive survey of the Illinois River (Arkansas and Oklahoma) in August 1985 / 1987
An investigation of the nearshore region of Lake Ontario IFYGL. 1976
An investigation of the water quality and productivity of Polson Bay, Flathead Lake, Montana. 1971
Annual Phytoplankton Metabolism in Narragansett Bay Calculated from Survey Field Measurements and Microcosm Oberservations. 1982
Apparent optimal temperatures for the occurrence of some common phytoplankton species in southern Lake Michigan 1976
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Ashtabula River disposal site, Ohio : appendix A : planktonic communities, benthic assemblages, and fishery : final report / 1978
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Eatons Neck disposal site, Long Island Sound : appendix F, predisposal baseline conditions of phytoplankton assemblages, final report / 1977
Arsenic Transport and Impact in Chesapeake Bay Food Webs. Attachment A: Arsenic Impact on Growth, Fecundity, Species Composition and Subsequent Transport of Arsenic in Estuarine Food Webs. 1988
Assessment of phytoplankton species in the Delaware River estuary 1992
Assessment of the effects of nutrient loadings on Lake Ontario using a mathematical model of the phytoplankton / 1976
Bacillariophyceae Bacillariaceae, Epithemiaceae, Surirellaceae / 1997
Basic research in the aquatic environment : effects of eutrophication on phytoplankton and selected species of aquatic vascular plants - phase II : research project technical completion report / 1974
Basic Research in the Aquatic Environment: Effects of Eutrophication on Phytoplankton Populations and Selected Species of Aquatic Vascular Plants. 1973
Bioassay procedures for the ocean disposal permit program / 1978
Biochemical studies of the Potomac estuary--summer 1978 / 1979
Biochrome analysis as a method for assessing phytoplankton dynamics phase I / 1974
Biological and Chemical Observations in Mumford and Palmer Coves (Groton, Conn.). 1971
Biological and Chemical Study of Virginia's Estuaries. 1972
Biological Aspects of Water Quality, Charles River and Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, July-August 1967. 1968
Biological control of aquatic nuisances : a review / 1977
Biological effects of ammonium salts and dilute treated petroleum refinery affluent on estuarine aufwuchs, phytoplankton, and fish communities / 1974
Biological Impact of Combined Metallic and Organic Pollution in the Coeur d'Alene-Spokane River Drainage System. 1973
Biological Investigations of Lake Wingra. 1973
Biological Investigations of Tuttle Creek Reservoir - Kansas. 1969
Biological Researchy on the Effects of Undispersed and Dispersed Experimental Crude Oil Slicks in the New York Bight with Cover Letter dated 09/05/85 and EPA Response dated 11/05/85. 1985
Biological Survey of the Kansas River Basin. 1966
Biological, chemical and physical relationships in the Straits of Mackinac / 1976
Biology. A Technical Report Containing Background Data for a Water Pollution Control Program. 1968
Brown Tide Bioassay: Growth of 'Aureococcus Anophagefferens' Hargraves Et Sieburth in Various Known Toxicants. 1990
Can Asian Dust Trigger Phytoplankton Blooms in the Oligotrophic Northern South China Sea. 2012
Carbon flux through a tundra pond ecosystem at Barrow, Alaska / 1972
Characterization of "brown tides" and other bloom-forming picoalgae : and their interactive effects on phytoplankton / 1990
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