Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 425
Showing: Items 401 - 425
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Phytoplankton)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Utilization of phosphorus by phytoplankton in phosphorus-rich environments, 1974
Utilization of Phosphorus by Phytoplankton in Phosphorus-Rich Environments. 1974
Variability of 'Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grun' (Ueber die Variabilitaet von 'Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grun'). 1974
Verification analysis of Lake Ontario and Rochester embayment three dimensional eutrophication models / 1979
Vodorosli planktona Kaspiiskogo moria 1968
WASP3, a hydrodynamic and water quality model :b model theory, user's manual and programmer's guide / 1986
WASP7 Benthic Algae - Model Theory and User's Guide. Supplement to Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) User Documentation. 2006
Water chemistry and phytoplankton field and laboratory procedures 1979
Water quality and phytoplankton of the tidal Potomac River, August-November 1983. 1983
Water Quality Changes in an Impoundment as a Consequence of Artificial Destratification. 1973
Water quality criteria research of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency : proceedings of an EPA-sponsored Symposium on Marine, Estuarine and Fresh Water Quality, presented at the 26th annual meeting of the AIBS, August 1975 / 1976
Water Quality Investigations Souris River Basin, North Dakota, 1969 1971
Water Quality Investigations, Souris River Basin, North Dakota, 1969 1971
Water Quality Management Analysis of Summit County, Colorado. 1972
Water quality of the Potomac estuary dissolved oxygen budget studies. 1970
Water Quality Predictions Based on Limnological Parameters. 1972
Water quality study : Grand Lake, Shadow Mountain Lake, Lake Granby, Colorado, 1974. 1977
Weed harvest and lake nutrient dynamics / 1973
Weed Harvest and Lake Nutrient Dynamics. 1973
Western basin nearshore, 1978-1979, phytoplankton 1981
What are the Effects of UV-B Radiation on Marine Organisms. 1988
What controls phytoplankton production in nutrient-rich areas of the open sea? / 1991
Winter phytoplankton communities of Goshen Bay, Utah Lake, Utah / 1980
Workshop Report: Thresholds in the Recovery of Eutrophic Coastal Ecosystems. A Synthesis of Research and Implications for Management. Held in Elkridge, Maryland on February 14-15, 2007. 2008
Zooplankton, phytoplankton, and bacteria as indicators of water quality in the nearshore zone of Lake Erie : a prospectus / 1977
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