Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Phytoplankton)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Retrospective Analysis of the Response of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, to Reductions in Phosphorus Loadings. 1983
Review of Narragansett Bay phytoplankton data : status and trends / 1989
Role of Aquatic Vascular Plants in the Eutrophication of Selected Lakes in Western Massachusetts. 1967
Role of inorganic carbon availability in the formation of nuisance blooms fo [sic] blue-green algae : final technical completion report / 1978
San Joaquin Estuary Near Stockton, Calif. An Analysis of the Dissolved Oxygen Regimen. 1968
San Joaquin Master Drain. Effects on Water Quality of San Francisco Bay and Delta. Appendix Part C. Nutrients and Biological Response. 1968
Seasonal Changes in Water Quality and Primary Productivity in Doe Valley Lake. 1974
Seasonal fluctuations of major diatom species at five stations across Lake Michigan : May 1970-October 1972 / 1980
Seasonal phytoplankton composition and concentrations in the lower Chesapeake Bay and vicinity 1984
Seasonal Variation of Potential Nutrient Limitation to Chlorophyll Production in Southern Lake Huron. 1981
Seasonal, horizontal, and vertical distribution of phytoplankton chlorophyll a in the northeast U.S. continental shelf ecosystem 1998
Selective toxicity of detergents and herbicides to phytoplankton 1975
Seston carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and phytoplankton from eight southern Ontario lakes 1973
Significance of Cellulose Production by Planktonic Algae in Lacustrine Environments. 1972
Simulation Modeling as a Means of Studying Large Aquatic Ecosystems. 1984
Some results of studies on the uptake of radioactive waste materials by marine and estuarine phytoplankton organisms using continuous culture techniques 1960
Statistical Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Ratio Chlorophyll A to Phytoplankton Cell Volume in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 1978
Studies of the phytoplankton and soil algae of two strip-mine impoundments of Tuscarawas County, Ohio. 1973
Studies on the distribution of phytoplankton pigments and nutrients in the Milwaukee harbor area. 1977
Study of phytoplankton dynamics in Lake Fayetteville as a means of assessing water quality 1971
Study of Phytoplankton Dynamics in Lake Fayetteville as a Means of Assessing Water Quality. 1971
Survey of the Nation's Lakes Field Operations Manual, Draft. 2006
Suspension Feeders: A Workshop to Assess What We Know, Don't Know, and Need to Know to Determine Their Effects on Water Quality. Held in Hanover, Maryland on March 18-19, 2002. 2002
Systematic Position of Melosira Ambigua (Grun.) O. Mull. and Its New Form (O. Sistematicheskom Polozhenii Melosira Ambigua (Grun.) O. Mull. i yee Novoi Formy). 1966
Systematic, Quantitative, and Ecological Comparison of 'Melosira islandica' O. Muell with M. granulata' (EHR.) Ralfs from the Laurentian Great Lakes. 1981
Systems Simulation of the Effects of Tertiary Treatment for Carbon, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus Removal Upon Primary Productivity, Standing Crop and Community Structure of Autotrophic and Metertrophic Communities in Receiv ing Model Streams. 1973
Taste and Odor Production by Blue-Green Algae in Reservoirs. 1964
Taxonomic guide to some common marine phytoplankton 2002
Technical Analysis of Response of Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model to Loading Scenarios (A Report of the Modeling Subcommittee Chesapeake Bay Program Office, Annapolis, MD). 1994
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Book IV, Lakes and impoundments. 1983
Technical guidance manual for performing waste load allocations. Part 4 : critical review of coastal embayment and estuarine waste load allocation modeling / Book III, Estuaries : 1992
Testing and application of biomonitoring methods for assessing environmental effects of noxious algal blooms / 1990
The common phytoplankton genera from eastern and southeastern lakes / 1979
The copper sensitivity of Oregon coastal phytoplankton / 1983
The Development and calibration of a spatially simplified multi-class phytoplankton model for Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron / 1980
The Development and calibration of a spatially simplified multi-class phytoplankton model for Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron / 1980
The ecology of freshwater phytoplankton / 1984
The role of phytoplankton and particulate organic carbon in trace metal deposition in Long Island Sound / 1979
The zooplankton community of Shagawa Lake, Minnesota / 1978
Toxicity and Uptake of Kepone in Marine Unicellular Algae. 1977
Toxicity of metals to marine phytoplankton cultures / 1980
Transport of Contaminants in the Great Lakes. 1982
Trends in Nitrogen in the Chesapeake Bay, 1984-1990. 1992
Trophic Interactions in Experimental Marine Ecosystems Perturbed by Oil. 1980
Trophic State of Lakes and Reservoirs. 1980
Trophic structure modifications by planktivorous fish in aquatic microcosms / 1977
Use of MERL Microcosms to Study the Fates and Effects of Marine Pollutants. 1979
User manual for two-dimensional multi-class phytoplankton model with internal nutrient pool kinetics / 1986
User's Guide to Chesapeake Bay Program Biological and Living Resources Monitoring Data, 2000. 2000
Users Guide to Chesapeake Bay Program Biological and Living Resources Monitoring Data, 1997. 1997
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