Grantee Research Project Results
2017 Progress Report: Impacts of Household Sources on Outdoor Pollution at Village and Regional Scales in India
EPA Grant Number: R835425Title: Impacts of Household Sources on Outdoor Pollution at Village and Regional Scales in India
Investigators: Smith, Kirk R. , Bond, Tami C. , Edwards, Rufus D. , Seinfeld, John , Arora, Narendra
Institution: University of California - Berkeley , The INCLEN trust , University of California - Irvine , California Institute of Technology
Current Institution: University of California - Berkeley , California Institute of Technology , The INCLEN trust , University of California - Irvine
EPA Project Officer: Keating, Terry
Project Period: April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2017 (Extended to March 31, 2019)
Project Period Covered by this Report: April 1, 2017 through March 31,2018
Project Amount: $1,495,454
RFA: Measurements and Modeling for Quantifying Air Quality and Climatic Impacts of Residential Biomass or Coal Combustion for Cooking, Heating, and Lighting (2012) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Air Quality and Air Toxics , Climate Change , Tribal Environmental Health Research , Air
This research quantifies the contribution of households to ambient air pollution in North India by (1) updating and improving existing emissions inventories through activity-based modeling at high temporal and spatial resolution, (2) providing field-based emissions of SVOCs and other ozone precursors to, for the first time, model the contribution of household air pollution to regional secondary particle formation; and (3) monitoring rural ambient and near-home concentrations of and personal exposures to PM2.5. Modeling efforts will enable manipulation of various sources and emission rates, across a variety of relevant policy scenarios, enabling estimation of how certain initiatives may impact air pollution at varying scales.
This project leverages a multi-year collaboration between University of California Berkeley and INCLEN, the International Clinical Epidemiology Network (New Delhi, India). INCLEN runs a large demographic and environmental surveillance site ~75 kilometers south of Delhi; their activities span over 50 villages covering approximately 200,000 individuals. While relatively close to Delhi, most households in the area rely on brushwood and dung as primary household fuels. The entire region is prone to low, ground-level inversions in the winter, resulting in especially high PM concentrations between November and February.
Study findings will be disseminated to community members, policy makers and members of relevant ministries, environmental health practitioners, and other researchers through journal articles.
Progress Summary:
We continue to make progress; all field-based activities have ceased and data analysis, interpretation, and preparation for atmospheric modeling are ongoing.
University of Illinois coinvestigators continue to refine emissions inventories, providing more in-depth, spatially and temporally resolved task-based inventories for use as inputs into models being run by John Seinfeld’s group at Cal Tech. Conversations between the two groups have sorted out issues of “hand-shaking” an updated residential sector inventory from Professor Bond’s group for use in models run by Professor’s Seinfeld’s group. Initial runs of the model have largely passed quality checks and have also indicted areas of concern in either the model parameterization or the emissions inventory. The model has been run using both a simplified parameter space and the more resolved emissions inventory provided by Professor Bond.
In-depth infield emissions characterization and subsequent chemical analyses (University of California, Irvine) have led to the publication of multiple manuscripts on emissions and emissions-related parameters; a third manuscript has been submitted that focuses on the molecular composition of organic particles from household cooking emissions from different stove and fuel combinations common to the area (brushwood in a traditional stove; cow dung in a traditional stove; and cow dung in a traditionally, secondary simmering stove).
A number of parameters have been settled on for the atmospheric modeling, including focus and parent modeling domains; an initial emissions inventory, provided by colleagues in India; and an agreed upon method for emissions and species.
The majority of the stove use monitoring data and ambient air pollution data has been cleaned. Air pollution data has been summarized; further analyses, including statistical modeling, are ongoing.
Future Activities:
Major objectives include:
Statistical modeling of the impact of household stove use on ambient air quality, based on stove use monitoring data and ambient measurements
Refining atmospheric models of secondary organic aerosol and ozone formation, based on updated emissions inventories
Continued publication of (1) findings from emissions sampling, (2) a description of and findings from deployment of an UAV-based particle, temperature, and altitude sensing system, and (3) publication of rural ambient air pollution levels and personal exposures.
Journal Articles on this Report : 4 Displayed | Download in RIS Format
Other project views: | All 11 publications | 5 publications in selected types | All 5 journal articles |
Type | Citation | ||
Edwards R, Princevac M, Weltman R, Ghasemian M, Arora NK, Bond T. Modeling emission rates and exposures from outdoor cooking. Atmospheric Environment 2017;164:50-60. |
R835425 (2016) R835425 (2017) R835036 (Final) R835423 (2017) |
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Fleming LT, Lin P, Laskin A, Laskin J, Weltman R, Edwards RD, Arora NK, Yadav A, Meinardi S, Blake DR, Pillarisetti A, Smith KR, Nizkorodov SA. Molecular composition of particulate matter emissions from dung and brushwood burning household cookstoves in Haryana, India. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018;18(4):2461-2480. |
R835425 (2017) |
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Fleming LT, Weltman R, Yadav A, Edwards RD, Arora NK, Pillarisetti A, Meinardi S, Smith KR, Blake DR, Nizkorodov SA. Emissions from village cookstoves in Haryana, India and their potential impacts on air quality. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2018;18:15169-15189. |
R835425 (2017) |
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Gautam S, Edwards R, Yadav A, Weltman R, Pillarsetti A, Arora NK, Smith KR. Probe-based measurements of moisture in dung fuel for emissions measurements. Energy for Sustainable Development 2016;35:1-6. |
R835425 (2016) R835425 (2017) R835036 (Final) |
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Supplemental Keywords:
Cookstoves, emissions, ambient air pollution, air pollution, IndiaProgress and Final Reports:
Original AbstractThe perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.