Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water storage)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A review and assessment of factors affecting hydraulic conductivity values determined from slug tests / 1994
Acidic Deposition and Cistern Drinking Water Supplies. 1989
An investigation of alternative means of achieving water quality objectives / 0
An investigation of the effect of open storage of treated drinking water on quality parameters / 1977
Analysis of the Economics of Water Supply in the Washington Metropolitan Area. 1980
Applachia Program, Water Supply and Water Quality Control Needs, St. Petersburg Reservoir, Clarion River, Pennsylvania, Allegheny River Basin. 1967
Application of Operations Research Techniques for Allocation of Water Resources in Utah. 1971
Approaches to Stormwater Management. 1973
Areawide Assessment Procedures Manual. Volume I. 1976
Areawide Assessment Procedures Manual. Volume II. 1976
Artificial Mixing of Stratified Fluids Formed by Salt and Heat in a Laboratory Reservoir. 1970
Assessment of Optimization Techniques as Applied to Water Resource Systems. 1970
AWWA standard for circular, prestressed concrete water tanks with circumferential tendons 1996
AWWA standard for coating steel water-storage tanks. 1997
AWWA standard for disinfection of water treatment plants. 1997
AWWA standard for disinfection of water-storage facilities. 1993
AWWA standard for factory-coated bolted steel tanks for water storage. 1997
AWWA standard for welded steel tanks for water storage 1997
AWWA standard for welded steel tanks for water storage / 1985
AWWA standard for wire- and strand-wound circular, prestressed concrete water tanks / 1996
Beneficial use of Storm Water. 1973
Bottled Water: Microbial Quality of Alternative Water Supply. 1990
CALFED storage and conveyance components facility descriptions and cost estimates 1997
Chesapeake Bay Groundwater Toxics Loading Workshop proceedings / 1993
Citizen's guide to ground-water protection. 1990
City of Spokane Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Project. 1979
Coliforms in drinking water emanating from redwood reservoirs / 1979
Coliforms in drinking water emanating from redwood reservoirs / 1979
Colorado Water 1977
Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program, Rochester, NY-Volume 1:Abatement Analysis. 1981
Combined Sewer Overflow Control through In-Receiving Water Storage: An Efficiency Evaluation. 1994
Combined sewer temporary underwater storage facility, 1970
Comparison of Created and Natural Freshwater Emergent Wetlands in Connecticut (USA). 1992
Complementary-competitive aspects of water storage : an engineering-economic approach to evaluate the extent and magnitude of the complementary and competitive aspects of water storage for water quality control / 1969
Comprehensive Analysis of the Sediments Retained Behind Hydroelectric Dams of the Lower Susquehanna River. 2006
Comprehensive wastewater management plan, Spokane County, Washington 1981
Comprehensive wastewater management plan, Spokane County, Washington 1981
Computer Simulation for Design Criteria for Urban Flow Storage Systems. 1973
Conceptual Framework for Assessing Cumulative Impacts on the Hydrology of Nontidal Wetlands. 1988
Conjunctive Use of Ground and Surface Waters. 1972
Consumnes River Division Central Valley Project - Water Quality Control Study, Consumnes River Basin, California. 1967
Control of Combined Sewer Overflows in Minneapolis-Saint Paul. 1971
Control of pollution by underwater storage; feasibility of providing temporary underwater storage of storm overflow from a combined sewer system; 1969
Conventional and advanced sewer design concepts for dual purpose flood and pollution control : a preliminary case study, Elizabeth, New Jersey / 1978
Cost and technology document on drinking water treatment for chromium. 1987
Costs of wastewater treatment by land application / 1975
Cumulative Chlorine Poisoning on Board a Submarine (Intossicazione Collecttiva da Gas Cloro a Bordo di un Sommergibile). 1973
Current Status of Denver's Potable Water Reuse Project. 1985
Cyclic injection, storage, and withdrawal of heated water in a sandstone aquifer at St. Paul, Minnesota 1993
Cyclic injection, storage, and withdrawal of heated water in a sandstone aquifer at St. Paul, Minnesota : analysis of thermal data and nonisothermal modeling of long-term test cycles 1 and 2 / 2002
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