Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Water storage)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Cyclic injection, storage, and withdrawal of heated water in a sandstone aquifer at St. Paul, Minnesota : analysis of thermal data and nonisothermal modeling of short-term test cycles / 2002
Delta Wetlands Project modeling strategy / 1999
Demonstrated technology and research needs for reuse of municipal wastewater / 1975
Demonstration of in-Receiving Water Storage of Combined Sewer Overflows: In a Marine/Estuarine Environment by the Flow Balance Method. 1990
Density induced mixing in confined aquifers / 1972
Design and cost of feedlot runoff control facilities / 1979
Design and Simulation of Equalization Basins 1973
Design Information Report: Protection of Wastewater Lagoon Interior Slopes. 1986
Determination of air toxic emissions from non-traditional sources in the Puget Sound region 1986
Determination of the Total Storage Capacity of the Cretaceous Sandstone Aquifers in South Dakota. 1973
Developing and Applying the Water Supply Simulation Model. 1986
Development and application of a water supply cost analysis system / 1980
Development of a Dynamic Water Management Policy for Texas. 1973
Dissolved-oxygen depletion and other effects of storing water in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming and Utah 1979
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : American Indian and Alaska native water systems. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : first report to Congress. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey : Modeling the cost of infrastructure. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey. 1997
Drinking water infrastructure needs survey. 1997
Economic/Financial Analysis of Urban Water Quality Management Problems. 1980
Effect of Flux and Gravitational Forces on Miscible Displacement in a Thin Homogeneous Bed. 1973
Effect of Formation Dip on the Movement of Fresh Water Stored in Saline Aquifers. 1972
Effect of small surface water impoundments on water supply reservoirs / 2011
Eighteenth Annual Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Research Symposium : abstract proceedings / 1992
Environmental technology verification report : soil gas sampling technology, Quadrel Services, Inc. EMFLUX(R) soil gas system / 1998
Estuarine and coastal land reclamation and water storage 1979
Evaluation of a Deterministic Model for Predicting Water Yields from Small Agricultural Watersheds in Virginia. 1972
Evaluation of potential increases in Millerton Lake water supply resulting from changes in upper San Joaquin River Basin projects operation / 2000
Evaluation of Storm Standby Tanks, Columbus, Ohio. 1971
Evaluation of Streamflow Forecasts for Reservoir Operation. 1971
Flood and Pollution Control. A Deep Tunnel Plan for the Chicagoland Area. 1966
Foothills project : comments on inadequacies, environmental impact analyses and evaluation of alternative actions / 1979
Galleries and their use for development of shallow ground-water supplies, with special reference to Alaska 1964
Generic protocol for conducting environmental audits of federal facilities. 1995
Ground Water Reservoir Response to Earth Tides. 1970
Ground water storage program for the State Water Project : San Fernando Basin theoretical model. 1979
Guidelines for the Consideration of Automation and Control Systems. 1972
Handbook on Sanitation of Airlines, 1964 Revision. Standards of Sanitation for the Construction and Operation of Commercial Passenger Aircraft and Servicing and Catering Facilities. 1964
Handbook on Sanitation of Vessel Construction. Standards of Sanitation and Ratproofing for the Construction of Vessels. 1973
Handbook on Sanitation of Vessels in Operation. Sanitation Features and Facilities on Vessels in Operation. 1963
Heterotrophic plate count bacteria in potable water : monitoring methods and application / 1989
Hydrogeology and Results of Aquifer Tests in the Vicinity of a Hazardous-Waste Disposal Site Near Byron, Illinois. 1989
Hydrologic Simulation of Depressional Watersheds. 1972
Implementation of EPA's flow regulation policies / 1973
In-system storage controls for reduction of combined sewer overflow, Saginaw, Michigan / 1985
In-System Storage Controls for Reduction of Combined Sewer Overflow, Saginaw, Michigan. Technical Report. 1985
Influence of a New England Wetland on Water Quantity and Quality. 1972
Influence of impoundments on water quality : a review of literature and statement of research needs, October 1964 / 1964
Influence of impoundments on water quality : a review of literature and statement of research needs, October 1964 / 1966
Influence of Tributaries on Salinity of Amistad International Reservoir. 2006
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