Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Thermal pollution of rivers lakes etc)

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Select Item Title Year Published
316(a) demonstration concerning the Shuffleton steam plant on Lake Washington 1979
A critical review of laboratory and some field experimental data on surface jet discharge of heated water / 1973
A demonstration of thermal water utilization in agriculture / 1974
A dispersion model for heated effluent from an ocean outfall / 1970
A method for estimating thermal anomaly areas from hot discharges in estuaries / 1972
A National compendium of freshwater fish and water temperature data. 1979
A practical approach to the preservation of the aquatic environment : the effects of discharge of condenser water into the Illinois River / 1969
A predictive model for thermal stratification and water quality in reservoirs 1971
A predictive model for thermal stratification and water quality in reservoirs / 1971
A review of thermal plume modeling / 1978
A survey of alternate methods for cooling condenser discharge water : operating characteristics and design criteria / 1970
A survey of alternate methods for cooling condenser discharge water : system, selection, design, and optimization / 1971
A survey of California coastal power plants / 1970
A test simulation of potential effects of thermal power plants on streams in the upper Mississippi River basin / 1968
A thermal study of Piti Channel, Guam, and adjacent areas, and the influence of power plant operations on the marine environment / 1973
A user's manual for three-dimensional heated surface discharge computations / 1973
Advanced nonthermally polluting gas turbines in utility applications / 1971
Age, growth, and condition of bluegill sunfish, lepomis macrochirus rafinesque, in four heated reservoirs in Texas 1972
An analytical and experimental investigation of surface discharges of heated water / 1971
An evaluation of temperature reduction on low flow augmentation requirements for dissolved oxygen control / 1963
An experimental/analytical investigation of deep submerged multiple buoyant jets / 1976
An overview of the issues surrounding thermal discharges in the Des Plaines River / 1979
An overview of the technology and the economics of industrial heat rejection and thermal pollution abatement. 1971
Analysis and control of thermal pollution. 1974
Analysis of engineering alternatives for environmental protection from thermal discharges / 1973
Behavioral reactions of a juvenile rainbow trout, salmo gairdneri, to a heated thermal plume / 1975
Beneficial use for thermal discharges 1974
Beneficial uses of waste heat--an evaluation / 1970
Beneficial uses of waste heat--an evaluation / 1970
Best practices for continuous monitoring of temperature and flow in wadeable streams. 2014
Bibliography of ecological publications supported by the Atomic Energy Commission related to Columbia River thermal effect studies 1971
Biological aspects of thermal pollution; proceedings. 1969
Biological effects of effluent from a desalination plant at Key West, Florida, 1970
Biological effects of Hanford heat on Columbia River fishes : a review / 1970
Biological effects of once-through cooling 1978
Biological effects of thermal pollution, Northport, New York 1970
Biological impact caused by changes on a tropical reef / 1976
Biological impact of a large-scale desalination plant at Key West / 1971
Biologically allowable thermal pollution limits : Part I and Part II / 1974
Browns Ferry biothermal research series / 1978
Browns Ferry biothermal research series / 1978
Columbia River thermal effects study. 1971
Combined remote sensing and mathematical modeling of sediment transport and thermal structure in the Great Lakes / 1978
Comparison of aerial infrared and in situ thermal plume measurement techniques 1974
Compilation of special reports on the effects of Zion Station operation on the biota in southwestern Lake Michigan, 1975 / 1975
Concept evaluation report : taconite tailings disposal, Reserve Mining Company, Silver Bay, Minnesota 1971
Connecticut River ecological study : the impact of a nuclear power plant / 1976
Consolidation of baseline information, development of methodology, and investigation of thermal impacts on freshwater shellfish, insects, and other biota / 1984
Continued surveillance of thermal effects of power plants along the Ohio River, 1972 : final report to Appalachian Power Company ... {et al.} 1973
Continuing ecological research on the Ohio River 1976 : Population and spawning studies -- Final -- / 1977
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