Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Thermal pollution of rivers lakes etc)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Evaluation of thermal effects in southwestern Lake Michigan : special studies 1972-1973 / 1975
Evaporation from Poplar River Cooling Reservoir / 1977
Fall Chinook salmon spawning in the Columbia River near Hanford 1947-1969 1970
Feasibility of alternative means of cooling for thermal power plants near Lake Michigan. 1970
Federal water pollution control act, the sections 316(A) and 316(B) process / 1978
Field investigation and computer simulation of the thermal plume from the Ferguson Power Plant on Lake Lyndon B. Johnson 1976
Field investigations of heated discharges from nuclear power plants on Lake Michigan: 1972, 1974
Final report 1987 Ohio River ecological research program / 1988
Final technical report for the period August 1968 to August 1970 to Office of Water Resources Research : project title - the effects of thermal loading and water quality on estuarine primary production / 1970
Flow establishment and initial entrainment of heated water surface jets / 1975
Food and feeding of juvenile chinook salmon in the central Columbia River in relation to thermal discharges and other environmental features 1971
Further thermal addition studies at Crystal River, Florida with an annotated checklist of marine fishes collected 1969-1971 1972
Future use of the Chesapeake Bay for cooling thermal discharges 1969
General site characteristics and basic data needs for thermal power plant site evaluation, 1970
Governor's Conference on Thermal Pollution. 1969
Guidelines: biological surveys at proposed heat discharge sites, 1970
Handbook of the effects of temperature on some North American fishes 1976
Handbook of the effects of temperature on some North American fishes / 1974
Harvesting polluted waters waste heat and nutrient-loaded effluents in the aquaculture / 1976
Heat exchange and transport in the environment 1974
Heated discharge control and management alternatives small water bodies and rivers / 1977
Heated surface jet discharged into a flowing ambient stream / 1971
Heated-effluent dispersion in large lakes : state-of-the-art of analytical modeling. Part 1. Critique of model formulations / 1972
Impact of flow regulation and powerplant effluents on the flow and temperature regimes of the Chattahoochee River, Atlanta to Whitesburg, Georgia 1979
Implementation of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 1977 : (thermal pollution and other water impacts from steam electric power generation) : hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Review of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, first session, April 19, 20, 21, 1977. 1977
Induced hypolimnion aeration for water quality improvement of power releases / 1970
Industrial waste guide on thermal pollution. 1968
Industrial waste guide on thermal pollution. 1968
Industrial waste guide on thermal pollution. 1968
Information on responses to elevated temperature of fishes near Prescott, Oregon important to the commercial or sport fishery of the Columbia River 1968
Jet plume development in a thermally stratified medium / 1973
Lake Michigan intakes : report on the best technology available 1973
Literature review, response of fish to thermal discharges : final report / 1981
Lower Skagit River tributaries temperature total maximum daily load : water quality improvement report / 2008
Mathematical model for multiple cooling tower plumes / 1978
Mathematical models for the prediction of temperature distributions resulting from the discharge of heated water into large bodies of water / 1970
Microbiology of power plant thermal effluents proceedings of the symposium / 1978
Mixing studies associated with thermal pollution 1970
National thermal pollution research program : state-of-the-art newsletter. 1970
Negatively buoyant jets in a cross flow / 1973
Nomographs for thermal pollution control systems / 1973
Numerical thermal plume model for vertical outfalls in shallow water / 1973
Ohio River cooling water study 1974
On the prediction of the distribution of excess temperature from a heated discharge in an estuary 1965
Penetration and mixing of heated discharges into waterways 1976
Physical (hydraulic) modeling of heat dispersion in large lakes; a review of the state of the art, 1970
Physical and ecological effects of waste heat on Lake Michigan / 1970
Physical and engineering aspects of thermal pollution. 1970
Plume temperature measurements of shallow, submerged model discharges with current / 1973
Potential thermal effects of an expanding power industry : Columbia River Basin. 1972
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