Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Thermal pollution of rivers lakes etc)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Power plant waste heat utilization in aquaculture : final report, performance period, November 1, 1976 - November 1, 1979 / 1980
Predicting effects of power plant once-through cooling on aquatic systems : a state-of-the-art report of IHP Working Group 6.2 on the effects of thermal discharges 1979
Preliminary assessment of extent of thermal pollution in the Ohio River basin : (measured in terms of once through cooling water needs and cost of providing cooling towers) / 1968
Proposed study of thermal plume modeling in the Great Lakes 1969
Quantification of the effects of rate of temperature change on aquatic biota. 1971
Quarterly report to Commonwealth Edison Company, Chicago, Illinois : benthos study at State Line Generating Station. 0
Recommendations of the Lake Michigan Enforcement Conference Technical Committee on thermal discharges to Lake Michigan. 1971
Recommendations on thermal objectives for water quality control policies on the interstate waters of California : a report to the State Water Resources Control Board / 1968
Regional temperature reporting network 1968 field reconnaissance survey : a function of the Columbia River thermal effects study / 1969
Relationships of silvicultural activities and thermally sensitive forest streams 1978
Remote sensing report, lake Ontario : a study of thermal discharges from Ginna nuclear power station, Oswego steam power station, and Nine Mile Point nuclear power station / 1975
Remote sensing report, Lake Ontario : a study of thermal discharges from Ginna Nuclear Power Station, Oswego Steam Power Station, and Nine Mile Point Nuclear Power Station. 1975
Remote sensing study of thermal discharges to Lake Michigan : Illinois, Indiana, Michigan / 1972
Remote sensing study of thermal discharges to Lake Michigan : Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan / 1972
Report of a workshop on the impact of thermal power plant cooling systems on aquatic environments, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, September 28-October 2, 1975 / 1976
Report on existing & potential conditions of the interstate waters of the St. Croix River from Prescott, Wisconsin to Stillwater, Minnesota / 1964
Report on study of effect of heated effluents on fish and aquatic life 1966
Report on thermal pollution of intrastate waters of Biscayne Bay, Florida. 1970
Research on the physical aspects of thermal pollution / 1971
Reserve mining company : qualifications tailings disposal, Silver Bay, Minnesota / 1971
Responses of some anadromous fishes to varied oxygen concentrations and increased temperatures 1970
Responses of some estuarine fishes to increasing thermal gradients 1971
Responses of stream invertebrates to an ashpit effluent : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1980
Results of benthic studies at Calvert Cliffs final report to the Maryland Power Plant Siting Program / 1980
Resume of the thermal, biological and radiological programs for steam generating plants in Michigan : presented to Great Lakes Fisheries Commission, Lake Michigan Technical Committee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 10, 1970 / 1970
Review of heated discharge management and control alternatives : once-through systems in large water bodies 1975
Review of recent technical information concerning the adverse effects of once-through cooling on Lake Michigan / 1972
Review of water quality standards, permit limitations, and variances for thermal discharges at power plants : final / 1992
Some aspects of the environment and electric power generation. 1972
Some comments on the atmospheric consequences of thermal enrichment from power generating stations on a large lake 1971
Some effects of increased temperature on the settlement and development of a marine community in the laboratory / 1974
Some effects of increased temperature on the settlement and development of a marine community in the laboratory. 1973
Some effects of thermal stress on the predator-prey interaction of two salmonids / 1971
Southeast temperature study. 1971
State-of-the-art of thermal plume modeling for large lakes 1972
Statistical prediction of equilibrium temperature from standard meteorological data bases / 1973
Steam electic powerplants : development document for effluent limitation guidelines and standards of performance : draft 1973
Studies of effects of thermal pollution in Biscayne Bay, Florida / 1974
Study of the effects of installing and operating a large pumped storage project on the shores of Lake Michigan near Ludington, Michigan : final report, phase I / 1973
Study to predict the effects of thermal additions in the Bay River and Neuse River area of North Carolina 1973
Summary of recent technical information concerning thermal discharges into Lake Michigan / 1972
Supplement to 316(a) and 316(b) demonstration for the Quad-Cities nuclear generating station / 1981
Surface discharge of heated water / 1972
Surface thermal plumes : evaluation of mathematical models for the near and complete field / 1975
Survey of alternate methods for cooling condenser discharge water : total community considerations in the utilization of rejected heat / 1970
Tanners Creek Power Plant thermal discharge study 1974
Tanners Creek Power Plant thermal discharge study 1975
Technical and economic evaluations of cooling systems blowdown control techniques, 1973
Technical manual of selected techniques for case-by-case evaluation of thermal discharges : a report / 1973
Temperature : water quality standards, criteria digest : a compilation of State/Federal criteria. 1980
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