Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Solvent extraction)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Citizen's guide to solvent extraction. 1992
A Citizen's guide to solvent extraction. 2001
A citizen's guide to solvent extraction. 1992
Abiological Methylation of Mercury in Soil. 1977
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 3 / 1998
Acrylonitrile plant air pollution control / 1979
Adsorption of energy-related organic pollutants : a literature review / 1979
Advanced Waste Treatment Research Program. 1965
AESF/EPA (American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers/Environmental Protection Agency) Conference on Pollution Control for the Metal Finishing Industry (8th) Held at San Diego, California, February 9-11, 1987. 1987
Ames bioassay of exhaust soluble organic emissions / 1984
Amphibole mineral study : to complement the ongoing characterization of fine particulate environmental contaminants for biological experimentation / 1977
Analysis and Characterization of Organic Carbon Compounds in Atmospheric Particulate Matter. 1984
Analysis of Alkyl Phosphates by Extractive Alkylation. 1981
Analysis of Aromatic Compounds in Water using Fluorescence and Phosphorescence. 1972
Analysis of atmosphere deposition samples from Easton, PA / 1993
Analysis of solid waste : performance data for SW-846 methods 8270, 8081, and 8141 / 1990
Analytical procedures for determining organic priority pollutants in municipal sludges / 1980
Analytical quality assurance for trace organics analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry / 1975
Applicability of the Meyers process for chemical desulfurization of coal / 1974
Applications of New Technologies at Hazardous Waste Sites. 1995
Aquatic Plants from Minnesota. Part I. Chemical Survey. 1972
Aquatic Plants from Minnesota. Part II. Toxicity, Anti-Neoplastic, and Coagulant Effects. 1972
Aquatic Plants from Minnesota. Part III. Antimicrobial Effects. 1972
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for addendum for K073 : final. 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K048, K049, K050, K051, K052 : final. 1988
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for vanadium-containing wastes (P119 and P120) : final. 1990
Bioassay-Directed Fractionation of the Organic Extract of SRM 1649 Urban Air Particulate Matter. 1990
Caprolactam recovery from aqueous manufacturing streams / 1980
CF Systems organics extraction process, New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts : applications analysis report. 1990
CF systems organics extraction process, New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts. 1990
CF Systems organics extraction system, New Bedford, Massachusetts. Volume 1. 1990
Chemical enhancements to pump-and-treat remediation / 1992
Chemical Identification of the Odor Components in Diesel Engine Exhaust. 1970
Chemical Removal of Nitrogen and Organic Sulfur from Coal. 1971
Cleaning excavated soil using extraction agents : a state-of-the-art review / 1989
Cleanliness of Common Air Sampling Sorbents for Application to Phenolic Compounds Measurement Using Supercritical Fluid Extraction. 1994
Co-Solvent-Based Remediation Approaches. 2000
Coal sulfur measurements / 1979
Comparative Study of the Recovery of Metabolized Radiolabelled Pesticides from Animal Tissues. 1968
Comparison of Common Solvent Evaporation Techniques in Organic Analysis. 1981
Comparison of the Skin Tumor Initiating Activities of Emission Extracts in the SENCAR Mouse. 1981
Compliance demonstration for the solvent extraction for vegetable oil production NESHAP. 2001
Concentration technologies for hazardous aqueous waste treatment / 1981
Current Practice in GC-MS Analysis of Organics in Water. 1973
Determination of 2,3,7,8-TCDD (Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin) in Industrial and Municipal Wastewaters, Method 613. Part 1. Development and Detection Limits. 1983
Determination of 51 Priority Organic Compounds After Extraction from Standard Reference Materials. 1983
Determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in industrial and municipal wastewaters / 1985
Determination of cyanazine in municipal and industrial wastewater : {test} method 629. {Microfiche} 1982
Determination of dinitroaniline pesticides in industrial and municipal wastewater : {test} method 627 {Microfiche} / 1982
Determination of nitroaromatic compounds and isophorone in industrial and municipal wastewaters {Microfiche} 1982
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