Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Solvent extraction)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Organic characterization of aerosols and vapor phase compounds in urban atmospheres / 1978
Pesticide Residue Analysis in Water (103.1) Training Manual. 1974
Physical/chemical treatment of hazardous waste sites : speaker slide copies and supporting information / 1990
Pilot plant evaluation of critical fluid extractions for environmental applications / 1985
Pilot plant evaluation of critical fluid extractions for environmental applications / 1985
Preliminary Design of a Comprehensive Waste Oil Processing Facility. 1975
Presence of Dichloromethane on Cleaned XAD-2 Resin: A Potential Problem and Solutions. 1990
Principles and practices of solvent extraction 1992
Procedures for trace analysis of dissolved inorganic and organic constituents in water / 1971
Process Costs and Economics of Pyrite-Coal Utilization. 1968
Proposed amendment to best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for wastes from the petroleum refining industry K048, K049, K050, K051, K052. : Volume 18 / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 12, Background document for stripping still tails from the production of methyl ethyl pyridine K026 / 1989
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 4, Background document for wastes from the production of epichlorohydrin K017 / 1989
Proposed treatment technology background document / 1989
Qualitative determination of organic compounds in an aqueous media : solvent extraction and gas chromatography / 1969
Radio frequency enhanced decontamination of soils contaminated with halogenated hydrocarbons 1989
Rapid screening method for detection of asbestos fibers in water samples {MICROFICHE} 1983
Recovery of phosphates and metals from phosphate sludge by solvent extraction / 1972
Remediation case studies : ex situ soil treatment technologies (bioremediation, solvent extraction, thermal desorption) : volume 7 / 1998
Remediation of Contaminated Soils by Solvent Flushing. 1994
Removal and destruction of PCB from contaminated soils and associated materials / 1985
Removal of PCBs from oils by solvent extraction 1993
Removal of phenolic compounds from wood preserving wastewaters / 1981
Removal of toxic metals from metal finishing wastewater by solvent extraction / 1978
Renovation of Sewage Plant Effluents by Solvent Extraction. 1966
Report on decontamination of PCB-bearing sediments / 1987
Resources Conservation Company B.E.S.T. solvent extraction technology. 1993
Results of a Log Pow Measurement. 2015
Results of a Log Pow Measurement. 2015
Sampling and Analysis of Soils for Plutonium. 1971
Sampling and Identification of Pollutant Oils in Industrial Watercourses. 1976
Screening methods for PAH priority pollutants in wastewater 1984
Selecting remediation techniques for contaminated sediment / 1993
Seminar on the use of treatability guidelines in site remediation. 1992
SITE Demonstration of the Basic Extractive Sludge Treatment Process. 1993
SITE Demonstration of the CF Systems Organics Extraction System. 1990
Solvent extraction for remediation of manufactured gas plant sites 1992
Solvent Extraction of Organic Water Pollutants. 1978
Solvent extraction of wastewaters from acetic-acid manufacture / 1980
Solvent Extraction Processes: A Survey of Systems in the SITE Program. 1992
Solvent extraction research; proceedings. 1969
Solvent extraction status report / 1972
Solvent extraction treatment / 1990
Solvent extraction. 1994
Solvent Extraction: Summary Report for Technical Support in Development of a Revised Ozone State Implementation Plan for Memphis, Tennessee. 1985
Solvent microextraction : theory and practice / 2009
Solvent minimization in the continuous liquid/liquid extraction of aqueous samples for semivolatile organics / 1993
Solvent Washing of Aged PCP Contaminated Soils. 1993
Standard Reference Materials for Chemical and Biological Studies of Complex Environmental Samples. 1992
State of the ART Review on Product Recovery. 1969
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