Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Municipal water supply)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Drinking water best management practices : for schools and child care facilities served by municipal water systems.. 2013
Drought management and its impact on public water systems report on a colloquium sponsored by the Water Science and Technology Board, September 5, 1985 / 1986
Drought-related impacts on municipal and major self-supplied industrial water withdrawals in Tennessee, parts A and B / 1984
Early warning monitoring to detect hazardous events in water supply 1999
East Side Division, agricultural economy appendix and evaluation of municipal and industrial water requirements. 1961
Economies of scale and technical efficiency in community water systems 2004
Effect of fees on water service cutoffs and payment delinquencies / 1986
EPA protocol for participation in a PWSS program data verification / 2005
Evaluating municipal wastewater user charge systems : what you need to know. 1993
Evaluation and restoration of water supply wells 1993
Fact sheet / revision to state primary regulations for the Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program 40 CFR Part 142, Subpart B (54 FR 52126, December 20, 1989. 1989
Factoids : Drinking water and ground water statistics for 2000. 2001
Factoids : Drinking water and ground water statistics for 2001. 2002
Federal guidelines, design, operation and maintenance of waste water treatment facilities. 1970
Federal Register/vol. 63, no. 150/Wednesday, August 5, 1998/notices : pp. page 41939-41946 part VI: Environmental Protection Agency, SDWA section 1401(4) public water system definition as amended by 1996 SDWA amendments ; notice / 1998
Financing municipal water supply systems. 1987
Fiscal year 2010 drinking water and ground water statistics / 2012
Fuel for growth : water and Arizona's urban environment / 2003
Funding decentralized wastewater systems using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund 2003
Funding decentralized wastewater systems using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund / 1999
Funding decentralized wastewater systems using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund / 2003
Geometries and characteristics of public water systems 2000
Handbook of project finance for water and wastewater systems 1993
Handbook of public water systems 1986
Help wanted : trainers needed for CUPSS, the check-up program for small systems. 2008
Hydrologic investigation of the Cache Creek 1989
Hydrology and hydrogeology of urban and urbanizing areas : a collection of papers presented at the conference held in Boston, Massachusetts, April 21-24, 1996 / 1996
Improved decision-making for water resources : the key to sustainable development for metropolitan regions : Urban Water Resources Conference proceedings : September 16-17, 1999, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois / 2002
Incremental service connections / 1992
Inventory, municipal water facilities for larger communities, United States : a cooperative State-federal report / 1955
Long-term effects of conservation rates 1997
Managing the revenue and cash flow effects of conservation 1996
Manual of small public water supply systems. 1991
Meeting future financing needs of water utilities 1993
Methodology for assessment of urban water planning objectives; 1973
Mexico City's water supply improving the outlook for sustainability / 1995
Mineral Fibers in Lake Superior : a Summary of Ten Years of Water Monitoring, 1973-1983 / 1985
Municipal and industrial water conservation : the Federal government could do more : report to the Congress 1978
Municipal and Industrial Water Supply, Lower Bear River Basin, Idaho-Utah 1960
Municipal Support Division : publication list. 1994
Municipal Support Division : publication list. 1992
Municipal waste combustor operator training program : course manual / 1993
Municipal waste combustor operator training program instructor's guide / 1993
Municipal wastewater management fact sheets : Storm water best management practices / 1996
Municipal water and sewer user charge study / 1993
Municipal water facilities detailed tables as of January 1, 1958 / 1960
Municipal water facilities inventory as of January 1, 1958. 1960
Municipal water needs in the Pacific Northwest to the year 2020 / 1965
Municipal water pollution control abstracts : November 1976 - October 1977 / 1977
Municipal water pollution control abstracts for 1974 / 1975
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