Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 198
Showing: Items 151 - 198
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Municipal water supply)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Studies of the efficiency of water purification processes ... 1927
Study of Potential Needs and Value of Water Storage for Municipal, Industrial, and Water Quality Control Purposes 1964
Subsurface remediation : improving long-term monitoring & remedial systems performance : Conference proceedings, held June 8-11, 1999, St. Louis, Missouri. 2000
Superfund record of decision : South Municipal Water Supply Well, NH / 1989
Supplemental guidance on the issuance of administrative orders in the PWSS and UIC programs / 1987
Survey of community water systems operated in conjunction with mobile home parks or other businesses 1990
Sustainable Urban Water Resources Infrastructure: Vision of the Future 1999
Technical Assistance Center for Small Water Systems : county water supply planning/wellhead protection grant program / 1990
Technologies and costs for the treatment of microbial contaminants in potable water supplies {Microfiche} 1988
The consumer confidence report rule : annual reporting requirements for drinking water suppliers. 1999
The consumer confidence report rule : annual reporting requirements for drinking water suppliers. 1999
The fight for the Croton Watershed : protection vs. filtration / 1999
The National Public Water System Supervision Program : FY 1994 compliance report / 1995
The National Public Water System Supervision Program : FY96 compliance report. 1998
The Rueter-Hess dam and reservoir project : a question of sustainable water / 2005
Top 10 list : pandemic & natural disasters notebook : updated Emergency Response Plans (ERP) for drinking water & wastewater systems / 2006
Tracking compliance with administrative orders in the PWSS and UIC programs / 1990
Transmittal of the final handbook for state program revisions under the new primacy regulation / 1990
Unregulated containment public notification requirements / 1989
Unregulated contaminant monitoring : a special program to help public water systems protect your drinking water. 1989
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation : monitoring for list 1 contaminants by large public water systems. 2001
Unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation : monitoring survey for List 1 contaminants by selected small public water systems. 2001
Unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation : screening survey for List 2 contaminants by selected large public water systems. 2001
Unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation : screening survey for List 2 contaminants by selected small public water systems. 2001
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation guidance for operators of public water systems serving 10,000 or fewer people : draft / 1999
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation guidance for operators of public water systems serving 10,000 or fewer people : final. 2001
Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation integrated guidance document : draft / 1999
Unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation reporting guidance / 2001
Urban drought guidebook 1988
Urban groundwater-- meeting the challenge selected papers from the 32nd International Geological Congress (IGC), Florence, Italy, August 2004 / [electronic resource] : 2007
Urban water engineering and management / 2010
Urban water infrastructure : planning, management, and operations 1986
Urban Water Management Planning Act : a guideline for plan development / 1984
Urban water supply handbook 2002
Urban water use in California. 1983
Wastewater treatment educational materials / 2003
Water centric sustainable communities : planning, retrofitting, and building the next urban environment / 2010
Water for the cities--the outlook, 1969
Water resources and the urban environment : proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference on Water Resources Planning and Management / 1998
Water resources conference workbook : May 1961, Dallas, Texas / 1961
Water reuse : potential for expanding the nation's water supply through reuse of municipal wastewater / 2012
Water supply regulations / 1991
Water utility capital financing. 1988
Water utility capital financing. 2014
Watergy : taking advantage of untapped energy and water efficiency oportunities in municipal water systems / 2002
WAVE, water management for the 21st century. 1999
Western water flows to the cities : a sourcebook / 1985
Xenobiotics in the urban water cycle : mass flows, environmental processes, mitigation and treatment strategies / 2010
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