Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Municipal water supply)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Municipal water supplies and uses, southeastern New Mexico. 1963
Municipal water supplies and uses: northwestern New Mexico, 1966
Municipal water supplies and uses; southwestern New Mexico, 1966
Municipal water systems : the challenge for urban resource management / 1978
Municipal water use in Northern Colorado: development of efficiency-of-use criterion 1980
National Conference on Tools for Urban Water Resource Management and Protection : proceedings, February 7-10, 2000, Chicago, IL. 2000
National Conference on Tools for Urban Water Resource Management and Protection : proceedings, February 7-10, 2000, Chicago, IL. 2000
National Conference on Tools for Urban Water Resource Management and Protection : proceedings, February 7-10, 2000, Chicago, IL. 2000
National inventory of municipal waterworks and wastewater systems in Canada 1986 = Inventaire national des equipments en eau municipalites du Canada 1986. 1987
National inventory of municipal waterworks and wastewater systems in Canada, 1977 = Inventaire national des equipements en eau municipalits du Canada, 1977 / 1978
National representative sample of small public water systems : Statistical design and state plans for the unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation / 1999
National representative sample of small public water systems : statistical design and state plans for unregulated contaminant monitoring : draft / 1999
NDWC consumer confidence report insert 2000
New public water system supervision program settlement penalty policy / 1994
New York City water supply system : final draft : capital project no. WM-30, contract no. CAT-37, Catskill and Delaware water treatment / 1996
Office of Municipal Pollution Control publication list. 1989
One-stop shopping in the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program / 2003
Operation and maintenance of urban water supply and sanitation systems a guide for managers. 1994
Outreach resource guide 1999: a directory of small community drinking water information. 1996
Policy on regional response to a state which decides to accept the five percent reduction in its PWSS program grant / 1988
Pollution prevention / 0
Preparing for Climate Change at the New England wastewater utilities / 2009
Pricing urban water : theory and practice in three southwestern cities 1982
Proceedings 1989
Profiles of success in providing environmental services. 1990
Public water supply data. 1960
Public Water System Supervision (PWSS) Program : tentative FY2007 PWSS grant allotment targets. 2006
Rainwater harvesting and utilisation : an environmentally sound approach for sustainable urban water management : an introductory guide for decision-makers. 2002
Reference guide for the unregulated contaminant monitoring regulation / 2001
Regional water study 1986
Regionalization options for small water systems / 1983
Relation of surface and ground water in the Souris River Valley near Minot, North Dakota 1963
Reliable modeling of urban water systems / 2008
Report on municipal and industrial water supply, Rogue River Basin, Oregon / 1959
Report on water requirements for municipal use 1966
Report to the governor of Oklahoma on the problem of municipal and industrial water supplies for Oklahoma 1953
Requirement for a public water systems which takes fewer than five total coliform samples per month to undergo a sanitary survey / 1994
Residential water use, rate, revenue, and nonprice conservation program database 1998
Retrofitting municipal wastewater treatment plants for enhanced biological phosphorus removal 1986
Reuse of municipal wastewater and development of new technology- emphasis and direction needed : report / 1978
Revenue instability and conservation rate structures 1995
Review of contaminant occurrence in public water systems : draft. 1999
Revised definition of significant noncomplier (SNC) and the model for escalating responses to violations for the PWSS program / 1990
Safe water from every tap : improving water service to small communities / 1997
Sanitary city : urban infrastructure in America from colonial times to the present / 2000
Sanitary survey fundamentals prep course : learn the basics of public drinking water system operations. 2003
Self-assessment for small publicly owned water systems / 1989
Source of halogenated hydrocarbons in an urban water supply / 1981
Statistical summary of municipal water facilities in the United States, January 1, 1963. 1965
Strategic planning : a handbook for small water systems. 2003
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