Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Inoculation)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biofertilizers in agriculture 1982
Chlorobenzene Bioreactor Demonstration. 1997
CMV, pathogenesis and prevention of human infection : international workshop, held April 20-22, 1983 at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA 1984
Conditions for Keeping Laboratory Animals in 100-Liter Inoculation Cages during Long-Term Chronic Experiments (Uslovia Soderzhaniya Laboratornykh Zhivotnykh v 100-Litrovykh Zatravochnykh Kamerakh pri Dlitelnom Khronicheskom Eksperimente). 1972
Cross-Species Transmission of 'Giardia spp.: Inoculation of Beavers and Muskrats with Cysts of Human, Beaver, Mouse, and Muskrat Origin. 1988
Effect of Inoculation on the Biodegradation of Weathered Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil. 1992
Effect of Phenotypic Plasticity on Epiphytic Survival and Colonization by 'Pseudomonas syringae'. 1993
Effects of Differently Extracted Endotoxins from Escherichia coli on Rainbow Trout (Salmo Gairdneri). 1973
Efficacy of Commercial Inocula in Enhancing Biodegradation of Weathered Crude Oil Contaminating a Prince William Sound Beach. 1992
Emission factors for iron foundries : criteria and toxic pollutants / 1990
Intact Soil-Core Microcosms for Evaluating the Fate and Ecological Impact of the Release of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms. 1989
Joint WHO/IABS Symposium on the Standardization of Rabies Vaccines for Human Use Produced in Tissue Culture (Rabies III) : proceedings of the 52nd symposium 1978
Location, Identification, and Characterization of Pathogens of the Water Hyacinth. 1973
Method for inoculating animals with precise amounts. 1904
Reforestation and Seedling Symbionts. 1990
Salmonella Regrowth in Compost as Influenced by Substrate (Salmonella Regrowth in Compost). 1987
Sequential Inoculation as an Adjunct in Enteric Virus Plaque Enumeration. 1990
Standardization of antityphoid vaccine. 1917
Synthesis of Ectomycorrhizae on Northern Red Oak Seedlings in a Michigan Nursery. 1993
Use of Inoculation in Bioremediation. 1992
Viral diarrheas of man and animals 1990

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