Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 958
Showing: Items 601 - 650
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Habitat)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Methods for sampling fish communities as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1993
Methods of modifying habitat to benefit the Great Lakes ecosystem / 1995
Middle Fork Weiser River watershed project final environmental impact statement and record of decision. 2001
Middle Snake river biotic resrouces: a summary of literature in the Snake river water quality assessment database / 1992
Middle Susquehanna River Subbasin Small Watershed Study: Wyalusing Creek Watershed. A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, October 2002 - September 2003. 2004
Migratory Songbird Conservation 1994
Mitigation evaluation study for the south Texas coast, 1975-1986 1987
Mitigation Symposium : a national workshop on mitigating losses of fish and wildlife habitats, July 16-20, 1979, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado / 1979
Model wetlands protection ordinance 1997
Modeling a plant and soil indicator of habitat suitability for small mammals / 1998
Monitoring assessment of long-term changes in biological communities in the Santa Maria Basin, phase III : final year one report / 1993
Monitoring of open water dredge material disposal operations at Kent Island disposal site and survey of associated environmental impacts : final report to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Water Resources Administration and [to the] Maryland Department of Transportation, Maryland Port Administration. 1976
Morrison Cove Water Resources Availability Study. 2011
Muddy Creek - Orderville Watershed Plan, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1995
Multi-Objective Flood Mitigation Plan Vermillion River Basin South Dakota 1994
Multiscale habitat suitability index models for priority landbirds in the Central Hardwoods and West Gulf Coastal Plain/Ouachitas Bird Conservation Regions / 2009
National City, California: Recommendations for Ranking Properties with Nonconforming Uses in the Westside Specific Plan Area. Partnership for Sustainable Communities. 2011
National estuary program guidance : base program analysis. 1993
National Fish Habitat Action Plan : cooperation, investment, stewardship. 2006
National guidance : best management practices for preparing vessels intended to create artificial reefs / 2006
National lakes assessment : a collaborative survey of the nation's lakes : draft. 2009
National Lakes Assessment: A Collaborative Survey of the Nation's Lakes. Cover, Acknowledgements and Table of Contents. 2010
Native plants for wildlife habitat and conservation landscaping : Maryland: Piedmont region / 2001
Natural history of an arctic oil field : development and the biota / 2000
New Hampshire Estuaries Project: Year 11 Work Plan. 2006
New Hampshire Estuaries Project: Year 13 Work Plan. 2008
New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program Habitat Workgroup 2001 status report : a regional model for estuary and multiple watershed management / 2001
Next Generation of Stormwater Wetlands. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 5. 2008
Nitrification requirements of water re-use systems for rainbow trout / 1977
Nonnative oysters in the Chesapeake Bay 2004
Nonpoint Source Assessment for Streams, Rivers, Lakes and Wetlands; Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, Final. 2000
North American important bird areas : a directory of 150 key conservation sites / 1999
North American landbird conservation plan / 2004
Northern Great Plains Aquatic Assessment 1998
Northern Puget Sound marine mammals / 1980
Northwest forest plan, the first 10 years (1994-2003) : status and trends of Northern spotted owl populations and habitat / 2005
NSF geosciences beyond 2000 : understanding and predicting Earth's environment and habitability. 2000
Ocean Survey Vessel Bold, 2007 Annual Report. Monitoring and Assessing the Health of Our Ocean and Coastal Waters. 2007
Options for identifying and protecting strategic fish and wildlife habitats and recreation sites : a general handbook / 1991
Oregon plan toolbox {electronic resource}. 2001
Organizing for endangered and threatened species habitat in the Platte River Basin 2003
Orofino Creek Passage Project biological and engineering feasibility report : completion report 1988 / 1988
Overview and initial results of the NCASI marbled murrelet program. 1995
Oyster Reef Restoration Project for the City of Dover. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2006
Pacific Northwest aquatic riparian habitat conservation project for non-federal lands : for the National Marine Fisheries Service, Environmental Protection Agency, Fish and Wildlife Service / 1994
Pacific salmon & their ecosystems : status and future options / 1997
Pacific salmon and federal lands a regional analysis : a report of the Wilderness Society's Bolle Center for Forest Ecosystem Management. 1993
Panther Creek, Idaho, habitat rehabilitation : final report / 1986
Parametric and nonparametric logistic regressions for prediction of presence/absence of an amphibian / 2001
Partners in Flight : conservation of the land birds of the United States / 2000
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