Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Habitat)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Habitat suitability index models white-tailed deer in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic coastal plains / 1986
Habitat suitability index models yellow warbler / 1982
Habitat suitability index models, American eider (breeding) / 1988
Habitat suitability index models, smallmouth buffalo / 1982
Habitat suitability index models. Channel catfish / 1982
Habitat suitability index models. Coastal stocks of striped bass / 1982
Habitat suitability index models. Coho salmon / 1983
Habitat suitability index models. Fisher / 1983
Habitat suitability index models. Inland silverside / 1986
Habitat suitability index models. Least tern / 1985
Habitat suitability index models. Moose, Lake Superior region / 1987
Habitat suitability index models. Veery / 1982
Habitat suitability index models. White crappie / 1982
Habitat suitability index models. Williamson's sapsucker / 1983
Habitat suitability information : blacknose dace / 1983
Habitat suitability information : common shiner / 1983
Habitat suitability information : smallmouth bass / 1983
Habitat suitability information : walleye / 1984
Habitat suitability information : yellow perch / 1984
Habitat suitability information fallfish / 1983
Habitat suitability information. Fallfish / 1984
Habitat surveys for the threatened swamp pink (helonias bullata) and the threatened knieskern's beaked-rush (rhynchospora knieskernii) at various national priorities list sites in New Jersey / 1992
Habitat use and streamflow needs of rare and endangered fishes, Yampa River, Colorado 1989
Habitat value of natural and constructed wetlands used to treat urban runoff : a literature review / 2003
Habitats of weak salmon stocks of the Snake River Basin and feasible recovery measures : recovery issues for threatened and endangered Snake River salmon / 1993
Hamilton City pumping plant fish screen improvement project : environmental impact report/environmental impact statement (EIR/EIS) / 1997
Hampton-Seabrook Estuary Habitat Restoration Compendium. 2009
Handbook for prioritizing watershed protection and restoration to aid recovery of native salmon 1995
Handbook for terrestrial wildlife habitat development on dredged material / 1978
Handbook of regulatory compliance for the anadromous fish restoration program / 1997
Hog Island and Newton Creek Ecological Restoration Master Plan, September 2007. 2007
How much is enough? : a regional wildlife habitat needs assessment for the 1995 Farm Bill / 1995
Identifying and Protecting Healthy Watersheds : Concepts, Assessments, and Management Approaches. 2011
Impacts of a warming Arctic : Arctic Climate Impact Assessment / 2004
Impacts of a warming Arctic : highlights : Arctic Climate Impact Assessment / 2004
Impacts of emerging agricultural trends on fish and wildlife habitat 1982
Impacts of forest management practices on the aquatic environment, phase III : final report. 1976
Impacts of navigational dredging on fish and wildlife : a literature review / 1980
Impacts to marine fisheries habitat from nonfishing activities in the northeastern United States / 2008
Implementation of the Dearborn Brook Watershed Management and Protection Plan. A Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2005
Implementation procedures for the habitat conservation plan riparian forest restoration strategy for westside planning units excluding the Olympic Experimental State Forest 2006
Importance of Protecting Vulnerable Streams and Wetlands at the Local Level. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 6. 2007
Important bird areas of Washington 2001
Important habitat in the Lake Superior Basin / 1996
Improvement of trout streams in Wisconsin by augmenting low flows with ground water / 1973
Improving forage for native bee crop pollinators / 2006
Improving Maine's Beaches: Recommendations of the Southern Maine Beach Stakeholder Group. 1998
Improving salmon passage : final : Lower Snake River juvenile salmon migration feasibility report/environmental impact statement : summary. 2002
Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in western North America Economic considerations / 1985
Influence of landscape pattern, forest type, and forest structure on use of habitat by marten in Maine. 1996
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