Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 701 - 750
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Select Item Title Year Published
Reclamation's strategic plan an implementation plan for fish and wildlife resources / 1992
Reconciling conflicts under the Endangered Species Act : the habitat conservation planning experience / 1991
Record of decision final environmental impact statement (FEIS) for the revised forest plan : Targhee National Forest. 1997
Record of decision for amendments to Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management planning documents within the range of the northern spotted owl Standards and guidelines for management of habitat for late-successional and old-growth forest related species within the range of the northern spotted owl. 1994
Recovery Implementation Program for Endangered Fish Species in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Fiscal Year 1990 Work Plan 1989
Red River and Tributaries, Downstream from Denison Dam-West Agurs Levee Louisiana; Days Creek and Tributaries, Arkansas and Texas; and McKinney Bayou, Arkansas and Texas : Communication from the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) transmitting a letter from the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, submitting a report on the Red River and Tributaries, downstream from Denison Dam-West Agurs Levee, Louisiana; Days Creek and Tributaries, Arkansas and Texas; and McKinney Bayou, Arkansas and Texas, in partial response to resolutions of the Senate and House Committees on Public Works adopted September 12, 1959 and February 24, 1960, respectively, and several other authorities. 1976
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility E.I. Dupont de Nemours and Co., Inc. 2005
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Honeywell-Hopewell (Fomerly Allied Signal) 2006
Regionally significant habitats and habitat complexes of the New York Bight watershed 1996
Relations between habitat variability and population dynamics of bass in the Huron River, Michigan 1994
Relations of benthic macroinvertebrates to concentrations of trace elements in water, streambed sediments, and transplanted bryophytes and stream habitat conditions in nonmining and mining areas of the upper Colorado River basin, Colorado, 1995-98 / 2002
Relationship Between Land-Based Nitrogen Loading and Eelgrass Extent for Embayments in Southern New England: Initial Model Construction. 2007
Relationship of discharge reductions to available trout habitat for recommending suitable streamflows / 1974
Relative Status Indicator: Development and Evolution of a Relative Measure of Condition for Assessing the Status of Water Quality and Biological Parameters Tracked in the US/EPA Chesapeake Bay Program Long Term Monitoring Programs. Final Report. 2009
Removing impediments to migratory fishes in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : annual progress report 1995 / 1996
Removing impediments to migratory fishes in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : annual progress report 1996 / 1997
Removing impediments to migratory fishes in the Chesapeake Bay watershed : annual progress report 1997-1998 / 1999
Renewing our commitment : a report to the Governor, Legislature, and Oregon citizens on restoring the health of the Willamette watershed. 2000
Report of the Workshop on Geographic Information Systems as an Aid to Managing Habitat for West Indian Manatees in Florida and Georgia 1990
Report on development of wildlife and fishery resources for Garrison Reservoir, Missouri River, North Dakota. 1952
Report to Congress : anadromous fish habitat assessment. 1995
Research on fish and wildlife habitat / 1982
Resources for protecting and restoring Lake Superior : a guide for communities / 1995
Restoration and enhancement of aquatic habitats in Alaska case study reports, policy guidance, and recommendations / 1994
Restoration and enhancement of aquatic habitats in Alaska project inventory, case study selection, and bibliography / 1993
Restoration of aquatic systems / 2006
Restoration of canvasback migrational staging habitat in Wisconsin a research plan with implications for shallow lake management / 1991
Restoration of habitats impacted by oil spills / 1984
Restoration of Puget Sound rivers 2003
Restoring a bay resource : riparian forest buffer demonstration sites. 1997
Restoring and protecting marine habitat : the role of engineering and technology / 1994
Restoring the lower Snake River : saving Snake River salmon and saving money / 1998
Restoring the nation's marine environment 1992
Restoring the river : a plan for the Chinook Watershed / 1997
Results of 1989 eelgrass shading studies in Puget Sound 1990
Results of Analysis of Prop Scar Damage at the Fort Desoto Aquatic Habitat Management Area 1992/1993. Action Plan Demonstration Project. 1994
Return to the river : restoration of salmonid fishes in the Columbia River ecosystem : development of an alternative conceptual foundation and review and synthesis of science underlying the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program of the Northwest Power Planning Council / 1996
Revegetating surface mined lands for wildlife in Texas and Oklahoma. 1981
Review and Analysis of Grand County, Colorado, Land Use Laws Related to Water Quality Protection 1977
Review of bull trout temperature requirements : a response to the EPA bull trout temperature rule / 1998
Review of dredged material disposal techniques to identify wildlife habitat development factors : final report / 1977
Review of existing models for evaluating fish population changes relative to environmental impacts / 1993
Review of the draft Lower Snake River juvenile salmon migration FR/EIS 2000
Review of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat conservation plan : report 1 / 2015
Review of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat Conservation Plan. Report 2 / 2017
Review of the Edwards Aquifer Habitat conservation plan. Report 3 / 2018
Riparian and floodplain ecosystems : functions, values, and management / 1980
River Road, New Castle Marsh Restoration Recommendations. 2010
Riverine gravel mining in Washington State : physical effects with implications for salmonid habitat, and summary of government regulations / 1995
Rock Barbs enhance fish habitat and water quality in Oregon's Tillamook Bay Watershed / demonstrating practical tools for watershed management through the National Estuary Program. 1998
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