Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 958
Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Habitat)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Guide to the restoration of watersheds and native fish in the West 1996
Guidelines for the development of community-level habitat evaluation models 1993
Gulf of Maine marine habitat primer / 2005
Gulf of Mexico Program: 1997 Shareholder Report 1997
Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy. 2011
Gulls and terns as indicators of man's impact upon Lake Superior 1975
Habitat as a basis for environmental assessment 1981
Habitat assessment manual 1988
Habitat availability and utilization by benthos and nekton in Hall's Lake and West Galveston Bay / 1991
Habitat classification and inventory methods for the management of Oregon estuaries / 1979
Habitat conservation plan draft E.I.S. environmental impact statement executive summary / 1996
Habitat creation and repair / 1998
Habitat development field investigations, Bolivar Peninsula marsh and upland habitat development site, Galveston Bay, Texas : appendix D : propagation of vascular plants and postpropagation monitoring of botanical soil, aquatic biota, and wildlife resources : final report / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Buttermilk Sound marsh development site, Atlantic Intercoastal Waterway, Georgia : summary report / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Nott Island upland habitat development site, Connecticut River, Connecticut : summary report : final report / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Nott Island upland habitat development site, Connecticut River, Connecticut. Appendix C, Postpropagation monitoring of vegetation and wildlife / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Salt Pond No. 3, marsh development site, South San Francisco Bay, California : summary report / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Windmill Point marsh development site, James River, Virginia : appendix E : environmental impacts of marsh development with dredged material: metals and chlorinated hydrocarbon compounds in marsh soils and vascular plant tissues / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Windmill Point marsh development site, James River, Virginia : appendix F : environmental impacts of marsh development with dredged material, sediment and water quality : volume 1 : characteristics of channel sediments before dredging and effluent quality during and shortly after marsh habitat development : final report / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Windmill Point marsh development site, James River, Virginia : appendix F : environmental impacts of marsh development with dredged material, sediment and water quality : volume II : substrate and chemical flux characteristics of a dredged material marsh : final report / 1978
Habitat development field investigations, Windmill Point marsh development site, James River, Virginia : summary report / 1978
Habitat evaluation : guidance for the review of environmental impact assessment documents / 1993
Habitat evalution procedures (HEP) 1980
Habitat exploitation by an avian ground-foraging guild / 1974
Habitat loss & degradation : a nationwide natural resource issue as reported by the Nation's Estuary Programs. 1997
Habitat management and monitoring / 2004
Habitat management guidelines for amphibians and reptiles of the Midwest / 2002
Habitat modification and freshwater fisheries proceedings of a symposium of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission / 1985
Habitat needs assessment for the Upper Mississippi River System : technical report / 2000
Habitat preservation for midwest stream fishes : principles and guidelines / 1983
Habitat preservation for midwest stream fishes : principles and guidelines / 1983
Habitat requirements for Chesapeake Bay living resources / 1991
Habitat requirements for Chesapeake Bay living resources : a report from the Chesapeake Bay Executive Council. 1988
Habitat requirements for Chesapeake Bay living resources : a report from the Chesapeake Bay Living Resources Task Force. 1987
Habitat Requirements for Chesapeake Bay Living Resources. 1991
Habitat selection and growth of bluegills / 1975
Habitat selection and spatial interaction in allopatric and sympatric populations of cutthroat and steelhead trout / 1977
Habitat structure and fish communities of warmwater streams / 1983
Habitat structure the physical arrangement of objects in space / 1991
Habitat suitability and distribution models : with applications in R / 2017
Habitat suitability index model for brook trout in streams of the southern Blue Ridge province : surrogate variables, model evaluation, and suggested improvements / 1993
Habitat suitability index models : appendix A. Guidelines for riverine and lacustrine applications of fish HSI models with the habitat evaluation procedures / 1982
Habitat suitability index models : baird's sparrow / 1983
Habitat suitability index models : barred owl / 1987
Habitat suitability index models : beaver / 1982
Habitat suitability index models : bigmouth buffalo / 1983
Habitat suitability index models : black bear, upper Great Lakes region / 1987
Habitat suitability index models : black bullhead / 1982
Habitat suitability index models : black crappie / 1982
Habitat suitability index models : black-capped chickadee / 1983
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