Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Responses of Prairie Deer Mice to a Field SO2 Gradient. 1978
Reverse Osmosis of Treated and Untreated Secondary Sewage Effluent. Appendix A-2, Appendix A-6. 1975
Review of new source performance standards for primary copper smelters. 1984
Review of Recent Evidence of Toxic Effects of Hexachlorophene. 1972
Reviews of the environmental effects of pollutants : XI. chlorophenols / 1979
Reviews of the Environmental Effects of Pollutants. X. Toxaphene. 1980
Rickets-Producing Effect of Beryllium Carbonate (L'azione Rachitogena del Carbonato di Berillio). 1974
Role of Time as a Factor in the Toxicity of Chemical Compounds in Intermittent and Continuous Exposures. Part I. Effects of Continuous Exposure. 1977
Role of Time as a Factor in the Toxicity of Chemical Compounds in Intermittent and Continuous Exposures. Part II. Effects of Intermittent Exposure. 1977
Route of Absorption of DDVP after Oral Administration to Rats. 1965
Safety of Malathion Dusting Powder for Louse Control. 1960
Scale-Up of Rapid Small-Scale Adsorption Tests to Field-Scale Adsorbers: Theoretical and Experimental Basis. 1986
Scientific and technical assessment report on vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride / 1975
Screening of Various Adsorbents for Protection against Paraquat Poisoning. 1973
SEDD - Our Vision. 2011
Selection of a Model System to Determine the Effects of Energy Production by-Products on the Immune System. Progress Report, January 1--September 30, 1976. 1976
Selenium Oxidation and Removal by Ion Exchange. 1986
Semipermeable Membrane System for Subjecting Plants to Water Stress. 1977
Sensitivity of vertebrate embryos to boron compounds : April 1977 : final report / 1977
Serum Organochlorine Pesticides in Mentally Retarded Patients on Differing Drug Regimens. 1971
Short test correlation testing of 147 in-use 1974 model year light duty vehicles / 1976
Short-Term Bioassay for Whole Plant Toxicity. 1990
Significance of Carbon Monoxide in the Urban Atmosphere. 1972
Significance of Pesticide Residues to Human Health. 1971
Simplified Version of the Michel Method for Plasma or Red Cell Cholinesterase. 1965
Soluble Lung Protein in Experimental Silicosis and Berylliosis (Rastvorimye Belki Legkogo pri Eksperimentalnom Silikoze i Berillioze). 1969
Some effects of cadmium on coniferous forest soil/litter microcosms / 1975
Some Effects of Chronic Tritium Exposure during Selected Ages in the Rat. 1976
Sorbent-coated diffusion denuders for direct measurement of gas/particle partitioning by semi-volatile organic compounds. 1998
Spectral Characteristics of the Convective Boundary Layer over Uneven Terrain. 1982
Storage and Excretion of DDT in Starved Rats. 1961
Studies on Fate of Parathion in Rabbits, Using Radioactive Isotope Techniques. 1952
Studies on the effect of ammonium sulfate on carcinogenesis / 1978
Studies on the Etiology of Itai-Itai Disease. 1970
Studies on the Percutaneous Absorption of Parathion and Paraoxon, III. Rate of Absorption of Parathion. 1961
Studies on the Percutaneous Absorption of Parathion and Paraoxon. II. Distribution of 32P-Labelled Parathion within the Skin. 1961
Studies on the Safety of DDVP for the Disinsection of Commercial Aircraft. 1961
Studies on the Toxicity of O,O-Dimethyl-2,2-Dichlorovinyl Phosphate (DDVP). 1956
Studies on the Tumor Initiating, Tumor Promoting, and Tumor Co-Initiating Properties of Respiratory Carcinogens. 1984
Study of Natural Antioxidant (Vitamin E. System) in Malignant Growth (Issledovanie Prirodnogo Antioksidanta (Sistema Vitamina E) pri Zlokachestvennom Roste). 1970
Study of Phytotoxicity of Some Components of Industrial Air Pollution (Vevtchenia Phitotoxichnosty Deiakeh Komponentiw Promislovoho Zabrudnenia Povitria). 1970
Study of the chemical and behavioral toxicology of substitute chemicals in microtine rodents / 1978
Study of the ecology of pesticides / 1974
Study on Long-Term Effects of Nitric Oxide on Mice. 1974
Sulfur Reduction Potential of the Coals of the United States. A Revision of Report of Investigations 7633. 1976
Surface phenomena in the dewatering of coal / 1979
Survey and evaluation of techniques used in testing chemical substances for teratogenic effects : final report / 1977
Survey of Coals Treated by Oxydesulfurization. 1979
Survival and Reproduction of 'Gammarus lacustris and G. pseudolimnaeus' Under Two Experimental Conditions. 1978
Symposium proceedings : process measurements for environmental assessment (Atlanta, February 1978) / 1978
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