Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Ozone and vascular tissue differentiation in plants / 1976
Palladium und dessen Legierungen als Wasserstoff-Permeationsmembranen. Literaturstudie. (Palladium and its alloys as hydrogen permeation membranes. Literature study). 1989
Paralytic and Related Effects of Certain Organic Phosphorus Compounds. 1955
Parathion Toxicity in Perinatal Rats Born to Spontaneously Hypertensive Dams. 1978
Parathion Toxicity in Perinatal Rats Exposed in Utero. 1979
Pathologic Changes in the Liver of Rats after Feeding Low Levels of Various Insecticides. 1957
PCB Metabolism in Rats Following Prolonged Exposure to Aroclor 1242 and Aroclor 1016. 1976
Penetration of the Blood-Brain-Cerebral Spinal Fluid Barrier by DDT. 1971
Pesticides Formulation: Relation to Safety in Use. 1953
Pharmacokinetics of toxic elements in rainbow trout / 1974
Pharmacological Effects of Carbaryl II. Modification of Serotonin Metabolism in the Rat Brain. 1970
Phenol : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Phthalate esters : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Physiological response to atmospheric pollutants 1978
Physiological response to atmospheric pollutants / 1978
Pilot Study on International Information Exchange on Dioxins and Related Compounds. Waste Disposal Sites Contaminated with Dioxins and Related Compounds. 1988
Plant Scale Regeneration of Granular Activated Carbon. 1966
Plant uptake of cadmium from phosphate fertilizer / 1976
Plume dispersion in the convective boundary layer. Part 1 : CONDORS field experiment and example / 1988
Plume Dispersion in the Convective Boundary Layer. Part 2. Analyses of CONDORS Field Experiment Data. 1993
Poisoning by Organic Phosphorus Pesticides Potentiated by Phenothiazine Derivatives. 1962
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Aroclor 1242): Effects of Uptake on E. coli Growth. 1972
Polychlorinated biphenyls : ambient water quality criteria.. 1978
Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Evidence of Transplacental Passage in the Sherman Rat. 1972
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons : ambient water quality criteria. 1979
Population distribution around the Nevada test site - 1984 / 1984
Possible use of Alcaligenes paradoxus as a biological monitor / 1979
Potential for Transduction of Plasmids in a Natural Freshwater Environment: Effect of Plasmid Donor Concentration and a Natural Microbial Community on Transduction in 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa'. 1987
Predicting minesoil erosion potential / 1986
Prenatal Effects of Herbicides: Evaluation by the Prenatal Development Index. 1976
Procedures to ensure that CLP laboratories are not paid for non-compliant of unuseable data. 1993
Proceedings of the NAPAP (National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program) Workshop on Dry Deposition. 1986
Protection of Shade Trees with DDT and Its Relation to Human Health. 1959
Protocols for evaluating oxidant mechanisms for urban and regional models / 1992
Pyrolysis-Mass Spectrometry/Pattern Recognition on a Well-Characterized Suite of Humic Samples. 1985
Radioecology in Nordic limnic systems - present knowledge and future prospects. 1991
Radioiodine prediction model for nuclear tests / 1976
Rainbow Trout Embryos: Advantages and Limitations for Carcinogenesis Research. 1984
Rate of Formation in vivo of the Unreactivatable Form of Brain Cholinesterase in Chickens Given DDVP or Malathion. 1963
Rate of Skin Absorption of Parathion and Paraoxon. 1965
Reciprocal Relationship Between the Induction of delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Synthetase and Drug Metabolism Produced by m-Dichlorobenzene. 1970
Recovery of Strait of Juan de Fuca Intertidal Habitat following experimental contamination with oil : second annual report, fall 1979-winter 1980 / 1980
Reduction of Microsomial Phospholipids in Experimental Cardiac Discompensation. (Heart-Lung of Rat Preparation). 1971
Relationship Between Depression of Brain or Plasma Cholinesterase and Paralysis in Chickens Caused by Certain Organic Phosphorus Compounds. 1963
Relationship of laboratory- and field-determined hydraulic conductivity in compacted clay layer / 1990
Relationship of Methoxychlor to Periphyton Production under Laboratory and Semi-Natural Conditions. 1973
Report of the Lindane Advisory Committee / 1970
Research review, 1977 / 1978
Resistively heated methanol dissociator for engine cold start assist : interim report II / 1989
Respirable particles and mists in mouse pulmonary infectivity model : effect of chronic or intermittent exposure / 1978
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